It may be barely be fall in your neck of the woods, but it’s already Christmas at Carnton here in Tennessee!
Much as Lynn did yesterday with her newest novel (which I’m so excited to read!), I’m celebrating the release of Christmas at Carnton today . . .
While I don’t quite view the books that I write as my “babies”—I’ve had two babies, and they’re now 30 and 28 years old (I’m smiling over here because Lynn and I have bantered about this before)—these books are products of my heart, my experiences, LOTS of research, and of my walk with the Lord. He never fails to meet me on the page. And Christmas at Carnton was no exception.
When I first visited Carnton in fall 2007 after Joe and I moved to Nashville following 17 years in Colorado, I purchased my ticket for the tour in a small trailer on the grounds and walked up a worn path toward the house. As the docent unfolded Carnton’s history and turned time back on itself, I fell a little in love with the home that day—and with the McGavocks (the family who resided at Carnton).
But it was the living, breathing memory of what happened within those walls and on the surrounding hallowed grounds that has stayed with me through the years. That has kept bringing me back to Carnton.
And now, ten years—and fourteen novels—later, it’s those same living, breathing memories that have inspired me to write about this home, this family, and the beloved people who lived, worked, fought and died at Carnton.
In December 1863—one year before the Battle of Franklin would forever change the landscape of this city and its people—the women who had bravely sent their men off to war began to fight their own battle on the home front. They turned their attention to supporting the Southern cause and their men who were fighting in it. It was the first time in American history that women played a significant role in the war effort.
Women by the thousands—both in the North and South—volunteered to work as nurses. Still others started Women’s Relief Societies in which groups of women came together to knit socks, gloves, and caps for soldiers. They knit blankets and scarves. They sewed shirts, pillowcases, bandages, and handkerchiefs. Women organized fundraising events that drew people from surrounding communities who came to bid on auctioned items such as baked goods, quilts, and other donated items of value—with all the proceeds benefiting the Southern cause by way of medical supplies or other necessities. And by the time the Civil War ended, those experiences forever altered the Victorian definition of “womanhood” and the women of America.
Christmas at Carnton centers around just such an event from Nashville’s history, and includes real people from history such as John and Carrie McGavock and their children Hattie and Winder, and Elizabeth McGavock Harding (who married General William Giles Harding of the Belle Meade Plantation—you might have already met Elizabeth in To Whisper Her Name).
I’m so grateful to Laurie at Carnton who made Carrie McGavock’s Chow-Chow from Carrie’s 19th century recipe for the booksigning at Carnton this past Sunday. Carrie’s Chow-Chow is just one of many other delicious historical and family recipes included in the back pages of Christmas at Carnton.
This hefty Christmas novella (really more of a short novel at 60,000 words) releases nationwide today and—beginning October 15th—will be featured in a special holiday display in over 1700 TARGET stores across the nation. If you spot Christmas at Carnton at your local Target, please let me know!
Did you pre-order the book before today?
If you did then be sure and take advantage of the . . .
You have until October 9th to submit your receipt, so do it quick while supplies last
Finally, if you’re around this evening I’d love for you to join me and my daughter Kelsey at 7PM Central for a Facebook LIVE event in celebration of this new release. She and I will be giving away some fun gifts while sharing some favorite—and maybe not so favorite!—Christmas memories <w>. I hope you’ll join us!
Join us at 7PM Central on my Facebook Page
I’m giving away two copies of Christmas at Carnton TODAY and will announce the winners tonight at 7:45PM Central during the Facebook LIVE event, then will post the winner’s names here on this blog right after. To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this blog post TODAY sharing a favorite Christmas memory and/or perhaps your favorite Christmasy snack, and your name will go into the hat!
Leave a comment on this blog to enter to win one of two print copies of Christmas at Carnton! International friends are welcome to enter, too (due to postage costs, you might be gifted an eBook copy).
Blessings on your Tuesday,
Listen as you read!
Christmas at Carnton has a Spotify playlist
And the winners are…
Congrats to Kelley B and Anne Rightler who each win a copy of Christmas at Carnton! Kelley and Anne, if you’ll each write me HERE and provide your snail mail address we’ll get your book in the mail to you!
