This week I’ve been celebrating the release of A Reluctant Bride, the first installment of my brand new Bride Ships Series. It’s been such a fun week as readers eagerly set sail on a new reading adventure!
I’m thrilled to announce that the book recently received a Starred Review in Publishers Weekly, which is a pretty big deal since starred reviews are only given to a small selection of books which are recognized for their “outstanding quality.”

Readers are also posting pictures and quotes which I always love seeing! Here are just a few:

1. What is the inspiration behind your bride ship series?
As I was researching ships, I came across information regarding bride ships to the Pacific Northwest. Though I’d heard stories of bride ships leaving England and sailing to Australia, I’d never heard of efforts to send brides elsewhere.
While exploring the concept further, I discovered that in the 1860s, several bride ships left England’s shores with the destination of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, which at that time were both separate colonies of England and not yet part of Canada.
The more I read about the women who took part in the journey, the more fascinated I became and the more I wanted to tell their stories.

2. Who was behind the idea of sending English brides to the colonies?
With the men in the colonies complaining about the lack of women, an Anglican missionary among the miners of British Columbia, Reverend Lundin Brown, finally was the one to write a letter to his sponsors in London, asking for Christian wives for the miners.
As a result, the Columbia Mission Society formed an emigration committee and soon began making arrangements for the transport of reputable women who could go and marry the men and in so doing create families and bring stability to the wilderness towns.

3. What kind of women decided to join in this bride-ship endeavor?
By the early 1860’s, a census stated that there were 600,000 more women than men in England, mainly as a result of so many men already having gone to America or British colonies to find work. Essentially that meant many women had no marriage options and ended up as “spinsters” or “old maids” particularly within the growing wealthy middle class.
Thus, a portion of the brides who came on the first ship were wealthy middle class ladies who were seeking new lives and opportunities.
Another group was drawn from the lower class. Due to work and housing shortages, most of London’s poor had inadequate food, lodging, and opportunity for employment. The future was bleak for many women, and often immigration wasn’t something they could afford. Sailing on the bride ships was an opportunity of a lifetime.

