I’m going to bare my deepest weirdness to you, my dear sisterhood. I know all of you will love and accept me regardless . . . and hopefully not laugh at me (at least not too hard). 🙂
I speak kitty-baby-talk.
Yes, that’s right. I have four big cats. And I talk to my kitties in the same way that a doting mother speaks to her baby, in that high-pitched, lovey-dove, sugary-sweet voice.
Not only that, but I have all kinds of really odd but affectionate nicknames for each of my kitties.
Of course, I don’t engage in kitty-talk around civilized people, because I don’t want them to think that I’m any weirder than I already am (you know, that strange woman who walks around talking about her fictional characters as if they’re real).
But if you were eavesdropping in my house at any given point in the day or night, you’d hear me call my kitties things like: Angel-heart, Love-bug, Pumpkin-pie, Sweet-doll, Baby-cakes, Lover-boy and a host of other gag-me type of names.
The truth is, I allow my kitties to run the house. They jump on the table and counters. They run wherever their hearts’ desire. If they’re sleeping on my favorite chair, I find a different spot to sit. I feed them Fancy Feast twice a day in special bowls. They snuggle on my bed at night in their little cat beds.
I admit, I even sing to my kitties. (Okay, you can laugh now . . . if you haven’t already!) 🙂
I have always loved cats. I can’t remember a time in my family’s life when we didn’t have a cat or two as a family pet. Even as a young girl I remember feeding stray cats that came to our house, having cat calendars, and amassing a collection of little ceramic cats.
When I was thinking about how some people might perceive my love of cats as slightly weird (especially when I talk kitty-baby-talk!), I realized that it’s simply part of my past, my personality, and my interests that all come together to make me a unique individual.
In a culture that all too often pressures us in to a mold of similarity, of acting, dressing, and thinking like everyone else, I have to remind myself that my quirks, my gifts and abilities, my unique personality–they’re all something I need to embrace.
As a writer, I also have to let my uniqueness shine through. Again, that’s hard with the pressure to conform, to write stories that have broad appeal. It’s easy to lose our specialness and to become like every other writer, or to let our voice get pushed and tweaked so much that it’s no longer unique. In doing so we get lost in the multitudes instead of standing out and being the writer that we’re designed to be.
As a woman, a writer, and as a member of humankind, I want to accept diversity–especially within myself. I want to be comfortable with who I am–weirdness an all–instead of striving to be like someone else.
So, that crazy thing about me–the kitty-baby-talk–it’s a good thing. It makes my life fuller, more interesting, and unique. And hopefully if it makes my life richer, it will do the same to all those who surround me.
Now that I’ve shared something weird about me, it’s YOUR turn! What’s something unique and different about you? Don’t be embarrassed to share!
Jody Hedlund
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Jody, I thought you couldn’t BE a writer unless you were also a “weird cat lady”––right? Well, unless your name is Tamera Alexander 😉 We left our outdoor cat with our house when we moved, knowing she wouldn’t be happy in the city, but we miss having a cat and have toyed with the idea of getting one again.
Something weird and different about me? I don’t think this blog is big enough! But here are a few:
1. I wear shoes ONLY when required by law. Otherwise, it’s barefoot or––in the winter––stocking-foot for me.
2. I wear makeup 365 days a year, even if I’m not going anywhere.
3. I’m easily entertained (according to my kids), meaning I can practically swoon over a pretty flower or a morsel of food or a Playdough sculpture made by a grandchild. My kids give me a hard time about it, but when I tried to behave more calmly they decided they would miss my hystrionics. 😉
Hi Deb, LOL, Weird cat lady and weird writer lady are very synonymous! 🙂
I loved getting a glimpse into your “weirdnesses” although they all sound very “you.” I can picture you doing each of the above! 🙂
We are the weird cat people as well. When we talk to the cats, they talk back to us. They call us Meowmy and Daddy. Which has made it quite interesting with Connor, because we sometimes slip up and call me “Meowmy!”
