Writing is work. Sure, we authors like to pretend it’s just a bunch of daydreaming and story crafting, but in truth, some days I feel like I have more in common with a dentist pulling teeth than an artist floating high on the creativity clouds. Stories can bog down. Characters can become uncooperative. Real life can steal time and energy away when deadlines loom.
So how do we keep on keeping on? A lot of prayer, a good work ethic, support from family and friends, and snacks (for me hot tea sweetened with honey and a handful of almonds – or a pile of peanut M&Ms if I’m in a chocolate crisis). But sometimes, the little things can make a big difference, too. I’ve done my best to surround my work space with items that encourage and inspire me to press on.
I have several Bible verses tacked up around me. They include:
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 1:6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all you ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. ~ Acts 20:24
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. ~ Psalm 115:1
And then there is the one I cross-stitched and framed to hang on the wall by my desk. (Pictured at right) These are wonderful visible reminders of the attitude I should project and the excellence I should strive to maintain.
Then there is my desk. I keep little things around me here, too.
On the left is a copy of my latest book, a Bible, a lovely historical scene, and my writing mascot Henry the Hippopotamus to cheer me on from his cozy home in the mug that proudly states, “If I write it, they will read . . . ”
On the right is a picture of my children in the Texas bluebonnets. Then I have my western decor in a pen holder and pencil sharpener (yes, the covered wagon). I also have a small collection of Willow Tree figurines, and of course I need to keep the one with the girl reading a book close at hand.
Finally, I have a lovely box that a co-worker gave to me on the occasion of my first book’s release. She is a champion scrapbooker (truly – she has the fair ribbons to prove it!) and she created a gorgeous memory box with not only my book and promo items, but a lace handkerchief that belonged to her grandmother and several sewing notions that fit with my seamstress heroine perfectly. I treasure this and have it on the wall near the door so I can see it every morning when I come in.
What are some of the things you keep close at hand to inspire you to keep on keeping on?
Do you have a favorite snack that helps you keep going?
Latest posts by Karen Witemeyer (see all)
- Inside a Writer’s Brain - March 20, 2025
- Word Game & Prizes! - March 6, 2025
- Karen’s Favorites - February 23, 2025
Wow! That’s a gorgeous Memory Box! What a wonderful friend to make that for you! I loved getting a glimpse of all your inspiration! Right now, I seem to do most of my writing at the dining room table, which has piles of to-do stacks (which I suppose are my inspiration to keep working so that I can get them done!). Coffee is my go-to drink in the mornings. And I love collecting pretty pottery mugs to drink out of. Btw, I love the picture in the header! A great visual that mirrors the tangle we sometimes find ourselves in. 🙂
Wasn’t that a fun picture? When I stumbled across that typewriter in the barbed wire, I knew it was perfect. And not just because I write cowboy heroes. Ha!
You’ll have to show us some of your pottery mugs sometime, Jody. I’d love to see them!
Coffee is my good to drink too. Got a pot on now 🙂 I also collect mugs. We should do a mug collection joint post sometime 🙂
Go to drink, though coffee is very good to drink….
LOL, Dani, yes let’s do a joint post sometime about our mug collection. In fact, l think we should do a book tour/mug collection tour together, across country, drinking gourmet coffee in every city. 😉
Karen, I think I love your inspirational desk best of all. That is so like me. The word to coach me onward(lovely stitchery), the family to make me smile, the hippo to keep the wit in the story, (the Wit in Witemeyer) the treasured loving gift of a friend, the novelties to remember the historical era you love and write about, the reader(s) reading the book–but I have to admit I saw that as a one reading her Bible.
Makes me smile to think of when I get out of the Rv and into a house and have a real desk, to remember what is important.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Sandy. I love “the Wit in Witemeyer”! I’m going to have to remember that one. Perfect!
I can’t believe you hadn’t thought of it- or your other readers! You’re books have that fun spark of wit that always gives me a smile!
I love the verses you have chosen to help you “keep on keeping on.” I find that I have very little “inspirations” on my desk. However, I do have a Goofy stapler, a small bust of Abraham Lincoln and an elephant, just a few of my favorite things on my desk to remind me that you need to laugh, a little, hard work can take you to “the top”, and sometimes, it is okay to “forget” things and remember the most important things. God gave me this work in the law and as Paul puts it–“With Him I can do all things.” My paraphrase.
I love your examples, Dora! Laughter, hard work, and remembering what is truly important. That is a lovely balance. And 1 Corinthians 4:13 has long been one of my favorite verses. So encouraging! Thanks for sharing.
Great post, Karen. Love the verses you shared. I’ve got several verses tacked up around me as well. One of my favorites is
“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” I also have a number of encouraging pictures and keepsakes, and one of my favorites–a lego Shakespeare sitting above my desk 🙂
A Lego Shakespeare? Now THAT I’ve got to see! 🙂 Love your verse, too. That’s a great one.
