I’m so sick and tired of posts and articles and newscasts about you-know-what. I’m guessing you are too. But it is what life on this planet has become all about…for a while at least. And I really do want to know: how are you doing? I mean really? It’s overwhelming to think of all the needs out there, but my prayer for you today is that you have everything you need, that you know your loved ones are well and safe, and most of all, that you have God’s peace and hope in your hearts.
One of the things I’ve been doing, while we’re sheltered-in, is sorting through 50,000+ photos on my computer—something I’ve desperately needed to do to clean up my laptop’s memory. But it’s been a surprisingly comforting thing to do, and I’ve smiled so many times. And become so aware of the blessings God has given. Yes, this life will have trials. God has never made a secret of that. He’s even told us that trials and suffering are for our good—they build character and bring hope.
Another thing that I’ve had more time for is prayer. Even as I type these words, I’m praying for you who will read them. If there is something specific I can pray about for you, will you leave a message in the comments? And I will pray for you by name. If you’d rather not share the details, that’s okay. Just type, “Please pray for my need.” God knows…and cares. I know sometimes I tend to think of prayer as a small thing, a last resort with a well-it-can’t-hurt kind of attitude. But I know better! God has answered uncountable prayers throughout my life. And I would count it a privilege to pray for you.
. . . And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. . . . .8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
~Romans 5
Latest posts by Deborah Raney (see all)
- Who Stirs Up the Sea - January 13, 2025
- Inspired by Scripture - December 29, 2024
- Merry Christmas! - December 23, 2024
Tamera Alexander says
Love your post, Deb. SO many people to pray for and so many facets of prayer.
Foremost, my prayer is that we will all grow closer to God the Father through this. That all who don’t know Jesus will come to. And that the Holy Spirit will work in mighty ways to bring all this about and will strengthen the body of Christ to boldly share the unshakeable hope we have in Jesus.
We’re sheltering in place like you guys and are both working. Joe’s recording online lectures for his Belmont classes and I’m writing. It feels surreal at times, doesn’t it?
I’m praying for our country as a whole this morning and am so encouraged by what I see. People helping each other, sharing what they have, artists giving free concerts online, the heartwarming stories of humanity at its best.
I’m praying for our national leaders. For them to work together. To break the partisan shackles and WORK TOGETHER for the country they have the privilege of serving. After all, they’re “public servants,” right? I’m also using this time to read more of God’s Word and am asking God to deepen my thirst for His Word. Again, so much to pray about and so many ways to lift up Christ. Love you, friend!
Deborah Raney says
I’m encouraged too! At first it felt like, with everyone having to shelter-in, that there was so little we could really do, but opportunities are opening up, big and small. And EVERYONE can pray! I’ve never been so aware of what a privilege it is!
Lynn Austin says
Thank you for your words, Deb. I’m realizing all the things I took for granted, such as going to church or going out with friends or hugging my grandchildren. I hope I’ll treasure them more in the future. I will join you in praying for the lost and for strength for our doctors and nurses. Stay well!
Deborah Raney says
So true! This has really widened the gap between first-world problems and things that really matter. Thank you for joining in prayer. SO many needs and so many who are giving their all!
karen says
Another point of prayer – those in the supply chain, especially truck drivers like my son. Right now, the hours are extra-long, they’re in and out many different stores & warehouses, sanitizer is being rationed, and many truck stops where they’d shower/rest/clean up are closed. Yet they’re a vital part of helping others at this time.
Deborah Raney says
I’m praying for your son, Karen, and all the others like him who have become true heroes in this challenging time! Even though the shelves of stores are a bit sparser than usual, we have everything we need and more, thanks to their efforts! Continued prayers for them and all those who are working overtime under difficult circumstances!
Mary says
My friend “Jane Doe” has the virus and she has a compromised immune system. I am very worried for her and we live on opposite ends of the USA. I don’t want anyone to know her real name because some people are not kind. Thank you.
Deborah Raney says
I’m praying for your friend, Mary. Especially praying that she will find kindness and comfort wherever she turns and that God will restore her to health quickly and completely. I also pray that you’ll continue to be able to stay in touch with her, even though you are far from each other. Thank you for bringing her to our attention.
Mary Massey says
Thank you so very much Deborah! I can’t tell you what it means to me.
Carla says
Thank you for your encouraging post. I continue to work from the office of our elementary school where no students are currently attending and no teachers are coming in to teach. We are, however, providing free breakfast and lunch for those students who wish to have it so there is some paperwork involved (always lol). I spent the first day last week along with all custodial staff, administrative staff and kitchen staff deep cleaning every area of the school district, and by deep cleaning I mean deep cleaning! So once students are able to return (not sure if that will happen) then the school will be completely clean and disinfected for them. Teachers will be coming in at staggered times today to discuss continuing teaching options for their students. This is a crazy time we are living in for sure. I would like to have prayer for my Mother, who until the past 2 years has been a very active lady. She always was doing things around the house, helping with things that needed to be done for our family (I am the middle daughter) and for her grandchildren. She cooked, cleaned, baked, did gardening, made curtains and helped remodel a little house for our oldest daughter. She has had increasing pain in her hip and leg and decreased ability to walk and be mobile. After an xray recently, it was discovered that the cartilage is gone in her hip and it is bone on bone causing her extreme pain. She has difficulty sleeping and her ability to walk has gotten very limited. She is also discouraged much of the time due to the pain and lack of healing. She has always been a woman of great faith and wants to trust in the Lord for healing rather than having surgery to repair the hip, but so far healing hasn’t been manifested. I want her to be able to be mobile and healthy and happy. I ask the Lord for His will be done, but I’d really love for her to be completely healed by Him rather than her having to get surgery if that is her wish. She also does not have any type of health insurance because her and my Dad have always lived by faith and have not had the need for medical insurance.