These days, even though it is warm, I sleep in socks, so I can rock the little one during the night if he needs it.
Gosh, what else is weird about me? I know there is plenty, but I can’t think of anything. Granted, these days, my time is not my own, so I don’t have time to think. 🙁
Catherine, I laughed at your Meowmy nickname, especially the thought of using that now with your son! Maybe even eventually he’ll start calling you that! 🙂 That would be too cute!
Rest assured, Jody, you are not alone! Everything you described about yourself and your cats is true for me as well (and probable even more so). Our two cats are our children, to the point we often find ourselves structuring our lives around them. Even though they are brothers and grew up together, when they were about 3 years old one suddenly attacked the other one scaring us half to death as though my husband and I had both grown up with cats all our lives, neither one of us had seen a cat fight so bad. But after lots of Internet research we found out it really isn’t that uncommon and could be due to a number of reasons. Over the next year, despite our efforts to keep them calm, something would trigger and the one would attack the other.
Even though they would sometimes go 5 or 6 months between a fight, I decided I simply could not live with waiting and wondering when the next attack would be (particularly since it is my kitty who gets attacked and my husbands kitty who does the attacking). So after several fights, a couple trips to the vet, and permanent scratch scars on my legs, we decided to keep them separated from each other for good. And things are actually going quite well. We moved into a large house and they take turns being locked up and having free rein over the house.
As I tell people the story of our cats and they see my scars, I get this look and sometimes they even say it, “why don’t you get rid of those insane cats!” And I simply respond, “because they are my babies.” I am not the kind of person who adopts an animal just to give it up when you discover it has some physical or emotional problems. You wouldn’t give up your child so why give up your pet? When I adopt a pet, I’m committing to that animal. To provide for it, nurture it, love it.
And if that makes me a crazy cat woman…so be it!
Thanks for sharing a little of your weirdness, Jody. It brings us all closer together. And we might even realize that our weirdness maybe isn’t so weird after all!
By the way, your orange striped kitty looks exactly like one of my sister’s cats! Every time I see a picture of it on Instagram I’m amazed! They could be twins, it’s uncanny!.
Wow, Shelly! What a story about your cats and their fights! That would totally freak me out. I get upset at one of our male kitties (the oldest one) when he picks on the others by simply chasing them around too much. I don’t know how I’d handle the all-out fighting! I think I’d do what you did by separating them. But I’m glad all of ours get along most of the time! Cheers to all us crazy cat women! 🙂
Shelly, Have you ever seen My Cat From Hell on Animal Planet? http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/my-cat-from-hell The animal behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy comes in to observe, diagnose & offer guidance to help your cats and you. There have been several episodes with situations exactly like yours and no cat needs to be locked up or be feared of attacking again. Maybe you could write him? Or at least watch as many episodes as you can to get tips that might work. He really could find out why your husband’s cat attacks your cat, specifically. Sending you and your cats best wishes. 🙂
Yes, Lisa, I have heard of that show and know of Jackson Galaxy. I’ve seen a few episodes. There is also another cat expert, The Cat Whisperer. She has a book out and does consultations for all kinds of cat behavior issues. We have her book, have done tons of Internet research, etc. We have seriously considered contacting her or Jackson. But because we have gone for so long at times in between cat fights, sometimes 6 months, and then out of the blue it happens again, I’m afraid I will live in fear just wondering if and when it will happen again even after professional help. For now, since we just moved into a big house last fall, they seem pretty happy with the current arrangement. But who knows, maybe in the future we will get them some professional help. Particularly if we have kids. Having a baby or young child be the indirect victim of a cat fight…not something I want to ever have to think about.
Crazy what we’ll do for our furry family members! And the fact that there are people like Jackson and the Cat Whisperer just goes to show it’s not such an uncommon thing.
