Okay, technically my birthday is over a week away. But it’s definitely in April. I’ll be celebrating at the Romantic Times Readers Convention in Las Vegas, of all places! But I will be celebrating with wonderful readers, amazing writers and my husband (Big Daddy). I might have to shop a bit, of course. Meantime, I thought since I’ll be turning sixty-years old, I might as well celebrate all month long. So today, I’m going to give away books! I have releases in May and June so I thought I’d give away two of each. So I hope someone will post and get two books and maybe a little birthday celebration surprise in the package, too!
The first book is part of a continuity. I both love and hate continuities. They are challenging to write. (Picture me hitting my head against the wall.) And each time I sign on for one, I always scream “Never again.” But somehow, I keep signing on because the other writers involved are always so much fun and they are smart and clever and I hate to miss time being surrounded by them. Plus, our readers love continuities. They really, really love them. This one was tough to write but I loved my characters and my K9 officer dog Hunter. I hope you’ll like it, even if you don’t read the other five books in the series. My book is the second one. Terri Reed’s Protect and Serve is the April release.
The second book I’d like to give away will be out in June. It’s titled Lakeside Sweetheart and it has my heart. I so enjoyed writing this sweet story of a small-town preacher who looks like a surfer dude but has a faith that can bring the most harden doubters back to God. This is the third book of my “Men of Millbrook Lake” series set in Florida. Rory Sanderson was impatient to have his own story and I was glad to write it for him. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about the quaint seaside town that captured my imagination.
So this is the beginning of my birthday month! If I have to turn sixty, I aim to enjoy every minute of it. What do you like to do on your birthday? What’s the best birthday you ever had? One that stands out for me was when I was offered two book contracts by two different publishers on my birthday (I think I was in my mid-thirties). I celebrated that day at Cracker Barrel and I bought a beautiful sunflower embossed throw that I still have. That was nice. I hope you all have a good birthday, no matter your age or the time of year!
Latest posts by Lenora Worth (see all)
- Spring is a good time to do some renewal and restoration - March 21, 2018
- Some fun happenings and you’re invited! - March 7, 2018
- When you reach the end of the road, find a new path - February 21, 2018
Varies each year really. I’m not sure about best birthday I ever had.
Any birthday is a good day!!
At 69 I can’t really remember. Each one is good at this point. Time just flashes by! Enjoy it! Happy Birthday!
I agree, Barbara!! It’s fun to celebrate life on a regular day 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! I really can’t say I have a favorite birthday memory. They are all special in their own way.
Thank you, Ellen!!
I’m not sure what you’re asking for us to do to be able to win your books! And it is my birthday month to… 55
Too 🎂 I think one of my favorite memories is the first time my daughter really invested in a present: the Bible tour. It was an awesome time
That is awesome, Charlotte 🙂
Charlotte, all you have to do is post. I’ll draw two names and post the winners here next week. 🙂 Happy Birthday month!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for this fun post and giveaway. My 60th birthday is still a couple of years away, but you are giving me inspiration! I love Cracker Barrel and sunflowers too! In fact, one of my best birthday surprises occurred at Cracker Barrel. One of my friends with whom I would shop and eat with on a regular basis knew that Cracker Barrel was a favorite place of mine, so she took me there for my birthday. We hadn’t been seated very long when I started to notice people that we both knew were popping up here and there, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by friends. It was a party–for me! Of course, they sang Happy Birthday, and there were presents and cake. Everyone in the restaurant was looking on, and my face was red, but it was happy red! The friend who brought me there and arranged it all couldn’t have been more proud–she pulled a good one on me! A very happy memory! Best wishes for both books–they sound terrific!!!
Virginia, what a great surprise! Friends and family make birthdays so special. I’m glad you have that memory. 🙂
One birthday I’ll never forget was my 21st, but not in the way you might think. Me and my twin were in South Africa on a missions trip with a bunch of friends and that afternoon our pastor flew in and met up with us. We celebrated with the care workers and children we visited and they sung us there traditional birthday song with lots of hugs from everyone. Such love for us was shown that day.
Julie, that’s a precious memory. Giving is always a gift and is better than receiving. You have a special memory. I love that story. 🙂
Happy birthday! I always enjoy my birthday, but can’t say anyone of them was better than another.
Thanks, Robin!
Happy Birthday Lenora. Mine is April 16. Hope your day is full of blessings. I love your books. Keep writing!