Deborah Raney says
I’m praying for your mom, Carla. I’m so sorry that she’s struggling right now…everything seems a bit worse when it comes on top of this world crisis! I pray for healing, for strength, for comfort, and especially that your mom will feel encouraged and hopeful as she waits for an answer and for healing. Thank you for the work you’re continuing to do. We have lots of teachers in our family and some of our kids are involved in the meal programs and delivery. Praying for safety and provision as you continue in your job.
Betty Strohecker says
Carla, I had successful hip replacement surgery at the end of October. Years of walking on concrete floors during my teaching career, as well as poor bones that run in my family, put me in the same situation as your mother. I have no pain now, and I feel God was definitely instrumental in my healing. I will pray for your mother. I don’t know her age, but medicare covers most of this surgery, and most doctors/hospirals can arrange for payments.
Deborah Raney says
Oh, how encouraging, Betty! Thank you so much for sharing that!
Millie says
I live in California as you know we are supposed to stay in our houses. I watch Jimmy Swaggart SonLife broadcasting. It keeps we close to God. Please send up a prayer for my sister her husband was in a car accident yesterday and didn’t survive. Praise God
Deborah Raney says
Oh, Millie. I am so sorry about your brother-in-law! Praying for you sister that she will feel God’s loving arms around her through this awful time. I pray that you’ll be able to encourage your sister and that your whole family will know God’s joy and comfort and grace in the midst of tragedy.
Angie Quantrell says
Thank you for your prayers! When you have sorted your photos, I’ll let you have a go at mine. 🙂 I’ve been home, but working. Praise God for His surprising open doors. Stay healthy and safe. Blessings!
Deborah Raney says
Haha! I doubt I’ll be done by the time I die (even if I live to be 100!) So glad you are able to work at home. That is a special blessing right now and I’m grateful for it too! God bless you!
Betty Strohecker says
Thank you for this post and your prayers. This blog is always uplifting to me and one of the first things I read each morning. I also love the Sunday scripure that you share each each week.
So far my family is well. Most of us are in Virginia, and we are taking precautions. My daughter, son-in-law, and grandson are in southern California, and are staying in. She is HR director for a public healthcare company with several facilities, working from home, but there are many challenges because it is the healthcare business.
Thank you for praying for us, and I will pray for all of you. So glad you are not on the road.
Deborah Raney says
So glad to hear your family is well, Betty. There is such comfort in that. Our kids are all doing well and most of them able to work from home. It’s great your daughter is able to work from home during this time, but with such an important job during this time, I’m sure its a challenge! Praying for strength and stamina for her! Thank you for your prayers. (And I agree: I’m so grateful we weren’t on the road when this all happened. Campgrounds are closing down left and right and we would have been heading right back home. Thankful we have a cozy home to hunker down in for the duration. Stay well and God bless you and yours.
Rebecca A Reed says
Thank you for reminding us how important prayer really is. We have a friend who lives with us and struggles with alcohol. We have been asking him to church for years, but he always finds an excuse. We had church on our couch yesterday and he listened to the praise and the message. What a blessing that was! I have also had more time to pray and read the Bible. I even feel like cooking and cleaning, and I have time to write. I pray for those who feel isolated, those without technology, that they will feel God’s presence and not become depressed.
Deborah Raney says
Thank you for this reminder that there are some great silver linings in this cloud that is over the world right now! I’ve heard so many great things about the temporary online, at-home church people are having. Some who just couldn’t get up the courage to go to church have attended online! Such a blessing in disguise! And yes, more time for all of us to do some things we’ve needed to do and things we’ve wanted to do but didn’t feel we had the time. I agree with you in prayer for those who are alone and feel isolated. I pray that they will feel God’s presence like never before! Thanks, Rebecca!
Lynne Hess says
Thanks, Deborah, for a great column and lots of prayers. Like you I’m so tired of the repetitive news and over-hype that I’m watching lots less tv and enjoying reading, time outside (because we’ve had good weather in Eastern Washington) and long walks and talks with God. We will all get through this and those prayers will be the key! You take care as well!
Deborah Raney says
If this pandemic has the result of making us all turn deeper into God, of giving too-busy families time together, of giving us time to reflect on our lives, pray for one another, and remember what’s truly important, then it will have been just one more demonstration of how God redeems even the hardest things in our lives. You are so right that prayer—our connection to the God of the universe—will be the key! Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Lynne Hess says
Beautifully said…and you’re more than welcome. 🙂