Happy Tuesday from ICY Nashville, Tennessee!
I don’t know what the weather is like in your corner of the world but Nashville is slip slidin’ away! Give me snow any day over treacherous black ice. Our lovely city is pretty much closed down at present, but the hope of warmer temps springs eternal. As does the hope for Spring itself!
Just as I love the changing of seasons in nature, I’m finding that I’m really enjoying a (temporary) change of genres in writing.
Which leads me to my FUN NEWS…
I’m busy writing my first contemporary novel for Focus on the Family! I’m one of three writers who are contributing to this new fiction line at Focus. The other two authors are so gifted and popular and downright wonderful, and I’m just honored beyond words to be part of the team.
The novels we’re each writing address some of the current and most crucial issues facing our culture today, and will all release (Lord willing) next year (2021). But you know me, my contemporary story definitely has a historical thread to it. #KeepRealHistoryAlive
As soon as I’m finished writing this story, I’ll happily jump back to the historical genre and finish the last novel in the Carnton series, which is Nora’s story. A seven-year-old Nora is pictured here on the cover of Colors of Truth.

And speaking of Colors of Truth, may I take a minute to say THANK YOU?
I’ve been blown away by how warmly Colors of Truth has been received by readers. Especially after the book was twice delayed then finally cancelled by my publisher.
Colors of Truth is my first indie, and I’ll publish the final Carnton novel—which is Nora all grown up—the very same way later this fall.
Now for the GIVEAWAY…
If you haven’t seen The Chosen, the first multi-season television show about the life of Christ, stop right now—I’m serious—and watch this clip…
Oh. So. Good. So encouraging, convicting, life-changing.
If you’ve already seen the first season of The Chosen, then this GIVEAWAY will likely mean even more to you.
It’s for a copy The Chosen: I Have Called You By Name, the just-released novelization by Jerry B. Jenkins, the dad of The Chosen’s creator Dallas Jenkins. (It’s a shame the Jenkins family isn’t more talented, right?)

HOW TO WIN this copy of The Chosen: I Have Called You By Name?
Leave a comment on this blog TODAY by 9PM Central and tell me if you’ve seen The Chosen or not. If you have, please share what the show has meant to you. Your comment could well encourage someone else who hasn’t watched it yet…to watch. Which could well change someone’s eternity.
Only comments left by 9PM Central today will be included in the proverbial hat. I’ll post the name of the winner TONIGHT at 9:15PM Central. So be sure to check back.
Thanks, friends, for the community we share here at IBL&F. I look forward to hearing from you!

