It’s my pleasure to welcome author Catherine West back to Inspired by Life and Fiction! I’m endlessly fascinated by the inspiration God uses to guide each author to the story He has for her to tell. Today, Catherine’s going to share with us how He inspired her new release. Stay tuned at the end of this post for a giveaway of chocolate, tea, and a book (a winning combination)! -Becky
One thing I’m often asked as an author, is “Where do you get your ideas from?” And the answer varies, because it’s different with each book. It’s also a scary thing, staring at that blank page, wondering how you’re going to fill it. And what if you can’t? I’m pretty sure God laughs every time we start a new story together, because I’m always convinced the ideas won’t come. But they do. And more often than not, for me at least, the setting always comes first. Don’t ask me why this is, I have no idea! But that’s usually how it works, and then I start to think about characters, who they might be and how they would be interacting in that place.
For my latest book, The Memory of You, set in California wine country, the idea sparked while my husband and I were on an anniversary trip in Sonoma.
California is a diverse state with so much to see. The rolling hills, rows and rows of vineyards, beautiful gardens and majestic trees, there was literally beauty around every corner. I fell in love with the area immediately, and it didn’t take long for ideas to spark as we drove around visiting wineries and getting a feel for what life was like there.
Because I write women’s fiction, mainly family drama, I loved the idea that so many wineries were family-owned. I began thinking of all sorts of scenarios that might make a good story set on a vineyard in Sonoma. Once we returned home from that trip, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. But I was working on other projects so it took me quite some time to figure out all the details, but eventually I began the book that would end up becoming The Memory of You, and my excitement grew as Natalie and Tanner’s story began to unfold.
As I wrote and re-searched, I was drawn back to that wonderful California trip, which I think made writing this book even more special.
Of course a good story doesn’t happen overnight! There were many re-writes, and the original plot changed a few times, but I never wavered from the setting. And with each new draft, the more excited I grew, because I could see that original tiny spark growing into a flame, and I hoped one day it would become a real book.
With the help of my amazing agent, writer friends who helped get me through tough re-writes with encouragement and humor, we finally did sell that story! And then of course there were more re-writes. But it is so satisfying when you reach the end, look back at the beginning, and see how God brought it all together. I think authors doubt themselves a lot, I know I do, and it’s easy to become frustrated when you get stuck or your wonderful ideas get rejected. For me, the key is to remember that God is in control of this entire process. He’s the One who gifted me with the ability to write, and I need to trust Him every step of the way for each new book. This isn’t always easy, especially on those hard days when deadlines are around the corner and you’re not quite sure the changes you’ve made are good enough. And with each new book, I’m learning to lean into God a little more, and He’s helping me learn to trust myself. It is an exciting and sometimes terrifying journey, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Catherine West is an award-winning author who writes stories of hope and healing from her island home in Bermuda. Her first novel, Yesterday’s Tomorrow, released in 2011 and won the INSPY for Romance, a Silver Medal in the Reader’s Favorite Awards, and was a finalist in the Grace Awards. Catherine’s second novel, Hidden in the Heart, released in September 2012, was long listed in the 2012 INSPY’s and was a finalist in the 2013 Grace Awards.
When she’s not at the computer working on her next story, you can find her taking her Border Collie for long walks or tending to her roses and orchids. She and her husband have two grown children. Catherine is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America, and is represented by Rachelle Gardner of Books & Such Literary. Catherine loves to connect with her readers and can be reached at
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The below giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to the winner, Cheryn Cutting!! I’ll be mailing you the below giveaway prize pack shortly. -Becky
Have you found yourself in situations where you had no choice but to trust God? How did He come through for you?
Becky Wade
Latest posts by Becky Wade (see all)
- California Dreamin’ (and a sale!) - March 28, 2025
- We’re Baking up a Book Tour - February 28, 2025
- Becky’s Favorites - February 16, 2025
Happy Easter, Becky, Catherine, and everyone! Best Wishes for all releases!
