I love reading first lines of novels.
One of my favorite pastimes is pulling books off the shelf (or opening samples downloaded to my Kindle) and reading first lines of novels to see which ones pull me in the most.
A phenomenal first line doesn’t automatically guarantee a great read, of course. But it does mean the author has given thought as to how to capture—and keep—your interest!
So are you ready? Let’s play!

To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this blog post today. Only U.S. mailing addresses, please, due to cost of mailing…cha-ching (but I still love and appreciate you, international friends)! Winners will be chosen at random tonight and posted right here after 9PM central time.
Maybe you’ve already read some of these. Or perhaps they’re on your TBR list!
#1 Cross My Heart by Robin Lee Hatcher
Ben Henning showed his cousin Jessica into the kitchen of the old farmhouse.
#2 The Bride of Ivy Green by Julie Klassen
Mercy Grove could no longer put off the painful task.
#3 When You Are Near by Tracie Peterson
Lizzy Brookstone sat atop her perfectly groomed horse, Longfellow, and waited for her cue.
#4 The Writing Desk by Rachel Hauck
This could be her night for triumph.
#5 Moments We Forget by Beth K. Vogt
I had half an hour, no more than that, to get my life in order so my sisters would never suspect how unprepared I was for this morning.
#6 The View From Rainshadow Bay by Colleen Coble
The wind blew her long black hair across her face and obscured her vision as she ran through the lavender fields, the sweet aroma mixing with her perspiration.
#7 To Wager Her Heart by moi (which I forgot to include in the collage, ah well…)
Alexandra Jamison had always wanted a sister.
I was tempted to add the second and third lines of these novels because they build on each other. But to abide by the rules of the game, I politely refrained. : )
Did one of these first sentences capture your interest and inspire you to want to keep reading? Or do you have a novel you’ve read—maybe several times—in which the opening sentence feels like a welcome visit with an old friend? If so, please share!
Be sure and sign up to win one of these novels by leaving a comment below.
Lastly, I’d appreciate your prayers for my precious Dad. He entered hospice this past weekend and is in the final days and weeks of his earthly journey. And oh, is he ever ready to be with Jesus! Which makes this coming goodbye more sweet than bitter, but it still hurts, of course. Because saying goodbye to someone you love is never easy. Even when—thank you, Jesus!—that goodbye is only temporary.

As believers, we grieve over death, for sure, but we grieve WITH HOPE! The hope of eternally being with Christ—the Author and Perfecter of our faith—and of being reunited with loved ones who’ve died in Him. Which is a forever promise that’s becoming more cherished with each passing day.
Love you all and am so grateful for our community of faith here at Inspired by Life and Fiction,

The number of the winner (#1) corresponds to the number of the book (listed above) that you won!
CLICK HERE TO SEND ME YOUR U.S. SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS so we can get your book in the mail!

Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Tamera, I just said a prayer for your daddy. Losing a parent is so painful. Many ((hugs)) and prayers.
Whose Waves These Are, by Amanda Dykes, is a fabulous book and has a full and powerful first line:
One minute a guy is splitting wood in the northeastern corner of the country, stomach rumbling and heart afire with ambition in the wake of his eighteenth birthday, and the next minute he’s pumping water from the old kitchen sink to clean the work off his hands and pick up a letter from the president of the United States of America himself.
I love the opening line of number 5! How often do we try to look presentable on the outside when we’re a wreck on the inside? I’ve got no idea of the plot, but that opening line also feels like it could go a million places.
Your’s is the only book I’ve read, although Julie Klassen’s is in my TBR pile. I’ve read the first two in that trilogy.
Prayers for you and your dad. I know how it is to lose your parents and my husband. I enjoy your books so much and always waiting for next one to be released. I have read yours, Julie’s, and Tracies. Love to read authors I haven’t read. Can share the ones I have read. I share my books with several friends. The best way to describe the situation if you lose someone that is sick is they are no longer suffering. My husband had cancer and dealt with chemo and problems for two years and was like your dad was ready to see Jesus. I said he was the winner and no longer suffering.
