Last week, I had the honor of traveling to Atlanta, GA to attend the International Christian Retail Show, a huge trade show focused on Christian retailing. Everything from books to music to jewelry, to those cute beverage bottles with verses about living water stamped into the design. I had never attended this event before, but since Stealing the Preacher was a finalist for the Christy Award, I decided now was the perfect time to give it a try. I’m so glad I did!
I did not end up winning the award for my category, but all of the finalists were given these gorgeous medallions with the Christy insignia. Mine is proudly on display in my office so I can look at it from time to time and remember the importance of digging deep and writing to the very best of my ability all the time.
A funny thing happened on the way to the Christy banquet – My flight from Abilene to Dallas got cancelled that morning because of weather. So I had to jump in my car and drive the 2.5 hours to the DFW airport. I squeaked it out and made it in time for my 2:05 flight to Atlanta, only there were mechanical issues with another airplane at the gate, so we were delayed. We finally boarded only to sit on the tarmac for 30 minutes because of weather in Atlanta. I was originally supposed to arrive in Atlanta at 5:15, just enough time to get to the hotel and freshen up before the dinner at 7:00. Well . . . I got to the hotel at 7:00. Ack!! I flew up to my room, dumped out my suitcase, threw on my dress and heels, then speed-walked over the connecting sky bridge to the hotel where the dinner was being held. Made it by 7:15. Thankfully, Dave Long, one of the editors from Bethany House, was looking out for me. He spotted me and brought me in. I had been in my seat for all of 2 minutes when the finalists were called up to the front to receive their medallions. Whew! Crazy. But at least I made it and was able to enjoy the rest of the evening. Once I caught my breath.
One of the highlights of the evening was getting to meet Kathrin and Anna-Ruth. You might recognize these lovely ladies from one of Tammy’s recent posts. These ladies are the publishers of my German language editions. What a thrill to get to meet them! They both spoke English exceptionally well, which was a huge blessing since I know about one word in German. Ha!
The following day, I had the honor of meeting Jan (Yahn) and his lovely wife Cocky (Coke-ee) who are the publishers of my Dutch language editions. Delightful people! They were so warm and extremely complimentary about my books. I think I was a bit awestruck. I hope I managed to sound halfway intelligent when we spoke. There was even a bit of discussion about possibly putting together a visit to the Netherlands (Germany, too). I assured both publishers that I would be completely willing to make the sacrifice of traveling overseas to their beautiful countries. What a thrill that would be!
During my book signing, I even met a lady who works with my Romanian publisher. Talk about a small world! Why had I never attended this event before? Here’s a snapshot of me at the Baker booth signing books. Book club guru, Nora St. Laurent stopped by and a friend snagged this picture.
I also had the honor of sitting on the author panel at the ACFW Christian Fiction Trends session open to all the retailers. We talked about ways authors and bookstores can partner to create great experiences for today’s readers. As a gift to all the retailers who attended, we each signed over 150 books so that every retailer could leave with a bag containing each of the 12 authors’ books. My hand grew very tired during the prep for this event. See below:
The Fiction Trends event was a huge success. Not only did we get to share our thoughts from the front of the room, but we mingled among the retailers for about 20 minutes at the end of the session and visited with the people who work so hard to sell our books.
All in all, the trip only lasted about 2 days, but I must say it was well worth suffering through all the travel obstacles to get there.
- What was the most trouble you ever had trying to get somewhere?
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- Inside a Writer’s Brain - March 20, 2025
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Oh wow, Karen! Your trip there sounds really stressful. I was have heart-palpitations just reading about it! But it sounds like the trip overall was an awesome event! I didn’t realize the foreign publishers were at ICRS. That would be really neat to meet them! I love their enthusiasm for my books as well and appreciate all they do to spread Christian fiction in Europe!
I think that was my favorite part about the trip, Jody. Maybe one of these days, you and I can do a book tour together over there. Wouldn’t that be fun?
I was a basket case when I finally arrived at the banquet. But after making it across the stage without tripping I was able to settle down and enjoy the rest of the evening. It was fun to get to spend some time with Steve Oats as well, since he doesn’t usually attend writers’ conferences.
My best friend and I went for a weekend trip to Louisiana. We flew into Lake Charles, as we were going to a McNeese St. Football game. We rented a car and drove to New Orleans, which is a 3.5 hour drive from our hotel. In order to make our flight home, we needed to leave New Orleans at 11:00 a.m., no later than 12:00 p.m. However, we didn’t leave until 1:00 p.m., our flight was scheduled to leave at 4:00. I drove faster than I have ever driven in my life and we prayed all through the trip that we wouldn’t meet any traffic or cops. Once we arrived at the airport, we discovered that God had it all under control, our flight was delayed, so we made it and our connecting flight home. I didn’t truly calmed down, until I reached the airport at home. It was a great trip. Had I known then that we would spend the remainder of the weekend in New Orleans, we would have stayed there and flown out of New Orleans, rather than Lake Charles. It was still a great trip. The first I had taken without my family. My friend and I have taken several such trips, since and I have enjoyed each one.