In November, 2009, I lost my job in the middle of the Global Recession. After many years of financial struggles and losing my mother (my last living close relative), I was on my own in my small, economically-depressed home town, and the outlook for the future was grim. I had to stop watching the news because I was seeing people like me who had lost their jobs and their health insurance and were facing a very uncertain future. Some of them were living in their cars in parking lots and moving from one lot to another. I was scared to death and so heartsick. I prayed to God that I would not lose my home and my health, and that some type of job would come from somewhere, anywhere. Most importantly, I prayed that I would not lose myself as a person and that my mind would not go to waste and be lost. I was 51 years old, and my situation gave new meaning to “mid-life crisis”. In His infinite wisdom, God steered my in a direction which had always been available, but now took on new meaning and value. Reading, writing, and writing about reading. My lifelong love of books became my lifeline. I read more, wrote reviews, expanded my social media contacts and created my own blog. I shared my personal family stories and wrote posts about food and cooking and shared family recipes and more. A year and a half after losing my job, I went back to work at the same facility for a new employer. Life is still very much a struggle, but I have my “book world”, which is most certainly a gift from God. I also have my wonderful pets and very dear friends here and there who are like family. Every day, I thank God for my answered prayer, and I continue to promote reading and books at every opportunity. A mind IS a terrible thing to waste.
Hi Virginia! What a story, thank you for sharing with us! There is much comfort to be found in books, isn’t there? Praying things continue to improve for you!
Happy Easter!
I am in a situation right now where God is who I trust. Had back surgery and am having a difficult time recuping. Many sleepless nights and much pain. But I know God will bring me through this. I am an avid reader and would love to read your book. I’ve read others by you and loved them!
Jackie, that’s no fun! Back pain can be awful! Praying for swift healing.
Happy Easter to you!
I love how your writing is a collaborative project with God. I cannot wait to read this book!
Yes, it’s something I’ve learned the past few years. And it makes the whole process a lot easier when you sit back and realize that you get to do this with God. 🙂 He’s the Master Storyteller anyway!
Thank you to Catherine for your honesty about the writing process. It’s true that there’s a lot of second-guessing of yourself before anyone reads a word of what you’ve written! I’m looking forward to reading more of what Catherine writes, for sure!
Hi Brenda! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy The Memory of You!
Happy Easter!
Sounds like a great story
I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you for opportunity to win.
It seems I am always in a situation where I have to trust God. A way of life for me. It is not easy to surrender a lot of the time😖.
I know! So often we like to do things on our own, right? But looking back it’s easy to see how God worked things out. Surrender isn’t easy but it’s the best way!
When my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, our only choice was to trust God for each day. He is faithful! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Parkinson’s is no fun. 🙁 My stepmom has it too.
Glad you are trusting and seeing the fruits of that!
Many times I have found myself in a situation where trusting God is my only choice and He has never failed. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Me too! It’s amazing to look back on those times and see how God was at work isn’t it?
Before my grandpa died, I had never experienced the death of a close family member. I didn’t know what it was like to lose someone. His death left a hole in my heart I thought was unfixable. After months of grief, I came to a place where I said, “God, you’re in control. Help me.” The minute I trusted God with the future, my life got better. Not quite a year later, I am still pushing through and trusting God with the outcome. 😊❤
A great testimony, Megan! Thanks for sharing that. 🙂 Hugs.
Two years ago I became the temporary guardian for my then 14 month old granddaughter. I was more than happy that I could step up to the plate but suddenly, I was completely responsible and there were nights when I wondered if I could physically do it. I relied on God to give me physical strength and I prayed that this situation be settled in the best way, in His Way.
Connie, oh, bless you! I can relate, having seen my sister in a similar situation. God will get you through!
Yes, so many times I have had hard situations and I have put my trust in God.. He is always there for me and never lets me down.
Amen!! And Happy Easter to you!
My husband had a heart attack at 43 years old. I desperately depended on God’s strength to get me through that very difficult time. Through a friend, God gave me a verse from Psalms to cling to. That verse became a lifeline for me as I prayed it for my husband. During that time I trusted in, and experienced God, in a much deeper way than I ever had before.
Thank you Lord for walking so closely with me during that time. You are faithful.
It is always in those most difficult times that I find God speaks the loudest! Thanks for sharing that story, Pam!
I live each day trusting God in all that I do and go through – because he has promised he is beside me always. 🙂
Best way to live, Cheryl! 🙂
I’ve always wanted to visit California wine country, but haven’t made my way there yet. In the meantime, I’d love to see it through the eyes of the characters in your book. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!
I hope you get there, Susan, it’s amazing!
Our 27 year old son had a stroke, but the doctors didn’t decide what is was until later that day – even though one side of his face was drooping and he passed out for several hours before they could bring him around. The only thing we could do was pray and trust God for answers. It turned out that he was born with and 8 mm hole in his heart, but none of the other doctors ever found that. Two more of our sons were tested, and they also have holes in their hearts, but only 1 mm, and not bad enough to fix.
