Recently I came across a note from a friend that was a reminder of something wonderful God did for me a few years ago when we were going through a rough patch. My wonderful, hard-working husband had been laid off from a job he’d held for twenty-five years, and while he established his own business, we were on an incredibly tight budget.
We thought we already lived quite frugally. Neither of us had any expensive hobbies to cut out. We rarely ate out. We’ve never had cable TV, were on the cheapest phone plan, and we already used $1 shampoo and store brand cleaning products.
But we found many other ways to cut back. We sold our second car. We declared a moratorium on buying new clothes, furniture, or household items that weren’t absolutely necessary to life. We quit eating out altogether. We cancelled all our magazine subscriptions. We quit buying potato chips and crackers. We let my twice-a-month housecleaner go (Now that was hard!) We also agreed not to buy each other gifts for the next few Christmases and birthdays. And though we rarely bought pop (soda for you East Coasters, Coke for you Southerners) we decided to go from “rarely” to “never.” And I agreed to give up coffee.
Wait?! Did I really say that? What was I thinking? I’m a writer. I couldn’t go without coffee! 😉
Well, of course I could. Besides, I still had some coffee in the cupboards. Maybe our fortune would change before I actually had to make such a life-changing, soul-numbing sacrifice. (My tongue is firmly in cheek here, in case you couldn’t tell! 😉 ) In all seriousness, I was trying hard to be very grateful for the blessings I did have—a modest but lovely home, a wonderful, loving man to share it with. Loving parents. Four amazing, healthy, productive-citizen children, and four precious grandchildren. Good health. I truly wanted for nothing.
And then one day, my sister dropped by and gave me some coffee she’d gotten on a trip and didn’t care for. Another friend who wasn’t a coffee drinker passed along a coffee sample she’d received in the mail. I spoke at a women’s meeting where little bags of coffee were the table favors.
I mentioned to some writer friends, just in passing, that coffee was no longer in my budget. “What? You can’t give up coffee!” they said. And oh, my! The floodgates opened. A writer friend and his wife sent me Starbucks coffee beans. Another writer friend cleaned out her coffee cupboard and sent me all kinds of fun flavors to try. A friend who worked at Starbucks but couldn’t keep up with the generous employee coffee bonus sent me two huge bags of coffee and a great mug. Every time I taught at a conference, someone would hand me a Starbucks gift card as a thank-you. My editing clients slipped coffee gift cards in with their checks. And on it went. Many of the gifts came from people who didn’t even know coffee “wasn’t in the budget.” At times it seemed as if it was raining coffee!
And every morning when I brewed my cup (or two) I thanked God for taking care of even the little things, even the luxuries. I thanked him for the symbol of His care for me all that coffee represented.
We’re doing much better now. I even have a Keurig coffee brewer in my office now and a budget to buy the pods (when they’re on sale or I have a coupon). And every morning when the delicious aroma of coffee wafts through our house, I’m reminded all over again of Jehovah Jireh, my provider. Truly His grace is sufficient for me—even without coffee.
How has God shown His loving care for you in big ways and small?”
Latest posts by Deborah Raney (see all)
- Deb’s Ode to Amazon - February 10, 2025
- Deb’s Favorites - February 9, 2025
- Patterns of Life - January 27, 2025
What a beautiful reminder, Deb. Thank you!
Thanks, Robin. It blesses me again and again to think of that time.
That’s inspiring, thanks for sharing this story with us. I cannot think of a story for me right now.
Thanks, Linda. It still inspires me!
This is such a beautiful reminder…thanks for sharing ❤️
God is so good.
Yes, God does provide. There have been many times we didn’t think we could take care of certain obligations, but at the last minute, a way arose.
Isn’t that the truth. God is never late, but He does sometimes seem to wait till the very last minute. But that builds our trust in Him.
Ahhh! I loved this post, Deb. Thank you. 🙂
♫♪ I love to tell the story…of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love…♫♪ 🙂
“I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true,
It satisfies my longings as nothing else would do.” …to tell the old, old story, of Jesus and His love…”
Those old hymns have so much meaning!