Such an adventure. So glad you made it safely – and what an experience to bond you and your friend for future adventures. 🙂
It was so great to meet you in Atlanta, Karen! Wish we had gotten a picture together! I’m glad you made it after your crazy trip.
It reminds me of trying to get to ACFW in Indy last year. My flight was supposed to go through Baltimore but they had the fire when lightning hit one of their control towers and my flight landed in Louisville, KY. When I realized I was barely 2 hours from Indy, they let me off the plane and I rented a car and drove the rest of the way! Other folks coming through Boston didn’t arrive until really late that night or the next day.
So smart to figure out it would be faster to drive, Linda! Good thinking.
I thoroughly enjoyed getting to chat briefly with you, too. What a fun couple of days!
If you do get the chance to tour in the Netherlands or Germany, Karen, I urge you to say “YES!” I have been a few times, now, including the trip last month with Tammy Alexander and Elizabeth Musser. I enjoyed every minute and would go again in a heartbeat. Anne-Ruth from Franke Publishers is an amazing woman!
I’m definitely in favor of the experience, Lynn. Even just chatting with these publishers for a few brief moments at the trade show was a delight. I can’t imagine how wonderful it would be to see their home turf and meet their readers. My husband has already made me promise to take him with me if we get an official invite. Did you travel with spouses last month?
My tour group was flying home from Shangai, China, several years ago. The flight out of Shangai was delayed a few hours. We finally landed in San Francisco about the time my connection to Denver took off. Frontier got me on a later flight to Denver, but didn’t have a later flight on to Milwaukee. I would have to wait until the next day. Instead, I bought a flight on United that got me to Milwaukee in the wee hours. Meanwhile, I hadn’t been able to reach my family about the delay (this being before we had cell phones), so my dad and brother went to the airport (a 45 minute trip) and I never showed up. They had no idea where in the world I was. I got a ride with the airport shuttle fan and got home around 2 AM. I left my suitcase by the door and dropped into bed.
Wow – Thanks a LONG day. I bet your dad and brother were worried when they couldn’t find you. Must have been a long day for them, too. So glad you finally made it home.
Well, I’m just tickled pink that your books (and other Christian fiction) are being translated into different languages. How awesome is that? Sounds like that retail show was a happening place! I bet the literary vibe was exciting. And congrats on being a Christy finalist. Well deserved. I love all your books! Can’t wait to read more.
Thanks, Kav! It was definitely “happening” around there. So many people, exhibits, workshops – Oh and a really yummy Australian bakery where I managed to sneak in an egg/sausage/cheese pastry for lunch in the 20 minute break I had running around the convention center on Tuesday.
And, yes, I am so pleased that Christian fiction has found a sustainable market in Europe. What an encouragement to know that Christians around the world are reading our books. It still floors me when a Dutch reader contacts me through FB. Only God can do something so big. 🙂
So sorry you had those obstacles on the way to ICRS, Karen – – but once you arrived (and caught your breath 😉 ) it sounds like you had a wonderful experience! Hopefully if you visit my city (Atlanta) again, the travel will go smoothly. 🙂 And a huge CONGRATS again on being a Christy Finalist!
Many years ago (when I was early 20s) I had the silly idea that I wanted to be a flight attendant. So a major (at the time) airline flew me and some other young women to their headquarters in MN for an interview. There was a problem with my luggage at the airport, besides the fact I left Atlanta having NO idea where I’d stay once arriving in MN (cannot imagine doing anything like that now *gasp*). As always, the Lord was watching over me, because I met 2 other women going for the interviews, and they offered to share their hotel room with me. But I’d noticed on the flight up there that my throat was hurting, and I had chills. I ended up getting a BAD case of the flu, and was absolutely miserable the entire time. I was so sick that I no longer cared about the interview—I only wanted to return home to Georgia, get in my own bed, and SLEEP! ~ I was not meant to have a job traveling, LOL – – the Lord knew I needed to work with young children, so teaching turned out to be the perfect career for me (for many years). Of course now I LOVE writing, so I’m thankful for how the Lord worked out details in my life. 🙂
Looking forward to seeing you at ACFW, Karen. Praying that we both have safe, smooth travels getting to St. Louis!
Hugs, Patti Jo
What an experience! Sounds like you really packed in those two days 🙂 It’s so great to see my favorite Christian fiction authors being published in other languages and countries!
What a fun trip! Thanks for sharing, Karen. It sounds like an amazing experience. I dream about going to ICRS one day. I have a feeling it’s even crazier than ACFW, which always leaves me feeling energized and exhausted at the same time. 🙂 My craziest flight was when I came home from France after a ten day trip and missed my connecting flight in Dallas. I missed my husband and children so much, I had to go to the ladies room to cry for a few minutes. When I finally got on the next flight, we were on the tarmack for over an hour with mechanical issues–but at that point I was so tired, I slept the whole time. When I finally made it home, I was so happy to see my family!
Karen, what an adventure! Congratulations on being a Christy finalist! That’s super exciting. Happy Fourth of July!