Thank you, Loraine. Mine is the 17th!! I’ll think of you!!
Happy Birthday! The best birthday I ever had was a few years ago when I decided to throw my own party the night before my birthday. I did all the cleaning and prepping that day and then had a wonderful party. The next day, my birthday, I didn’t have to clean and run around like a mad woman but instead was able to relax and I had different friends take me out for breakfast and lunch and my hubby took me out for dinner. When I got home that evening I finally opened the presents given to me the previous night that I hadn’t opened. It was just a fun day!
Smart idea, Kris. You got to celebrate twice!!
I’m not sure about the best but I had lots of fun at a surprise party thrown in my honor.
Parties are always fun. Glad you have that memory, Nancy.
Happy early birthday. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you, Steph. 🙂
Happy Birthday! Mine is the 27th! Favorite birthday memory is celebrating my 40th in FL with my sisters. When we arrived there was a HUGE basket with margarita glasses, starfish, candy, flowers etc. I thought it was from the management for all of us. Then found out it was from my youngest sister. She had arranged for it to be put together and left for my birthday. I felt really special!
Kathy, that is so sweet. The beach and a basket full of goodies. Nice birthday memory 😉
I have too many favorite birthdays to choose from! So, I’ll tell you about one I thoroughly enjoyed just 2 years ago. I LOVE history, and we had recently moved to Columbus, Ohio. I kept driving past this sign: Olentangy Indian Caverns. I was more curious than my husband, so I thought it would be a great birthday adventure. Our daughter and son-in-law joined us, and we had a blast exploring these small caverns and read about the history of these Native Americans … fantastic! Happy 60th birthday to you! You’re just a little bit ahead of me … next year!
Kandy, that does sound like an adventure. My husband surprised me once with a trip through the Texas wildflower trails. We had lunch in East Texas and spent the day driving with the top down on our little Miata. I got badly sunburned but it was such a sweet gesture and I enjoyed it. Those kind of day trips are always memorable 🙂 Glad you had fun. 🙂
Happy 60th, Lenora! 🙂
My favorite birthday memory…well, all of them have been special, but one great memory is my 21st – my two best friends threw me a surprise party! It was small, but perfect for us. They both put thought and time into it, and it was fun! Even made me a birthday cake 🙂
Oh and thank you for sharing the fun with us! Both of those books look wonderful!
Sarah, when friends take the time to put together a party it’s always special!
I’m so glad you have that memory 🙂
Happy Birthday! Almost two years ago, my daughter threw me a 70th birthday party, complete with a beautiful cake & a houseful of famiy & friends –so I feel that that was my favorite (and unforgettable) birthday!
Mary, that sounds like a lovely celebration. What a treasured memory 🙂
I love birthdays. Each birthday is a gift, especially after having breast cancer in 2005. I love to celebrate with family and friends. Just being together and sharing laughter is the most wonderful present. 🙂
That is the best present, Melissa. I’m so glad you’re healthy and well. What a gift!
We bought our first new car ~ a Mustang on my birthday!
I always enjoy all the birthday wishes, a meal out and oh my I think I got 50 Happy Birthdays on FB book this year 🙂
May you have just a wonderful 60th Birthday!
Deanna, a new car is a wonderful gift. Mustangs are so cool! Thanks for sharing!
I turn 72 this month. This year, instead of the spring flowers, we are having snowstorms. Hurry, Spring! My favorite memory is my 70th celebration with our 4 children, 14 grandchildren, & several close friends. We all shared memories of years gone by.
Mary-Louise, stay warm. I’ll try to send you some springtime weather for your birthday. I’m glad you have such a good memory with your family 🙂
Happy birthday!! Giving away books sounds like a good idea to me! 😉
Thanks, Callie. 🙂
My latest birthday was 72. Two friends and I go out to celebrate each of our birthdays. Once I reached 70, I figured each healthy year is a blessing and I’d just enjoy and appreciate them! (I hated turning 60.)
Joan, it is hard to get older but yes, being healthy is the best gift. I have lots of aches and pains but I’m still kicking! It sounds as if you’re having fun with your friends 🙂
Happy Birthday! I don’t know about my best birthday, but one of my most memorable was my 27th. I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter, who was born 6 days later.
Both of these books sound great.
