They say everyone has fifteen minutes of fame during their lifetime. I got four of my minutes earlier this month when I was asked to represent local authors on a morning news show prior to a local Kansas author event at the Wichita Public Library.

In my enthusiasm over the invitation, I said “yes” before discovering that they needed me in the studio by 6:30 a.m. sharp.

Anchor Annette Lawless was a delight to visit with, and Ken and I watched in awe as she moved from “doorman” duties to anchor desk to laptop to interview stage with ease. We had just a few minutes to chat before we went on-air. Live interviews make me much more nervous than recorded ones, but Annette quickly put me at ease.

We were rewarded with a beautiful Kansas sunrise on the drive home from the early-morning interview. (And don’t tell, but we went for donuts too! 😉 )
The author event later that afternoon was such a fun connection of authors and readers! Caught up with many writing friends, but even more fun was meeting readers—esepcially those from my home state of Kansas.

I hadn’t seen this friend from my hometown of Lyons, Kansas since high school. And then we discovered that Tammy and her husband Scott live in Ken’s hometown of Ellsworth, Kansas now. Small, small world!

Got to meet dear Facebook friend Delynn face-to-face for the first time. Felt like meeting a long-time “REAL” friend, and now she IS one! 🙂
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I loved the interview and your story here. I came across a Kansas Drugstore article just now with a picture of the store. Do all Kansas downtowns look this serene. It was Arkansas City. And I’ve seen others. I understand why you love living in Kansas.❤️
Thanks, Daphne, and yes, many Kansas small-towns are picturesque and quaint. And even in the “city” of Wichita, Kansas is just the best! 🙂
You were extremely poised during your television interview promoting the author event at the Wichita library. I enjoyed watching and listening to it.
Thank you, Suzanne. I was more nervous than I looked, but Annette, really knows how to put her interviewees at ease!
Excellent job, Deb. Bravo!
Thank you, Lynn! It was fun to do…more fun now that it’s over. 😉
Great job! Glad it was fun. Awesome picture of the sunrise!
Thank you, Paula. And as always, that Kanas sunrise was SO much prettier in person than a photo can ever try to do justice to!
Good job, Deb! It’s always fun to see and hear my favorite authors apart from your writing “voice.”
Thank you, Sandy! I, too, love hearing the actual voice of authors I’ve read. It just seems to add another layer to their literary “voice.”
You were very calm and didn’t seem nervous at all in your live interview. Bravo! 🙂 Always enjoy seeing Kansas sunrises/sunsets! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks, Jen. I was faking it a little bit. LOL! I rarely get nervous before speaking, but LIVE TV does make me shake in my boots a little! 😉
How wonderful to see an old friend, and also meet a new FB friend. You have some an engaging smile, and looked relax and comfortable.
Thank you, Sandra.
What an early day for you! We’re you up before the roosters? Congratulations on your interview. 15 minutes of fame. I wanted to say I’m reading your book Insight. I love it. It had the power to make me cry the other day.
It sounds awful to say I’m so thrilled I made you cry, but you know what I mean. 😉 Thanks so much for letting me know, Shirley. I am honored.