My writing cave is also my guest room, and since I write mostly longhand (at least on the first draft), I alternate between my desk and the futon. The room is decorated in photographs I’ve taken of the places where my stories are set, shelves full of my research books and notes, vintage decor like fruit crate labels and travel posters, and the closet door is completely covered in cork tiles to make it a giant bulletin board, on which I pin photos of my characters (so they can watch me when I write, and chide me when I don’t spend enough time with them). But once I sit down at the computer to finally type up my manuscript and begin editing, my favorite things around me are: 1) a Hotwheels version of Lightning McQueen that my nephew gave me years ago (every finished chapter gets a “Kachow!”); 2) a big red “L” car decal my pastor back in Scotland gave me (it indicates “student driver” in the UK, and the life lesson was that we’re always learning, and should never tackle the road of life without our Father in the car with us); and 3) a quote that says, “Don’t get it right, just get it written,” to remind me to shut down the perfectionist side of my brain and simply gets words on the page.
Fabulous, Amy! I love how you really immerse yourself in your stories with your surroundings. And being a huge Cars fan, I have to say that I love the Kachow! 🙂
Okay — I love Henry best. He has such a cheery little smirk on his face, ever ready to cheer you on! And the memory board is amazing! What a wonderful gift! And the perfect way to mark such a milestone! So glad you shared how writing is work and even wildly successful published authors need encouragement from time to time! Very encouraging!
Thanks, Kav. Henry was a gift from a librarian friend who was one of the very first people I ever let read my writing. He is a cute little finger puppet that always makes me smile and remember my friend.
What a wonderful collection of inspirations! Bible verses DEFINITELY inspire me to keep on keeping on. More than anything else, Bible verses and worship music are the two things that fill me up. My ‘go to’ work snacks: dark chocolate, nuts, hot tea.
Another thing we have in common, Becky. I love dark chocolate and hot tea and nuts (almonds) in particular are my standard mid afternoon snack. I’m about to have some now. 🙂
Karen, did you know I needed this post today? God did. I’d like to tack this entire post up by my computer today. Thank you, profoundly.
I love all your reminders and inspirations! There are seasons in the journey of every novel when they are so important to have by, when things feel overwhelming.
I’m reading Stealing The Preacher now. I was reading it over lunch in fact, before I saw this post. So you’ve blessed me today in more ways than one.
PS: I’ve tried to keep writing and eating separate things. But I do need the coffee.
I love it when God weaves things together in just the right way to spread his blessings around on his people. I’m so glad you found this post encouraging, Lori. We all need these reminders. I know I do – that why I surround myself with so many. 🙂
I’ve recently come out of a season where a personal problem messed with my creativity. I printed out Psalm 16:8, “I keep the Lord in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Above the written words I put in a larger font, This is HOLY GROUND. This reminds me that when I’m writing the only voices I should be listening to are God’s. Oh, and I also have a small purple dragon named Figment that I bought at Disney World, (http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Figment) and an eraser I bought at the Oregon Shakespeare festival that has the words: “Out, Damned Spot, Out, I Say!”
I love the idea of Holy Ground, Kathy. That’s beautiful. What a powerful image. I pray that your season of difficulty is truly past and that a season of rich blessing is beginning. Love you, girl! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, Karen – – loved seeing your desk area and all your inspirational items. 🙂
The gorgeous cross-stitch you did is one of my VERY favorite Bible verses, and I often include that verse under my
name in correspondence.
I also keep Bible verses posted around my work area, in addition to pictures of my kiddos, my trusty mug of coffee, and usually at least two or three live cats. 😉 (the kitties are always curious as to what I’m doing, so when I write I normally have a few furry helpers, LOL).
Also meant to say that the memory box your friend made for you is SO very special – – Wow!!
Hugs, Patti Jo 🙂
Hello! Thanks for this post.
I have a few things to keep me inspired. Love yours! The gift from your friend is priceless. Great that you see it every time you go into your room. I have a picture of CS Lewis at his desk, a photo of my favorite author…Robin Jones Gunn, A quote from Walt Disney. “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Love that quote. I am working on my first novel and England is woven in, so have the red telephone booth picture, a few tea cups, and photo frames of London sites. Anything to keep those juices flowing. Thanks for this post. Blessings to you.
Karen, thanks for sharing your inspiration. It’s always fun to get a glimpse at a fellow writer’s work space.
I like to find trinkets or wall art that reminds me of the project(s) I’m currently working on. I can rotate these out depending on what story I’ve got going. Eventually I’ll have a huge collection of junk from it, but as long as the items keep me keeping on, it’s all worth it.
My favorite snack… This depends on the day for me. Trail mix, honey sesame sticks from Whole Foods, candy of some sort, hot pockets… The list seems endless at times. The one steady thing is hot chocolate. I can drink it all year round, and I love trying all the different flavors. I’m really hooked on the white chocolate hot cocoa right now. Drop in a few marshmallows or whipped cream, and I’m set for a good few hours of cranking out the words.