Ah, romance.
I discovered romance novels when I was in middle school. Does anyone else remember the slim, Sweet Valley High-type romances that were available in the ‘Juvenile Fiction’ section of the library way back when? I stumbled upon one such novel, couldn’t put it down, and in very unremarkable fashion (there were no fireworks, I didn’t make a grand announcement, a band was not involved) I found what was to become a life-long love of mine….
I’m a huge fan of all things romantic. Books, movies, husbands, TV shows, stories told to me by friends. When I began writing there was no question as to what genre of book I’d be attempting. I wanted to write, but only because I wanted to write romance.
In honor of the ‘I ♡ ROMANCE GIVEAWAY’ Deborah Raney and Beth Vogt and I are currently hosting — more on that later — I’ve been talking to readers all week long via my facebook page about romance.
On Monday, we shared our favorite romantic movie moments. Here’s my most memorable scene…
Readers and I also fondly remember: Pride and Prejudice (both the BBC version and the 2005 version), The Notebook, You’ve Got Mail, Jerry Maguire, Love Actually, Titanic, The Young Victoria, Emma (I like the Gwyneth Paltrow version best) and many more. For a wider sampling, check out my ‘Isn’t It Romantic’ Pinterest board.
The movie that received the largest response from my readers on Monday: Sixteen Candles. Those of us who went to high school in the late 80’s have retired our teased bangs, but we still have a crush on Jake Ryan, it seems.
On Tuesday, we discussed WHY we enjoy romance novels. What is it about them, exactly, that’s so wonderful?
Personally, I find them wonderful because love is one of the best things we’re capable of this side of heaven. There’s beauty and emotion to be found in loyalty, commitment, faithfulness.
On Wednesday, we discussed some of our most memorable romantic TV moments. Here’s mine:
Very honorable mentions came courtesy of Downton Abbey, Moonlighting, Castle, Chuck, Mad About You.
On Thursday, we shared our own real life romantic moments. Here’s my sweetie, caught in two of my most romance-inspiring situations: our annual vacation together and fathering our kids.
Readers were gracious to share their own real life stories with me. If you have a moment, read through them on my facebook page. They are SO heartwarming. This one brought tears to my eyes:
“One of the most romantic moments in my life took place in a doctor’s office. My husband and I had been married for almost fifteen years at the time, and I’d just been diagnosed with MS. When the neurologist left to get us even more information on top of the stack we’d already been given, all I could think about was how unfair this was to my husband. He’d married an athlete – a woman to be an equal partner throughout his life – and at the time all I could see was the toll this would take, physically, financially and emotionally. I felt so guilty. I sat in that cold, sterile room and did the only thing I knew to do – I apologized. I told him, “I’m so sorry. I know this isn’t what you signed up for.” He looked at me, his eyes serious, and kind of tilted his head. “Huh. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. Yup, it’s in there.” And then he smiled. It’s been 8 years since that day and he’s taken such good care of me and made me laugh when things got hard. I can’t think about it today without tearing up. He’s God’s gift to me and I know I don’t deserve him, but I’m grateful every day.” -Laura Van Nice
Today, I’m sharing romantic quotes! Here are three from the books involved in the giveaway…
I’m grateful for the chance to participate in a giveaway with Beth and Deborah! We’ve had fun planning, getting to know each other better, and celebrating romance!
If you’d like to enter the giveaway you can do so right here at Inspired by Life… and Fiction. Click on the graphic above or click here to get started.
What is your favorite romantic movie? Have you experienced a real life romantic moment that stands out in your memory?
Becky Wade
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Favourite romantic movie? Hmmmm…The Lake House is probably my favourite. Followed closely by North and South, Jane Eyre, and, don’t laugh, Daddy Long Legs. 🙂
I’d forgotten all about The Lake House, Kav! Good movie! Like you, I’m a fan on North and South. Richard Armitrage is FABULOUS in it.
Oh, The Lake House was a really good movie. Watched it again just recently!
Lovely post. Deborah led sessions at a seminar I attended at Ridgecrest.
I’m looking forward to meeting her in person next month at the American Christian Fiction Writer’s conference!
Me too, Becky! And great to see you here on Inspired by Life…and Fiction, Meredith!
Oh, Becky – that scene from the Last of the Mohicans is my favorite! I can’t tell you how many times that intensity has inspired my own historical romance stories. Sigh. Love it!
My movie choice is going to be a little strange – The Villiage. Yes, it’s kind of a spooky, weird twist of a movie. But there is something so powerful about the man who won’t touch the girl he loves because he’s afraid he won’t be able to stop the flood of his feelings if he releases them. Then when the creatures come, he sweeps in at the last minute and takes her hand to protect her – and then never lets go even when the danger passes. And when he lays mortally wounded, the blind woman he loves strikes out on her own through the woods to get him the medicine he needs. Powerful stuff – subtle but powerful.
Yes, I’m a romance junkie, too. Fun post today!
How fun that you’re a fan of that scene from Last of the Mohicans, too, Karen! You’re exactly right — it’s the intensity that’s so captivating about the exchange beneath the waterfall.
I haven’t seen The Village. I’m a bit of a fraidy cat when it comes to movies, but the romantic aspects you mention sound outstanding.