Thanks to everyone who commented. AND who bore with me in the fiasco of the Facebook LIVE chatS tonight, LOL. First I started on my FB profile by mistake, then we were sideways, LOL, then we finally got it right and headed over to my page. Oy! At least it was fun—for us anyway. Hope you all enjoyed it.
Now to draw winners from the comments on BOTH FB Lives for the rest of the gifts! I’ll post those winners to both my FB profile and page! Hugs to all and thanks again for bearing with me and Kelsey. We’ll try to be more professional—or not!—next time!
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
My favorite Christmas memories are spending time with my family. It’s a blessing when it happens. Since I work retail, sometimes it’s really hard planning time to be with them. My favorite Christmas snack are homemade cookies and hot chocolate. Thank you for the giveaway. Congrats on your new release, Tamara!
First, Rebecca, thank you for working retail so we can do our last minute shopping! And Christmas cookies—both the baking and the eating—are some of my favorite seasonal treats too! Blessings to you as Christmas quickly approaches!
I’m taking a chance, but since I spotted an eBook copy is an option, I thought I would enter (I live in South Africa)
My favorite Christmas memory is from my childhood, baking cookies as a family. My favorite Christmas snack is a South African favorite that we call Soet koekies(Sweet cookies).
Congratulations on your new release!
I have always loved spending time with family at Christmas time. Now that I’m older and have to work for part of Christmas, I miss the time I used to get to spend with family. And who doesn’t love Christmas cookies!
Our favorite Christmas treat is old fashioned chocolate fudge. Congrats on your new book! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
My favorite holiday memory is probably one my parents aren’t too fond of. When I was three or four, my mom and older sister were putting our Christmas tree together, which was difficult, considering that it came in at least a dozen pieces. The tree stand was unsteady, too, and after putting the tree together, my mom and sister somehow ended up holding the tree at the bottom to keep it from falling over. My other sister had to call my dad to come home from work to help keep the tree (that or may not have been fully decorated) from falling over!I remember laughing at how funny my mom and sister looked under the tree, but my mom was not amused. 🙂
My favorite childhood Christmas memory is going with my dad to get the tree and then after it was decorated, we would sit on the couch together with all the lights off and listen to George Beverly Shea’s Christmas record. He loved Christmas. My mom did all the shopping and cooking but with my siblings at college, the tree was our time.
So excited for this book! And for two books from you releasing so close together! Let’s make that a trend! <3 Love you!
I have several favorite Christmas memories, as Christmas is my favorite time of year! One of my favorite Christmases, however, was a couple years ago when my family and I not only hosted our extended family at our house on Christmas Day, but also had the opportunity to have an open house Christmas party the week before for all of our close friends. It was so heart warming to have so many people that I love and care about in my home at such a special time of year!
I need to create some new Christmas memories, so my plan is to come up with some new traditions. There is some sadness associated with remembering Christmas currently and it is my favorite time of year. So… I’ve decided to recapture the joy. Don’t know yet what those new traditions will be. I’m open to suggestions! 🙂
My fav Christmas memory is of all the aunts, uncles, cousins and friends and other family gathered around singing Christmas carols then my sweet grandmother reading the Christmas story from her beloved bible….really miss those times!
One of my favorite Christmas memories took place on a Christmas day that was unusually warm. My cousins and aunts and uncles all came over (some from out of town areas with cooler climates) and we ended up swimming in our backyard pool for most of the day and playing basketball on our patio before gathering around the big table (and the kids table) for Christmas dinner. We ended the evening with our tradition of sitting by the tree and reading the biblical Christmas story before opening gifts. It was so much fun! I love cool, traditional Christmas weather, but that particular year has stuck with me as a favorite special memory ever since. =)
Much love,
My favorite Christmas memories always come on Christmas Eve. We would gather at my grandparents house and exchange gifts and just enjoy all of my extended family and cousins. My favorite Christmas time treat was my grandmothers Muddy buddy chex mix which didn’t last long and the ones you can buy now in stores don’t hold a candle to it!!
I love to read Christmas books
I remember asking for a tiny tears doll( I had a new baby brother) . I got it and still have it but it is in sad shape. Love Christmas with family. See you tonight!
I know I would love this book. We visited Canton last summer when we were in Franklin. Love all your books. Keep it up.
Love your cover of this book and the story sounds like a very good Christmas read. You had a link for listening to the music. Is that free to listen because I clicked on the link and the songs appeared waiting to be played.