I am soooo glad to hear that your Dad knows Jesus and even though you will mourn his passing and miss him terribly, the Word says blessed are they that mourn for they will be comforted. What a blessing to have had an earthly Dad who loves Jesus and know that he will soon be joining Jesus with arms open wide!! I will be praying for you and your family during this time. Remember to feel His comforting arms around you whenever you feel that loss.
I reread each first line through a couple of times to try to decide which spoke to me and they all did for different reasons. I’m no help! Great selection and thank you for the opportunity to win! Praying for you and your Dad. It’s never easy but having Hope is Jesus is the only way! Blessings to you and your family!
Oh Tammy, my heart aches for you as you are on this part of the journey with your dad. So thankful for the hope we have in Christ, but I know you will miss him. Much love to you!
Don’t enter me in the drawing. I’ve read most of these.
Mercy Grove could no longer put off the painful task…..from Julie Klassen’s novel. This opening line really pulls the reader in and makes her ponder the immediate situation. Blessings for you and your Daddy.
I agree! First lines are so important. And these are so good. Moments We Forget just pulled me in! I’m so sorry about your dad! I’ve not lost a parent, but my grandpa was at this place a few years ago. And although I rejoiced for him, my heart was crushed by the inevitable separation. So grateful that it’s only temporary and we’ll see each other again some day!! Prayers for you and your family as you walk this path.
So glad you’ve had such a wonderful father and shared so much love! Daddy’s girl no doubt. Prayers go out to you and your family.
I think I would select the first line of #2 “The Bride of Ivy Green”. It makes me wonder what Mercy is struggling with that is causing her so much pain.
I would LOVE to read all of these fabulous books! The covers grab you and the first line entices you to step on in.
The first line in “Moments We Forget” grabs me because I can so relate to similar situations. “The Bride of Ivy Green” reminds me of at times when I thought I couldn’t go on, but there was still a full story ahead of me. Since I live in the country the mention of a farmhouse in “Cross My Heart” wakes up my heart. While the first line in “To Wager Her Heart” makes me remember how even though I loved my brother, I always wanted a sister I could confide in. So basically, I love all the first lines and would love the opportunity to read them ALL.
Opening sentences can yank the reader into the story. I’m listening to Christy by Catherine Marshall and can’t readily access the first, second, or third lines without losing my place on the CD. However, I read Christy early in my teaching career and loved it. Now that I’m on the other end of my teaching career–a retired teacher who works part time at an after-school learning center–I’m listening to it again and enjoying it as much or more than before.
I’m praying for your dear father and for you.Yes, it is extremely hard to lose a loved one, but it is so very comforting when we know that we will see him or her again in heaven.
Moments We Forget looks like a book that I need to put on my TBR list, as does yours! Our family went through Hospice last year when my sister’s husband went through lung cancer, He was a non smoker and a strong christian. Hospice helped him make a video that was played at his funeral. He talked about his life and how much Christ meant to him. Yes, he preached part of his funeral! I have read The view From Rainshadow Bay & it was good.
All of those first lines pull you in. I think the first line, and first paragraph really, are very important. You are all so talented. I am an inspiring writer. The first line of the novel I am working on is, “His watch still ticked, but his heart no longer beat.” I
May the glory of God continue to bless you. My heart aches for you. May God comfort you.
One of my favorite first lines is from The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult–On the second Thursday of the month, Mrs. Dombrowski brings her dead husband to our therapy group–
As a reader, first lines are critical to pulling me into a story. As a writer, it sets the tone for the rest of my novel.
Praying for you and your family during this season of loss and praising God that you know where your sweet father will be spending eternity!
Your dad and your family will be in my prayers. I’m glad to hear that he will be with the Lord and that you can take comfort in knowing this. Thank you for the giveaway! All those books look amazing 🙂
These look fabulous!
I loved all the first lines, but Julie Klassen’s and Colleen Cobles really spoke to me. It is amazing how just one line will make you want to read more.
