A neighbor recently asked me what inspired me to write novels…
I didn’t have to think long to recall the exact moment that my journey in novel writing began. It all happened on a dare, really. From my husband, Joe.
But first, as we say, some backstory…
In 1995, my mother-in-law, Claudette Harris Alexander, gave me a book she thought I would enjoy––I took one look at the cover and shelved it, certain I wouldn’t. I was busy. Time went by. She asked if I’d read it. I said no, but that I would. The best laid plans…
Very unexpectedly, Claudette died shortly thereafter from a brain aneurysm at age 58. (Oh, so young.) Weeks passed, and as I was cleaning one afternoon in our Colorado home (where we were living at the time), I happened across that book and immediately sat down and read it. Claudette was right. I felt an immediate connection with the thread of hope woven through that gentle love story—Love Comes Softly, by Janette Oke. (A Hallmark movie has since been based on the novel.)
Over time, I developed a strong interest in Christian fiction. Three years later, when Joe and I were driving back from a trip one night, I finished a novel, turned to him and said (only kidding), “I think I could write one of these.” Without blinking, he said, “Well, do it!” We’ve always been a tad competitive so I nodded and said, “All right, I will!”
Little did I know what that would lead to, but that’s how it all started.
I’ve had ten novels published since 2006 with additional novels currently contracted. I’m grateful for the opportunities God has given me to write, and I’m living proof that you’re never too old to start something new.
What’s something you would love to do but haven’t tried yet? Do you have a dream tucked deep in your pocket? What are you waiting for? Have you laid it before the Lord and asked him to guide your steps? If you’re willing, share it with us today. We’d love to come alongside you and encourage you in that pursuit.
I’m so grateful for this community of women. We’re acquaintances, friends, fellow travelers on this journey, and––in the most precious sense––sisters. You all inspire me to do better. To live life with more conviction and purpose, and I’m so grateful God has brought each of you into my life.
And hey, don’t you love our new digs? A huge THANK YOU goes out to Robin for all the work she’s done in designing and building this new home for us. Robin, bravo, babe! To celebrate our new blog site, we’re hosting a huge giveaway that starts Monday, April 7th, so be sure to watch for more on that.
And now… What’s something you would love to do but haven’t tried yet? Any dreams tucked in that pocket?
A little something for inspiration on this April Fool’s Day, but I’m really not fooling. 🙂

Last week I enjoyed a little reward following my annual mammogram. Gotta love a solidarity-in-sisterhood Krispy Kreme doughnut! Have you had YOUR mammogram this year? #MammogramsSaveLives
Check out the fabulous A Beauty So Rare Giveaway,
the first prize being a “Kitchen Full of Love”
Sponsored by Bethany House Publishers
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Loved getting a glimpse of how it all started for you, Tammy! It’s amazing to think about how different all of our writing journeys our, but how God has lead us all to this beautiful new blog and a wonderful sisterhood. Thanks for all of your encouragement!
Thanks, Jody! I’m glad we’re here together, too, and love all the “differences” we bring to this community. Yet, most of all, the commonalty in Christ the binds us together.
I love that your husband believed in you from the get go. Mine did, too, even when I didn’t really believe it would happen. Got to love those supportive men!
Amen, Karen! Makes all the difference, doesn’t it?
My husband tells me to write. My children tell me to write. I want to. But I don’t. Your story inspires me. I just need to start somewhere and be disciplined to continue. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Joyce, I’d say that God may be speaking to you through your husband! And your children. ; ) Wondering… Are you a member of ACFW? American Christian Fiction Writers? I don’t think I’d be writing––or published––today without them. Check them out at http://www.ACFW.com I look forward to hearing from you, lady. And I’m praying even now for God to move in your heart for his good and perfect will in your life.
I always love hearing the story. So glad your husband challenged you and you took him up on it! 🙂
Love the new blog! So fresh and appealing! And doubly glad that you are still hanging around!
Thanks, Linda, and you’re not getting rid of me, babe. I’m here to stay! With or without duct tape. 🙂
Tammy, I am so thankful you took the challenge and blessed many others in the process! I am more of an, “You can’t do that” type person. I will always set out to prove the challenger wrong. Unfortunately, my daughter, and one of my granddaughters, have the same personality. Someone needs to challenge me on writing a book! Lol
Rebbie (love your name!), consider yourself CHALLENGED, my dear! ; ) And know that there are still moments in my life when I’m in the midst of writing and I wonder what on earth I’m doing. And if I’ll be able to “do this again” in terms of writing a book that readers will really connect with. Then I’m reminded I’m to write for an Audience of One, above all. And I’m to follow God’s lead wherever it takes me.
Because there’s nothing more miserable than being outside of God’s will for your life and nothing more satisfying and contenting––and challenging!!!, don’t hear me saying it will be easy, far from it––than being smack dab in the middle of it, no matter what that may mean for our individual circumstances.
I think that when we’re in the Lord’s will for our lives is when the scripture “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” really finds its “rubber meets the road” moment. To claim that scripture “outside of His will for my life” is fool hearty, and misleading.
But to seek his will, to hear his confirmation (no matter how “prepared” you may feel for the task; after all, it’s not about us, right?) then to move forward KNOWING that God will provide everything you need for him to accomplish his will through you… Well, that’s when holding tight to “I can do all things through Christ” and HIS strength, not mine, really takes on a whole new life.
