In no certain order, here are glimpses from recent life. Both the good and bad, LOL…
Joe and I are getting ready to move, again (still in the Nashville area, just down to College Grove), and Kelsey, Kellie, and I (all three of us denim-clad) snapped a pic while we checked out the new house. A new house is exciting and I’m so grateful. But oy, I do not like moving. Who does, though, right?

Last week, Kellie sent this next pic to our Alexander family text thread with the caption, “Someone went face first into the shelf.” (Ouch, bless him!)

(He was fine and the mark quickly healed.)
Then this pic quickly followed from Kellie with, “That same someone did this.”

Let me quickly add that Leo DID NOT HIT HER WITH THE POT. He merely placed said pot on her head. Still, Ari was not amused. Can’t blame her. Boys! [Note: I love that Kellie took a hot second to snap that pic. Hey, gotta capture the memories, right?]
Next, Kels shared this image on her Instagram story. LOL Love it.

Are you a picture taker when it comes to food? I am when it’s in a pretty little cast iron skillet. And those dishes! So lovely. Kels said the dessert was delicious, too!
I have long wanted to visit the Museum of the Bible, and while I still have not, Kelsey and her boyfriend, Jon, did and said it was marvelous. They highly recommend it. Have any of you visited? If yes, what were your impressions?

Next, I snapped a pic of Ari asleep in her bouncy chair with a gorgeous afghan my dear Aunt Jean (of Winchester, TN) made for her birth. It’s just as cozy and snuggly as it looks! So is Ari. 🙂

I adore keeping my grands and snapped this one morning as Leo ate breakfast…

I remember we kind of worried about him at around six months old when he didn’t seem at all interested in “real” food. Well, turns out it was the pureed food he didn’t like. All that mushy stuff. As you can see, he now eats like a champ. Nothing wrong with that boy’s appetite.
Lastly, if you haven’t tried this creamer, oh my, please do. Absolutely delicious. Close to life-changing. Definitely major-latte-coffee-boosting-enjoyment change. So yummy.

And don’t you dare judge me on that Ghirardelli Salted Caramel Syrup. Also delicious—and purchased for Kurt’s birthday fried apples pies we had this past weekend (HBD again, Kurt! Love you, bud). I really need to shove that bottle to the back of the fridge so I don’t see it. Better yet, give it to the kids.
That’s all for this Tuesday from my corner of the world. I’m hard at work on another book and the deadline is quickly approaching. I’m determined to make it. More about that story soon. It’s another one that I’ve wanted to write for a very long time.
So tell me…
* Are you a fan of moving?
*Or have you ever had a “pothead” in your family (like we have with Ari)?
*What about snapping pics of your food? Like me, do you adore desserts in cute, little cast-iron skillets?
*Ever been to the Museum of the Bible? If yes, what were your impressions?
*Do you have a sweet Aunt Jean who so generously makes gorgeous afghans for everyone in the family? (Yep, she made one for me, too.)
*Finally, have you ever tried Silk dairy-free Oatmeal Cookie Oat Creamer? (If you have a favorite creamer, please share that too.)
Hugs, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Tamera Alexander
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- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Hi Tammy, I’ve moved 33 times and hubby suggesting another when he retires. I feel your pain. Pots on heads were standard attire when kids were young-favorite toys too. The Bible Museum is spectacular. Wear good shoes and plan an all day trip. There is a lovely cafe with international food for the mid day break. Hope you get to visit some day.
33 moves, Susan. ACK! Bless you, my friend. I think we’re only at 11 or 12. You’re the Moving Queen! I so look forward to the Museum of the Bible someday and appreciate the good counsel.
I went to the museum of the Bible last year. It was so neat. There’s a lot to see at it.
Can’t wait! Thanks, Megan!
What fun pictures! I live about an hour and 15 minutes from the Museum of the Bible and have been there several times. Once we went to see the Nativities Around the World exhibit. Just remarkable. I haven’t moved in 25 years so you can only image that my basement is filled with 25 years of not making decisions. Starting to work on that as a move to eastern TN is likely in about 5 years. Thanks for sharing your precious grands with us.
I’ll be at your place Friday around 9am, Kelly, and we can head to the museum then. Does that work? LOL Seriously though, wow that you’re that close to go that many times. Love it!Too funny on your basement. Storage can be a dangerous thing. 🙂
Hi Tammy, I attended a women’s conference held at the Museum of the Bible last year. It was a great conference with inspiring teaching and awesome worship. We also toured the museum. There’s so much to see! The have a huge gift shop with many books and gift items, but I was surprised and a bit disappointed that they did not have any Christian fiction. I thought they might at least carry Biblical/historical fiction set in Biblical times. Maybe I need to suggest it on my next visit! I loved the photos of the grandkids!
How cool, Carrie. And interesting about no fiction. I was glad to see that they’re coordinating with The Chosen and have partnered with them on several fronts. Thanks for sharing—and for indulging the grandmother in me. : )
Thank you for the great snapshots of a look into your life. I take pictures all the time. My 15 year old grandson often makes a time out sign, saying “picture limit”. He definitely doesn’t understand the importance of memories, yet.
As a military wife, I moved many time before my husband retired. The hardest one was moving out of the country.
I always enjoy your posts!
Ha! Love that, Betty. And love you. Appreciate you sharing, and I bet that move our of the country WAS especially difficult. Bless you, my friend.
We moved a lot (10 houses) when I was still a girl at home & it was always exciting to me. Of course, moving into our little home (28 years ago) when my hubby & I first got married was exciting! We’ve moved twice since then & this will probably be our forever home this side of Heaven. We love our home & don’t have any desire to move all this stuff again!!
Ronald & I are both photo-bugs, so we’re always snapping pics of our food, especially on special occasions & on weekend getaways/vacations/etc.
I had a great aunt who made me an afghan for my wedding. It is BRIGHT purple with orange, yellow, red, blue, & ?? threads mixed in, so it’s not one I’ve used or displayed. 😉 But I keep it because I know she made it with love.
I have one question for you. Do you have a third book in the works for the Carnton Series? I really enjoyed the first ones, especially the prequel Christmas at Carnton & With this Pledge. I loved learning the history of the Carnton Plantation! Although it was a sad, gory time in our history, its preservation is fascinating to me.
That’s a lot of moving, Lori!And I so relate to the desire to be still. That’s where I am.
LOL on that BRIGHT purple afghan. We have some of those as well, and keep them for the same reasons. Precious keepsakes.
Yes! I have a third book in the Carnton series in the works and plan to release that later this year. I’m busy finishing another book for Tyndale right now, which has taken precedence over all else. But I WILL finish Nora’s story for that third and final Carnton book. Thank you, friend, for asking about it! ; )
Definitely going to look for that creamer! Oh, my! Love seeing pictures of the grands. And I hope you make it to the Museum of the Bible. It is really wonderful.
Please do, D’Ann. You will not be disappointed! 😉 Hugs, friend.