My favorite time at Christmas is spending Christmas with my family, making lots Christmas cookies, and also reading my favorite Christmas books and also decorating the Christmas tree and making homemade Christmas ornaments.
I just received my ebook.
I would love to have a physical copy for my mother. She loves your books, but is not comfortable with electronic media.
One of my favorite memories or traditions was that on Christmas morning we (the kids) were not allowed out of bed until the rooster crowed. Usually one of my siblings or myself would wake first and wake the rest of us knowing we could not go upstairs until the crowing. We would anticipate it anxiously. 🙂 (My dad was the rooster) Now that I have a niece and nephew, the tradition continues at my parents. A memory is baking cut out Christmas cookies with grandma. We didn’t see them every year so it’s a memory I cherish.
Thank you for the chance to win.
My favorite Christmas memory is when the whole family would gather in the home of my late in-laws. Not having siblings myself, it was a time of treasured memories surrounded by a loving family that always stuck together. Those days are long gone, but what a blessing to have been a part of such a sweet time. Thanks for your wonderful stories. They are always so touching.
One year I had a friend who wanted to share her love of Christmas. She sent Santa to our house while we were gone for the evening and we were able to “catch” Santa leaving gifts under the tree. My kids have not forgotten that year and it still comes up as a favorite!
I remember putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. My family was all about holiday traditions growing up. We used the same old artificial tree until it got so old it had to be retired- not thrown away!- but we continued to use it because it had sentimental value, along with a lot of ornaments that we made and collected . We always watched classic Christmas cartoons while we decorated- Frosty, Rudolph, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas ( my fav). I remember building my first snowman- I was not yet 5 years old. Most of my childhood years we lived away from family, so I remember getting to open our presents at home early, then packing up for a road trip to spend the holidays with our grandparents. I remember the cold weather and night skies so crystal clear it seemed it would require little effort to literally reach out and touch the stars. I remember piling into the car with lots of laughter and Christmas music and riding around looking at Christmas lights and decorations in the neighborhoods where we lived. My parents have quite a few Christmas records- old classics- and I remember waking up to that music in the mornings because my mom always put on a record when she got up and going for the day. I remember dashing to and from stores Christmas shopping with my mom and dad. I remember waiting for Christmas catalogs to come in the mail (wishbook), and lots of good food and yummy Christmas treats. I remember one particular Christmas when my sister and I stayed Christmas Eve night with my dad’s parents- we watched an old, old Christmas cartoon called “Bedtime for Sniffles,” which I love to this day, and that same year TNT played the old 1935 colorized version of “David Coppperfield” with Basil Rathbone ( he was alway such a wonderful villain !) and WC Fields. I remember my grandmother’s dumplings and dressing- nobody could make them like her. My mom tries- and I love my mom and wouldn’t tell her or hurt her feelings for the world- but hers are not my grandmother’s! I remember sleeping under our tree on Christmas Eve night with my sister in the years after we moved back to Alabama. That became another tradition. Presents were usually already under the tree, but our empty stockings were never full until we woke on Christmas morning! I remember watching “White Christmas” and “Holiday Inn” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “The Bishop’s Wife.” I remember one year right after I graduated college- my sister and I bought Christmas for 3 children whose mom my sister worked with. Their mom was a single parent with once income, and they weren’t going to get Christmas gifts that year, so my sis and I went shopping and bought them some things they needed- warm clothes, and some cool surprises too. We wrapped it all up and addressed their packages with their names “from, Santa.” My sis took them to the children’s mom on Christmas Eve night. It was such a great feeling to be able to do that for those kids, and I’ve always wished I could have seen their faces the next morning! I don’t know if it’s possible that they enjoyed getting the things we gave as much as she and I enjoyed the process of picking out and wrapping what we purchased! Last year was pretty special too. Last year was a season of miracles. That’s a story better left for another day though, as I have gotten a bit carried away in my moment of Christmas reminiscing! Perhaps I should have begun this message with a disclaimer regarding its length…!!🎄🎄🎄🎄
My favorite Christmas memory is…when I was young Christmas morning I remember my father (who has passed), my brother, and I watched the Christmas Day Parade on tv, while my mother began cooking Christmas dinner. I loved being together with my family all day. I so miss spending time with them. Now all we seem to do is run all day. I miss not having to do all of that.
