Ten years ago tomorrow (October 17, 2011), Tamera Alexander and I launched a new group author blog with eight other writers. We called it Writes of Passage and it was hosted on Blogger. Over two years later, it became obvious the blog would be better served if it had its own website. I no longer remember if the website name (writesofpassage) was already in use or if we simply wanted a new name that better identified who we are. Whatever the reason for the change of name, in March 2014 we became Inspired by Life and Fiction and debuted in this location.
The roster has changed very little through the years. When we started the blog, we had ten authors, each blogging twice a month, Monday through Friday. In 2019, I decided to become a “bonus day” blogger, which increased our roster to eleven.
Thanks so much to Tamera, Cara, Deborah, Becky, Julie, Lynn, Jody, Karen, Dani, and D’Ann for creating a wonderful place for readers to meet with us.
And thanks to all of you, our readers, for your participation. When you comment, when you join in, you make the experience even better. We appreciate you.
Happy Anniversary, and here’s to the next ten years!
Robin Lee Hatcher
Latest posts by Robin Lee Hatcher (see all)
- Robin’s Favorites - March 23, 2025
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- I love my writing life - March 7, 2025
I remember us talking on the phone that day so well, Robin, chatting about changing the name of the blog and just giving things a fresh look and feel. I’m so grateful (we all are) for how you manage things on the technical side for us too.
And to all the friends we’ve made along the way… THANK YOU for sharing your hearts and lives with us. You’re such a blessing!
Tamera, I can even remember where I was sitting in my living room as we batted around ideas. Surprising, now, to think it was that many years ago.
Thank all of you for what you do and for bring so much pleasure to us readers!
May the future be bright and inspiring to you all which will do the same for all of us.
Thanks, Kay!
I love this blog. Thanks to all of you authors for the amazing books you write every year. I am always so excited when a new book comes out. And I thank you. Now on to 10 more years!
Blessings Joy
Thanks so much, Joy.
I love this group and the blog posts!! Thank you so much, authors, for sharing your worlds with us. God bless you all!
Thanks, Kathy!
Hi Robin. Happy Anniversary to all of you! I am thankful for “Inspired by Life and Fiction.”
Thanks, Traci.
So honored and blessed to be part of the crew, Robin!Congrats to 10 years!
Dani, we are so glad you joined us!
Thank you ladies for starting this blog. I was brought to it as a fan of Julie Klassen and read it everyday. I have discovered new authors that I love and enjoy. You inspire and produce wonderful fiction. Blessings on you and may you continue for many years.
Happy anniversary!
Thanks so much, Betty. We’re delighted Julie introduced the blog to you.
Congratulations, Ladies!! 🙂
And thanks to that original Writes of Passage blog, I’ve made lifelong friends that have been such a blessing in my life, and those friendships continue to this day.
Thank you for being so faithful in posting – – even when I don’t leave a comment, I’m reading and being inspired by you all. 🙂
Hugs, Patti Jo
Patti Jo, it is always a delight to “see” you. When I see your name, I always see us in our gala dresses before the RITA Awards ceremony, having our photo taken. I forget which year but it’s been quite a few now. Thanks for being a regular visitor here.
Happy Anniversary! Thank you (all of you) for sharing your inspiration and insights through your writing. Blessings!
A grateful reader
Thanks, Theresa, for being one of our readers.
Oh, wow! 10 years. Happy anniversary, Inspired by Life and Fiction family! I’m thankful that you invited me to join your circle.
Becky, we’re so glad you are one of us. What amazed me, looking back, is that all but two of us have been with us since our name change. That’s a lot of years and a lot of posts.
The original blog was all historical authors but I was so honored when you invited me to substitute post. (I wrote a humorous piece on why I will NEVER write another historical.) I was so thrilled when the parameters changed and I was invited to come on the blog as a bona fide poster. It’s an absolute joy to be part of this lovely, encouraging community. Thank you for letting me hang out with you guys!
Deb, I’d forgotten that you did an “I’ll never write another historical” post, but I’m so glad you became one of the regulars here.
Thanks for telling us the history, Robin! You do such an amazing job coordinating things and keeping us on track. I feel so blessed to be part of this amazing group of authors!
I’m glad you’ve become a part of this tribe of writers, D’Ann.
Thank you for that history.
I was certainly not around when you began but do look forward to reading this everyday.
No matter when you joined us, Jen, we’re delighted you’re with us now.
Happy anniversary!! And thank you all for sharing your writing insights and travel adventures and family sagas and everyday lives with us! I’m always happy to see your link in my inbox each morning. I’ve discovered so many wonderful books here, as well. Hope each of you has a fun celebration to mark the occasion!
Thanks much, Sarah. It’s great to know that you look forward to those links in your inbox.
I still remember the day I received the invitation to join. We were still Writes of Passage back then, but the switch came soon after. I was thrilled and so incredibly honored. This has become an online home for me. Surrounded by fellow writers who are also friends and so many precious readers who enrich my life with their engagement and support. Here’s hoping for another 10 years!
Delighted you are part of this “tribe,” Karen.
Congratulations on Ten Years!
I think I have been reading here for most, if not all, of those years. I do know I have enjoyed many enlightening and encouraging writings here and discovered the works of some excellent authors. Thanks to all of you for sharing your imaginations and talents with us.
A special thank you to Tamera Alexander. I have been following her writing journey since her first book was published so I know she is responsible for leading me here.
Wishing all of you much success for the future!
Glad you’ve been a part of the journey for so many years, Ruby. Thanks much.