Susan, a baby is a good birthday gift for sure! Thanks for sharing that sweet memory 🙂
Mine and my daughter’s birthday are two days apart so we always go out to dinner as a family for our birthdays. We pick the restaurant 🙂
I guess my best birthday was when I got engaged to my husband. He took me out for my birthday and proposed.
She, a proposal is a great birthday present, Rachel!
My 60th birthday is coming up soon also, on May 3rd! Happy birthday to you! I hope you enjoy your day, and thank you for the contest. I really enjoy your books.
Thank you, Linda. Hope you have a heart day, too!!
Happy happy early birthday! There are so many birthdays to remember… LOL. I think they all have some special moment. One year, my husband took me to the CIA! (Culinary Institute of America), for a fabulous birthday meal and then we drove around and enjoyed the scenery of the Hudson River. It was beautiful, romantic and just perfect. Thanks for the your birthday giveaway! It’s your birthday, but sure seems like ours!
Annie, that sounds lovely. I’m enjoying all of these great stories!
Next month I will be celebrating my 75th birthday. Probably won’t be doing anything special. I don’t live near family and all I get from family might be a Happy birthday on Facebook. When I was young, I loved my birthday because my mom would have great parties for me and my friends. My 13th was hard because we had just moved to a new town and I was a stranger to those who came. Ever since then I have dreaded the day. This year it is also Mothers Day. My kids don’t recognize that day either. A big Happy Birthday to you.
Nancy, moving is always hard but that’s a tough age to have to move. 75 is a wonderful birthday milestone. I will be thinking of you each day and I hope you treat yourself to something special.
I have Law Enforcement in my family, and a friend who is a breeder of Police K9s. I would love the K9 series and hope to start with your birthday book 🙂 Also who doesn’t like a good romance ! Happy Birthday Lenora
Bonnie, I sure appreciate and respect K9 handlers and partners. That’s the main reason I enjoy writing these books. Thanks you!!
Happy Birthday, you young whippersnapper!!! Mine is coming up very soon, too- 64! How did that happen? Weren’t we just in elementary school playing hop scotch last week? Thank you for using your talents to bless us and thanks for the opportunity to win some good reads.
Lisa, it does seem as if time just flies by. Thank you so much!!
Today is my birthday! I have had many fun ones, but one of the most memorable was when I was chaperoning my kid’s high school orchestra trip to Russia. Several of my friends were also on that trip and they gave me a surprise party at 12:01 am – there wasn’t a lot of time in the schedule so they figured that would work out best. They were quite sneaky and I was very surprised! That was also the last year my kids were with me on my birthday as the college years came next. On a funny note, my son had ordered Downton Abbey seasons 1-5 for me this year, but Amazon sent the complete set of Star Wars movies. Both epics, but not the same. Happy birthday to you too!
Happy Early Birthday! Next month will be my 30th birthday. I’m excited and a little down because I never imagined myself as being 30. But I do enjoy birthdays! My favorite birthday has to be my 21st. My birthday is the day before my grandfather’s. Every year, my family has a huge fish fry for family and friends, and it is always the first Saturday in May, which is always right before our birthdays. That year he turned 80. So they turned the fish fry into a surprise party for him and gave me a cake too. I will always remember that.
Stacy, thirty is a great birthday. I was so brash and sure I zoomed right through that one but I’ve learned a lot since then. You are blessed to celebrate with your grandfather. How wonderful. You will be just fine!! Thanks!
I turned 80 this year and so every birthday is a blessing. I can’t really remember what the best one is I ever had but I will never forget the worst one. It was when I turned 40 and everything went wrong on that day. Ugh!
Oh, sorry to hear that, Stella. But you obviously made it through. So glad about that. Happy 80th!! Thank you!
Best birthday my older daughter was born 6 days after my birthday so that was the best.
Kim, that is the best!!
I’ve had several “surprise” parties thrown for me. I’d say those stand out the most although the year we celebrated our 20th anniversary over my 43rd birthday at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN was lots of fun! I’m just a few years behind you and will celebrate 56 in August. Have fun celebrating 60!
Oh, Opryland would be so wonderful. Good for you!
Happy Birthday!!!!! 🙂 I like to celebrate my birthday with my family.Thanks for sharing your “birthday” with us.
Thank you, Kim!
I turn 62 on May 3rd. The sixties was really a shock. Sounds so much older than 50!
