I’m just finishing up a month of celebrating the release of Come Back to Me, my first time-crossing novel. And I have to say, one of my favorite parts about a book release is having a launch team.
Launch team, influencers, release crew. Whatever the name, the primary purpose of such a group is to help with an author’s marketing and publicity in exchange for a free book. Influencers are NOT the same as reviewers, although reviewing is certainly a big part of being on a launch team. Reviewers help readers sort through the pros and cons of a book while influencers help authors spread excitement about the book.
Recently, I received an email from a fellow author, Laurel, asking me how I approach my launch team. She said that my name came up as somebody who manages my launch teams well, and she wanted some ideas to implement for her own team.
Laurel asked some very practical questions. I’ll give my answers, but keep in mind that other authors might be doing something totally different and having a lot of success with their methods! In other words, there is no right way to go about a launch team.
1. What size is your launch team? Is bigger better?
I draw my launch team from my ongoing Facebook Group (Jody Hedlund’s Reader Room). I put a sign-up in my group about a month before the release of a book and ask for volunteers.
Previous launch team members as well as new people are welcome to join by filling out a form. It’s a first-come-first-serve opportunity, and I usually cap the team at about 75-100 members. I’ve found this size to be manageable and yet also provide great enthusiasm and plenty of reviews.
2. What format do you use for connecting with your group?
To communicate, I send out an initial email, letting members know of their acceptance onto the launch team. Closer to the book’s release, I send out another email with additional details about the group, ideas for promotion, deadlines, etc.
Once they begin to receive their free copies of the book, then most of the communication is done via my Reader Room. I love seeing influencers share their graphics, reviews, quotes, and other thoughts about the book within the facebook group as well as elsewhere.
The week before and after release, I also post graphics, giveaways, and links that influencers can share. By doing so in my Reader Room, that allows everyone in the facebook group to get in on the excitement and share things, even if they’re not on the launch team.
3. What do you hope your launch team will do to promote the book (aside from reviewing it)?
Before the book releases, I email my launch team (as mentioned above) a detailed list of ideas of all the various ways they can help promote the book, including taking pictures of themselves with the book, creating graphics, tweeting quotes, sharing reading updates on facebook, etc. Even though I always offer ideas, I also encourage readers to do what works best for them.
4. How long do you keep your launch team active?
I ask launch team members to complete their influencing within a month from release. I also ask them to record their influencer actions in a special document available to all the members of my launch team. This gives me a record of what they did and helps as I form future launch teams.
Usually the buzz begins to die down after about a month anyway, but readers still do pop in to the facebook group to share reviews and other thoughts about my books even well after the release.
During the stretches between book releases, I continue to post in my facebook group on a regular basis, interacting with readers, having giveaways, and doing other fun things to create community.
There you have it! A quick run-down of how I utilize a launch team! Let me just say, I’ve loved getting to know readers more personally through the launch teams. And I’ve been so blessed by their enthusiasm and help in spreading the book buzz!
What about YOU? Have you been a part of a launch team? What have you seen work well (or not so well)?
Jody Hedlund
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I agree Jody. I’m part of your team and you run it very well! It’s a joy to read your books and promote them! Blessings!
Thanks for the great tips! I love being on your team!
Great post, Jody! Really enjoyed reading it.