First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I won’t blog here again until after both of those holidays have passed, so wanted to start off with those greetings.
It certainly looks like Christmas around my neighborhood. To prove it, below is a photo from behind my house (backyard and common area). I awakened a few mornings ago to a winter wonderland. Not terribly deep but very pretty. Should I mention how grateful I am that the snow removal guys were out with their plows well before daylight?
Now to the subject of this post.
As some of you know, I went back to college awhile back and am ever so slowly (and I mean very slowly) working my way toward a degree. You don’t earn a lot of credits when you take only one or two classes each term. And for various reasons, I’ve had to skip a term here and there since I began. Getting a college degree is one of my bucket list items.
For the fall term of 2022, I needed a light schedule because of writing demands. I wasn’t sure what class I would take, but not long before the term began, I learned there was an online beginning piano class.
In about 2004, my aunt gave me her upright player piano. My grandkids, when they were little, loved to pump those pedals and have the scrolls play out many a lively tune. But mostly the piano has sat silent for the past 18+ years.
Another of my bucket list items is to learn to play that piano. I did take some lessons when I was a kid. Seems a million years ago. But I’m definitely still a beginner.
My aunt, I knew, taught herself to play that beautiful old piano. Why couldn’t I, with a bit of encouragement and practice? So I signed up for that college class. It consisted of watching instruction videos and practice, practice, practice. Then I video recorded myself playing the assigned songs and submitted the results each week. I have loved it.
Last month, I ordered a couple more books from the same company that made my class lesson book. Same level, meaning really easy for beginning adult players. One is sacred music (old hymns) and one is Christmas music. Every day in December thus far, I’ve played Silent Night through several times. It’s really put me in the Christmas spirit.
My bucket list item didn’t say I had to be proficient, just that I learn to play, so I guess I could put a checkmark beside it. However, checked off or not, I want to keep going, keep improving. Hopefully I’ll do just that.
Learning something new, part deux
Besides my piano playing, I had a second fun learning experience this month. Not a bucket list item but I loved doing it all the same.
I have wanted to release several of my ebook novellas in paperback but have wavered back and forth. Then I heard some other writers talking about putting their novellas out in paper, and I decided to give it a try.
I won’t bother with details, but I decided to design my Christmas novella, A Carol for Christmas, in gift-book size. After creating the cover, I taught myself how to add graphics to each “header page” in the book. That was the most difficult part of the process, revising the image so that it would fit into the place it was allowed. But aren’t those Christmas ornaments a festive addition for this book (see screenshot below)?
I can hardly express how tickled it made me when that little book, along with a second novella, arrived on my doorstep, and I could hold them in my own hands. I even made a video of it so I could share with readers.
I’ll be learning more new things in the New Year, and God-willing, I hope I’ll just keep on learning (and checking off bucket list items) for many years to come.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Season. May you be ever more aware of Christ’s glory throughout 2023.
Robin Lee Hatcher
Latest posts by Robin Lee Hatcher (see all)
- Another Beginning - January 17, 2025
- Robin’s Favorites - January 12, 2025
- Looking Back, Looking Forward - January 3, 2025
Tamera Alexander says
Loved this post, Robin, and that you’re learning to play the piano. How cool is that! Congrats on yet another release, or release, and I’m excited we get to journey with you in all that lies ahead!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, friend.
Becky Wade says
Here’s to opening ourselves up to learn new things! Merry Christmas, Robin. 🙂
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Merry Christmas, Becky.
D'Ann Mateer says
You are such an inspiration, Robin! I love that you are learning to play the piano–and to continue to do new things in the publishing world, too!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, D’Ann.
Carrie A Turansky says
Merry Christmas, Robin! You always inspire me to keep pressing on to all the Lord has for me to learn and do. Thanks for sharing what you’ve been learning. The books look lovely. Great job with those!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, Carrie. It makes me smile to remember how excited it made me to see the results.
Betty Strohecker says
Congratulations, Robin! Just ordered these books.
Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks for ordering them, Betty. Hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas.
Janetta says
Hi Robin:
I’ve owned a keyboard for years and took lessons, but when we became full-time RVers – I made the decision to donate it to our church. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. My hubby surprised me with an early Christmas present. Another keyboard. This one is smaller, so it fits in our RV (sort of – HA!!!). I love Christmas songs, which I will play throughout the year. And bless my husband for putting up with my renditions of my favorites. Blessings to you for learning the piano. If Ray and I ever sit still for long enough, I’ll start taking lessons again. Merry Christmas, Robin, and thank you for sharing your Bucket List.
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks, Janetta. How sweet of your husband to give you a smaller keyboard to play as you RV around the country. Merry Christmas.
Leanne says
Congratulations on learning to play the piano! I am a piano teacher and I know the commitment it takes to do it when you’re an adult. I’ve had several adults learn from me over the years and I love watching their progress and enthusiasm. It’s never too late to start! I hope you keep going!!
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Leanne. It has been a joy. Sometimes I don’t think my brain works equally between my right hand and my left. LOL! But I’m improving.