My daughter who was only 12 at the time planned me a surprise birthday party for my 40th. But I surprised her! I was working a rural mail delivery route and it was an extra long stressful day. I got home a lot later than they thought I would. Friends and neighbors had come and gone and come back. And I looked horrible. Imagine hot, dirty, sweaty and tired. But it was memorable for sure and I appreciated the thought that my daughter put into it.
Gail, that is so sweet!! Thanks for sharing.
Happy birthday, Lenora! I’ll be turning 62 at the end of this month. I know we should be grateful for every day and year, but while birthdays 40 and 50 were a snap, I didn’t quite see my 60th in the same vein. While it could always be better, it could surely be worse. If I’m going to grow old, I’d like to continue to retain my health. 🙂
Amen, Julie vi agree with that.
Happy Birthday! My special birthday memory is a bit different, mostly because I forget how old I am. I recently told someone I was 55 when I’m only 51. It started many, many years ago. I was consulting with a new doctor, he asked how old I was, I said 30, conversation continued, I told him we would get along as long as he didn’t call me “sweetie” he asked again how old I was, then my birth date. I thought the guy was crazy! He asked me five times! Near the end of the visit, he reached across the desk, held my hand and said, “Sweetie, you’re only 28.” After that my daughter made me birthday signs that said Happy Birthday Birthday Mom, you _ _ years old! It continued until she got married and moved away, then she sent a text. Now she’s a busy mommy and forgets things like birthday’s and her own anniversary. She does always know how old she is though 🙂
Andrea, that made me laugh. You gained a few years!!
I’m glad you had a laugh. You give us readers pleasure with your stories. I have to tell you because of my age forgetfulness, I have wished my siblings the wrong birthday too. I’m the oldest, my sister is 5 years younger and my brother is 10 years younger. When I called to tell my brother happy 30th, he asked if I was ok. I said yes, he said “you sure” I said “of course I’m sure” he said, “sister, I’m only 29” I argued with him for a few minutes and wished him well and hung up. It wasn’t until my nieces birthday a couple weeks later, when I was still insisting that he turned 30 that the family set me straight.
Happy Birthday! THANKS for great books to read & for a Giveaway!
Thank you, MS Barb!
Happy Birthday Lenora. One of my favorite memories of a birthday happened about 40 years ago. The day after our first daughter was born back in 1976 was my 26th birthday. I can technically say that she was born when I was 25. She was born 2 weeks early by C-section since my water had broken. I never went into labor so after 24 hours a C-section was done and they kept her in isolation for 24 hours. I finally got to hold her the next day on my 26th birthday.
What a great story, Nancy!
Happy Birthday, Lenora. Enjoy celebrating your birthday all month. I enjoy spending time with family and friends on my birthday. A special birthday was a surprise party a couple days before my 30th birthday and it was a night of a huge snow storm, too. Your books sounds like interesting reads. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Thank you, Marilyn! Good story 🙂
Happy birthday, Lenora! My husband proposed on my 19th birthday 🙂 These days I like to celebrate my birthday with a quiet day at home with my family and maybe some extra reading time! Unless of course driving across the country to see my sister and her family is an option!
Beth, all good options! Thank you 🙂
Happy Birthday!
I think one of my favorite Birthdays was when I turned 40. My friends and family threw me a fun Birthday Party! =)
My birthday was March 26th. I turned well let’s just say I’m the same age you will be very soon. My favorite birthday was when I turned fifty and my hubby surprised me with a trip to the hill country. He also had each one of my friends from church send a birthday card to give to me. It was such a suroruse to receive all these nice cards. He must have been planning this for months.
Deana, that is a nice surprise! And how lovely for you 🙂
Happy birthday a week of early, Lenora. It sounds like #60 is going to be special and exciting. I have celebrated a few more than you (65) and I am drawing a blank on an extra special birthday. I consider all of them gifts from God and having my family with me makes them all of worthy of praise.
cps1950(at)gmail (dot)com
I was in grade school & having a birthday party. My birthday is in March. The reason it’s memorable is because our house was surrounded by flood waters. My dad picked up the guests & then carried them through the water to our porch. All I remember was it was a special day because of what my mom & dad did for me.
***Another memorial birthday was when I gave my mom flowers because she gave birth to me. I think we have this birthday thing kinda backwards. Just think about it.
You are so right, Connie. Thanks for posting. :0
Betty, good point! I love it 🙂
My 50th birthday was a happy one for me! I had most of my immediate family around me and I actually was still young since now I am 71 and looking back. My husband gave me a beautiful tennis bracelet that I still treasure. Happy birthday Lenora turning 60!
