I love libraries. When I was a student at the University of Illinois years ago, I worked at the library to help support myself through school. I remember pushing my shelving cart through the crowded aisles and wishing I could have a book in a library someday.
I’m so thankful that dream has come true.
Recently, I went to a new-to-me library with fellow writers Gail Helgeson, Stacy Monson, Julie Saffrin, and Anna Paulson. We are a few members of the Minnesota chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers. Instead of our regular July meeting, we planned a “field trip,” as we have the last few summers. This year Gail planned a tour of the Minneapolis Central Library of the Hennepin County Library System. The Central Library is one of the largest public libraries in the state—and in the country. It covers two blocks, five stories, and over 400,000 square feet plus an underground parking garage. It is actually two buildings or “wings” joined by a beautiful glass atrium. The library boasts 2.5 million items, 300 computers for public use, four fireplaces, and a grand piano in a soundproof room. It even has a partial “green roof” planted with ground cover for energy efficiency. As we followed our knowledgeable tour guide through the complex, we were happily surrounded by creative book displays, map drawers, compact shelving units, and special collections I would love to return to and explore.
Of the 2.5 million items in their impressive collection, three of them were books I’d written. 🙂 And after we looked in the Ks, we had fun searching out books by our writer-friends. Some of whom, like Beverly Lewis, had whole shelves devoted to their books.
The library was crowded that afternoon, with a colorful collection of characters (ourselves included) busy at computer terminals, study rooms, and in meeting rooms. And even though printed books appeared to take second place to electronic forms of information and entertainment, it seemed clear to us that the adapting public library system is alive and well.
Do you love libraries, too? When was the last time you visited one—local or otherwise?
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Its nothing like that. that’s my dream library. Who wouldn’t want to visit. Love them and it was last week
Thanks, Gretchen. No, my local library isn’t that grand either. Still fun to visit.
Love, love, love the library. I go at least 3 times per week. I always have holds to pick up and I stay on top of all of their new releases. When I home-schooled my kiddo’s, I mostly picked up books and curriculum items for them, but now it’s all about what I want to read. I know most of the librarians by name and I trade favorite reads with a few of them.
Wow, that’s great, Terrill. Three times/week is much more than I manage, especially now that my sons are older. Keep up the good work! 🙂
My Mom introduced me to the library as a child (back in the 1950’s)–my dad was angry (he wasn’t a reader) that she had taken me & my younger siblings–he told her that we would lose books, damage them, etc. I’m so glad that she didn’t listen to him! Mom was a reader & I have memories of her reading-especially the cabin in northern MN! When I was in Junior High (John Marshall) my mother taught me how to take the bus to the downtown St. Paul library–very impressive w/ it’s marble floors and so many books (not as large as the Mpls library though!) Now, I live in a rural community–the Bookmobile comes to my town about every 3 weeks; I keep a “Book Wish List” on a Word document, and print out a request list w/ 6-8 books on it; give it to the librarian & pick up my previously requested books! The ladies on the bookmobile ask where I find such interesting books, & I tell them that I receive newsletters from several Christian authors; receiving the Christian Book Distributor’s catalog is like Christmas several times a year! And, then there’s the free Kindle books…Ahhh…so many books, not enough time!!!
What a great story, Barb. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman. And how brave were you to take the bus downtown! Yes, the St. Paul library is beautiful. I’ve only been once or twice, but you’ve made me want to go again!
My very earliest memories are of my sister taking me to the library every 3 weeks, and I would get 7 books. Once I was sick, and she went without me and brought back a book without pictures for me. How surprised I was to find I enjoyed it even without pictures! Now I am grown and have been blessed to be a church librarian, and I think I’m trying to read 7 books a week, to keep up with my patrons. But oh how I enjoy just being with the books, especially when they are really good ones by authors such as Julie Klassen.
What sweet memories, Debbie. Thank you for sharing them. And kudos to you for serving as a church librarian!
First, a confession: we have lived in Wichita for over 2.5 years now and I have not been to ONE of Wichita’s fine libraries. You’ve convinced me to remedy that the minute I get my manuscript turned in.
When I first started writing (before the Internet) one morning of every week was devoted to a day at the library researching for my novel. It was one of my favorite times of the week.
I had asthma as a child and growing up on a farm where wheat and hay were my asthma triggers, I spent a lot of time indoors while my brother and sisters got to play outside. But once my mom introduced me to the library, I PREFERRED to be “stuck” inside with a stack of books! (God bless our moms and sisters who took us to the library!)
Your field trip sounds wonderful, Julie! Thanks, Gail, for planning it so Julie could write this post, which woke me up to the library again! 🙂
Deborah, I would greatly encourage you to visit and use one or more of the WPL branches. We have a wonderful library system here and they have a wonderful selection of print and electronic books. I’ve been especially pleased with the Christian fiction collection available. I’m a librarian myself at one of our local universities where our collection is predominantly non-fiction so I would be lost without our public library!
I confess I don’t spend as much time in libraries as I used to either, Deb. But this trip rekindled my desire to do so. Hope you’ll visit yours soon too. All the best in hitting your deadline!
Oh, yes! I love libraries, too. I visited one just a few days ago to pick up a novel I’d requested so that I could take it on my vacation with me. 🙂 The library became a favorite place for my kids when they were small because it was the one place we could “shop” where I didn’t have to constantly say, “No, you can’t have that. No. Nope. Not that, either.” At the library, they could collect a towering stack of books to check out and take home and all I had to do was smile and say, “Sure.”