I think you’d like it, Becky. The creepy elements are more mental than actual, and it has an interesting twist of a premise that you’d probably like. I am about as anti-horror as you can get, and this one is not horror. It has definite suspense elements that get the heart pumping, but it is the romance and simplicity of the people that have kept it lingering in my mind over the years.
I don’t know that I have a favorite romantic movie, although Pretty Woman is going through my mind. It is a great story of how someone who believes she is nothing can be transformed by love into something. It is how we see ourselves, next to God and how he sees us through His love–We truly can go from unworthy to worthy.
The most romantic moment I have ever “experienced” would have to be hearing about the last words of my father to my mother, “I hope I have made you, as happy as you have made me.” Those were said, in what my mother thought was a normal day, just before they got out of bed, never knowing they would be the last. I would like, if it is in God’s plan to have someone feel that way about me, through the good and the bad.
The last words of your father to your mother gave me chills, Dora. So very beautiful!
Brigadoon, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and, one that my husband agrees on, The Princess Bride (“Death cannot stop true love – it can only delay it a little”)
I just took my daughters to see Beauty and the Beast on the stage a few months ago. We all LOVED it. And The Princess Bride is a favorite of mine, too! Can’t believe I didn’t think of that one when I was chatting about romantic movies on facebook.
“The Princess Bride” and “Ever After” are two of my favorite movies.
I think one of the reasons I love romance books/movies is the promise of someone (who is not family) choosing to love you for the rest of your/their life despite our flaws. It is so attractive in a world where friends and acquaintances come and go and snide comments and judgments are the norm, even about people we may call friends. It is the pale, human version of God’s unconditional love for us. If you haven’t read Ted Dekker’s “Black,” I love how he describes the Great Romance (as he calls it) and the human relationship with Elyon (God Most High).
Romance “is the pale, human version of God’s unconditional love for us.” Yes!
And Ever After is such a goodie. I need to bring that one back out for a family movie night here at the Wade house.
Becky, I would have to say “An Affair To Remember” is one of my favourite romantic films. I was madly in love with Cary Grant (weren’t we all in those days? lol.) For you younger ladies, “Sleepless In Seattle” was modelled on, “An Affair To Remember.” Pride and Prejudice (both book and film) also very high on my list of favourites too.:)
I remember my girls going around with starry eyes as they delved into Sweet Valley High…now my grand daughters are reading their Mothers books.:)
I would like to share with you, what is now a very precious memory….. My romantic moment which happened during a dinner date..one which I will never forget!
We were in a Silver Service Restaurant, flowers and candles on the tables, the lights in the Restaurant dimmed, enhancing the romantic setting, and the view of our city lights sparkled like Fairyland. My dearly beloved, rose from the table, went down on bended knee and proposed. My throat went dry and I was thinking to myself, “We’ve only known each other for seven weeks.” Somehow I got myself together and said “Yes,” looking at my beautiful ring which he placed on my finger. While doing so, he explained about the setting of the ring (which he designed).It has 4 diamonds each side peaking up to a solitaire diamond which sits quite high on the mount .The idea behind the design is each of the four diamonds represent the embers of love which have been smouldering, then peak to the last of the four diamonds reaching to the Solitaire which is the flame representing our eternal love for each other.
Thanks for sharing the story of the night your husband proposed. I’m so impressed that he designed your ring himself. The significance of it is lovely, Rosie!
Favorite romantic movies? Oh, gee! How to narrow it down! I do love all things Jane Austen and I have every novel in movie form, all at least two different versions, and some even three! (In case you think I’m totally off my rocker, I am a former literature teacher, if that explains things a bit, but sadly, I never taught any Jane Austen!) I do love Ever After. It came out when I was in high school and it never gets old.
If TV shows count, I used to love Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. I have the entire series on DVD.
And yes, I used to read Sweet Valley High once upon a time, too!
Do I think you’re off you’re rocker? Quite the contrary! I’m consumed with awe and envy and making plans to steal your collection…. 😉
I love the Gwynth Paltrow version of Emma, too! (Just rewatched it two days ago. lol)
My favorite romantic movie, though, is While You Were Sleeping. I love how they gradually fall in love by getting to know each other rather than an instant physical attraction like a lot of movies. And the crazy but loving family. Also, The Lake House. What can I say – I’m a huge Sandra Bullock fan!
Beth shared a clip on her facebook page from While Your Were Sleeping’s final scene a few days ago. It’s one of her favorites, too!
It has been a fun week, sharing favorite romantic books, movies, quotes, and especially real-life romantic moments. I am so thankful for everyone joining the conversation!
I’m thankful, too!
What a beautiful entry Becky! Oh i feel all fuzzy n lovehearty now! So sweet!
“Fuzzy n lovehearty” is a perfect way to describe how romance makes me feel, Angie (from England). It’s nice to see someone here from across the pond!
Loved your post, Becky!!
There are so many romantic movies I love – one of my faves is The Notebook!! Such touching scenes, both with the couple in their younger days, as well as their older ones. My thanks to you, Deborah and Beth – for the wonderful giveaway opportunity!!
Post shared!!