If you saw Deb’s blog post last week, you already know that she and Ken dropped by to see me and Joe on their grand adventure! And oh, what a sweet visit that was. Only problem…it was too quick!
We had breakfast with them at their campsite one morning, then they spent the day with us on Mother’s Day.

Deb and I are both major coffee lovers!
So when she mentioned she was going to make French Press coffee for us that morning, but would have to make a couple of “pots” since hers was smaller, I scrounged around until I found mine and brought it with us. But it had been so long since I’d used it, I didn’t remember how. So…
Deb gave me a step-by-step tutorial. That is, IF you can hear it over all the cackling and good-natured sarcasm!
And here’s after waiting four minutes for all that yumminess to brew. Oh, the aroma.
Are YOU a coffee lover too? If yes, how do you take yours? Black? With cream? Sweetened? Unsweetened? With a flavored creamer? Do you like all the flavored coffees too?
Me? I love ‘regular’ coffee (unflavored) with either heavy cream or half and half, and sweetened with Stevia. And I like it HOT, baby. Around 195 degrees (which is about 40 seconds in the microwave after the cold cream is added).
I usually awaken between 4:30 and 5:00 AM, and grabbing my coffee and Bible is how I start each day. It’s a treasured time for so many reasons. And even now (it’s Monday evening as I’m typing this), I’m already looking forward to that first (and second) cup of morning coffee. Oh that first sip is heavenly.
Have you ever made French Press coffee? Did you enjoy it? How do you drink your coffee? And if coffee isn’t your “cup of tea,” tell me what is!
Happy Tuesday all!
Tamera Alexander
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Hi, Tammy, I love my morning coffee time with my Bible, same as you. I’ve heard Deb rave for a long time about French press coffee, but I’ve never tasted it. I’m happy with my Keurig and K-cups of my favorite brew from a small roaster in Madison, Wisconsin called Victor Allen. I like their Kona blend with a dollop of half and half. I’ve never tried putting heavy cream in place of the half and half. I’ll have to give it a try sometime.
Yum on that small roaster in Madison! Sounds delish. And yes, do try the heavy cream. Takes it to another level.
I’ve never had coffee. I don’t like the smell so it’s never gotten close enough to my lips to try it. LOL But I will drink all the tea… no cream or sugar. I like the fruity teas the best.
I enjoy tea too, Joy. Iced especially. But you’ve NEVER had coffee? That MAY be a sin. I’ll have to look it up! ; )
I’m not really much of a coffee drinker – the occasional Starbucks Frappuccino or a QT cappuccino maybe. More of a hot chocolate kind of gal! Haha. If someone made me a good cup of a coffee, I’d probably try it though.
I love a Frappuccino too. Anything with the coffee taste. Do you have a favorite brand or recipe for hot chocolate, Summer? If yes please share!
Awww! This is the first I’ve seen the video and it brought back such great memories of our all-too-short time together! I cracked up when I said “rotisserie”…good grief! We weren’t roasting chickens! Just for the record, I did correct it to roaster (I meant roasterie) but I think there was too much cackling going on for anyone to hear. 😊 Just so much fun. Thank YOU, Tammy, for being such an awesome friend. We may have made breakfast, but Joe and Tammy fed us steak and pork chops and watermelon and all kinds of other deliciousness!
It was our total pleasure. Such fun! I would love to spend a day in the kitchen together cooking and baking. That would be such fun! Oh, and the first thing I want to watch you make is your french bread. That always looks so good when you post pics of that. Mmmmm….
I don’t drink much coffee. I prefer tea or hot chocolate. Hubby has a french press or two. He is the coffee fanatic. I’ve never tried french pressed coffee. My favorite tea is Irish Breakfast Tea with creamer and sugar.
So glad you got to have some fun time with Deb and Ken!
My husband loves hot tea too. I do as well, but only STRONG tea like Harney & Sons spice tea. I drink that year round. I haven’t tried it with cream and sugar though. Thanks for that tip!
I love my coffee black but it has to be smooth and strong! We make our coffee in an old-fashioned percolator, so it takes about 20-30 minutes from the time it begins to percolate. If I drink restaurant coffee, I have to add creamer and sugar. That’s the only way I can choke it down!
Totally agree on (most) restaurant coffee. Just doesn’t measure up, does it? I do love an after dinner cup of coffee on occasion. Nice to sit, sip, and soak up the friendship.
I love coffee! I drink mine with a lot of half and half and a little sweetener. I also love flavored coffees and currently have coconut, southern pecan and a blend of rum and butterscotch in my kitchen at the moment.
Ooo yum, Brittaney. We’re coffee kindreds on the half and half and sweetener. But I’ll let you keep the flavors. LOL! More for you, right? 🙂 Appreciate you sharing!
I have made French Press coffee but, like you, I want mine HOT. By the time it steeps for 4 minutes, it has cooled too much for me! I friends who think French Press is the only coffee to drink!
Agree. I always pop it into the microwave. But even then, not too long lest you scorch it. Oh the challenges of a great cup of coffee. LOL #majorfirstworldproblem ; )
Loved these videos of you and Deb making coffee together. Thanks for the tutorial! I agree with your above comment…you and Deb should video more time cooking in the kitchen with each other. Fun to see new recipes!
I only drink coffee “socially” i.e. if we’re at a friend’s house and it’s offered after dinner or if I’m cold…then I add cream. 🙂 I am like you, Tammy, that I want it HOT! I’m usually a black tea drinker and especially love Harney & Sons hot cinnamon spice. Occasionally I will splurge and drink Chai (Big Train is my favorite) or hot chocolate.
I love that you love the H&S hot cinnamon spice, Jennifer. Oh so good! I’ve noted Big Train, thanks!! And next time Deb and I are together, we’re going to do that. What fun!
I love black coffee, dark roast, any way you make it. I had to comment on your post because I started reading Colors of Truth yesterday. I’m loving it. I have loved all of your books. Thanks for writing from your heart.
Cathy, your comment warms my heart. Thank you for reading and taking Wade and Catriona’s (and little Nora’s) journey with me. Hugs from Franklin (just a mile or so from Carnton).
Loved the tutorial! Our son in law makes coffee in the press every morning. I love those mornings!
Oh yum. What a good son-in-law you have, Jen. : )
I love French Press coffee, made with coffee beans that I grind right before using. No cream or sugar, just black for me!
Freshly ground beans. Are. The. Best. Thanks for sharing today, Leanne. And for that little whiff of aroma therapy. : )
SO fun that you and Deb were able to spend time together (that explains all the laughter I heard coming from TN!). 😉
My daughter Becca LOVES making French Press coffee, and always makes me a cup when I’m at her house (which isn’t nearly often enough—getting through that Atlanta traffic is horrid!).
I’m a major coffee drinker, but nothing fancy. Still use my trusty Mr. Coffee and drink each cup with half & half. Yum!
Thanks for sharing this post!
Hugs, Patti Jo 🙂