Christmas time comes with a lot of good family memories, we always seem to have chex mix to snack on.
I loved making cookies with my Mom and siblings growing up. They seemed to taste better than any other cookies! Carolers would always seem to stop by while we were Baking…times seemed much simpler than now!
Probably one of my favorite Christmas memories was about 12 years ago when we bought a Playstation 2 for our 2 older boys who were tweens. We did a scavenger hunt all over the house for them to find a “special present” – there was so much excitement when they finally found it and realized what it was! I love to bake at Christmas – my favorite recipe to make is soda cracker crunch – single layer of saltines topped with a layer of toffee, layer of melted chocolate chips and chopped walnuts – yum!
I love Christmas so much! And I LOVE candy cane Hershey’s kisses. Delish!
My favorite part of Christmas as a child was Christmas Eve. Our family would gather and we would open presents (“Santa” presents were for Christmas Day!), and we would eat together and watch Christmas movies. My brother and I would pass out all the gifts, and I loved to see everyone’s pile of presents grow before we opened them together!
My favorite Christmas memories are baking with my family, eating yummy food, opening presents and the most important part is reading the Christmas story in the Bible.
This looks like the perfect novel to read during the upcoming holiday season! With Christmas being my favorite holiday, I have too many wonderful memories to choose from. But one of my favorite things to do is getting together with my sisters and whipping up our favorite holiday treats, many of which have been in the family for generations. I fondly remember one year, when I was pulling out the electric mixer to make molasses cookies, my mom gave me a stern look and said, “Don’t you dare ruin Grandma Booth’s molasses cookies with a mixer. Use a wooden spoon.” Lol! And to this day for those cookies, use a wooden spoon, I do!
I love our annual family Christmas baking day where we whip up all of our favourite yummy treats for the season!
One of our favorite Christmas traditions…… decorating the tree, with our ten and eight-year-old daughters dancing ballet to the Christmas carols
My favorite Christmas memory is the one thing I love to do each christmas. I play flute and love to play christmas songs during christmas. I am too scared to do it in front of people but just to feel the music go through my heart is amazing. Gives me the ultimate christmas feeling. every year again! My favorite snack is easy, cooked pears made by my mother’s recipe. I love those. Cooked pears never fail and are tradition with christmas. (I live in the Netherlands)
My favorite memory comes from when I was younger. Most Christmases our family would pick a family we felt could use some Christmas cheer. We’d buy small presents for the family members and put them with some food items in a decorated box, then we’d leave it anonymously on their porch. My mother was a great example of giving to and serving others. We have a family Swiss bread recipe ,and she would make many loaves to give to others at Christmas.
For the past 7 years, a friend and I have gotten together in early November and spent the whole day baking cookies. We usually bake at least 8 different varieties and then we’re set for all the Christmas parties and events we get invited to. This July she got married and moved away so it will be my first Christmas in a long time that she and I won’t be getting together to bake. I’m going to need to find another baking partner. 🙁
I love Christmas and have so many great memories. Some include drinking Market Spice tea, decorating the house, picking out the tree, watching lots of movies, shopping for gifts, and visiting family.
Best memories of CHRISTmas, when Daddy would read from the Bible in Matthew & Luke! Then we could choose a gift under the tree of stocking to open!! We opened the STOCKING!! Our parents would hide a note inside & off for the hunt of the gift!! Sometimes, while we were in another part of the house Dad would sneak the gift into the backroom(aka family room) !! Once it was our GRANDPARENTS who were waiting for us!!…miss my Grandparents & Daddy so much
I’m excited about reading about another Nashville home. Haven driven by/on McGavock Parkway several times, I look forward to reading about them. My mom always made “Salted Cereals” (aka Chex MIx) in a big roaster. They were just better than anything you could buy in the store. When she passed away, my Dad started making them. With his recent passing, the roaster has found a new home and my sister and I will be making the “Salted Cereals.” It would not be Christmas without them.
Christmas at Aunt Bettie’s house included the pool table downstairs being covered with pressed white sheets and then absolutely covered in every square inch with food including: gefilte fish, stuffed celery boats, petitsa bread and homemade German noodles. It was quite a spread. Afterward I played with my new Betsy Wetsy doll by the fireplace. It was truly magical.
