This summer a group of women in my neighborhood and I are “feasting” on Jesus & Women, a Bible study by Kristi McLelland, seven video lessons that focus on Jesus’s interaction with women in the New Testament as viewed through a middle eastern lens.

After all, the Bible was written by Middle Easterners through a middle eastern lens, and when we view it solely through a western perspective vital details and eternal truths are often overlooked—or missed completely. This is my fifth time to feast on Jesus & Women, and I highly recommend it!
I use the word feast because Kristi often reminds us of what God says in Psalm 81:10b:
“Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.”
We don’t come to the table of fellowship with the LORD God as orphans. We come as sons and daughters of the Most High, and he feeds us by his hand, just as he fed the Israelites manna in the wilderness.
Watch this quick intro to Jesus & Women . . .
In session six this week, we dove into the account of the woman caught in adultery (John 8). Each time I take in these verses, God shows me something new. Especially in terms of cultural context. Here are some nuggets from my notes:
- The account starts with the word “Then,” so this is actually a continuation of a previous account. We must move back to Ch 7 to get the fuller setting for this interaction.
- The 7-day Festival of Shelters (Sukkot or the Festival of Booths) that takes place in September/October has just ended. And the following day, the 8th day—the day this woman is “caught” in adultery—was a Sabbath. A day of “rest.”
- But even that word “rest” doesn’t fully capture the meaning behind the Sabbath. Listen to or watch one of Kristi’s PEARLS podcasts where she explains the deeper meaning of Sabbath.
- Jesus has already created somewhat of a ruckus (as we say here in the South) during the Feast of Tabernacles, so people are watching, listening, trying to figure out who he is, even as the Pharisees are moving closer to wanting to kill him.
- This woman was part of a planned encounter with the purpose of “trapping” Jesus.
- The teachers of religious law and Pharisees did not care about upholding the law in this instance; they were out to trap Jesus. This woman was merely a pawn.
- Point in case . . . It takes two to commit adultery—a man and a woman. And yet, where is the man?
- When Jesus took on flesh and came into the world, he came into an honor/shame culture and, in that patriarchal world, women needed a generous lifting up of justice and righteousness (the first two lessons in this series which focus on Jesus and his Jewish world as worth the series alone!).
- In his interaction with this woman, Jesus shifted the wrath of the Pharisees off her and onto himself. Jesus took her wrath, just as he does ours when we surrender to his Lordship.
SO many rich lessons in this feast!
If you’re looking for a fall study for your small group—be it for women or coed—give Jesus & Women a close look. It not only showcases Jesus and his love for women, but it shines a middle eastern light on his powerful teachings which leaves you forever changed.

ORDER JESUS & WOMEN LEADER KIT (book and videos)
What’s a group Bible study you’ve done recently that you would recommend to others? What group study are you doing next?
Me? I can hardly wait for Bible Study Fellowship to start in September. This is my fourteenth year in BSF and I want to do be involved in this annual September-May study until Jesus calls me home!
Check out Bible Study Fellowship’s next study “THE KINGDOM DIVIDED”
and find a local class near you
Blessings on your Tuesday, and if you can only read one book today, make it His!
LISTEN TO Kristi’s latest teaching centered in Hebrews 11 that focuses on a woman who, while not named in that chapter on faith, lived a life of faith that still echoes in believers’ hearts today.
Tamera Alexander
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My Life Group has done the Jesus and Women study. In fact, I’ve led two groups through that one, and I highly recommend it. This fall we are going to do Kristi’s new study, The Gospel on the Ground: The grit and glory of the early church in Acts. So eager for that one. This spring we finished Priscilla Shirer’s Discerning the Voice of God which was excellent. One member of our group said it was especially helpful to her as she was making a career change.
Robin, you are going to love the early church study. Another great feast!
I facilitated this study at our church last fall, and it was amazing! We are going to do her next study on Acts, The Gospel on the Ground, this coming fall. Kristi McLelland is definitely anointed! Thank you for sharing her study!
Wonderful to hear this! Katherine, the Acts study is fabulous!! Agree on the anointing. A gift from God.
I’ve considered getting this study for our women’s Bible study group, but the videos are longer than we need. I wonder if I can stop them halfway and make two sessions out of each one?
Marilyn, each study is a lesson into itself and she definitely builds her lesson as she goes. That said, these are such life-changing lessons, I would say that if that’s the ONLY way you and your group can do them, then make that work. But I bet I bet once you start watching, you won’t be able to stop. 😉