January 1st is around the corner, and that means I’ve been praying about my word for 2019. I first started doing this probably 10-12 years ago. It’s become a way to set a theme for the year about what I think God wants to teach me.
Some of the words have been exciting. Others not so much. Some have been easy. Others quite hard. Some I immediately sensed what God wanted to tell me. Still others left me wondering where God was taking me and it was only in hindsight that the word made sense.

My word for the last two years was Release. I talked about it a bit here, and I have to admit, I haven’t been super excited about Release. You could say it almost equals Wilderness, but I’ve tried to open my hands and seek His heart.
The word I got for next year is actually two: Beloved and Rebuild. It feels like God is saying He will begin to rebuild on the foundation that’s been cleared by two years of releasing things and identity to Him. And part of that rebuilding will be reconstructing my identity. Hence, Beloved (Cherished and Adored).
Do you seek a word for your year? If so, what’s the word God has given you for 2019?
Also, I want to start the new year by blessing two of you with a copy of my latest book (or a different one if you already have Delayed Justice). Just use the form below to enter. Good luck!
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That’s a great word!
2018 was confident. I am still listening for His word for 2019.
Confident is such a good one. Praying He reveals the 2019 word in a sweet way!
I look forward to possibly hearing more about how God uses Rebuild and Beloved in your life this upcoming year. Last year my word was hope. This year still hasn’t been revealed quite yet.
Ah, Hope. Something I have been asking God for more of. I’m curious to see what He does with these words, too.
Refresh seems to be my word for 2019. I’m looking forward to learning what God wants to reveal to me.
Suzanne, I love that! Refresh…leading you by streams of refreshing.
Cara, I began this practice in 2004 so 2019 is my 15th year. This has become such a treasured part of my spiritual walk. I usually start praying about my word in November. Like you, some years I know why God has given me a specific word and some years I only understand later. I will be sharing my 2019 word in my post on December 31st, so won’t do so here. (And like you this year, I often have a phrase or multiple words rather than just one word.)
Robin, I can’t wait to read what your word/phrase is. I love how this has become a way to see God move across the years in my life and heart.
My word for last year was blessed. I have been visiting an elderly parent and haven’t had much time to myself, so haven’t had much me-time. Based on that my word would have to be patience which has been in short supply. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Ah, praying God will fill you with His patience for those you are serving.
I don’t have a word for 2019, but I like the idea! I’ll have to be praying about it!
Melissa, it’s really been a great way to seek God’s heart for the year. Usually, the word surprises me. One year it was Believe. My first thought was “I’ve believed my whole life.” But God wanted to challenge me to go deeper.
Thankful is a wonderful word for me.
We could all use more thankfulness. 🙂
Thank you for this word. I have never thought about asking God for a word before, So here is the word that God has given me for this year, “renew”. I have been putting things and excuses, ahead of my relationship with my Lord. I will stop that today!
Pam, I’ll be praying with you that 2019 will be a time for renewing faith and walk. Excited to see how God meets you in that quest.
I love this idea! I’m going to start praying right now thet God will give me a word for 2019.
Praying He surprises you with a word that perfectly fits where He is taking you.
This year has gone so fast! Christmas seemed to race by and just yesterday I was thinking, OH, I need a word for 2019! Today your post reminded me again. So I need some prayer time and pondering to see what word God has. Last year was ROOTS, or Root, as in rooting myself in Jesus, making sure my roots are securely anchored to Him, and remembering my roots in the Bible and what I believe. On to 2019!
What a wonderful word for 2018! Praying He reveals His heart for you in the 2019 season, Angie.
Endure and hopeful Are my words this year
Blessing to you
Margaret, those are great words. My mind is racing with what they could mean for you.
I wrote a list of words on Sunday morning as they came up during the sermon. I came up with REJOICE.
I’ve only been doing this a couple years.
I choose JOY
I never have asked for Him to give me a word for the year. I have been given a verse before. A word sounds interesting. How do you pick? Do you pray about it? Interesting post by the way.
I don’t know yet – I’m still praying about it.
My word for 2019 is courage. This is the word I was given for this year and I have felt my courage grow in so many ways this year. I feel that God has challenged me this year and I have grown. Still, there is room for further growth.
My word for the year is praise. I need to praise God in all things.
My prayer for 2019 is to be more aware of His Presence.
Hi Cara,
My word this next year is Peace. I think it will be interesting what God shows me.
I don’t actually have a word for the year but showing love has been on my heart recently.
I’m still searching for my 2019 word, but my 2018 word was humble.
I’m still thinking about my word. I’m leaning toward “persevere.” Last year I chose “discipline,” and it was revealed that I still have much ground to gain in this area. In fact, I’m pretty sure I lost ground! So, in an effort to try to continue to conquer this area and not stay defeated, I need to persevere and continue to climb.
Still praying and meditating over my word for 2019. This year’s was REST and God was preparing me for great changes in my life. I learned to rest and lean into Him in ALL things.
Lots of conversations with Him right now about being heart-ready for 2019
My word is this year is Deeper.
Prayer. Would love to win a print book! Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! God bless and Happy New Year!
I think my word is going to be God-focus! (Not sure it’s a word but its mine hahaha!) I want to make God my focus this year instead of fitting in, being accepted, being loved, wanting connection. I want God first. He knows the desires of my heart!
Thanks for the chance at this giveaway. I am still considering my word for 2019.
I’ve never picked a word before, but I think this might be the year that I do. Blessings to you!
Two words for 2019. Poured Out and Courage.
I just heard about the one word idea last year. I think it was a fantastic way to focus on a single concept that God wanted me to learn. This year growth is my word.
I’ve done a word for the year several years. This past year, I can see how “brave” worked in my life.
Reading your post, I suddenly saw “Focus” coming toward me. Yes, that is my word for 2019.
In 2018 my word was Shelter. I entered the year feeling very fragile and vulnerable – I was deeply hurting and exhausted by life events. The Lord has been so faithful to Shelter me through and bring healing and hope to my heart again! In fact, there’s so much hope that He is leading me to Pursue in 2019 — pursue big dreams, keep pursuing Him, keep pursuing His path for me. It’s exciting and scary and I can’t wait.
I hadn’t heard of the concept of asking God for a word for the new year until around this time last year and while I didn’t have a word at the start of last year, looking back, “trustworthy” seems like it would have been a good one. Several things happened last year that, had I known about them ahead of time I probably would have panicked thinking they’d be awful, but Gid has proven Himself trustworthy because He made it so that none of those possibly word-shattering things turned out to be all that bad. In fact, I would call 2018 an overall good year full of personal growth. I struggle with nailing down a single word for 2019, but I am trying to hold on to that attitude of trust that whatever comes, God will get me through and I have every reason to hope for another good year.
I choose grateful for my word of 2019.
Thank you and may your journey be both inspiring and eye opening. He wouldn’t take the time to Rebuild you if you weren’t His beloved.