I’ve never done the “first line” test, but now I want to go back to my favorite books and see what they reveal! A number of the first lines you shared intrigued me. Looks like I’ll be adding to my TBR list. 🙂
I’ll be praying for your dad, you and the rest of your family. What a blessing to know that this life is not the end and that we’ll be with our loved ones again!
Cross My Heart and Moments We Forget are the two that really made me want to see what happens next (though I’d love to read them all!).
Sorry to hear about your Dad, but also thankful for the sure and certain hope that you’ll be seeing him again. I’m praying for your and your family
What a great group of authors! God has blessed them all with such talent! Thanks for this opportunity! All of the first-liners are eye-catching, especially Coble, Klassen and Hauck.
I like the opening sentence in Julie Klassens’ book. I think it gives this reader a desire to dig on into the story of what Mercy Grove has been holding back.
So sorry about your Father having to go on hospice . Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi Tamera! I’m a big fan of you! Love your books! They are so sweet, relatable and inspiring.
Thanks for such generous giveaway! Hope I’m lucky!
I’m praying a lot for your dad! It’s beautiful to know that he’s so prepared to meet Jesus. Still I can’t imagine the pain of bearing the fact of loosing someone you love so much, as a parent, even if temporarily. Blessings your way. For you and your family. May God keep you protected in His arms!
Tammy, I’m covering you and your family in prayer. May the Lord wrap His loving arms around you in a tangible way. ((((HUGS)))))
These authors are amazing! They immediately draw me into their stories.
Thank you for the giveaway.
“This could be her night of triumph.” This pulled me in when I read the book and still intrigues me! I totally agree – an opening line can suck you in or barely grab your attention. I appreciate all the work you authors put into grabbing my attention! Thanks, Tamera! Can’t wait to read your latest!
The first line of “The Bride of Ivy Green” is intriguing. You want to keep reading to see what the task was!
I’m praying for your family. No matter how old we are, we are never ready to loose our parents. Hugs to you, Tammy.
I will send up prayers for you. I can’t imagine loosing a parent. You are such a blessing to the world! Christian novels are the best! I really do love first lines too! Blessings and prayers to you.
I’ve read several of these books. I thought the first lines of #4, 5, and 6 were all good and would make me want to finish the book.
I’m sorry about your dad. My mom and dad are still living independently. Mom is 88 and is only able to be home because my 94 year old dad helps her when she needs it. It’s a sad time to go through.
I would love to win all of these books for our Church Library.
What a blessing they would be for our collection.
It is never easy saying goodbye to our loved ones.
I can’t wait for that day when I get to say hello and hear my Mama say, “where have you been”? and “what took you so long to get here”?
Praying for you and your dad and your whole family as you journey through these tough days.
I loved these first lines and the one that caught my attention was the “Mercy Grove could no longer put off the painful task.” I’m hooked and wanting to know more about what it is that she has to do and why it is such a burden for her and painful for her to do.
I liked your first line also “Alenxandra Jamison has always wanted a sister.” I wondered what it was that brought up the recall of the thought that she has always wanted a sister. I didn’t get any sisters until my brothers got married and I got sisters-in-law and I treasure them!
These are such a great first lines! I Have red Robin Lee Hatcher’s Book, but the rest are on my TBR. Saying prayers for you, your daddy, and your whole family. Saying goodbye is so hard, and may Heaven bless you all while you try to make the most of whatever moments are left.
Thinking of you in this time as your Dad gets ready to graduate to heaven ❤️ Thanks so much for the giveaway as well!
What a list of books! So sorry about your sweet father . . . I became a dementia specialist before my son was born, and I have a special place in my heart for anyone who goes through that as a family. Praying for moments of joy, laughter, and a lot of PEACE!
All of these books sound great! The fist line in # 7 To Wager Her Heart makes me want to read more. It kind of sounds like she may need female companionship and the cover tells me she is heading somewhere far from home. Sounds interesting! Thanks for the giveaway!