Thank you, Sally. Your story sounds lovely 🙂
Happy Birthday! My sister that is 5 years older takes me and my twin out to eat wherever we choose each year. Our birthday is the day after yours. She had a surprise party for us on our 40th at her house. Of course it was all decorated in black over the hill decorations.
Donna, that’s so cool! I have a lot of readers who have my birthday month. I like that 🙂
My most memorable birthday was my 16th surprise party. I haven’t had a party since. At 61 I enjoy spending the day with my hubby. God bless!
Lucy, I’m glad you have that memory : )
Happy birthday, Lenora! I noticed several comments above to which I could say “ditto”. With #70 creeping closer every day, it’s difficult to decide which was the best. Maybe I’ll just go with my 15th birthday since I was finally old enough to get a driver’s license. I went to my mother shortly after lunch that day and told her I had been practicing driving around the property and I was ready to go get my license. She “slammed on the brakes” and told me I would be waiting until I had taken driver’s education. There have been several special birthdays over the years that I won’t enumerate. I also noticed someone saying she couldn’t remember her age. When I was 67, I told people for eight or nine months that I was 68. I suddenly realized one day that I had almost lost a year of my life, but I remembered in time so I could spend the last few months of that year as a 67-year-old before I really turned 68.
Edward, my husband has to remind me. I keep adding a year to my life. I don’t need that yet!!!
Birthday Blessings Lenora. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful time at the convention. My best birthday was the one where I married my husband on my birthday. I told him I wanted to get married on my birthday since I wanted a husband to be my gift that year. So he knows not to forget the day or he is in double trouble since its my birthday and our anniversary too!
Good idea, Maryann! What fun 🙂
You know, Lenora, 60 is way easier than 50 was. I think you will be surprised how easy it is. I can’t remember any particular birthdays standing out, except maybe when I turned 15 — I wanted Rod Stewart’s first album, and my mom bought it for me. I usually have wonderful birthdays, with dinners out or even, dinners in, but I usually don’t have big celebrations or occasions. Have fun in Vegas!!!! (p.s. I just turned 60 last September)
Debbie, I got to go to a Rod Steward concert for one of my birthdays long ago. My ears are still ringing! Good memory 🙂
27 years ago this month, my wonderful “surprise” daughter was born. We call her the “Cherry on the Top” because I thought I was done after 2 boys.
Sandra, that’s a great birthday present!
I read the K-9 Unit series last year so of course the rookies will be on my radar next. Thanks for posting that.
My best Birthdays were my 65th and 70th complete with surprise children visits and a surprise party. 71 was good too with a visit to see our only grand baby.
Enjoy you 60th!
Happy Birthday! I like your style. Celebrate all month! All birthdays are special. I enjoy a special dinner out, followed by cheesecake at my favorite cheesecake place and enjoy waiting for phone calls from family members. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Happy Birthday Lenora! May your special day be filled with love, laughter & CAKE!
I like to go fishing on my birthday. Best birthday ever would be to have all my grandkids fishing with me.
I have two girlfriends that I worked with in the past who I always get together with around my birthday. Always nice to catch up with them since we don’t work together anymore!
My first anniversary is Monday and my birthday is later this month, so I am looking forward to some celebrating!
A special dinner out with my family, especially my 2 yr old grand-girl in attendance 🙂 That’s all that matters to me, spending quality time with them. I’ve found as I get older, I don’t need “stuff”…give me time with my loved ones to make memories with!
Happy happy birthday Lenora!!! I hope you get the socks blessed off of you on your special day…oh and don’t forget to eat your cake (or pie or whatever)! I’ve read Terri Reed’s book & very much anticipate your book next in the series. If I don’t win, I’m planning on buying it anyway. Terri did a nice job setting up the story! Loving the 2 & 4 legged K-9 officers featured…can’t wait for David & Whitney’s tale to be told.
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy Birthday!! I love your books and look forward to both of these.
We don’t do a lot for birthdays so I can’t really recall a special one
Happy Birthday to you! My best birthday was my 50th! My family hosted a 50’s themed party and it was great….juke box, hoopla hoops, and poodle skirts…..Great!
I like to go out to eat with my daughter and some friends and then go shopping. Mine is in November.