My favorite Christmas memory is actually memories! Every Christmas Eve, after our church service, our pastor would lead the congregation outside to go caroling. We would always stop at elderly members homes who were shut-ins and then we would go all over the neighborhood singing. We were always blessed by people giving us hot chocolate and cookies but the greatest gifts were the smiles and tears of thanks we received. It was a great way to grow up and learn how simple gifts can sometimes be the most treasured.
I love Christmas and it was always my Mom’s favorite time of year! She went to Heaven just before Christmas 14 years ago…I’m sure it was the best Christmas ever!
That story looks awesome! I’ll have to remember to get a copy when I get a chance. 🙂
We always spent Christmas day at my grandparents. My favorite memories were all the family (often 45 people) and the wonderful food and my Grandpa carving the turkey in the garage on the dryer. I helped him by testing the flavor every now and then.
My favorite Christmas memory is going to my grandparents house every Christmas Eve and going on a hay ride through their neighborhood. All the men in the neighborhood would dress up like elves and attempt to lead some Christmas carols even though they couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket!
decorating together
One of my favorite Christmas memories is baking (and eating) Christmas cookies with my mom and sister!
When my son was quite small we had a nativity with a removable baby Jesus. He asked why the manger was empty. I told him baby Jesus was born on Christmas and he wouldn’t appear until then. Christmas morning he came running down the stairs and he ran to look for baby Jesus before he even looked to see what Santa brought. When he got married two years ago that nativity went with him.
My favorite Christmas memory is going to pick out a tree with my dad and sisters, and brother. We always got the biggest one. It practically touched the ceiling. Then we would go home and decorate it. My dad, youngest sister and only brother are no longer with me. But I have that memory . We lived in Pennsylvania, in the late 60’s. I keep that time special in my heart. I wish they were still here.
My favorite Christmas memory comes from when I was twelve. I wanted a 3 foot tall Raggedy Ann doll and I received her for Christmas. I was a very shy child and wanted a friend. I still have this doll. She was the beginning of my extensive Raggedy Ann collection. She sits in a cute rocker in my bedroom. My favorite Christmas treat is homemade peanut brittle. I make it from scratch and it is delicious.
Hmm… may I do Christmas memory and snack together? Well, it’s more like a Christmas tradition. Every year, my family and I (we have a big family with twelve kids) get together the weekend after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas–which includes a buffet of finger foods! This is always such a fun time! As we’re getting older, marrying, and moving apart, I’m learning to value these times together!
I can’t join you online tonight as I am an Awana leader who will be busy teaching 3 and 4 year-olds about Jesus. Time well spent. I preordered the book and just can’t wait to dive in!
My favorite Christmas memory is when Santa brought me a radio with a microphone. Inside he left a recording of his voice telling me to be good for next year, and reindeer sounds! I will always have that tape and memory. I also always love making cookies with my family. My favorite treat is spiced tea that my mom makes every year, so delicious! 😋
Favorite Christmas memory- It is very hard for my siblings and I to make it home to our parents at the same time, since we are spread out in Illinois, Kansas, Colorado, Montana and Washington. So my favorite memory was when we all managed to travel through a snow storm to spend Christmas together-22 of us.
I love watching my kids enjoy Christmas! I always make sugar cookies with icing, and gingerbread cookies because the kids enjoy them so much. 🙂
I love making Christmas Sugar Cookies and I do make pretty good ones. 🙂
Love new Christmas books!
One year when I was 9 or 10 it snowed on Christmas day which for our area was really rare. My brothers and I were so excited! We stopped playing with our gifts and ran outside to enjoy the snow. I love making fudge at Christmas. I remember my first time making it was with a friend and her mom during the holidays. Great memories!
The best thing about the Christmas holidays to me is having time with my husband and kids. Favorite memories: the trip to Disney World we took right before Christmas 7 years ago. Another thing we enjoy is visiting Bethlehem Revisited which is like a living nativity except the local churches set up a city block like Bethlehem and everyone stays in character. As you walk through, you can experience what life was like then and see key parts of Jesus’ birth story. Like a living history experience.
My favorite Christmas memory is sitting down as a family to read about the birth of Christ in Luke. My favorite goodies are Salted Nut Rolls and Peanut Butter Balls. We bake a TON of yummy, fattening goodies at Christmas time!