Congrats, Lucy! You’re the winner of The Chosen: I Have Called You By Name. Pls send me your snail mail address HERE and I’ll get your book in the mail!
THANKS EVERYONE for commenting and sharing today!
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
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- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
I’ve only watched the first two episodes of season one but they were so good! Thanks for helping me discover this series. My eight year old watched the episodes with me and really enjoyed them too. And I didn’t realize the link between the director and Jerry Jenkins.
This is a great giveaway!! I haven’t had the chance to see The Chosen yet, but I’ve heard great things about it from a couple in my small group.
I have not seen The Chosen. But after hearing all the good reviews about it, I’m figuring it’s time to do so.
I have enjoyed every aspect of the first season and can’t wait for season two to be released. The sets, acting, and costuming are all wonderful. It puts flesh and bones on these characters I have read about and takes me deeper into the context of the stories I love in Scripture.
I have not watched The Chosen yet, but so many friends have recommended it to me. So, thanks for the giveaway!
I have not watched The Chosen. My family has watched the entire first season and have encouraged me to begin to watch the series. I watched the trailer with a co-worker at work and told her a little about the show. My co-worker is a non-believer, but has begun reading through the New Testament for the first time this year. She expressed interest in watching the show and even said that if I watch it, we can have something to talk about. I am encouraged that this show can be a way for adults and children to observe the life and ministry of Jesus being played out. The Chosen reminds me of the Jesus movie for kids that I watched as a child. This show and the book are great resources and opportunities for people to come to know more about God and for believers to grow in their walks with Him.
I have not watched The Chosen.
What wonderful news! I’m excited to hear more about the contemporary novel you’re writing for Focus on the Family. That sounds like a great way to reach new readers.
I love The Chosen series! I’ve watched it three times, and each time I am captured by the characters and the way Jesus and his disciples are presented. I often picture them now as I read the Bible and it brings them to life for me in a new way. It reminds me that it is all real and really happened. I’ve been especially touched by the scenes of healing. It always brings tears to my eyes.
I haven’t seen The Chosen. However, your blog posts are always an encouragement. I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself surrounded by all this snow (which I just moved back to my hometown in Arkansas from PA to escape this stuff) and you reminded me Spring is indeed coming! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I have not seen it, but I am planning to watch it.
I have not seen The Chosen
I haven’t seen it but I really want to! I was actually thinking of buying it on DVD, based on how good everyone says it is. I’ve seen some clips of it and love how they bring the Bible accounts to life.
I have seen The Chosen and t have watched some episodes more than once. I love the warmth and compassion the actor portraying Jesus conveys and Peter is every bit is volatile as I had imagined, which makes his conversion all the more meaningful My favorite scene has to be the Samaritan woman at the well when Jesus knows her history and yet reveals His identity and love to her, Her pure joy at realizing He is the Messiah is so contagious and refreshing, it takes me back to my first love of Jesus. Wonderful series and would love to read the novel.
I have seen The Chosen, recently as a matter of fact. It is fantastic! I cried in every episode. My favorites were, when Jesus heals Mary Magdalene, When Matthew gives up everything to follow Jesus.
I tell everyone about The Chosen, it’s absolutely beautiful and so well done. The characters are phenomenal!
If you haven’t watched The Chosen yet, please do!!! You won’t be disappointed. It’s not like any other faith based movie. For me it was like the bible came to live – from black and white to color. The disciples became relatable. They weren’t some godly superheroes but people like you and me and facing the same problems like us today. But my absolute highlight is the portrayal of Jesus. One look in his loving and compassionate eyes and how he treats people. If this is just a small glimpse of the real Jesus 😍
I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m waiting for it to come in from my library. 🙂
I haven’t watched it but want to.
I have watched twice and can’t wait for season 2. The second time I watched with my husband while he was recovering from surgery. The book will be a fantastic book to “leave behind.”
I haven’t watched it yet, but I have very good things about it.
I have seen the first season of The Chosen and recognized its life changing potential. I purchased a box of the DVD’s to give to a prison ministry so chaplains could share it with groups to whom they minister. I considered it an investment in eternity. It really makes the Bible come alive with the setting and wonderful talents of those who play the parts.
I have not yet seen it, but I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about it!
Thank you for this post and for the opportunity to win the novelization of The Chosen. This series has been such an inspiration to me! It has helped me to feel Jesus as even more real in my life than before.
I have not watched this yet. Would love to read this and watch.
I have not see The Chosen!
I’ve just discovered The Chosen, and I saw the first episode and I’m thrilled!
The way he shows Jesus, the apostles, Mary Magdalene, etc., is so relatable and fresh. It makes you feel as if you could easily be one of them, flawed as we are, and that Jesus would still look at me that way, with a gaze full of Love and Mercy! I will definitely be watching all of this series! It’s so wonderful and enlightening!
I have not yet seen The Chosen but have heard only amazing things about it!
I have not watched Chosen, although I have heard wonderful things about it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I watched some of The Chosen on my iPad on YouTube. Excellent!
Congrats, Lucy! You’re the winner of The Chosen: I Have Called You By Name. Pls send me your snail mail address on my WEBSITE (www.TameraAlexander.com) on the CONTACT TAB at the top, then I’ll get your book in the mail!
THANKS EVERYONE for commenting and sharing.
Hey Tammy! I LOVE watching The Chosen! It’s so anointed!
Yay, Lucy!! I know you will love it.
I can hardly wait to read your new novel, Tammy!!