Hope you have a awesome BIRTHDAY too
Birthdays are wonderful. In February we celebrated my dad’s last birthday here on Earth. Now he gets to spend it with others. It was a special birthday and somehow I knew it might be his last.
Hello Lenora. Sounds like two great books. I would love to win them. What I love most about my birthdays is the gathering of my large family. That is really all I need, my family. As to a great one was my first ever surprise party on my 75th birthday. I thought we were going out to eat. But we went by my granddaughters home and went in and all the family was there to yell SURPRISE ! Oh my, what a wonderful day. The large house was decorated so beautiful, best I ever saw. And the adults had planned it to each bring food where there was all of my favorites through the years. Same with desserts. Fabulous!A day I will never forget. of course they did a good job for my 80th too. Instead of gifts, they had me a money tree, first ever too. This way I could get something special I wanted or needed. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday month. I celebrate my 81st tomorrow on the 7th of April. April is a great month, huh? GOD bless you. Maxie
My birthday often falls during our church’s Vacation Bible School. The year I turned 49 my fellow workers thought I was kidding and that I was really turning 50. They brought in the most beautiful cake to the teachers’ snack room that said, “Happy 50th Birthday, Melissa!” I had to show my drivers license so they would believe me. Well, I promptly cut my piece of cake (the number 50, of course) and no one was the wiser. We’ve had a good laugh over that several times!!
When I was little I always wanted to spend my birthday at my grandparents’ cottage on the lake.
Happy Birthday! I love just being with family and usually having Strawberry shortcake!
My best birthday was my 27th birthday. I will never forget it because I received the best gift ever, eternal life with my savior Jesus Christ. That was the day I accepted Jesus as my Savior.
Hi Lenora, well to tell you the truth I’m a day late with my comment. Just opened your message this morning. My birthday is in June and I have already lived over 72 years. Reading is my passion! I especially like Suspense with Romance included. The romance is just the icing on the cake. God has blessed me with His mercy and grace for the majority of those years. Every birthday becomes special for one reason or another. Thank you for this opportunity. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May God bless you richly each day with His presence.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I tried to respond to all but last night I got sleepy and had to go to bed. But I so appreciate your funny and beautiful birthday memories. I will draw two winners and announce them when I blog again on April 20th. I’ll be traveling until then. And celebrating!!
I have to say this: you do know how to celebrate your birthday with style!
My birthday secret is that I give myself a present some years!
I have never heard of a continuity. I gathered that is a series of books written by different authors. Is this right?
I am in my 73rd year, so all birthdays are appreciated. I am trying to feel gratitude for every single day. Reading is one of the many joys in my life. I have loved books as long as I can remember. I wish you a very Happy 60th Birthday!🎉 🎂 🎁 🎈 😊
Happy Birthday! My best birthday was 3 years ago when my first grandchild was born ON my birthday. We didn’t think she was going to hold out that long, but a long labor and a c-section led to her making her arrival at 12:03 am to make my 51st birthday one that I will always treasure!
For my birthday we have made a tradition of going to the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch/dinner and a trip to the zoo. From this tradition I usually get a zoo pass so it is the gift that keeps on giving.
Happy Birthday to you, Lenora. I never know if I’m eligible for these giveaways as I live in Canada…most of them, no, I’m not eligible. [grrr. :)]. I turn 62 this April. I don’t know if I have a fave birthday. Maybe it’ll be this one if I win a giveaway book. It’s funny that one of the giveaways is about Rory. I am rereading a 2015 release, “Lakeside Hero,” and thoroughly enjoying it…again. I started it last night [before reading this…and I think I’m late to this comments page.]
Anyway, hope this is a great b-day for you. Blessings.
Every year I say I’m not celebrating my birthday any more, the last one I was 66, but my mother insists we go out to a birthday lunch. I do it mostly because it gives her pleasure.
I had a surprise party for my 16th birthday. That was a blast!
Congratulations on having your birthday in April. I am also an April birthday girl and I turned 66 (technical age) on April 4th. My daily age is 25 (that is my rejuvenation age). Your comments said you won’t post winners until the 20th, so perhaps I still have a chance to win! All past birthdays were special in their own way. Sometimes it was fun at home or dinner out with family or more like this year, sick in bed with stuff — couldn’t eat much and slept most of the time. So pleased about your new books being released soon. Keep those inner ideas churning!
I have a dog at home that looks just like the one on the cover of Truth or Consequences. Love it