Can’t wait to read this eventually!
My favorite Christmas memories revolve around the small things: Driving around with my parents to see lights, watching our favorite Christmas movies, going to the Christmas Eve service at our church, etc. Favorite snack is a homemade snack mix we make with pretzels, m&ms, chex mix, peanuts, and white chocolate.
This sounds like a fantastic book! I can’t wait to read it!
My favorite Christmas memory is singing “Silent Night” at church with just candles lit. We were all able to hold a candle while trying not to get burned from the candle wax. Then we would take our candles home and re-light them and sing the song once more before we opened our gifts. Of course, Santa always came in the morning.
Thanks for the contest.
God bless you and your new book!
My favorite Christmas memory is a Christmas when my children were little and we had a winter storm. We lost electricity and slept in the family room with the fireplace. We roasted marshmallows, played games, read Luke by candle light and talked about why we were truly blessed. We almost were disappointed when the electricity came back on.
One of my favorite Christmas memories was when we lived in Michigan. We lived across the street from a Christmas tree farms and would hook our horse up to a cart and go pick our tree out and put it in the cart and take it home.
One of my favorite Christmas memories would be a visit from Santa Claus. One of my dad’s co-workers dressed up like Santa and went to some of the houses of the people from work on Christmas Eve. My little brother could not pick his jaw up off the floor. I can still see the look on his face. To think that Santa would come to our house when we were still awake!
It is very exciting to see how well you are doing. It would be great to have one of your new books. I know my wife would love to read it.
My favorite memory happened yearly. My Grandma lived next door to us and would spend the night in Christmas Eve so she would be there when we woke up on Christmas morning. I always got to share a bed with her and remember how her flannel nightgown would spark every time she moved that night. I loved having Grandma there.
My favorite Christmas memory has always been when the whole family together. On Christmas Eve my mom would be baking bread,cake and Pepper-pot. The sisters would be trying to steal the fresh bread while listening to Jim Reeves and Johnny Mathis. The lights would be on and the house would smell like cinnamon and other spices.
As a child, my favorite part of Christmas was Christmas eve – driving around to see the Christmas lights then going to Church with my Family & coming home to open Christmas presents. We 3 sisters where always so excited.
When my sisters and I grew up, and some of us married, my mom just couldn’t give up stuffing stockings. Since Santa no longer came, mom decided that all the adults would have a stocking. Each of us were to buy a stocking stuffer for everyone else’s stocking. It was fun finding that “just right” stuffer in the middle of the year. Or waiting until the last minute and running to the store to buy everyone’s favorite candy bar. No matter the contents, we looked forward to opening our stocking after gifts were opened.
Love watching grandkids get excited!
Caroling as a youth in my church choir stands out as a favorite. Always went to homebound neighborhood then back to have hot chocolate & cookies.
Favorite memories would be when my dad was still with us. Just the joy of the whole family celebrating Jesus.
A favorite Christmas memory of mine is listening to an old recording of A Christmas Carol narrated by Ronald Coleman on our Grafinola with my sister each year. Good times 🙂
My favorite Christmas memory would have to be our family gathering around the tree on Christmas Eve and listening as my dad read the Christmas story from the Bible. We always opened our presents on Christmas Eve because my parents taught me that Christmas was about Jesus’s birthday and not Santa Claus. I have memories of family, warmth, light and love.
I love driving around and seeing the Christmas displays and lights. I also love eating the white chocolate covered oreos that come out that time of year.
My favorite Christmas memory was going to bed Christmas eve and waking up Christmas morning to find the tree decorated and presents underneath. It was magical, and I don’t know how my parents ever did it.
Congratulations on this book. Would love to read it. I just finished A Note Yet Unsung and loved it.
My favorite memory is going to Grandma’s house with all my family to spend the day together. I love her homemade Christmas cookies.
My favorite Christmas memories are always decorating the tree and house with my family, baking cookies and Christmas treats togther and just spending quality time together, celebrating the birth of our Savior! It’s my most favorite time of year!
My favorite memories are of the special moments spent with family. My wish is to be able to give my kids the same memories. Also I would have to say my favorite food was the ham that my mama would cook overnight. I will definitely miss that this year. Can’t wait to read this new book.