Wow, how scary!! I hope he’s doing okay now, Becky.
My husband was unemployed for 14 months a few years ago when our kids were younger and we were still homeschooling. I remember many days when I would just keep on doing what needed to be done and saying over and over “I trust you, Lord”. He has since gotten a job he loves more than his previous one and we even managed to pay off our house.
That’s awesome, Kate! So wonderful when God gives us a testimony out of hard times!
I would love to read your book
Thanks, Charlotte! I hope you get the opportunity!
Two years ago, my husband was almost killed at work. Our lives have undergone drastic changes since then, and I’ve had to trust God through every step of the process. I’m grateful for His blessings!
Karen, that must have been awful. But good in that it has given you a new perspective on living. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, trusting God through very painful situations is the only hope that He can make it better.
That’s right, Susanne, as hard as it can be!
Like most people, my family and I have had some really rough patches of living situations over the years. We can only trust God and his ways to helps us survive through it all. Sometimes he comes through for us and in other times he doesn’t. God only knows what is best for us and we will continue to praise him no matter what life throws us.
Stephanie, I have learned that even when the answer is no, it doesn’t mean God isn’t working. It means He has a better plan. The hard part is to wait and trust. Thanks for sharing and keep trusting Him!
God bless you both .Happy Easter.
Happy Easter, Diana!
In both big and small events, I’m learning to trust God. He never ‘fails or forsakes’ although sometimes it feels like it. But His ways and thoughts are higher than mine and I must remind myself He knows best. I’m currently reading “The Things We Knew” and am thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks for the opportunity to win Mrs. West’s new book.
Amy, I’m so glad you’re enjoying The Things We Knew! Good thoughts. I’m always learning along this journey, and I think God especially wants to teach me how to fully trust and be patient – because I’m usually not!
God has seen my family through loss of job, cancers, death of family members, and more. Each time our faith grows to know we can trust him more.
It is wonderful to see how God uses even the most awful situations to do something good in our lives, growing our faith. Have a Happy Easter, Cele!
When my husband and I were newly married, we lived paycheck to paycheck (and rent took half of it!). One particularly difficult month we were down to $3.35 in our bank account and our car was on empty. But that $3.35 was just enough for one gallon of gas to get my husband to work so he could pick up his next paycheck!
This was before we made enough to qualify for a credit card or anything, so it was a very difficult time living on only $1000/month. But God always provided for us. Now whenever we’re facing rough patches, we always hold onto those memories. Tough times are wonderful for building faith!
Leah, it’s good to look back on the hard times isn’t it? To see God’s provision and realize that no matter what, He’s going to take care of us!
I’m so glad Catherine was reintroduced in the blog today. I have never read one of her books but now I can’t wait to read one. I’m especially excited about her latest…one of the main characters has my sons name…Tanner. It’s always fun to read a good Christian book with names of people you love. Thank you for sharing this with me today.
Brooke, how cool! I love the name Tanner!
It’s always exciting to read a book from an suthor that’s new to you!
Yes, I’m having that experience at the moment! Love finding new authors to enjoy!
My husband just finished doing an academic program for a career switch. He was sent to Boston this past fall for his clinical internship which is about 1,500 miles from home and a 17 hour car ride. So coming home every weekend was impossible. I work full time out of necessity and we have three kids ages 6, 4, and 2. I had no idea how I could do it all but God seemed to close every other “escape” door. True to His Word, He walked me through each day and I survived…learning a valuable lesson about joy in any circumstance in the meantime. He came back permanently this past March and I’m still thanking God that he’s back!
Oh, that must have been hard! I always wonder how military families survive being apart so long. Glad he’s home now!
I am really looking forward to reading this book because we lived in Sonoma county for almost 20 and our daughter grew up there. I just hope it doesn’t make me too homesick. 😊
Oh, Jan, lucky you!! It is simply beautiful there!! I can’t wait to go back for another visit!
Over the years Gid had met our needs whether physical or financial many many times. Each time it delays the deal! He is my God and I will trust Him.
Thx, ladies. Looking forward to reading the new book!
Thanks for sharing, Anne! Hope you enjoy it!!