Okay, I have to confess, I did laugh at your cat oddities. I’m a cat person, but I don’t go that far with it. 🙂
Only one weird thing? . . . okay. I talk to everything. Seriously, I’ll be driving and I’ll just start talking to the car. Or I’ll be baking cookies and hold a conversation with the dough. I think it started because I’ve grown up with a father who doesn’t really talk much, so I started talking to anything around me. I talk to my phone, pets, dishes, laptop, whatever I’m cooking, pretty much any and every thing. 🙂
There are probably a dozen other things I could share, but I’ll stop now, before you call the men with the jackets that let people big themselves. 😉
Hope you have a great Easter!
Hi Sarah, I laugh at myself sometimes too! I figure it makes life more interesting! 🙂 And thanks for sharing your weird thing! I love that you can find the past cause of your habit. That would sure make for an interesting trait for a character in a book, especially with exploring the deeper father-daughter relationship. Nevertheless, I think the talking out loud is simply an extension of interior thoughts and probably helps us all to process life all that much more! So I think it’s a great habit! 🙂
Hi Jody!
It definitely makes life more interesting! There’s a saying I used to hear all the time on the radio (drove me nuts), I think it went something like, “blessed is the person who can laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused.”
And feel free to use my idiosyncrasy for a book, if you are so inclined. It might make for some interesting conversations. I know it does in my life – having to explain that I wasn’t talking to whomever is standing nearby, but I was in fact talking to my phone, laptop, etc. The faces people make in response are hilarious! I can tell they are never quite sure whether to take me seriously or not. 🙂
Hope you’re having a blessed week!
I baby-talk to my dog! Things like, “Aren’t you gorgeous? Yes you are!” and “Why are you being so cute right now?” come out of my mouth every day.
Just a few of my oddities:
*I might have a little OCD, because I have to straighten the house every morning (beds made, dishes done, things somewhat organized) before I can write.
*I eat dessert after lunch and dinner every day.
*Breakfast doesn’t feel like breakfast without coffee (even though it’s only decaf).
*The sheets and covers at the foot of my bed have to be tucked in snugly otherwise they bother me when I’m trying to sleep.
*I still read aloud to my kids (even my 13 y.o.) at bedtime. I just don’t feel right when I miss the bedtime book and prayer.
*I don’t eat gluten or dairy. Sadly.
*I have on lip gloss pretty much all day long. I love my lip gloss!
I remember in college, we were studying Fairy Tales. I actually asked my mother to read them aloud, as I was how I had always read them.
Becky, I could TOTALLY picture you saying those things to your dog! LOL And okay, so I have to say that of all the weirdness mentioned so far, you drinking DECAF for breakfast has to be the weirdest of all!!!! 😉
I love cats, too. I don’t think I baby-talk to mine, though. We eye-speak instead, holding long conversations just staring at each others eyes and winking one eye every now and then. Much less weird! 😉 And I let him anywhere and everywhere including on the counter, we share tunafish together. Just don’t tell my husband!! 😉 I saw a sign the other day about cats, something like “my cat isn’t spoiled, I’m just well trained!” lol
Hmm, other weirdnesses – I obsess over Asian tv dramas: Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese. American tv I can take or leave most of the time. But give me the chance to talk about a silly Taiwan rom/com drama, or a dramatic, epic Korean drama and I will talk your ears off! My mission is to convert the world, one friend at a time! 😉
Yes, eye-staring with kitties is much less weird! LOL 😉 My daughters feed the cats off their plates too and the kitties really love them! In fact, all of our cats have learned to climb my daughters’ bunk bed ladder in order to get to the top bunk and snuggle with my daughter! So I guess the food tidbits has its rewards!
In the past, I have named my car–Quincey (my license plates were QCE) and Curby (the front of my car looked like Herbie).
I have always wanted a cat. Sadly due to a severe allergy, I could not have own a cat. I did, have an immense ceramic collection growing up. I love animals, When I was growing up, we had a dog. I used to sit in the garage with him and read to him.
