When schedules get incredibly hectic, sometimes I need an excuse to just relax. This week has been one of those weeks. My rewrites for my latest novel were due, I’m still writing a novella to conclude my Ladies of Harper’s Station series, and on Monday night, I Skyped with some author friends to brainstorm ideas for another novella collection. Not to mention the full-length novel that I need to start writing next month – the one I’ve only half-plotted in my head.
And this is just the writing piece of my life pie. I still have normal work duties at the office, mom duties at home, and church duties. I’m sure all of you can relate. It often seems like we have more demands on our time than we have hours in the day.
Sometimes I have to remember that God created the Sabbath for a reason. Rest–mental as well as physical–is necessary for our well-being. I rarely take a full day of Sabbath, but I like to take mini Sabbaths during the day, even when I’m busy. I don’t always make the time, but when I do, I never regret it. Often my 10-15 minute Sabbath involves a cup of tea sweetened with honey and a devotional. I keep a copy of Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling on my desk at work. I love the short devotionals as well as the Bible verses included on each day. It’s a perfect way to step outside of my schedule and reconnect with the One who created time in the first place.
The Lord has never failed to provide all the time I need to accomplish the tasks he sets before me. Yet when I’m in the midst of stress and deadlines and a to-do list that seems a mile long, I so easily forget his faithfulness. I need the reminder that he is the master of time. He can create it from nothing or even stretch it into whatever length we need in order to be victorious. Just ask Joshua. He watched the sun stand still in the sky so that Israel might vanquish their foes.
So what does this have to do with the contest graphic at the top of this post? Well, it’s been on my heart lately to do more to love on my readers. Your lives are just as hectic as mine, and if I can give you an excuse to take a moment to rest and de-stress, I’d love to do that.
So I am trying my very first Amazon Giveaway. I’ll be giving away a copy of an adult coloring book based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The book is filled with wonderful designs along with quotes from the book. You can use it to relax in the evening or if you are really disciplined, you might even manage to turn it into a mini Sabbath of your own for taking a short break in the middle of a hectic day.
I will admit that I’ve never tried this type of giveaway before. Amazon will only allow instant winners. There is no option to draw a winner from all the entrants at the end. The winner will be chosen at random, and once the prize has been awarded, the contest will close. So if you are interested in winning, please enter soon. There is no way to know when the contest will close.
Here is the link to the contest:
I hope you win!
In the meantime –
- What is your favorite way to take a mini Sabbath during a crazy day?
Latest posts by Karen Witemeyer (see all)
- Inside a Writer’s Brain - March 20, 2025
- Word Game & Prizes! - March 6, 2025
- Karen’s Favorites - February 23, 2025
A cup of tea and a book. Or a bubble bath 😉
I love tea and a book. Lovely!
I didn’t win.
I’m struggling with this need for a mini Sabbath. I’ve never heard of such a thing, but I think it’s something I could use in my life! I used to be able to run to get away amd relax, but due to my circumstances right now, it’s more of a stresser than a relief. I need to find something though.
It’s hard to stop in the middle of the craziness. I don’t always remember. I hope you find something to feed your soul. Even if it is just a few minutes to be still and know that he is God. I have a friend who would set an alarm on her phone for the birthdate of someone she wanted to pray for (5:27 for example) and then when that alarm went off, she would stop whatever she was doing and pray. It probably took less than a minute, but it still took her into the throne room. Maybe you could start with something small like that until you figure out what your new mini-Sabbath could be.
My three favorite ways to take a mini-sabbath are:
1. Walking my dog through our woods. This is especially enjoyable during this time of year, when the leaves are changing, the air is cool, and I don’t have to sift through weeds, vines, and poison ivy. (heh heh)
2. Reading has always been a way for me to relax. Sitting on my front porch rocker, with a glass or cup of tea and a good book (or THE Good Book) gives me the quiet time alone that I need to refresh my spirit and rest my thoughts.