About 5 years ago, I experienced some very intense postpartum depression after the birth of our 5th child. It was very scary the way that I felt and the thoughts that I had. I had to turn to God and depend on Him to bring me through it in a way that I never had before. He gave me Isaiah 25:1 that said, “O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For you have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.” It reminded me that He is faithful and that nothing catches Him off guard even when it does me. I clung to Him and to that verse as I waited for Him to bring me through to the other side.
Julie, so glad God brought you through that. It can be a scary thing!
Last year we needed to get a loan for our daughter to be able to attend college. She had received a scholarship, but we still had to come up with a good amount. God came through in His time .
That’s awesome, Cheryn! I hate that college is sooo expensive! 🙁
Between my parents and my husband s and my health problems I have had to depend on God for strength and guidance. I was afraid hubby would die when I was away from the house. I was with him when he had a heart attack. CPR didn’t help. I trust God for the future.
Yes, we have our hope in Him even in our darkest hour. Hugs to you, Jan.
California Wine Country is a great setting!
I was so excited to write a book set there. It truly is lovely! I hope you get the chance to read The Memory of You, Suzy!
Trusting God is so important and hard! The times when I think nothing else can go wrong and I’m overwhelmed and then we come out of that season ok shows that God doesn’t give me more than I can handle. I trust that he won’t.
It’s always when things are at their worst that I’m reminded of all He has brought me through, and that gives me the hope and confidence to keep going. Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!
About 5-6 years ago, I lost my twin sisters, my father, and my mother within the space of 18 months. It was a very hard time for our family. We really had to trust in God and in our faith that we will see them again when it’s our turn to go. Families are Forever!
Winnie, how awful and sad for you. 🙁 I trust God has brought you happy memories and dear friends who feel like family to get you through. Hugs!
When my mother was thrust into dementia after a long hip surgery, God was and has been with us every step of the way.
Dementia is awful. My MIL has it. 🙁 Hang in there!
This would be a great prize to win. God bless the winner.
Hey! Three of my favorite things! Tea, books, and chocolate!
Right? 🙂
Seems like my whole life has been a time when I needed to trust God. He always comes through. I can do nothing without His help.
Exactly! A good reminder on this Easter weekend!
Cathy, you are such an encouragement. I’m so stuck right now, trying to figure out where I’m headed for a next project. I get that feeling that I’ll never know for sure … I can so relate. It’s such a relief to know I’m not the only one … and yet, you triumph through. I hope I do, too. <3
Thanks, Shelli! I’m sure God will help you figure it out! Hang in there with Him!
Yes, when I got divorced from emotionally abusive, lying husband who had a double life and many affairs. Then he lost his job so no alimony. i have neurologic chronic lyme which has left me disabled, unable to work or drive….i had no hope. God has provided for me in amazing ways….when i got down to $37 dollars in my checking account, i never missed a bill. Lyme still breaks me but i’m blessed to have a wonderful doctor, my sister and dear family.
Mary, you have been through so much! Thanks for sharing! Trusting God will continue to sustain you.
I’ve been through many difficulties where I could only trust in God. One of these was an unwanted divorce. I was devastated. A few months after our separation, I was trying to get settled in the house where my children and I now lived. I unpacked a box and found a small bowl filled with dried roses. I had kept them because my husband had given them to me. Since there wasn’t much need to keep them anymore, I took them outside, crushed them, and let them scatter in the wind while tears streamed down my face. It felt like all my hopes and dreams were scattering with them. In the bottom of the bowl I found a small rock. Why it was there, I had no idea. But I heard God tell me, “I am your rock. I will never leave you.” I had known that truth before, but hadn’t experienced it as deeply as I did then. In the almost eleven years since, He as been true to His word.
Thanks for the giveaway. Catherine’s book sounds great, as do the chocolate and tea.
Beautiful testimony, Pam! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
I had to trust God after I came out of an induced coma 12 years ago after a cardiac arrest. I came home after 3 months in the hospital with a walker and full time oxygen.Through this I learned to totally depend on Jesus and to listen to His voice.18 months after my cardiac arrest I had a valve replaced and was able to come off the oxygen. Today you can’t tell that I went through all this.
Wow, Una! Praise God for your complete healing!!
In 65 years, The Lord has never failed me and has always been faithful to direct, instruct, forgive, and give wisdom.
Amen, Connie!
