Think about one of your favorite moments from a movie, TV show, or novel. Got it? Hold onto it for just a second.
Why is it a favorite, do you think?
Most likely, it’s because it’s evocative. It makes you laugh. Or cry. Or recall a memorable event in your life. Or maybe someone special to you.
These moments touch us because they tap into universal truths. A truth that applies to you no matter who you are. A truth that reaches to your core. Such as…
The need to be loved.
The desire to feel special.
The longing to be accepted.
The instinct to avoid pain or embarrassment.
The desire for connection.
Here are a handful of my favorite moments from different mediums. Do we have any in common?
The look on Willoughby’s face when he sees Marianne before she sees him is heartbreaking. Then the way the light fades from Marianne’s eyes when she realizes whatever there was between them is now gone. I feel her rejection. I identify with the sting of being the one not chosen. Both as a young girl and as a grown up.
Next, I adore the humor in this scene!
The way he’s known who she is and yet she’s been in the dark about his real identity. We know she’s going to find out, but we keep watching to see how she does it, and then how she’s going to react. The looks they give each other, the subtle vulnerability and longing. Ah… So good.
Next, I laughed out loud at this movie so many times…
(This is a long clip. Feel free to stop after the first couple of minutes. Or not.)
I. Love. That. Horse! And the hero with the horse. Their competition. Their shared terror. LOL. I love the innocence of the heroine, her excitement about experiencing something new and different. Yet I relate to her fear of the unknown too. Such a great movie!
And lastly, here’s a snippet from a favorite novel. I bet you’ll recognize it.
“…and she came walking in with a very queer expression of countenance, for there was a mixture of fun and fear, satisfaction and regret in it, which puzzled the family as much as did the roll of bills she laid before her mother, saying with a little choke in her voice, ‘That’s my contribution toward making Father comfortable and bringing him home!’
‘My dear, where did you get it? Twenty-five dollars! Jo, I hope you haven’t done anything rash?’
‘No, it’s mine honestly. I didn’t beg, borrow or steal it. I earned it, and I don’t think you’ll blame me, for I only sold what was my own.
As she spoke, Jo took off her bonnet, and a general outcry arose, for all her abundant hair was cut short.
‘Your hair! Your beautiful hair!’ ‘Oh, Jo, how could you? Your one beauty.'”
For you movie lovers, here’s the 7-second clip:
Oh, the bond those sisters shared in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The way they fought yet were always “for” each other.
And who can forget the scene when Beth dies? The pain of saying goodbye to those we love (deep universal truth). And how Beth says, “I don’t like being left behind.” Rip my heart out! Yet who among us can’t identify with that? The moment between Jo and Beth is so precious—and shapes the rest of the sisters’ journeys.
Just as these moments in our lives shape ours.
Watching these snippets again brings a flood of emotion, even though I know what’s coming. Because universal truths resonate within us long after the story or novel is done.
P.S. Another favorite moment, when you have the time, is the last scene from Toy Story 3. Oh, so poignant. Absolutely perfect. Did you cry like I did? Sniff, sniff…
Tamera Alexander
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My favorite Movie is Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen as it reminds me so much of my relationship with my husband. He choose to give up his family’s wealth to marry me because I wasn’t in their station so to speak. It makes me feel good.
I love knowing that about you, Tina. Your husband is a keeper, babe! And Northanger Abbey… Oh yes!
I love knowing that about you, Tina. Your husband is a keeper, babe! And Northanger Abbey. Oh yes!
I love Tangled too! Some of my favorite moments include most of the movie The Princess Bride, and several scenes from BBC’s Pride and Prejudice.
My family quotes The Princess Bride, Kym. Love that one! And yes to P&P. A classic for the romantic heart. BBC’s version all the way!
The first scene that popped in my head (because it’s the most recent movie I’ve seen) is from The Lakehouse at the end when they finally see each other and she says, “you waited.” – That’s a moment that viewers waited a long time for. 😉
And then I thought of the ending of Lord of the Rings, when the fellowship are reunited and there’s just hugging and taking joy in each others company after enduring such hardships.
Great moment from the Lakehouse! I’d forgotten that one. And those moments from LOTR make me cry every time. Makes me long for heaven.