3. A good, long soak in a bathtub (with a heaping of Epsom salt and olive oil added) is a wonderful way to detox and destress. It relieves muscle tension, moisturizes my skin, and reinvigorates me.
I didn’t win the lovely coloring book, but thank you for the opportunity!
Love those ideas, Cheryl! Forested paths are my favorite. The trees lift my vision and my thoughts with it. Unfortunately, we don’t have any woods in Abilene. Just prairie and mesquite. Maybe that’s why trees seem so special to me.
Fun giveaway, I didn’t win but it was instant gratification, no waiting! Thanks for the opportunity. I take mini-sabbaths by reading or sneaking in a nap! Tea and a devotional sound like a good way to ease back into the day.
Naps! Love those. Never get to take them unless you count me falling asleep in my recliner when I’m trying to watch a TV show at the end of the day. Ha!
I’ve never heard of an “Amazon Giveaway”! It sure was easy to enter and I enjoyed trying my luck. Fun!
I just discovered them, Becky. They are pretty easy. You just find an item on Amazon that you want use as giveaway, and if there is a “create giveaway” button at the bottom (down past the reviews) then you can create a giveaway. You can’t combine items, which is kind of a bummer, but it’s a fun, new thing to try. 🙂
Watch an episode of one of my favorite tv shows.
Didn’t win, but that was easy, as Becky Wade said.
I’m so glad the contest is easy! Love to hear that.
And I love a good TV show, too. Especially in the evening before bed. 🙂
Thanks for the chance on the giveaway. I didn’t win but that’s okay. I usually try to find the time for a nap or if I don’t my body will make me due to my illness. I like to read to get away from all the stress of my day. I keep a book journal so I can make note of books I read and a little synopsis, Usually the back cover blurb. I keep count of how many books I have read in the year this way too. I usually set a goal to see if I reach or exceed it. I’m closing in on my goal this year. I’m trying to write a novella too so my reading goal may need to change. Next year’s will be less for sure. Thanks for the post and I do enjoy reading your books. If I see your name on a book cover I usually reach for it.
Thanks, Connie! How fun that you are writing a novella. Good for you! And I love your reading journal. What a great idea!
I love coloring, but I haven’t seen this P&P version before. How fun! I’ve seen an increase of authors using the Amazon giveaway, but it seems that all the comments are not winning; I haven’t seen someone comment that they have. Also, I think that it basically guarantees that if you’re in the first few people that there’s no way you’ll win because the contest would close too quickly.
Good look on finishing! I’ll say some prayers for inspiration. Looking forward to them all.
oops. That was supposed to say “luck,” not “look!”
I hear you, Katherine. That was one of my concerns, too. I wanted an option to have a large number of entries with a drawing at the end, but Amazon didn’t give that option. I think they wanted to keep the immediate gratification. But it is supposed to be random, so who knows when the winner will show up.
Ah, Karen, thank you for this refreshing message. I, too, use Sarah Young’s JESUS CALLING devotional each day. Nice to know we have that in common!
Hi, Beth! Yes, her messages are wonderful reminders to focus on seeking His presence instead of my to-do list.
HI, Karen. I enjoyed your posting today. I guess I tried to win but didn’t (?). It said “tap the box” and I did, and then I got just a white, empty screen. Is that what everybody else got? (I’m extremely techy-illiterate, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I goofed it up.)
Have a wonderful, godly and blessed day!
No, it should have given you a message of some sort. It fades to white then a message appears. Maybe it glitched. You can try again, I suppose. 🙂
Just to let everyone know, I did receive a message from Amazon letting me know that there has been a winner and the prize claimed. Congratulations, Jennifer!!!
My mini-sabbath in the midst of busy days is reading a chapter (or a few!) of a novel.
I like to read for my breaks. Sometimes I will play solitare on my phone but I don’t call that a mini Sabbath . I call that wasting time.LOL.
Thanks Karen for this fun contest!(Didn’t win,but it was fun trying!) My mini sabbath is when I get home from work I grab a bite to eat ,read a bit,or watch a favorite show. Thanks again for this fun post!