My favorite Christmas memory is the year my father gave me a Halloween decoration for a Christmas gift. He knew how much I loved planning a Halloween carnival for my cousins each year. It was a great example of how much my father understood me and my personality. My favorite snack is English toffee because my mother would make it every year.
Hmmm… singing “Silent Night “ by candlelight with my family each Christmas Eve. My favorite moment of the year!
My favorite Christmas memory is living close enough to family to gather with my Mom’s side on Christmas Eve and Dad’s side Christmas morning. My grandparents on both sides have been gone from the earth for many years and I miss them so much especially during the holidays. My favorite Christmas treat is those hard candies that are only out at Christmas time and we’re always out at my grandparents houses. The ones that had a Christmas tree in the center or a yellow ribbon just an assortment of candies in one package. They don’t seem to taste the same now but the memories are the best part.
One of my favorite Christmas memories was finding out we were FINALLY pregnant with our son! We found out a couple of days before Christmas and were able to record both of our parents when we shared the news! We wrapped up a 2 pairs of baby socks (one pink, one blue) and mixed them in with the other gifts. Lots of tears and a bit of screaming, we had all of our family there to find out as well. Our son is now 9 years old!
PS, love Tamera Alexander’s books! I own pretty much all of them! 🙂
My favorite Christmas memory is with all my family being home at our parents and going to a Christmas Eve service together. It has been to long.
My favorite Christmas was 2017! First Christmas for my grandson Alex and, unfortunately, my father’s last Christmas as he passed at the age of 93 on June 11, 2017. Bittersweet memories of a blessed Christmas
My favorite memories are with my family but most are with my father that past on. He was such a happy soul when he died it seems that a black cloud is over my family but we are getting by. Congrats on your new book I hope it does well.
I love the holidays because of the time spent with my family! And decorating our tree!
My favorite Christmas memory is from when we were kids and we would spend days before Christmas preparing for our play. We would all attend the Christmas Eve service and then we would put on our play. After that, we would open gifts and eat Christmas cookies.
One of my favorite memories is seeing my grandchildren’s eyes light up when they arrived at Grandma’s from out of state and saw all the Christmas lights and decorations!
My favorite Christmas memory is decorating the tree, and it was always a real tree.
So excited for this new release! Love, love, love all your books!!!
Oh! My favorite Christmas snack is definitely sugar cookie cutouts without frosting. And puppy chow. Hot cocoa. Stove-popped popcorn. And peanut butter fudge!
Would love to win for my church library!
My favorite Christmas memory is the year my parents decided to refocus and make Christmas all about Christ. For the month of December we studied the life of our Savior. The spirit in our home was wonderful. It’s so easy to get lost in the commercial side of Christmas, but as we turned to Christ our Christmas became so much more magical.
Greetings! Love your books! One of my favorite memories of Christmas was of when my parents, brother, sister and I would go into the woods of my grandparents house to find a Christmas tree, a cedar. They were plentiful this being southern Oklahoma! The excitement intensified with the cool, cruntchy temperatures. We would sing “over the river and thru the woods to grandmothers house we go” and jingle bells. We didn’t have a lot of money but we felt rich! We were in so many ways. We would spot what we thought was our perfect tree, the Arbuckle mountains in the distance. We would decorate our prized tree with lots of isicles. The smell was Christmas! So blessed!
I have loved all of your books, but I have a feeling this one will own a special place in my heart. My sister and I took our mom to Franklin and visited Carnton and several other special places in the area.. It was our last trip with her before her health started failing. She is now in hospice and not expected to last until Christmas. I look forward to reading this book and cherishing our personal memories as well.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is making peppernut cookies with my daughter. It is a time consuming process so we do this only at Christmas, which makes them even more special. We always take them to our family gathering and sometimes give them as gifts. We’ve been doing this for about 25 years, since she was about 2 years old.
My iced butter cookies are the bomb! I use festive cookie cutters and decorate accordingly! Peppermint bark is a must!!
Dear Tamera,
I love your books, I just started reading “To Wager Her Heart” and I’ve just fallen into the story and feel like I can reach out and touch your characters, thank you!
My favorite Christmas tradition: collecting the Christmas cards and beginning the first of the year, daily picking up one card from the pile and praying for that family with our family prayers. It’s a delight to still have Christmas cards in July and praying for our friends and family.
I’m excited about this new series! We visited Nashville this past summer and toured Belmont.
