This past weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a multi-author book signing in Fort Worth, TX. I usually only do one book signing a year, by myself, at my local Christian store in Abilene. Book signings are a great way to maintain relationships with bookstore managers and staff and it is always fun to meet the dedicated fan who is excited to get an autographed copy of your book. However, there is also the dreaded awkwardness of standing by a book-laden table at the front of the store while average customers do their best not to make eye-contact as they circle WAY around your table to avoid having you speak to them.
I always do my best to be friendly and never pressure anyone to buy a book. I give away lots of free promo items. Yet, during the 2 hours I’m in the store, there are many segments of dead time where I just stand there and try to look approachable.

A sweet reader who brought a well-loved copy of her book from home. Loved seeing that well-read cover!
This year, things didn’t go according to plan, but as God often does, he created a new plan that turned out even better. When my local LifeWay store didn’t contact my publisher about having me do a signing like they usually did, I asked my publicist if I needed to contact the local manager myself. Well, as it turned out, my local LifeWay store was scheduled to close the month my book released.
I was so saddened to see another Christian bookstore in our community leave. Thankfully, we still had a Mardel store, and they were happy to arrange a local event for me. In addition, the LifeWay folks invited me to do a signing at their next closest store, Fort Worth.
Doing a signing in a larger metropolitan area held a certain appeal, but really excited me was the knowledge that several other Bethany House authors I knew lived in the area. Our publicist put the event together and all three of our other DFW authors agreed to join me.
Becky Wade, Anne Mateer, and Julianna Deering made the 3 hour signing fly by. We all drew in different readers, and many of them bought books from authors other than the ones they came in to see. But the best part was that whenever traffic slowed, we had each other to talk to. That special author camaraderie was priceless.
- What are some tasks in your life that are much more pleasant to undertake when you have company?
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Hey Karen,
That book signing sounds like a lot of fun! My better-in-a-group activity would be the dreaded chore of pulling weeds! Several summers ago one of my nieces came over one evening and she and my middle daughter and I had fun with crazy conversation and pulling weeds in one of my flower areas. The next year when I did it alone it was nowhere near as fun. And when we get together we still tease each other about things we talked about that night. Being together can help the work get done and make the time fly!!!
Great example, June. Growing up, pulling weeds was my most dreaded chore. I still avoid it as much as possible. Ha! It would definitely be more fun (not to mention it getting done faster!) with a group of friends goofing off together. 🙂
What fun to get a peek at some of your pictures from the day, Karen! I enjoyed our group signing way more than some of the solo signings I’ve done. Thanks for suggesting to Bethany and LifeWay the inclusion of the other DFW area Bethany authors. I had a great time!
I did, too, Becky. It’s always so much more fun to have friends and colleagues to chat with during the slow times. I learned a lot, too, watching how each of you interacted with readers and seeing what kind of goodies people brought. It was a great day!
Karen, if only I lived near you, I would happily go to your solo book signings! And then you’d wish this pesky fan would stop peppering you with questions!
As far as questions that are better with company, I think any household/cleaning task is better with company. My husband is a teacher, so we tackle bigger projects together in the summer. Going through clutter, etc. It is way better when I am not alone!
I’ll be reading your new book soon! I’ve got my second baby coming in a few weeks (due one month from today) so I’m stockpiling books to read on my Kindle for all those super long nursing sessions. Yours is on my list!
*As far as “tasks”…
Oh – congratulations on the new baby waiting to make an appearance, Courtney! What a joy! I remember being much less stress with the second baby. Just knowing what to expect helped tremendously with the nerves. I’ll be praying that the delivery goes smoothly for both you and your little one and that you have plenty of quiet nap time to read that stockpile of books!
Everything is more fun with company. I live alone so I get used to doing things by myself. Monday, I sat for a 6 yr old. What fun to have a person around to share books and games. Today I am at his house and he gets to share other things with me.
Sounds fun, Nancy. Those little ones always have such a unique perspective on the world. I love just listening to them explain how they think things work. 🙂 Enjoy your time with him!
I had such a wonderful time meeting all of you ladies. Thank you for being so gracious with your tips for getting started in publishing. I can’t wait to work my way through the books I picked up! Wishing you all of the best.
We loved visiting with you, Teresa. And we’re all cheering for this to be your breakthrough year in finding a publisher for your own project. 🙂
Thanks, so much. 🙂 (fingers crossed)
Hi Karen, Cleaning is much more enjoyable when someone is with you. The only author out of the four of you that I don’t know is Julianna Deering. Jenny
Definitely cleaning. Yuck! My kids love it when I force them to be my cleaning companions. 😉
Julianna writes cool 1930’s mysteries. She has some of the most unique covers in the business. Love them!
My boys express their joy as well when I ask them to help. 🙂 Thanks for telling me a little bit about Julianna.
Wow, Karen. If my map is correct, you made a 300 mile round trip for the event. To this point, I’ve turned down book signings (solo, so that’s a negative) that represented perhaps twenty percent of that trip. Glad it went well. Best to you and the others who participated–proud to call all of you colleagues. See you at ACFW?
I’ll be there, Richard. I’ll be looking for you.
This book signing was a rarity for me. I usually just do the local gig. But when I knew I could combine it with other authors friends and show my support for LifeWay and their staff, I was eager to do it. Plus my hubby and I made a mini romantic getaway out of it, too. We drove in the night before, had a nice dinner out, then a hotel room with no kids. Ha! Then I did the signing while he got caught up on some work. We finished up with a nice lunch then made the drive home. Overall, it was a very pleasant couple days.
I wouldn’t know why readers would want to avoid an author in a book store. To me being in a book store and seeing a favorite author of mine there signing books is like a magnet drawing me towards that author with a book in my hand to be signed. A lot of people have rock stars or musicians they follow but me I have my favorite authors of Christian fiction. You guys are my hero’s and you rock. If other shoppers look the other way well they got a problem. I like to be in good company.
Ha! You are the idea book store patron, Shirley. I should hire you to come to all my signings just to show people how it’s done. 🙂
I think people who aren’t familiar with the author who is in the store are afraid of getting pulled into a sales pitch that will make them feel pressured to buy something they don’t want. I can understand this. My introverted self hates being caught in the net of a pushy salesman. When I’m at that table, I try very hard not to even mention my books unless someone asks or stops by to look or pick one up. I usually just smile and welcome them to the store. Maybe offer them some candy if I have some set out. I try to be as low pressure as possible.
Yes I know what you’re saying Karen about pushy salesmen. I been caught up a time or two by that game. One time in particular I went into my favorite grocery store on a quick run to get a gift card when I walked by a booth where a young man asked me if I would like to have a five dollar gift card. Thinking he was a employee I excepted it and he began to yell out in a loud voice about all I could save by subscribing to the local newspaper. He had quite a song and dance routine and I was totally embarrassed by this as people were snickering and looking. So finally I handed him the gift card back and told him he needed it more than I did.
We have very few book signings in my area. And when we do the lines are far too long for me to stand in and wait with my knee problems.
I enjoy crocheting but it’s even more enjoyable when my daughter comes across the street and sits and crochets with me!
I absolutely loved reading this. Thank you for sharing. Hugs
it is always better when u have help with household chores and also shopping is better with company