I was with my Daddy who is also on hospice last week, too. By God’s grace, I was with my sister from whom I had been estranged until all of this with Daddy came up, so the line that intrigues me most is “Moments We Forget.”. This was an interesting, fun blog post! I’m praying for you and your Daddy!
I am sorry to hear about your dad. But it does it make it better when we know that they are going to be with our Heavenly Father and that we will see them again one day. I am looking forward to seeing my mother again!
All of the books looks interesting and I would love to read them! Thank you for the giveaway!
So sorry about your dad. I’m praying for you and your family during this time.
Coleen Coble’s first line draws you into the cover of the book, ready to start the adventure from first glance. I don’t have any of these books except yours, 😊 but would love to win them. It’s a collection of some of me favorite authors. Thanks for the chance.
1.I have some suggestions for books that grabbed me on the first line:
1. Tryst by Elswyth Thane (loved her Williamsburg books as a preteen)old but worth the hunt (first puiblished in 1939; reprinted in 1974) I borrowed it from the library–reads like an old movie.
2. The Christmas Bargain by Shana Hatfield (often free as an ebook)
3. More Than Words Can Say by Karen Wittemeyer
I like the first line of Colleen Coble’s book. One that really grabbed me was from Deanna Raybourn’s Julia Grey mystery series – “To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband’s dead body is not entirely accurate” – really made me want to keep reading.
Thanks for a great giveaway, especially as you are going through the last stages of the long goodbye with your father. We lost my dad to dementia, but fortunately his time in hospice only lasted two days. I am so glad you shared your dad with us and feel I’ve gotten to know him through the love and beautiful stories you’ve shared. Blessings and prayers for you as you say your final earthly goodbye! You have been a loving and faithful daughter. Praying for you now that you will feel love and peace as his earthly struggle ends.
Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway! I think the first line from Moments We Forget really intrigues me. I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. Prayers for you and your family as you go through the journey ahead. Praise the Lord your goodbye won’t be for forever.
I haven’t read any of these books yet, although I’ve read other books by these authors! They all sound wonderful. Thanks for the fun post and chance to win!
Prayers for you, your dad, and your family! It’s so hard to lose a parent.
What a great selection! I love both yours & Julie Klassen’s books.
My heart goes out to you & your family. Hospice is truly a great source to have by your side, but grief is never easy. Praying for y’all. ❤❤
The Bride of Ivy Green. On my shelf. To be read soon. I just started With This Pledge – I have had to fortify myself with a couple of novels of a lighter vein first!
Your comments made me open the box of Grace Livingston Hill books I have waiting to go “someplace special”, as her books meant so much to me years ago. Several are packed in a box in storage to move with us
as we wait for our home to sell. It’s hard to part with “friends.” Here is the first line of The Street of the City, which immediately transports me to Lady Winthrop’s home next to the river, and to the reference of the “street of the city- the Heavenly city, you know, was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.”
“The river wound like a crystal ribbon at the foot of the hill below the house, a clear shining pathway of solid ice, blue as the sky above it, until it curved about the hemlock bluff where the tall feathery trees cut it sharply with dark delicate points against its shining surface.
Yes, this is half of the first paragraph with only one sentence to follow. Some of her books have short first sentences, but this one is a favorite friend for me. Somehow, I acquired a 2nd copy, so this copy is in my “To be distributed” box.
I am praying for you, Tamera. May you know His presence in abundance in the days ahead, as your Dad prepares to see the Street of the city.
Praying for your dad and you during this hard stretch! I really want to get my hands on The Writing Desk now!
Praying for you and your sweet daddy. I had been wondering how he was doing.
What a joyful reunion you’ll have one day!
God bless you both.
Always enjoy seeing the photos of you and your dad on Facebook. I’ll keep him in my prayers, and you as well!
Thank you for doing a little giveaway for us! I haven’t read any of the books you’re giving out, so that’s pretty great! Best of luck to everyone 🙂
I love not only great first lines but great first scenes too. One of my favorites is in the book Reconstructing Natalie by Laura Jensen Walker. It’s excellent and sets the right tone for the novel.
