Today’s post is a follow-up to one from last month called A Tale of Two Kitties. You can read it here. In it, I wrote about our newly adopted cat, Socks, and our beloved cat of several years, Mojo. They were fighting constantly—Socks tackling and biting, Mojo hissing and hiding, and we had precious little peace in our house for over three months. I confess I was coming close to giving up and looking for a new home for Socks. I knew my husband and son would be sad, but they too had come to the same conclusion.
But after that post, I was so encouraged by several of you who commented with similar experiences that were, in the end, happily resolved. So, I decided to keep trying. I spent a lot of time each day refereeing, breaking up fights, rewarding good behavior, maintaining separate food dishes, litter boxes, and sleeping places, not leaving them alone together, etc. I grew weary, and doubted anything would work. I felt a little silly, but I prayed and asked God to help our two cats get along. I reminded Him (as if He needed reminding! 😉 ) of the verse about not even a sparrow falling to the ground without our Father knowing about it. And I figured He might know (and care) about our cats as well.
I am delighted to report that we have experienced a cat-sized miracle. Seriously. Even though I am supposed to be imaginative as a writer, I really could not imagine it happening—not with one cat so aggressive and the other so afraid. I am happy to be wrong. Mojo is still a little tired, but the two are living in relative peace. They are napping together, playing together, and sharing food dishes without fighting. Socks now grooms Mojo enthusiastically, and Mojo tolerates it. 🙂 Yes, there is still some wrestling now and then, but Mojo gives as good as he gets and the bouts remain primarily playful. Peace has returned to the Klassen household at last. I am so thankful.
I know people who are not cat lovers or at least pet lovers may scoff at this. But God knows how much strife adopting this cat brought into our house and how badly I wanted it to work out, especially for my husband’s and son’s sake. So yes, I do believe God cared about even this.
It brought to mind the song, “His Eye is on The Sparrow,” so I looked up its history. In 1905, Civilla Martin, a Canadian, went to visit a friend in New York who had been bedridden for 20 years. Her husband had an incurable condition and was also in a wheelchair. Mrs. Martin said about them, “Despite their afflictions they lived happy Christian lives, bringing inspiration and comfort to all who knew them.” When asked their secret, the woman’s reply was simple, ‘His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me’ which inspired Mrs. Martin to write the beloved song. Here is one verse of it to jog your memory:
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise, when songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies, I draw the closer to Him; from care He sets me free; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me…”
God is good. And you guys aren’t too shabby either. 🙂 So thanks again for your encouragement. You played a part in this happy ending, too!
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Oh, I love this happy ending, Julie! I’m so glad peace reigns!
Me, too! Thanks, Deb!
So happy for a happy ending, Julie. “Behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together as one.” We could learn from your cats.
I agree. Thanks, Lynn.
God is so-o-o good! I enjoyed this story so very much.
Thanks, Phyllis.
I love a happy ending! I’m a firm believer that no concern is too small to take to our Father. He cares about us, so he cares about the things that affect us. Sometimes he shakes his head and tells us to stop worrying and trust him, but many times he intervenes. I am always amazed and grateful for the answer to seemingly small prayers. If nothing else, they remind me that he cares and that he is listening. Great post, Julie!
Good points, Karen. Thank you.
I’m so glad that things worked out for you guys. To keep both the cats. After 10 years my cats still fight occasionally. Hobo can be mean at times and California is certainly no Angel either. For the most part they get along. But it’s two litter boxes and two bowls for sure. They do understand what good means and what bad means too.
Cali not California. Spell check you understand.
Hi Shirley. Glad you understand with your 2 cats, too.
I could make a very long story out of this – but, I will only say that your words today were so very timely for me this morning. I will keep these words where I can see them and with God’s help, my beautiful little puppy will stay in this household of two dogs (one very energetic Jack Russell Terrier my husband acquired after I got my little Banjo who is Shih Tzu). I can do this!!! Thank you for your inspiration – you truly have no idea how much I felt these words were directed especially for me, today (although I know many others feel the same.) Thank you ever so much!
Oh, Vicki, I am so glad to hear my humble words were timely and helpful. That’s faith-affirming, too. Praying for endurance for you, sister!
Glad things worked out for you. I had to learn the hard way about adding can so I can sympathize with you. Still keep the separate litter boxes though. It will keep both happy. I have been told you need a litter box for each can and one extra. I now only have one cat and two litter boxes. She has her favorite but every once in a while she uses the other. This is especially true when I am gone for a long time during the day or overnight.
Thanks, Connie. Yes, good to keep spares. Appreciate your comment.
I love this song! I’m so glad to hear that your kitties have figured out how to get along with each other.
Thanks, Debora. I know! I’ve had the song running through my head for days now, and that’s not all bad. 🙂
I enjoyed this story about your cats.My son has 3 cats 2 of them have their issues with each other.I agree with you that God does care about everything in our lives.Do you think we will see our pets in heaven someday ?I kinda think so but would like your input on that.
Yes, it was a good reminder to take all our concerns to God, Diana. I am no expert on heaven, though I hope there will be animals there. What do you think?
We have a similar happy story in our family though our strife did not last as long. The good thing is that bringing the newcomer, Ginger, into our Molly’s life has made Molly a sweeter, more patient cat. Our hands are almost teeth-mark free these days.
Oh, good, Wendy. I’ve been wondering how your cats are getting along. Glad the two are getting along and that Molly is more gentle with you now.