Now, I have this OCD thing. When we go to the Cracker Barrel to eat, I like to play the “tee game.” I can’t play if the colors are mixed up in the triangle–they all need to be together in a row, the blue and yellow can’t be in two rows side by side. If I can’t line them up row by row and have only one color in the row, I go to other tables to trade tee. Otherwise, I can’t play.
I have also discovered that I am a very big geek. In line at amusement parks, I calculate the number of people in line ahead of me. I also read a book in line. I DVR Jeopardy.
Hi Dora! Loved hearing about your quirks!! They sound so unique and fun! I hear you on the reading a book in line. That’s why I have a book on my Kindle app on my phone and also an audio one. Then I have something to read/listen to wherever I am! 🙂
I’m not a cat lover. I’m allergic to them. My friend’s cats like me though. Isn’t that typical of cats?
I have a dog. I do call him all sorts of “pet” names, though in a normal tone of voice, and I say words to him that don’t exist in the English language, but seem to make sense to him. He knows what “Eh-heh Boo-dee” means. I’m not sure I do, all the time. 😉
Most of my weirdness would probably land me on the spectrum somewhere if it were analyzed, like my dread of the telephone (answering or making calls).
I like to go hiking with my bow and shoot arrows at the aluminum cans hunters leave behind near their camps in the fall. They make a satisfying thwack, when hit. Sometimes they jump. Nice for me, my husband has this same weirdness.
I have synesthesia. The most common version. All letters and numbers have a certain color that has never changed for as long as I can remember. I’m attracted to certain names because of their colors, and away from others, same reason. But when I read a book, I can ignore this and just see black, except sometimes for names. Capital letters tend to be pushy about their color.
Hi Lori, That is cute to picture you with your dog talking gibberish! I just don’t know how you can do that in a normal tone! LOL Your synesthesia sounds utterly fascinating!I I’ve never heard of it before. I just can’t imagine what that must be like! 🙂
Hi all,
Becky said “I might have a little OCD, because I have to straighten the house every morning (beds made, dishes done, things somewhat organized)…”
I do the same thing every day each morning, especially when I get to work. I just have to keep my house organized. As well, I will pick up toys left by my boys and everything that’s out of place.
I carry tons of books even though I don’t have time to read them all. So I pack like five books even though I can hardly find time to read one at lunch break. I just love to have them all close. If I could carry the whole shelf of books, I probably would. Oh, boy, they’re heavy. I know KINDLE can hold most of my books at my fingertips, but I prefer paperbacks and forget all the books I got on Kindle. Paperbacks are graded first grade by me. Books on Kindle feel like third grade. I don’t have the urge to read from Kindle.
I love cats but prefer dogs. My husband though doesn’t like them. When he sees a cat outside our house, he would make that strange noise that scares the poor thing away which bothers me. Then he hears a litany from me.
Hi Anna, I love your book quirk!! You are a true book geek! And I love it! 🙂 And I prefer to have paperbacks myself. I really only read on the Kindle if I have to. So I right there with you!
Cats help me to be weird also.
My current cat just had her fifteenth birthday. Early on in her life, when asked, I used to say, ” Her name is Purrsilla K. Katt, but she answers to her middle name (Kitty!).” I had spelled this name Priscilla, until one time the vetrinarian wrote his report using the letters “Purr” in her name by mistake. Deciding not to correct him, I saw the unintentional (?) appropriateness of his spelling.
It was great fun to write a few stories for my granchildren about the Adventures of Purrsilla K. Katt. Those writings are long gone and forgotten. The up side is that two of my granddaughters love to write and have won some local writing contests. Maybe one day they will be published writers, while Granny was just a weirdo Wannabe!
Love the name, Purssilla! VERY cute and appropriate! And I’m sure your granddaughters picked up on your love of writing. You inspired them! 🙂
Jody, I’m more of a dog person than a cat person, but I’ve had kitties before. They do like to own the place, don’t they? I once had a calico kitty (named Calico, of course) that would look both ways before crossing the street beside our house. Now that cat was weird! I’ve never seen another one do that, but I think it saved her life on occasion.