Yes, God is so good! Several years ago my daughter was to have surgery to remove a malignant tumor from her wrist. Some of my friends planned to come and wait with me during the surgery and they all were going to bring (healthy) food. I didn’t want healthy food, I wanted cookies! I was not going to ask for them, I was just so glad to have company. One friend did end up bringing homemade cookies, the surgery went very well, and we sort of had a party. But that is not the end of the story. My daughter was going to have her radiation near where she was going to college, several states away, and would need a car so she could drive to her treatments. We had been looking for one but had not found one yet, and she had left to go back to school a week after the surgery. The day after she left I was driving to a Bible study and started to panic about finding a car, when my car started to over heat. I really was in meltdown mode now, but (this may sound strange) it was like I heard a voice saying “how do you think you got those cookies?” Within the hour a friend called to say he had found a car for her, and I got it that day. She is still driving it! God provided for us during that time in countless ways. He is so gracious!
That is SO awesome, Linda! I just love stories like that! Praise His name!
Hi Deb, I LOVE this! Thanks so much for sharing. He has shown His kindness to me in so many ways. He is our wonderful provider.
Yes, He is! So grateful I belong to Him!
I have journals filled with similar stories to your blog today. God provided a “turkey that grew”, five gently used winter coats when I prayed for one, anonymous gifts of money (some quite large), a grocery bag filled to the brim with frozen meat when I prayed for protein for my husband’s dietary needs, and on and on. What a gracious God to His children in need!
Amen! I often think that part of Heaven might be getting to hear all the wonderful stories of God’s amazing provision for His children!
I love this. Good for me to hear in the season my family is in. No need goes unseen by him and I can see his thrumbprints through all the details.
Amen, Cara. And another thing I notice is that when God is meeting my NEEDS, I learn a lot about what is truly NEEDED and what are merely desires. When I let HIM decide, I’m so much happier and so much wiser!
He cares about the birds in the sky. He knows the number of hairs on your head. And, apparently, He knows how important coffee is to a writer!! Can’t wait to see the coffee shops in Heaven!
Oooh! It’s a date, Roxy! Can you IMAGINE!!?
<3 God truly does "spoil" His children!! <3
Yes, He does!
God bought a buyer for our house and home of 33 years almost as soon as the sign went up. This was at a time when houses just weren’t selling. He helped us get a nice apartment in a seniors community just when we had to get out of the house.
Oh, that’s hugely encouraging! We’ll face that one of these days, and it’s something I might worry about. But as my husband says, “He’s been watching over us from Day 1. Why would he stop now?” 🙂
Thanks for sharing that story, Deb. Numerous times I have also experienced way God shows up even in the “little things”. Those blessings are such faith builders. By the way, I literally just finished Beneath A Southern Sky and put a review on Amazon. What a compelling story that holds your attention to the very end. It should be made into a movie.
Thank you, Janet! I’m so glad to know that! (P.S. Do you know there’s a sequel, After the Rains? And I have plans for a third book in the series.)
No, I didn’t know that. I will be sure and get it. Thanks.
I love stories like yours, Deb. It really shows how much God cares about the “little” things in our lives and how He uses other Christians as His hands and feet. Thanks for sharing.
So true, Lynn! I’m going to pray that I can be the hands and feet of Jesus more often! Thanks for that reminder!
I remember that season of your life, Deb! I remember the pure joy on your face when you shared with Lynn and me over coffee at The Perk that we treated you to (not knowing coffee wasn’t in your budget). You told us how God was providing coffee in such a special way for you. Thanks for the memory!
What a fun memory. I still have the photos we took that day. 🙂 Need to do it again!
Aren’t God’s blessings wonderful! I’m sure I don’t even recognize many of the things He does for me! Thanks for sharing.
So true, Joan. We likely have NO idea of all God has done to care for and protect us. Thanking Him right now for even the things I cannot see or do not recognize as from His hand.
I LOVED this story, Deb! He is our Provider. I often say that one of the greatest lessons I learned during my first year in missions is that in as much as I depend on God for something, He will provide. I had grown up in a wealthy environment and never needed to see God provide materially until I went into missions. And then, oh, what wonderful stories! So thankful that He allows us to go through these rough times so we can experience His faithfulness.
Love this story, Deborah! Thanks for sharing! Isn’t that just like God??!!
Love the post Deb, it does us all good to be reminded of the blessings and faithfulness of God! So thankful that He is in the details of our lives! Yes, even coffee! lol What a loving and kind Father He is to us! 🙂