I’m from California so it is awesome to discover books based in CA cities. In fact my novels are also based in my home town in Californi but I was reluctant to use specifics while writomg. I am curious, so many authors are kind of developing their own little frictional towns: for you, did you enjoy the process of using a real contemporary town? Thanks for sharing this with everyone
Hi Sara,
Yes, I decided to use Sonoma specifically because I had been there and knew how beautiful it was!
We should be trusting Him daily, but it seems when times are “good” we rely more on ourself. Thank goodness He is merciful and loving and is patient as we learn.
I’m looking forward to reading the book!
True, Holly! We need to learn to trust in ALL things, good and bad!
Bermuda? Wow! That sounds like a story right there! Thanks for sharing your process, including the self-doubt. That hit a chord with me, and the reminder that God is in control is exactly the reminder/encouragement I needed today. Blessings!
When it was time for my husband and I to sell our home of 33 years we leaned on God for help. The first person to look at the house made an offer which we counter offered and we had a contract. Then came 6 weeks of waiting and inspection. Finally the closing date. This required faith in God and believe me we had little choice of turning to anyone else.
We had our eyes on a senior citizens community we wanted to live in. But nothing was available to us. Things did not look good at all. Time was running out. Our realtor was anxious and wanting us to look at other options. With little choice we agreed to go through another house. On the eve before our visit to the house we were to see, we got a phone call from the manager of the senior citizens community informing us that we had an apartment available. So instead of going to see a house which we didn’t want, we were signing a lease to a wonderful town house which we did want. My point is that when the time was right God did come through for us. From the quick sale of our home to getting a apartment at the last moment, God was sovereign and in charge. He didn’t let us down and He won’t let you down either if you trust in Him completely.
I have found myself in situations where I have had to let go and let God. I had a wonderful job that I had to leave and it was bittersweet. It took a long time to get over that grief. Not only the work, but the friends I left behind that I saw and interacted with on a regular basis. God was and in control. It is finally behind me and that is through God’s grace. He was in charge and had I let go and let Him take charge it may have been sooner. I did learn a lot along the way and that, perhaps was meant to be.
My husband broke his neck 7 years ago. The doctor said, “by all rights, you should be dead or paralyzed”.
The staff on the 4th floor of the hospital were calling him, “the Miracle Man”.
God came through in ways that we did not expect.
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.
Cathy, I appreciate that you handle tough issues with grace and compassion! I’m excited to read TMOY!
Have a blessed Resurrection Weekend!
There are so many times in my life when I’ve had to put my trust in God. He gets me through each day!
I know this may sound weird, but when we had to file for bankruptcy years ago, it was a blessing in disguise! It certainly wasn’t fun to go through, it was stressful & scary but all we COULD do was rely on God’s provision to get us through. Maybe that was the point of it all, we needed to be in a place of total dependence on Him. And maybe it was for a different reason all together, only He knows! Of course He got us through, and in a much better financial place then we’ve ever been.
I just know the lesson I learned was that He always is looking out for me & always provides what we need when we need it in ways we can’t see or understand! I have total, complete trust in Him 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win a fabulous prize pack, got some awesome looking things in there 🙂
I would love to be able to experience this title.
God always comes through–not always in the way we want but in the way that is best for us!
In July, 2014, my husband and I lost our beautiful home in Florida to foreclosure due to health issues that had struck both of us. We were distraught, and we really didn’t know what we were going to do when we first realized we were going to lose our home(about 4 months prior). Since our families were all living in Oklahoma and Nebraska, we decided we would go to Oklahoma for a year and regroup. Meanwhile, I was praying for God’s help and guidance. To make a long story short, we are back in our feet financially, we have health insurance, and we were just able to buy another home. God is good, all the time! Thank you for the chance!
Recently I had to put my trust in God for Healing when no one really knew what was wrong with me. He came through as always!!
I have been learning to trust in God and surrender my will, especially when my life doesn’t match the picture of what I had in my head. In weak moments, when I doubt my myself and my abilities, I am learning to trust in God. Knowing that He strengthens me in all my weaknesses and believing all thing are possible in Him. I’m trusting that God has a plan for my life and He has given me gifts to use to bring glory to his kingdom. Amen.
I have definitely been through so much where God has been my only hope. Three and a half years ago I was driving home from my freshmen year of college, and I got hit by a semi. It has been a journey all the amazing doctor’s I’ve had did not believe I would survive. Without God, I wouldn’t be here! God came through by allowing me to live- and be able to walk and see, both of which weren’t too likely for me. Thank you for this giveaway!