The last D I made was in college in QBA—Quantitative Business Analysis, and even then I think my Harding University professor (Dr. Priest) had mercy on me after so many hours of private tutoring. Math and I have never been fast friends. Which makes it so funny that our son Kurt majored in Mathematics (with minors in Chemistry and Christian Ethics) and loves trig and calculus. Shoot me now. He definitely takes more after his father in that regard. 😊
But last week… I earned my latest D.
The wonderful Thomas Umstattd—and there’s not a whit of sarcasm in that, honest, despite what’s coming, LOL—graded the websites of six Christian historical romance authors, and he included mine.
You may recognize some of the names…
Misty M. Beller, Abbey Downey, Linda Ford, Aurora Hanson, Lacy Williams, and moi
He graded them from A-F as you can see in his chart. Do you see me yet? Look closely. A little closer…
Yep, that’s me…

For starters, my SEO and H1s and titles and home page rankings are AWOL. Not to mention the format just needs a major overhaul.
But a funny thing, I just now noticed as I’m writing this post that while the other authors got Recommended Tools & Episodes, I didn’t. Apparently my website is even past recommendations and tools. Oy. Which, in all fairness, my site is old. I know that. I need a major redesign. I know that, too. I’ve been meaning to do it for a long time.
And I will this summer. AFTER I turn this current book into Tyndale.
All that to say…
Thank you, Thomas Umstattd, for that kind and very detailed nudge in your Author Media video. It really is informative. You get to see what different authors are doing on their sites, what plug-ins and options they’re using, plus we all benefitted from your expert advice. I took lots of notes!
So tell me…
What author website did you last visit? What took you there? What did you like most about it? What did you not like? Anything you’d like to share is something I’d love to know. And you know why… 😉
Happy Tuesday, my friends! This post is late going up because I pulled a near all-nighter last night working to finish this book. I got 3-4 hours of sleep before the grands came for the day. So it’s off to the races again. #GramTamDay
But one last God thing before you go…
Something happened to me this past weekend that’s never happened before…
After majorly struggling with (and praying about) the ending of this current book for a while now, this weekend, in a flash, scene after scene after scene just “downloaded” into my brain. In an instant, I knew every last scene, in detail, I could see it all so vividly. It took my breath away. Still does.
These are the moments of writing I treasure most. Because it reminds me yet again that it’s not about me. It’s about Him. This was a gift from God for this writer’s thirsty soul, and I’m so grateful. And to be clear, the struggle has also been a “gift.” Just of a different kind.
More on this book (releasing in 2026) soon, but it’s an extra special one to me for many reasons. A new historical setting/place in Tennessee. Lots of real history. Lots of real people who impacted history—and my life—in a big way.
Hugs from my corner of Nashville!
A somewhat sleepy, but oh so grateful, Gram Tam
Watch the Author Media Video on YouTube
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
The last author website I visited was Yours, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! No way that it rates a “D”!! You are one of my favorite authors, and I’ve re-listened to several of your books. Thanks for your beautiful writing, And your website! 💖
Hugging you from here, Kristi! Thanks not only for visiting my site but for reading and taking these journeys with me. More than once! 🥰❤️❤️
This is hilarious!! Ha ha ha. Loved it.
Thanks for laughing along with me, Becky! 😂
The last author website I visited was Dianne Freeman’s. I went there to look up the order for her book series. The funny thing is, she seems to have recently updated it as it’s much nicer now than it was just a few short weeks ago. LOL One thing that I wish more authors would do on their website is a “currently working on” page – so I can easily see if there’s another book coming in a series or if it’s on to something new and when it might be coming out… It can be difficult to scroll through social media feeds trying to find some hint (and that’s assuming the author even posts on social media). Some examples of author websites that I think are done well: Becky Wade, Natalie Walters, Deborah Raney (those three have websites that are well branded with the colors, etc. And I love that Deb and Natalie have an events tab because I love being able to connect with authors if I can get to them) and Rebekah Millet (she does the “What’s Next”). I am one reader who visits author websites quite frequently. (and clearly I have opinions LOL – part of my day job was to help give requirements for my company’s website for our clients so I’ve learned a lot about how many “clicks” is too many! HA!)
LOVED all this, Joy! So wonderfully detailed, and I LOVE the idea about the “currently working on.” Added that to my list! I so agree on all the author sites you mentioned. kudos to them! And thanks for sharing today.
Awww, thank you, Joy. Kudos go to my website designer Savanna Kaiser! I love what she did with my site!
I was cringing while I watched that episode. I love you and your books. I hope his critique will give you some helpful ideas when you’re ready to redesign. I enjoy working with Savanna Kaiser. She redesigned my website a few years ago, and I’m still very happy with it. I don’t know what Thomas would say, but . . . .
LOL, Carrie. All is well. I truly do appreciate his professional nudge and, as Deb and I often say to each other, it’s a FWP (first world problem). 😉 Thanks for your kind words, and I love you (and your writing) too. Grateful we’re friends.
I think readers judge websites on different things than professionals do and count me among those who love your website, Tammy. 🙂 But I love the way you made lemonade out of lemons with this post. And most of all, I love that doing what it takes to be a bestselling, award-winning, beloved author—aka WRITING—is your priority over having an A+ website. ❤️
P.S. Thanks a lot for “outing” me as the tattletale to Thomas! Sheesh! 😉
ROFLOL, I didn’t even *think* of it as outing. I thought of it as sharing. So funny… But I would’ve never seen it without you, dear friend, so I appreciate it! As far as lemons from lemonade, doing that makes life so much more enjoyable.
But hey, I heard all the advice and am taking it. Again, it’s been on my list but with all the moving and writing and rewriting and well, life, it’s taken a backseat. But it’s riding shotgun now! 😂
Thanks, too, for your sweet words. Pay you later. ☺️
I took Thomas U. Continuing Course that recommended having an author page and all the steps to set one up. It was way over my head and pay grade. It would have been wiser for me to hire that job out. I’ve had my since then. I don’t know about your SEO but artistically I liked your web page.
I get quite a few author newsletters, but don’t visit their websites regularly. If I do, it is often to look up their booklist or something like that.
I did click on the link to yours, and saw the update about the third Carnton novel… is that a recent update. Are you still looking at a 2025 release date?