My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree and remembering where and when we got certain ornaments.
Thank you for writing such wonderful books! Looking forward to this one!
My dad always read the Christmas story to us on Christmas Eve before bed, and always by candlelight. We have continued the tradition with our boys, but we’ve added in a candlelight steak dinner after the boys go to bed 😛
One of my favorite memories is when I was a little girl and Santa was coming. We had gone to visit friends and when we got home all my presents were on the carport. Santa had come. I was in awe!
I love to go Christmas caroling at area nursing homes. I love carols so much and I think this is a great way to spread the joy of Christmas. (I should probably do it all year long!)
At the moment, I can’t think of anything specific. I do love it when our family is all together (5 kids, spouses and 10 grands), decorating together, meals, and the grands all decked out in matching pjs (or close anyway w/ a 17 year old and a 17month old, it’s not easy to find matching!) Thank you for the opportunity to win your book. Can’t wait to read it.
Good old fashioned christmas cookies!! Yum 😎
I can’t wait to read your newest story. It sounds wonderful! Some of my favorite Christmas memories are of spending Christmas with my paternal grandmother in a tiny town in Louisiana. My family would make the 2 day drive from Florida and we would have a great time! Now that she is gone, those Christmases mean even more to me.
One of my favorite Christmas memories was a Christmas morning 12 ago. My now son in law proposed to my daughter under our tree. He was so nervous. He had two bags from the jewelry store, one had earrings, the other had THE RING. I had to quickly do a sneak peek to see which was which because the person that wrapped them did not mark the package.
It was a beautiful moment. Her Daddy and I both cried.
My favorite Christmas memory is as a kid a church we went to gave me a box of books to read as my Christmas gift! It the best gift ever!! I still have those books and it been over 20 years!
Celebrating Jesus is my favorite part of Christmas!
So disappointed not to be able to participate in the FB chat. Stayed at the site for 20 minutes, but no luck.
My favorite christmas snacks are home made cookies and Chex mix, also homemade. My favorite Christmas memory is being with my grandparents when I was younger, in fact my grandmother made each of her grandchildren a box with a special message, which I still have today!!!
My favorite Christmas thing is the wrapping paper fight my family has after we unwrapped presents. We started this with my Grandma and great aunts and uncles and now we do it with our kids!
Definitely trudging through the snow and cutting down our own tree just my Daddy and me. And snuggling the bunnies.
Christmas is almost the only time our family gets together anymore because everyone is grown and off on their own. Sometimes we celebrate Christmas in Jan/Feb time frame!
Can’t wait to read the book!!
I am so excited about reading this! I got hooked after reading the preview in To Wager Her Heart. My favorite Christmas memories involve our church Christmas party including a loud rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas!
A dear family friend makes homemade sugar cookies shaped like Christmas trees with homemade green frosting. They are soooooooo tasty and definitely my favorite Christmas treat.
My favorite Christmas memory is not necessarily a single event, but rather the fact that it always means family gathered around. That’s what I love about the holidays!!!
I love the historical aspect of your novels. I love the warmth of family togetherness at Christmas which gets harder every year as my children live very far away.
Congratulations on your novella Tamera!
I have lots of favorite Christmas memories spent with family. Christmas cookies.
I love historical fiction and look forward to reading Christmas at Carnton. Tamera Alexander’s novels are fabulous!
Love reading your books as always!! Thanks for using your gifts to serve the Lord and write for Him.
Congrats to Kelley and Anne!
Love Christmas books,would love to win
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who commented today and yesterday on this blog post. And to those, too, who joined our FB LIVE Chat (fiasco that it was!) last night. I treasure our connections and am so grateful for you!!
Looking forward to your newest book, Tamera. We started a new Christmas tradition a few years back when we moved to Texas to be closer to two of our sons and their families. We had packed away the old Christmas ornaments that I inherited from my mom and dad, but a few years ago I decided I wanted to enjoy them again. Our 2 oldest granddaughters love to come help decorate the tree, especially when we put the “antique” ornaments up. I have an older mentally challenged brother and I’ll always savor the memory of him looking at the tree that first time and pointing to those ornaments. It was a special gift for me to enjoy Christmas through his eyes and memory.
Can’t wait to read your newest creation!! I always get so much from your books besides just a great story! God Bless!!