Writing my latest release, One Wrong Move was so much fun, yet it wasn’t easy. I have Lupus, and while it’s under treatment and doing well in a lot of areas for which I’m very thankful, chronic pain comes with it. And motor skills are not what they should be. I have trouble with my hands in particular. Both of which make writing interesting.
Long hours of sitting and either typing or writing by hand often flare my pain.
I was diagnosed six years ago and have written a handful of books in that time span. Writing isn’t always easy, physically, but I keep pushing through.
Why? Because instead of seeing writing as a job, I view it as a tremendous blessing.
I’ve come to realize perception is half the battle. If I focus on the Lupus and the pain, it’s difficult, and I get in a funk. However, if I shift my focus and realize God’s got me every step of the way and in so many areas that could be affected by Lupus and aren’t, I’m utterly grateful. Trust me, I’m not always great at keeping my focus or my gratitude where it needs to be. Sometimes, I’m downright awful about it. There are those days of frustration and whining on my part. Just being fully transparent. But thankfully, they are few and far between.
I’m thankful for my supportive family and for my amazing editor, who has been so kind at the slower writing pace that I’ve been on and who cares about my health. I truly have the best publisher, and it’s a joy and an honor to work with them. But there’s one more group of people who keep me going, and that’s YOU—my readers.
I don’t know if you realize what a blessing you are. Your thoughtful emails are such a blessing. The encouragement keeps me going. Taking the time to read and review my books is so generous and means so much. And interacting with you on social media during the week reminds me why I write. I write to glorify the Lord but also because I want to share stories with you.
Most of all, I’m thankful for a loving Lord whose mercy is new every morning. I know He will equip me for what He’s created me to do; even on the hard days, He’s there.
He’s also placed a deep love for storytelling in my heart. He’s fostered it in me from a young age. It started with Agatha Christie, Nancy Drew, and Scooby-Doo. When I was very sick when I first got diagnosed with Lupus, I wasn’t sure if I could or should continue writing, but God pulled me out of the muck, and the mire set my feet on a rock and poured the love of story even deeper into my soul. He kindled a fire within me that has not diminished, and I’m so grateful.
Stories allow me to enter a different world, to get caught up in the characters and get sucked in, grabbing my attention and redirecting my focus off the Lupus symptoms and into the story world. It gives me purpose, and when I’m determined to direct my thoughts on that, it makes the pain fade into the background.
I know several fellow authors with chronic illnesses and chronic pain, and I admire them so for keeping at it and producing amazing stories. They’re an inspiration to me. Knowing they keep at it helps me to do the same. Some days, it’s with a heating pad or an ice pack. Some days, I’m on the couch with my laptop because it is the least painful option, but the blessing is that I know a story is waiting.
I hope this encourages you today, and if you have a chronic illness or chronic pain, my heart goes out to you. I hope my stories and the stories of my author friends brighten your day as they do ours. And thank you so much for your amazing support.
Reader Question:
What was the last book you read that pulled you right into the story world?
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You are an inspiration. I had to give up my career as corrective exercise specialist working with people with mobility issues after a series of concussions. The recovery time triggered the Rheumatoid Arthritis I’d managed through exercise. The past 9 years have been a challenge of juggling pain, inflammation and the exhaustion that hits like a Mac truck. And now I write. What joy. You, and other writers who persevere and refuse to give up even when hands don’t function, are a huge part of determination. God bless you for sharing your struggle and giving hope and confidence to others.
Hi Susan,
Oh now. I’m so sorry to hear that. I have a friend with RA and I know it’s such a battle for her. Will say a prayer for you, but lovely that you’re writing. That’s so great and I’m so glad it’s a joy for you. Thanks so much for your kind words and for sharing. I really appreciate it. Have a great day.
You are such an inspiration!
Awww. Thanks, friend. You are too sweet!
The Lord is doing great things through you, Dani. Through your stories, yes, but also through your relationships and even your testimony here today. I can attest to how He has blessed me, in particular, through my friendship with you. May He grant you relief from pain and fill your mind with dozens of new stories to tell. Love you, my friend!
Aww. Karen, you are so sweet. Thank you. I love our friendship. It’s such a blessing to me and thank you for your prayers. Love you too 🙂
Thanks for sharing your illness with us. It makes reading your books more meaningful knowing your struggles ‘behind the scenes’. It’s wonderful to see how God is sustaining you with His strength, and as readers we reap the rewards of getting to enjoy your great stories. I don’t have chronic pain/illness but am dealing with some health issues myself, and reading this was a huge encouragement in reminding me that “even on the hard days, He’s there.”
So glad it was encouraging to you. Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing. So sorry you have health issues too.
I know this isn’t a CF book but Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone pulled me right in. Even though it is about murder the author has made it a very humorous story. I’m absolutely loving it. I also loved reading One Wrong Move, the characters were wonderful and I can’t wait for the next book.
Aww. Thank you so much. Thrilled you enjoyed Christian and Andi’s story. And, I’ll have to check out that book. Sounds super intriguing.
I’m so thankful for your attitude, Dani. It’s an inspiration to me. Thank you for the reminder to recognize the things that are gifts in our life—even when those gifts sometimes cause difficulty or pain.
Thank you so much, Deb. That is so true. There are gifts even when they cause difficulty or pain.
Thank you for sharing part of your journey, Dani. I pray God will continue to bless you with the ability to write despite your disease and the chronic pain you endure. Your attitude encourages me to push through when I’m in pain as well. God bless you!
Thank you so much for your prayers. I deeply appreciate them. Thanks so much for stopping by today! I smiled when I saw your name.
Your latest release, One Wrong Move, and Becky Wade’s, Rocky Road, are the two (because I can’t possibly pick one) most recent stories that pulled me into the story world. Thank you for writing and inspiring me to write, too, no matter what’s going on in my life and body.
Oh, wow. I’m so thrilled you enjoyed my and Becky’s latest. We’re good friends so it’s so fun to see you listed ours together.
So sorry to hear about your health issues, but so thankful the Lord is helping you view them from this perspective. I haven’t read any of your books yet, but I am planning to remedy that soon! I have wanted to for a while & this post inspired me to put action toward my good intentions!
Awww. I hope you enjoy them when you get a chance to read them. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing part of your day by being here.
Thank you for pushing through the pain and writing. You are an inspiration to us that also deal with autoimmune diseases. I have von willebrand’s (a blood clotting disorder) and various other health issues. I just finished Shadows at dusk by Elisabeth Goddard that was the book that made me forget about my health issues.
Oh my. That sounds so rough. Saying a prayer for you.
That’s wonderful you enjoyed Beth’s book so much. Love when they make us forget health issues. Such a gift.
Your stories are amazing, and you are definitely a blessing to others!
What a wonderful insight. You are such a blessing to all those who know you, whether it be in real life or through your words on the page.