I’m the only sports nut in my house, and I think it drives my parents and sister crazy sometimes. 🙂 I love NBA basketball, and this season I got into Dallas Stars hockey too. Both are in the playoffs now which means we’re on the downhill slope of the sporting season for me. I’m sure when it’s all over and the winners are announced in a month or so, my family will appreciate the sudden silence that falls over me. At least for a day or two as I remember the great moments of the NBA and NHL seasons.
I’m not a cat person, I’m a dog person. I have a spoodle (spaniel/poodle cross), and I find him to be an absolute delight! His name is Bailey. He’s so affectionate and we adore each other!
We have definite roles in our household. I live with an older married couple. Bailey sees me as ‘Mummy’ and the couple as ‘Granny’ and ‘Grandpa’. Unfortunately Bailey’s not allowed inside the house. I really don’t like that, but don’t have any choice. Anyway, he will follow Grandpa as far as he can go. For him, Grandpa is head of the pack. I’m next in the pecking order. I tell him how wonderful he is, how precious he is, how loved he is, how we’re glad he came to live at our house. If he were a human, he’d have a gi-normous ego! He knows the routine. If he sees us heading inside, or we tell him that we’ll see him tomorrow, he quickly dives down to remind us that we haven’t given him his goodbye belly rub. He’ll get as many of those as possible, all the way to the door! LOL!
I do talk to Bailey a little in baby talk, but most of the time, I talk as if I were him, with a special voice and all. If Granny and/or Grandpa are around, we have conversations. I’ll speak what I think he’s thinking. Granny and Grandpa are pretty much the only ones who hears his ‘voice’, otherwise his friends might get a little freaked out.
Funny that you love your cats so much! We have one, but I am not a cat person, nor any type of animal person. We got our cat because we live in a wooded environment and after our second mouse running in our house, I decided enough was enough. My husband grew up with cats and felt this was a stroke of fate that led to my relenting to get one. I am constantly scolding our cat, especially when he jumps up on our kitchen table, like he just did only moments ago. He is cute, yes, I will admit it, but it will be a long while before I am a cat lady.
As far as oddities go, I drive my husband crazy because I am a ridiculous “to do” list maker and am hardly ever spontaneous. I am like a drill sergeant sometimes when it comes to getting chores done around the house. He is very relaxed by nature, and so we really do need to balance each other!
Oh, and somebody mentioned OCD! Oh boy!
I’ve got at least five bookshelves of books, with a lot not being able to fit on any bookshelves. (What can I say? I LOVE to read!)
They have to be in specific order. Alphabetically by author. Numerically by series within the author’s alphabetical order. Each author’s series needs to be in alphabetical order. When friends try to help me put books in the bookshelves, (like when we recently moved), it drove my friends crazy how my brain would break things down into categories and need to be in my crazy order. In the end, they gave up and stacked them. Oh well, I know my system, so that’s another job for me to do.
Jody, I’m a cat person too. I have had dogs but I am better with a cat. I started off with a totally black kitten who I named Midnight (very original) and she stayed inside the house with me for about 2 years and it didn’t seem like she knew she was a cat. She started going outside and learned very quickly to be a cat. I think some of her progeny are still around into the multiple generations as I was about 6 when I got her, many, many years ago. I have always had a cat ever since. Yes, I talk to them as if they were people and most of them have answered me down the line. I have only one kitty now who is also a black cat. She is almost 20 and is now blind. She was the only cat to come out of my house when it burned. I have had domestic cats and Siamese, Persian, Russian Blue cats. Loved them all and just can’t stand to go without furry ears to scratch. I guess I have OCD in many things but not in others. I have cat figurines and other animal figurines too as well a stuffed varieties. I wear socks with my shoes and keep them on after I kick off the shoes, at night only when my feet are cold. My cats have been my children and this little kitty I have now is my heart. I call her darlin’ and baby girl. I have always given my cats nicknames. It would be such a small world if God hadn’t given us cats to keep us company. My house is filled with books and I don’t have enough shelves to hold them all. I check out books from my church library and read as much as possible. I have books on my phone and tablet. I have read since I learned to read as my mother loved books and gave me her love as well.