And wow, what a rush that is. To know it’s not you, it’s him doing it through you. All glory goes to him, as well it should.
Ladies, the new site is lovely! I would expect nothing less.
Tammy, I’m working on my dream of being a published author. Not sure when that dream will come true, but I’m writing the stories God’s laying on my heart. Seeing them come to life in my computer is such an accomplishment in itself. It’s hard to imagine what it will be like being able to hold the final product in my hands one day!
Hey Andrea! Know that we’re right beside you in prayer as you pursue God’s path for your writing, and I’m praying for his perfect timing too. And yes, it IS such an accomplishment to get those words on paper, so to speak. Frankly, I’m not a fan of the first draft. But rewrites? Oh baby, that feels like Christmas!
Thanks for sharing!
I loved the story about the book your mother-in-law gave you, Tammy. God works in mysterious ways! Congratulations on the release of A Beauty So Rare.
Doesn’t he, Becky? He’s so good. Thanks for the kind words, sis!
Loved your post, Tammy, and I join others who are SO thankful you took that dare and began writing.
I’m still working on my writing (have several completed manuscripts that I need to polish). But something I really want to seriously try is writing books for children! My oldest daughter keeps telling me I should, so I need to take a break from my romance writing and give it a try.
SO glad you had that mammogram—YAY Tammy! I’m a big believer in regular mammograms, and have mine faithfully every July. Hmmmmm….I think this next time I’ll also get a donut afterwards – – that’s a great idea!
This new blog is beautiful (and I confess I also LOVED seeing my name in that gorgeous font—made me feel kind of special *smile*).
Blessings on your week, and sending hugs from lovely, sunny Georgia, Patti Jo
Hey Patti Jo! I had to smile when I read your comment about seeing your name in that gorgeous font. Truly, that was one of the things I loved instantly about this template when Robin and I were looking. We were talking on the phone and both on our laptops looking, chatting… And up popped that font and I was in template LOVE! ; )
You have SEVERAL completed manuscripts?!!! SEVERAL?! Woman, pick one and get it ready for ACFW’s Conference this fall, and start pitching away! Have you spoken with any of the editors there before? I’m telling you, if you would have asked me ten years ago if I would have ever thought I’d be writing novels, I would have laughed. Read novels? Yes! But write them? Until that moment that I described above, it hadn’t crossed my mind. So get ready, friend!
Appreciate you and thanks for sharing today, Patti Jo!
I loved reading your story. I think, as a writer, reading about how others got their start is so encouraging. I thrive on stories like this when I’m feeling like my book will never see the light of day. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your history with us. I love your books and am so thankful you followed God’s leading.
God Bless!
Thanks so much, Stacey. Never doubt that God hears. He sees. And he’s working in ways you can’t even imagine to bring his good and perfect will for your life. And in his perfect timing. Are you a member of ACFW? Love your profile pic, btw. So cute!
Thank you for the encouraging words! Yes, I’m a member of ACFW. I attended their conference two years ago and loved it. I’m looking forward to going again this year. Can’t wait for St. Louis.
I’m not planning on attending this year, but am next year, so hopefully our paths will cross, Stacey!
Sometimes all it takes it one person to say, “You can do it!”, to help push us towards our dreams. I love doing creative things…but I usually only tackle 1-2 day projects. Writing a full story stretches me in multiple ways. A dear friend of mine encouraged me to start writing after I proofread her book so I did…and loved it! I hope I can stay consistent and keep writing! Loved the squished donut! I had my first mammogram last year and can totally relate! Lol!
Great on your writing, Stacey, and also on the mammogram. Writing does take discipline, for sure. And speaking of… : ) Back to it!
Hi Tamara, I just love your books! Love that your husband encouraged you too. I struggle to walk, & some days I’m just not able to. At the end of each day, I relax and feel encouraged by reading. I LOVE historical fiction Christian books, especially from the bloggers on this site. Well, I’m 38, always wanted to play the violin and almost had a few chances growing up. This Christmas, I decided I was going to just do it! I now have a teenage teacher who’s a music genius, about to major in music at college. I’m very happy, & practicing hard! I plan to live to be at least 100, so that’s a lot of years to play!
CONGRATULATIONS, Julie! So proud of you and your accomplishment, lady. I love the violin and often listen to violin music as I write. Thanks so much for reading our books, too. We appreciate it! LOL on living to be at least 100 and all the time to play. Lord willing!! ; )
PS. So sorry! Just realized I typed your name wrong Tamera, & could not correct it. And one more thing, I am a southern girl & really love those plantation settings!
No problem, friend! Happens all the time. I just encourage people to think of Tamera as in “camera.” It’s pronounced the same way, too. ; )
Reading that you shelved Love Comes Softly gave me a chuckle because I did the same thing with the first Christian fiction book I was given. It was one my grandmother gave me, the first in
Lois Walfrid Johnson’s Adventures of the Northwoods series books. It was even signed, but it sat on my shelf for years. When I finally read it, I loved it and felt so silly for not reading it sooner. I proceeded to collect the entire series. 🙂
Love that, Monica! We were “snobby sister readers” at heart. : ) Emphasis on *were.* Thanks for sharing!