I love stepping back in time. Through the pages of a book, the visual delight of a period movie or television series, looking at old pictures, digging into research, or even working on a craft that has been practiced for hundreds of years. There is something about the past that is just so romantic and enticing to me.
It probably comes as no surprise, then, that when my daughter and I met up in Waco for a girl’s weekend, we spent our time stepping through as many time portals as we could. I’ve already shared photos of some of the antique quilts we saw on our historic home tours, but today, I’d like to share some photos from my favorite tour of the the day – The East Terrace House Museum.

The tour started off in perfect style when the door was opened by our docent who was dressed in period costume. She is a history student from Baylor working on her master’s degree, and she was the perfect hostess.

The first room we toured was the library, which of course became one of my favorites. Reading by a fire with plenty of natural light in what was probably the quietest room of the house.

Passing through the doorway with our guide, we came to the ladies sitting room. A larger space with more furniture to allow one to sit with friends and family while plying a needle or writing some letters. It is hard to tell from this photograph, but the desk and chair in the corner that belonged to Mrs. Mann seemed better suited to a child. She was such a tiny woman, that even with the full skirts of her day, her chairs were more comparable to those for children than adults.

Next we came to the elaborate dining room. The table is set with the family china, and each place setting has its own salt cellar. They preserved so many family heirlooms in this marvelous home.

The next set of rooms we came to were large, open double parlors that could be used for all manner of entertaining. These were matched on the second story with a long ballroom. But on the main floor, the highlight was the nook on the far end that created a music room with Cemira’s harp and piano.

At the back of the house was the kitchen. When the home was originally built, the kitchen would have been detached from the house, but as time passed and things were modernized, it joined with the main house.

At the back of the kitchen were a set of stairs, and at the top of these stairs was the bathroom that would serve the family whose bedrooms were situated on this second floor. The Mann home was the first to have running water in Waco, although initially, the water only ran one direction–out. Water would still have to be heated on the kitchen stove and carted upstairs, but when the bath was over, the water would drain out. Not too much longer, the Waco Waterworks were built right across the street from East Terrace, allowing full-service plumbing.

This bedroom was a guest suite situated off of the ballroom. Ladies could use it as a retiring room to rest or repair their hair or dress. Or if the party lasted long into the night, it could serve as an overnight respite. It is not visible in this photo, but there was also a Murphey bed along the wall on the left. When put up, it looked like a fancy wood panel with a full-length mirror attached. But if called upon, it could be lowered to allow more space for guests to sleep.

I saved my favorite place in the house for last. This staircase let up to the tower room that offered magnificent views of the Brazos and surrounding areas. But it is this nook tucked beneath the staircase that captured my heart. A small little sewing nook with natural lighting and trunk to hold supplies. I would love to convert this into a cozy reading nook with shelves full of my favorite historical novels close at hand. I think I’ll keep the sewing machine, though, for ambiance.

Do you enjoy touring historic homes or perhaps collecting antiques?
Which room shown above would you choose to incorporate into your own home?
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What a wonderful trip for you and your daughter, Karen, thank you for sharing it.
Both antiques and historic homes are fascinating, each tell their own story or lend themselves to create one for them.
I agree, Stacy. I have a small collection of antiques that I inherited from my Grandmother, and I just love the thought of the history they have seen.
What a charming photo tour of the East Terrace House Museum! Thank you for that. While I’ve been to Waco before–long ago, I never noticed or had time to tour that house. I think the library and the sewing/reading nook would be my favorite rooms.
You and I have very similar taste, Suzanne. 🙂 Those were my two favorite as well.
I love touring old homes. Thankfully, my family indulges me when we travel so we’ve seen some great places. The sewing nook shown above is probably my favorite. I enjoy sewing and would love to have a little nook in which to tuck it away (and perhaps hide from everyone else for a while! LOL).
And if you heard someone coming, you could dash up to the tower room to hide. Ha!
Yes, I enjoy touring old homes and since I live in Nashville, I have plenty to choose from. Including several based on books from Tamara Alexander. It’s always fun getting a glimpse into the past and then watching it come to ‘life’ in her stories.
There’s nothing better as an author than to walk into the world in which we’re writing. Touring these old homes is a great way to do that. Tammy has done a marvelous job at conveying that history through her novels.
Lovely! I so enjoy touring old home–and antiques! Because, yes, they are portals to time travel. 🙂
Easier on the space-time continuum than using an actual time machine. 🙂
One summer, I did an internship for academic credit at the local county historical society in my town. It was a 19th century residence that became an orphanage for a time. I learned a lot!
I’ve been to historic houses/museums in other towns and cities across the country too.
Looks you have inspiration for a future novel!
Oh, yes. I’m always on the lookout for creative inspiration on visits like these. 🙂
Thank you for sharing the tour! What fun! I’m captivated by the beautiful craftsmanship. The library and sewing nook with that gorgeous staircase are my favorites. If we’re dreaming, I’d combine the two: natural light, room for lots of bookshelves, cozy fireplace and a comfortable chair. I’m blessed to have my grandmother’s old treadle Singer sewing machine and that would be a perfect place to enjoy it. Thank you for the inspiration ❤️
Thank you for sharing these gorgeous pictures and descriptions. It is wonderful that you and your daughter were able to share such a trip. As it happens, we drove through Texas last Sunday and Monday on our way home from California to Virginia. I waved and said a hello to you as we passed Abilene (not sure you were there then).
As history buffs, my husband and I always made sure to visit any historic sites when we went on vacations. Our daughter teases that every trip in her childhood included a battlefield. So yes, we enjoy touring historic homes, buildings, and churches. With our daughter in California, I have been fortunate to visit all 21 California missions. As an east coast resident and native Virginian, I have visited Charleston, S.C. several times, seeing beautiful homes, churches, and plantations. In Virginia we have visited (to name a few) Mount Vernon, Monticello, and of course Colonial Williamsburg – last time being in January, 2020 to take our grandson, who was here from CA.
Thank you again for this wonderful post!