Fun post today, Jody – – and the photo of your cats at the top of today’s blog is BEAUTIFUL!! 🙂 What precious fur-babies.
When I began reading your post, I immediately decided you must be the younger sister I didn’t know I had, LOL! Seriously, I do those same things with my kitties.
And I must set the record straight here… 😉 There is nothing “weird” at all about being a cat-lady (says the lady who’s currently feeding 13—YES, 13—cats!). Okay, 6 are actually mine (meaning they truly belong to me, have had their Vet visits, and live inside my house). The others are “strays” who visit my front porch or back-door deck to dine – – my family says word has spread among the cats in our area, and they know where to find a good meal.
Not only do I talk “baby talk” to my kitties in the house, but I talk to the strays when I’m outside feeding them. So far none of my neighbors has called our county mental health department (yet). 😉
But as you stated so beautifully, Jody—our quirks, gifts and abilities, and our unique personalities are something we should embrace. I’ve finally realized this is how the Lord made me, and caring for cats might seem “crazy” to some folks, but that’s okay, because it fills me with joy. (and the kitties all seem happy too!)
Thank you for sharing this PURR-fectly delightful post today, and I hope you and your family have a glorious Easter weekend.
Love, Patti Jo (who is also called “CatMom” by many) 😉
Jody, we’re soul sisters! I could have written this article (the cat mania portion) myself! LOL! My story is the same as yours, and I’m so relieved to know that I’m not the only weirdo, here in Michigan at least, who talks baby talk to her cats, and lets them have the run of the house. Mine sleep in the kitchen sink, all follow me into the bathroom, sit on the dining room table, and do all number of “naughty” things that the general population would disapprove! It’s who I am. I grew up with cats too, and I would never have less than 2 fur people in my life. At this point I have 3, one a yellow tabby manx, and he gets much of my attention because of his little stub of a tail. He has a “Teddy bear butt!” Most often when I’m sitting in my mom-and-a cat chair (a wide glider) one puddytat is next to me, Teddy bear butt is on my legs, and a 3rd sometimes on my lap when the laptop isn’t! Our people love us, but our fur people adore us and always show unconditional love. With that said, I hope that you and your family enjoy a blessed and Happy Easter! Sending waves from Grand Rapids!
Jody, I loved your post when I read it this morning but only now have returned to leave a comment.
I baby-talk to dogs and cats both. When I flew home with my papillon puppy ten years ago, time and again, people in different airports said in high-pitched voices, “She’s so CUTE!” I told my hubby that the dog was going to think her name was “She’s so CUTE!” because she heard it so often. She still does because I say it to her frequently as well. The cat, not so much. Nicknamed “The DC” (the demon cat), she makes us laugh a lot but doesn’t encourage touching or being loved on, high pitched voice or no.
I’m with Deb Raney about the “no shoes.” Mine come off the instant I get home. It’s like I can’t think with shoes on. When I was about 13, I came in the house from school and kicked off a shoe so hard it flew across the living room and broke the window. I’ve taken my shoes off more slowly ever since.
My hubby still remembers the first time he came to my apartment and the book I was currently reading was on the coffee table: The Cholera Years. He knew by my reading materials that he’d picked a strange one. Hey, being a writer requires researching all kinds of topics.
He and I can be riding along in the car in silence, and all of a sudden I will start talking about my characters (as if they were real people in my life … which they are!). He’s learned to just smile and nod at appropriate intervals.
Plenty more weirdness to go around, I’m sure, but I guess I’ll stop there.