You’re right, Becky. The books and services the library offers for free (beyond tax dollars anyway :)) are amazing and under-appreciated–by my kids anyway. 🙂 My husband goes all. the. time.
Wow what an impressive library. I take my children all time to our public library. Actually it was at a very tiny Ohio library years ago that I first came across The Slient Governess…I just got it because the cover drew me in.
So glad you discovered The Silent Governess at the library, Janella! Yes, Jennifer Parker who designs the covers does a great job. I love them, too.
Every day but Sunday I spend time at the library. I check out alot of books from the library and use the internet also. Its a great place to spend some time.
That’s great, Kim. That’s a lot of time at the library! Good for you. Enjoy every minute.
Oh yes, Julie. I LOVE libraries. I grew up in one. My mom was the librarian in our small town. We have a beautiful one here in the town where I live. If only I had more time to read . . .
How fun, Lynn. If I knew your Mom was a librarian, I forgot. What a great training ground for a future author!
I love my local library-I have been a library person since I was a smaller person, much smaller-haha! The library was the escape for me from whatever was happening. I love the quiet, running my fingers along the books and aha! finding the book I was looking for. I am now known as the booklady in the story where I work. I refuse to buy a Kindle as I would rather hold a book and turn the actual page. Ahhhh, libraries-I am there at least once a week and now the employees recognize me. So many memories for me!
Hi Booklady Karen! Thanks for sharing. The Minneapolis library could use a visit from you–so many books languishing for lack of attention. 🙂 I have a Kindle, but like you, prefer a printed book.
What’s not to love about a library???? That was always my dream–to have a job in a library or a fabric store!! Ha Ha….what could be better, right? I last visited our library here in Newton, KS where I live 3 weeks ago. But I ALWAYS walk out with a towering stack of books for me and my husband to read. I’m so glad our library has a good selection of Christian fiction. Well, I need to go finish my book—books are due tomorrow! By the way, NO KINDLE for me! It really upsets me when some books only come out in electronic form—-so unfair!
Thanks, Jeanie. Fun to hear from such a voracious reader!
Wow! Now that is a library I would love to have access to. I haven’t been to the library in several months. I’ve found the ebooks are so easy to check out from my kindle even though I still read actual books. I haven’t read a book of yours I didn’t really like. I can usually have them read in 2-3 days and that is with working and taking care of my husband, our dog and our house.
Thanks, Karen. Glad to hear you are enjoying the books!
That’s one awesome looking library that you ladies went to! I have been to a library in the past couple of weeks but is a bit on the tiny side compared to that one! Jenny
Hi Jennifer. Yes, my local library is much smaller than that one as well. But I like it, too.
I retired from our public library in January, 2014 and for 22 1/2 years, I was there more than I was home. One of my duties was interlibrary loan and I often requested books from the Hennepin County Library System. I had no idea that the Central Library was that huge! I don’t go to my library as often as I would like. Thanks for this interesting post!
Hi Connie. Congrats on your retirement. I imagine you had an interesting job that changed a LOT over the years!
I love libraries. One of my older sisters took me to the Carnegie Library when I was around nine or ten for a Saturday story hour. I’ll never forget the slightly musky smell of old books and furniture polish. I fell in love and went to that library all through school. I found “Christie” and The Hardy boys and Nancy Drew within those walls. I always felt safe tucked in a corner, reading. I think discovering the library played a big part in my becoming a writer. Thanks, Julie 🙂
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Carnegie Library–cool. I liked Nancy Drew too, but not as much as Trixie Belden. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the memory, Lenora.
I have loved to read since I was a young boy. I think my first trip to the principal’s office in school involved a visit to the school library and an over-zealous teacher. I was in the third grade at the time and reading every book that looked interesting. I have been to the library many times since then. I now usually go at least once a week and sometimes two or three times. Nowadays some of my visits are for my wife because she reads a lot faster than I do and therefore reads more books. I still read my share and look forward to my next trip to the library. I would really enjoy having access to a library like the one you visited.
Hi Edward. If only my sons got into trouble for too much reading!! 🙂 Thanks for commenting. Please give my regards to your wife as well.
I go to the local library often and also have the digital library for my Kindle Fire.the library you visited sounds like a lovely place to visit.
I still get a thrill when I find one of my books or one by my friends at the library. So grateful for them!
I’ve loved books ever since I was old enough to hold one in my hands. I have a degree in library science. I worked at several school libraries and for the last 36 years have volunteered in my church library.
Check us out when you get a chance. http://www.churchatthemall.com/library
I work in the Children’s department of our local library, so I’m there 3-5 days a week. I started out taking my children to story times, then a position opened up for me to do story times! I love being able to chose stories to read out loud to the children! I also make sure our library has the latest in Christian fiction! My children are at the library at least twice a week.
yes I love libraries ! I haven’t visited one in about 4 months because all my great author friends have been very generous with giveaways that i have won so I had enough books to read without going to the library!
I was visiting my childhood home in Seattle earlier in the summer and spent some time in their downtown library–ten stories, one block. They have a special Seattle Room that specializes in the history of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest and I was able to get some research done. I only had a few hours when I needed a few days. But that’s how it goes sometimes!