Love all these authors but I must say Klassen’s line “Mercy Gorve could no longer put off the painful task” has me wondering!
Also, praying for your dad and family even as I type.
Thoughts & prayers for you and your family!
The first line of Moments We Forget has me pretty interested!
Praying for you and your Dad! Thankful we have the hope of heaven through Jesus Christ, so that it is never “goodbye” just “see you later”.
I haven’t read your book, To Wager Her Heart, yet but was intrigued by the character’s last name. (I have a family connection with that name.) This will be on my list of books to read!
Praying for your Dad and You. So great that he is looking forward to going the heaven and you will see him again.
The first line of the book by Colleen Coble, The View from Rainshadow Bay sounded like a book I would like to read.
Praying for your dad and for you! Praise Jesus that our goodbyes as followers of Christ are not forever!
I like the first line of #6 because I’m a nature lover.
Thank you for the giveaway!
The first line of Moments We Forget definitely make me want to keep reading!
Good luck in the upcoming weeks. Definitely sending love and prayers your way.
I just finished reading “Beauty and the Clockwork Beast” by Nancy Campbell Allen. I love that first line, “It had never been proven that Lord Blackwell had killed his wife, but the man in question hadn’t actually denied it, either.” My favorite first line of all time, however, is Jane Austen’s Emma. In regards to the list you provided, I am intrigued by #3 and 4.
Such sweet pictures of you and your Dad. May you find comfort in Jesus during this difficult time. The books sound wonderful. I have read your book and Julie Klassen’s. I really enjoyed them both.
I work at a library, and we used to post #FirstLineFriday posts on social media. One of the first lines from a book that made me say, “Huh?” was: “Like a lot of successful people, I have problems with my sinuses.” I’m not sure why successful people would have more sinus issues, but it made me want to read more to find out! The book is “The Glitch” by Elisabeth Cohen.
What a great collection of books. My prayers and love go out to your family.
You are blessed to have so much time with your dad before he goes on to see Jesus! My dad died suddenly 26 years ago. No goodbyes. But looking forward to another hello!
Thanks for the giveaways!
The one that intrigues me is Colleen Coble’s book.
Would love to read all of them. Thanks for the chance.
Praying for you and your precious daddy…may your time be sweet and leave you with special memories. {{HUGS}}
The “first line” from above that caught my attention was from Rachel Hauck’s The Writing Desk.
I love the first line in Becky Wade’s Sweet On You. “Five hundred and eleven days had passed since he’d seen her last.”
Number 6 sounds very intriguing, the first sentence definitely makes me want to read more. Whenever I hear the first line of one of my favorite novels it feels like I’m seeing a dear friend.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
Praying for you and your family.
Praying for you and your precious daddy. Hugs
I’ve read all the books except Tracie Peterson.
Your sweet daddy has been on my prayer list since March 7, 2018. I don’t know you, and I don’t know him, but I feel a closeness in my heart to you both. The coming days will be hard, but find the grace in each moment.
The only book I read was Julie Klassen’s. I love to read books that take place in”old England”. I would love to read the others too…. then I would give them to our church library, which I love and am so thankful we have!
Praying that your dad’s homegoing is easy and peaceful.
Books are wonderful friends!
Love that line from Moments We Forget. Prayers for you and your dad.
The first lines from Beth Vogt’s and Julie Klassen’s grab my attention the most. I have only read Julie’s book from the list above so far. Probably my favorite first line ever is from Brentwood’s Ward by Michelle Griep…”You, sir, are a rogue!”
Y’all are the absolute BEST! Thanks for all the comments and prayers, friends. They mean so much. And now… to draw the winners! ; )
The covers on all these beautiful books are amazing! Reading is so much fun especially when it’s Christian ones
You’re in my prayers. It’s so hard for a daughter to lose her Daddy.
What a great list of books!! I have only read two of them, so would love to read the rest! Thanks for the give away!