I’m excited to announce that my latest project, Love on the Mend, has just released! This is an e-novella that loosely ties in to my previous novel Full Steam Ahead, though the characters and setting are separate enough to stand alone.
Since I am one of those slow writers who only manages to put out one full-length novel a year, I decided that it would be fun to try to give my readers some additional content in between my main releases. That’s when the idea of adding novellas came about. It started with A Cowboy Unmatched, the final installment of the Archer brother series. It debuted as part of a collection entitled A Match Made in Texas as the first of four stories, then later it was released as an e-single. It did so well that my publisher decided to let me try another . . . this time on my own.
So when Darius and Nicole encountered a runaway boy in Full Steam Ahead, a boy who refused to talk about his past, I knew that I had to dig into young Jacob’s story and find a way to help him make peace with his past. And, of course, find the perfect woman for him along the way. Well, after 17 years and a brutal stint as a doctor during the Civil War, Jacob is finally ready to return to the home he left all those years ago and lay his past to rest. Only his past is still alive and kicking.
A story of redemption and more than one type of healing, Love on the Mend, is a quick, fun read that also packs an emotional punch. I hope you’ll give it a try. And at only $2.99 (or less), it’s a bargain!
Oh, and since this is a single novella release, Jacob and Mollie’s story will only be available in e-book format (Kindle, Nook, etc). I know, I know. I hear some of you groaning. I held out for years, too, before I finally gave in and bought a Kindle. I love print books. Always have, always will. However, with so many options and sales available these days specifically for e-books, there are some definite advantages to having an e-reader. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a single penny to get one. If you have a smart phone or tablet or even just a computer (I know you have one of those or you wouldn’t be able to see this post), you can get a free Kindle reader app. I read e-books for over a year on my phone for just this purpose.
- So which do you prefer? E-books or paper?
- Do you enjoy books with carry-over characters, or do you prefer a completely fresh cast of characters for each story?
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Hi Karen! I much prefer my Kindle. You are right- they are so many amazing deals on Kindle books, so that is one of the reasons I love it. Another reason is that my husband and I already own so many books, that we would have to move out if we bring home any more. 🙂 Lastly, I love that I can read with one hand. When my toddler son was smaller and nursing around the clock, I loved cozy-ing up with him on the couch, and reading my Kindle. Now I have another one on the way, so I look forward to that again! As far as books with carry-over characters versus fresh, it doesn’t matter to me. I just don’t prefer to have to read the previous book in order to know the story. Your book looks great! I’ll have to download it! I love your books… hard to know my favorite. (Probably Short-Straw Bride.)
Thanks, Courtney! I’ve learned to enjoy my Kindle, too. Especially when I travel. I used to pack 3-4 books in my suitcase and now I just have my Kindle. Having a lit screen for reading in the car when it’s car is nice, too. I still read about half and half – Kindle and print.
Hope you enjoy Jacob and Mollie’s story!
I’ve had 3 kindle fires since 2012. My husband likes me to have the newest version so that’s usually my Christmas present. I can use them for so much more than reading. As for what I prefer? Either paper or ebook. I still read paper because I had a large library of books unread when my husband gave me my first kindle. If I put books on hold a the library I find that when it comes to new releases that there are more available in the paper form and I don’t have to wait so long to read the book. Of coarse if I buy a new book I download from Amazon and love the convenience of it. Download with one click.
I love books with carry over characters. If I’ve read a series it’s nice to be able to catch up with the character once again.
I have read some of your books. I enjoy your beautiful colorful covers and the stories never disappoint. Keep on doing what you do.
Thanks, Shirley. I still read both print and e as well. Growing up as a bookworm who lived in her local library, I don’t think I’ll ever lose my love for print books.
I’ve had 3 kindle fires since 2012. My husband likes me to have the newest version so that’s usually my Christmas present. I can use them for so much more than reading. As for what I prefer? Either paper or ebook. I still read paper because I had a large library of books unread when my husband gave me my first kindle. If I put books on hold at the library I find that when it comes to new releases that there are more available in the paper form and I don’t have to wait so long to read the book. Of coarse if I buy a new book I download from Amazon and love the convenience of it. Buy with one click.
I love books with carry over characters. If I’ve read a series it’s nice to be able to catch up with the character once again.
I have read some of your books. I enjoy your beautiful colorful covers and the stories never disappoint. Keep on doing what you do.
Karen, I am so excited about Love on the Mend! I still prefer paperbacks to anything else, but I bought a Kindle a couple years ago to take on vacations. It saved a ton of room and let me bring along way more books! Couldn’t beat that.
As for carry-over characters, I enjoy them. It’s like getting a bonus story to fill in the gaps of where the original left off. Delightful!
Looking forward to having you on my blog in a couple weeks.
Thanks, Andrea! Those carry-over characters are fun for me, too. Sometimes a secondary character will just grab me as I write and leave me desperate to give him/her a story of their own. So glad I can do that with a few. 🙂
I love it when that happens! More time spent with characters you fell in love with is ALWAYS a wonderful thing.
PAPER PAPER PAPER!!!!! Sorry I had to get that out. I have a ton of e-books but I start them and leave them for a real book that is handy.
I absolutely love characters carried over to the next book. I just read all the Gresham series from Lawana Blackwell just because of that. Love your books and characters. I am always uplifted by your work. As a prospective novelist, I can see how an author really hates to let go of those “friends” they have created.