Tammy, those moments you shared are such treasures!
One of my favorites comes from The Bourne Legacy. Jeremy Renner’s character Aaron Cross just saved the life of Dr. Marta Shearing and they’re traveling in a car. He’s trying to find out where she’s got the medicine he needs, and she’s trying to figure out why a couple people just came to kill her. After he pulls over to let her out, he lets her know in no uncertain terms what will happen to her when she goes out on her own … and then she tells him the medicine isn’t readily available. Oh, the stunned look on his face! He’s so shocked he has to get out of the vehicle, get away from her for just a moment to process the crashing down of his opportunity to get stabilized again by the medications he used on “the program”. That scene bonds the two of them together and launches the rest of the movie, and it gives me chills every single time.
I’m such a Bourne fan, and I was nervous when they replaced Matt Damon, but I was pleasantly surprised when Renner pulled off his role so well. Legacy actually jumped up to be my favorite of the quartet of films.
You and I are Bourne Sisters at heart! You described that scene so well, Andrea! And my thoughts exactly! My husband and I adore the Bourne films. No telling how many times we’ve seen them (or put them on as we’re doing something else just for background enjoyment). We feel the same about Renner too. #BourneAgain
Bourne Sisters! I love that! That’s my favorite movie series. And I like the #BourneAgain hashtag. It works for Renner’s Bourne movie, and #BornAgain works for our lives in Christ. So neat.
I love the scene at the end if Sleepless in Seattle. Another wonderful Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan movie.
Yes, Shirley. On top of the Empire State Building. Be still my beating heart! 😉
Oh,oh second time lucky ..Blogger ate my comment again.
Tammy, you must have second sight my friend!
Only last Saturday,I watched the original film st as Jo. starring June Allyson and I unashamedly went through all the emotions with each of the characters. I was a mess when Beth was dying and I felt so sad for Professor Baeur as he dejectedly walked away from the house , after leaving the published version of Jo’s book and not wanting to intrude. However one can definitely visualise the happy ending when Jo realised that it must have been her dear Professor, chased after him and took him back into the house(end of film) Imagine what followed after that happening!:)
My other favourite film is “An Affair To Remember” starring Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant…MMmmm.
The emotions on his face when Deborah failed to turn up at the Empire State Building, then the accident scene with the ambulance sirens blaring and also the scene when Cary on leaving her apartment, caught sight of the crutches( I think there was a wheelchair too) and realised what had happened to her the night they were supposed to meet. Indeed a very moving film and beautiful love story.
More recently of course was “Sleepless In Seattle” which was along similar storylines definitely “moulded ” from “An Affair To Remember”.
Then who could EVER forget the Austen series? I simply LOVE all these classic films.
A lovely trip down memory lane for me Tam. Thank you.:)
Oh, I wish we could all huddle up and watch these movies together, Rosie. What fun that would be. Thanks for the reminders of those classics. So good.
Not sure what happened to jumble some of my words. It was meant to read as,” starring June Allyson.” then, “I ashamedly..”etc.
Totally understand. I’m sooooo used to being edited. 🙂
Watched TANGLED with our granddaughter last week. I always seem to resist “kids” movies…then when I finally get around to watching, I LOVE them! Fun seeing the YOU’VE GOT MAIL clip too. Sweet, sweet romance.
I adored Tangled. But felt the very same way you did, Deb, about watching. I waited… Then loved it! So glad you had that precious time with your granddaughter. She’s a DOLL!
i have four sisters and just thinking about that scene with Beth dying makes me tear up. I adore that movie:)
Four sisters, Sarah. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing.
I have favorite movies more than moments…Love Happens is so sweet, 2 people dealing with hurts and helping each other. There are so many moments in North and South from BBC, love Richard Armitage as Thornton. He’s an unsung Darcy for sure. When Anna chooses Elsa over running to Kristoff in Frozen…and when she punches Hans in the face! And I laugh at the innocence of Giselle in Enchanted.
Such great examples. And yes, on Richard Armitage in N&S. Love that series!
I recently watched Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn. She chooses duty over love & it’s heartbreaking when she says “Life isn’t always what one likes, is it?”
Oh so good, Jan! Thanks for bringing back that memory. Great line. Great movie. (And so true about life!)