Hi Jody! I am a crazy cat lady…and I do the same thing with my cats. Plural. More than 2. 🙂 Thank you for sharing about you with your cats – it was SO hard to meet and date guys who would tolerate someone for whom those cats are like kids! Thankfully my now-husband likes cats, and tolerates my weirdness, and now has a cat of his own to be weird with. Maybe I will write again some day – never wrote for pay, just for inmates in the state prisons, a Bible thing once a month to show them how much God loves them. So the next time I’m spending time with Angel-pie (aka Miss Plumpkin), or with her litter mate, Baby Boy, I’ll think about writing for pay someday, and remember that there is at least one Christian sister who loves cats like I do. Blessed Easter!!
I am glad I’m not the only one that talks baby talk to their cats. The cats love it and will roll over for me to rub their bellies. That just shows how much we love them.
I have two adorable, brilliant, charming grandcats. Since I haven’t been blessed with real grandchildren yet, all of my grandmotherly instincts are poured out on Leonidas and Dexter. I even show off their pictures when other people start bragging about their grandchildren. And I’d hardly qualify as a doting grandmother if I didn’t talk “baby-talk,” would I? I’m totally with Deb and Robin when it comes to wearing shoes–or not wearing shoes, I should say. I never wear them unless I absolutely have to. I’m also a neat-freak–which is why I’m stressed out at the moment with my house in an uproar. We’re moving in 2 weeks.
I just can’t give up the feel of paper. I know there are lots of ebooks out there, and so many that I would love to read, especially as some of them are out of print now, I may have to give in some day, but I can’t bring myself to get beyond using paper.
That goes for letters too. I’ve written letters all my life. I have a bunch of snail mail penfriends, and the thought of only just being in contact with them via email just sends me into a panic! It will be such a lost artform if people stop writing altogether, prefering to text or email etc.
Getting back to my spoodle, Bailey. He’s my furbaby as I can’t have real children of my own. Our household is planned around him. We haven’t taken a vacation in a long time, and that’s largely because we know his reaction if we leave. I went to Sydney, (Australia), for just under a week to catch up with a friend I hadn’t seen in years. The night I came home, he looked at the back door where I was, with this look on his face as if to say, “Mummy, is that really you?” He started walking away like he figured that he was hallucinating or something, and when I walked outside towards him, calling him, he started running towards me with a look on his face as if to say, “Mummy! It really IS you! He couldn’t get to me quick enough, (and vice versa). Somehow the scene seemed to play in slow motion. Long hair, (mine), and floppy ears, (his), flying everywhere. Six legs flying in mid air as if doing an Argentinian Tango! A beautiful sight! Holidays will probably have to wait until he’s passed, or he will stay with friends who totally know dogs. My furbaby needs the very best.
I talk to myself and allow myself to write out the answers I get. I talk to the cat, Blackberry, like he’s a human-what true cat lover doesn’t? I keep a key ring my son made in grade school; it’s made of wood now broken, and has all my children’s names on it including that of my daughter who died in 1989. I collect rocks and put them in jars and fill them with water. Love dragonflies and sign my name in my books with the dragonfly beneath. I’m voraciously interested in almost everything around me even in sports that for the most part, I can’t stand to sit through. I like to stand and listen to the birds and look into mud puddles. I have no discernible decorating scheme though I took a quiz and it said my style was Eclectic. Okay, I love to sing karaoke, too. If I had to fit my weirdness in a storage facility, it would burst.
Dose it matter if my trend is dogs? I love my 2 dogs, Staffy/Kelpie Crosses, mother and runt son,[ who grew] but I love them so much, and now I have a partner in crime [sorry, Life] and he owns a dog also, so now I own three of them, all love me so much, if not wanting to play, at least wanting to clean me up. I have lived in the Australian Bush for the past 6 years on my own, and am now in a city, [not enjoying that part so much] but at 61 years, have found a very nice friend, [male] and am feeling 16 again. Well if you can understand that, I’m good. lol