I hear you on the paper, Sandy. 🙂 Glad you spoke up for the print side. LOL. I’m slowly learning to be as choosy about the e-books I put on my Kindle as I am about the paper books I put on my shelf. In the beginning is was hard not to download a ton of books when they were free or on a super cheap sale, but now I resist, only downloading the stories I’m really interested in reading. It makes the overall Kindle experience better for me.
I’m half and half. I do love paper books. . .always have, always will. HOWEVER ebooks also have their upside. They don’t take up ‘extra space’, you don’t need to ‘find’ room on a shelf for them – or add them to one of the numerous book piles if there’s no room. Nor do they have to be packed away when the book piles start getting out of hand. (Which, yes, I did. Almost all my paper books are packed up in boxes because the piles were just getting ridiculous. lol) Plus, we haven’t had money to buy things like books in a fairly long time. . .if I”m lucky I find treasures at the recycling centre – which has a bookshelf set up for give and take. . .but its far easier to get free ebooks, or find inexpensive bargains. Plus, you can carry SO many more ebooks with you on your reader than you can paper books – so you never have to run out of reading material if you can only carry one book. 🙂 So. . .yeah. Definite advantages, but the paper books are still the ‘nicest’ to read if one has a choice. (How great would it be if publishers would start offering a twofer when you buy the books? Buy a paper book and get the ebook copy free so you could read it either way! :D)
For the other question . . .I love carry over characters. I love being able to get more of characters you’ve gotten attached to. Then again, as a writer, I’m rather fond of writing ‘never ending’ stories about the same characters too. lol Sort of like a tv series where they just keep going from one adventure to the next and I can write them for years. Course, you like to explore new characters too. . .but getting to ‘live’ with favourites is always nice.
Danae, I had to laugh about the extra space. You are right about that but I pass on the ones I think I can live without but we live in an RV and our extra vehicle is our book storage.( My husband writes non-fiction. We had to go to the storage place just to unload some book or we were not going to be able to pull this thing—lol. Sometimes if I read an e-book, I will buy the real book because I want it in hand. It has been horrifying here to see all the bookstores closing along with Christian book stores.
I agree with you about the book stores. It is so heartbreaking to see them close. Though, in truth I think the closings have more to do with people purchasing online (print books included) than it does with e-books. My agent and I talked earlier this week, and she said across the entire market, e-books are still only about 30% of sales. Most people still enjoy a print book. However, when you can get the print books at Amazon for $2 less than you can in the local store, it’s so easy to click the buy button. I know I do.
I agree, Danae. I’m a half & halfer, too. 🙂
I do audio books some, too. They are great to listen to while I exercise or sort laundry or other household chores. I guess I’m a multimedia bookworm these days. 🙂
I agree with Sandy. It’s paper all the way with me!
There are no words to describe how a book feels when it’s in your hands.
I like books that carry on the characters but stand-alone characters are fine too.
Great, Janet. I agree that a paper book definitely feels better. Turning the page. Getting the visual on how close you are to the end by looking at where your bookmark sits when the book is closed. E-readers can approximate these things, but it’s just not quite the same. Plus I love seeing the cover every time I close the book. Can’t do that as easily on the e-reader. Though, I DO like how the e-reader will sync with my phone, so if I’m caught somewhere in a long line or in a waiting room, I can pull out my phone and have access to my book wherever I am.
Hello! I’m excited for your new novella!
I love paper books. I love holding them and having them displayed on my shelf. I try to get paper copies of all my favorites. But kindles and e-readers are nice because they are practical. Often, I can buy them with only a little bit of money, and it makes things super easy when I get a review copy of a book.
I do love carry-over characters. When an author creates a world and wonderful characters, starting over in a different time or place and with different characters is sad to me. I may love the new story, but all my favorite characters are back in the different story. New books with carry-over characters give me a little taste of the familiar, especially when I get to “catch up” on how the previous main characters are doing.
Hi, Emily! Thanks so much. I love carry over characters, too. I like their story to stand on it’s own, but having that touch of familiarity is great. 🙂
Like you, I too actually prefer paper books which I can hold. However, I do have many, many e-books on my Smartphone. I do more reading on it than I ever thought I would and the thing is after a recent surgery, I really appreciated having my e-books so accessible. I always enjoy your news as well as your books.
Thanks, Faith. Having them on the smart phone can be a great convenience. So handy and always with me. 🙂
My brother got me a kindle a few years ago and it has only been recently that I have started actually reading books on it. 🙂 I love actually holding a book in my hands but I can’t say that I’m totally against e-books. I often find myself buying a book on my kindle then finding it online and buying it in paperback form if I really like it. 🙂
I love reading carry-over characters! I don’t like not knowing what happened to secondary characters. 🙂
When my husband first offered to buy me a Kindle for Christmas, I turned him down, sure I wouldn’t ever use it. Two years later I changed my mind, and I’ve been surprised by how often I do use it. I still have piles of print books in my to be read pile, but I have a tendency to switch between paper and electronic these days.
Thanks for stopping by, Anna!
I like paper books! I like both stand alone books and series where characters stay the same.
I’m personally a paper person, I love the feeling of holding books in my hands. I find that I retain so much more information when I am holding it, like the ability to remember where my favorite passage is, down to five pages. E-books limit that accessibility to the interior of the novel.
On a separate note, I love a carry over cast. I like the small glimpses post book of what happens to the characters. It becomes really easy to learn a whole lot about them. Really get to know them.
I read your new novella the other day and loved it, especially with theadded bonus of the beginning to you next book! It’s great to have overlap of characters. Feels like a visit from old friends, catching up on what they’ve been up to. Thank you for another wonderful story!