To finish off the week of celebrations, I’m giving away 2 more books to 2 different readers! Enter the Rafflecopter form below for a chance to win!
What about YOU? Have you ever sailed on a ship (or boat)? Can you imagine three months of sailing (through storms)? What is your favorite mode of transportation: ship, train, plane, or automobile?
Jody Hedlund
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- Saying Farewell - October 7, 2022
- Another New Book Release - September 16, 2022
- The Beauty of Weddings - September 2, 2022
I just recently went on an 8 day cruise. Something tells me the entertainment on these bride ships was not nearly up to that level. ha! Love the cover of this book!
I’ve never been on a cruise or a ship other than some larger river boats that only went a couple of miles. I couldn’t imagine being on one across the ocean.
My favorite transportation is by airplane or if I don’t have to drive a lot then the car. I think it would be an amazing experience to travel by train one of these days too.
I have never sailed, so to speak. The closest experience would be a very short sightseeing trip off the Florida Keys. Very compelling cover!
Shared on Facebook. I failed to mention that my favorite transportation method used to be airplane, but now I prefer auto for short to moderate length trips.
I think my favorite way to travel is by car. I can’t imagine being on a boat that long! I’d probably get sea sick. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve never sailed on a ship or been on a cruise. All I can imagine is being seasick. Makes me green just thinking about it. It would have had to of been some brave folks to take such a journey way back when. Think of how primitive things were then and how much longer it took to make the journey. Definitely not a luxurious cruise for them!
I’ve never flown in an airplane. I have taken a helicopter rider over Niagara Falls which is amazing since I have this big fear of heights. Amazingly I was so enthralled with taking photographs, that I really don’t remember the ride part at all. The only train ride I’ve take was one of the tourist type – short, which was ok but not really my cup of tea. Personally, I love to travel by car. That way I have control over when to stop, where to stop and how far to go each day. After being a military brat whose Dad only knew that you get from point A to point B by driving straight through with no stops, I am more of a hey look at that let’s stop kind of gal. 🙂
Yes it have been on a cruise for 8 days as well and loved it! Congrats on the book!
This book sounds so intriguing, and I love the cover displays – have already ordered my copy.
Living in eastern Virginia, I have seen replicas of the ships that brought the first English settlers to Jamestown, and no, I can’t imagine sailing on one for such a long voyage.
When my husband was in the Marine Corps, we went on a day cruise for dependents organized by the Navy – very informative and a great way to see what husbands/wives experienced when they were out to sea.
My favorite mode of traveling is by auto, if we have the time. We enjoy stopping wherever we want to take in historical and interesting places. We were fortunate to drive across country from Virginia to California when our grandson was born in 2009 and to repeat that trip in 2017 – we usually fly out every summer.
My favorite vacation was when we took the train from Toronto to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I loved seeing the scenery’s subtle changes while finding various quiet nooks to amuse myself with a favorite book. The train was a sleeper, and we made very few stops, resulting in a lovely sense of detachment from the usual bustling world.
This sounds like a wonderful series. I am excited to read it! I have been on a cruise and smaller boats. I cannot imagine traveling for months on a boat across the Atlantic heading towards an uncertain future!
I have never been on a ship/boat before, but I would love to do so some day.(Just maybe not a three-month voyage!) I enjoy plane rides and car rides. Too bad horses weren’t on the list–they are my favorite mode of transportation! 🙂
I’ve only been on short boat rides in bays or inlets but have enjoyed them. I think 3 months on a ship would be rough! I think a river cruise would be nice, though. For now my favorite mode of transport is airplane because it can take me further faster than a car or train.
I dream of traveling by ship, but only if there are NO storms! LOL. I prefer airplanes, trains, and cars. And horses. Congratulations on your book! This one sounds great!
Since I get seasick on water I would not like being on water for that long. I like traveling by car except on long trip, a plane. Those ladies didn’t have a choice so I think some of them were miserable, although excited about the opportunity of finding a husband. Blessings on your new book and I am looking forward to reading it!
I’ve never sailed on a ship! I certainly would not want to be seasick like many were. It must have been terrible to be kept inside in the darkness and unsanitary conditions for weeks.
This looks like a great series! I can not wait to read this book. I can not imagine being on a ship for 3 months. My favorite way to travel is by plane.
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I have never been on a ship. I imagine that I would get a little stir crazy being stuck somewhere for so long. I don’t know that I have a favorite form of travel. All the people I love most only live a few hours away so we mostly drive to visit them. I enjoy watching the scenery roll by. If I had to go further than a couple of hours, I would pick flying because it would shorten the process.
Hello on this fine Friday morning, sunny and it’s going to be 24oC today, a perfect spring day. I have to say my favorite mode of transportations is a car, although I don’t drive I make the perfect seat filler. I love stopping for coffee/tea on the way, I love the scenery, its just wonderful. My hubby and I have also travelled by coach (greyhound etc.) for 35 hours from Nova Scotia to Toronto 3 times and I just loved it, love stopping in small towns and just enjoying the scenery. My Grandparents moved to Toronto from Glasgow in the early 70s and travelled by ship on the Cunard lines, it took one week to cross the Atlantic.
Wow! I had no idea that the bride ships were adventurous yet viable opportunities for women in that time period. They had so much bravery to make a new life for themselves.
I’ve never been on a ship. I’ve only traveled by plane or bus. But my favorite mode of transportation is train because there’s something charming about it.
I have never sailed on a boat for more than a day. Can’t imagine being on one for a 3 months!!
I have been on a cruise once and I really didn’t enjoy it. I was happy when we were back on land. My favorite ways to travel are car and plane.
wow fascinating post. such cool information. thanks for sharing. those women must have been extremely brave at the time. No i have never sailed a ship. so far my favorite form of transportation is by car. can see so much
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I have never sailed on a ship like that. I would be afraid to be out in the middle of the ocean! I prefer car trips.
I’ve sailed on a riverboat a couple of times but never a big ship. Can certainly not imagine being on a ship for three months. That would take sheer will power I would think! 🙂 When I fly I have trouble with my ears (darn it all) so I prefer traveling by car when possible.
I get sea sick so…
Hi Jody:
I can’t wait to read this book. Hope I win a copy! 😉
I love to travel by car since it gives me an opportunity to see the sights. But flying is great to get somewhere fast. I’ve been on a windjammer cruise that was really fun because it was a small boat and I’ve been on a cruise to Alaska. That boat was so large it was easy to forget that I wasn’t on dry land. I’ve been on short train rides but would love to do one of the train tours across Canada or even the USA.
Sounds like an interesting new series! What a scary venture for these women.
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I have been on a cruise ship before to Alaska, I imagine it was nothing like the ships these women were on. The best way I like to travel now is by car. Can’t wait to read your new book!
Such interesting history! I can’t wait to read your new book–and the rest of the series!
I have been on one five day cruise, and it was a blast! I can’t imagine sailing for three months straight, though! I enjoy flying (I love seeing God’s creation from that high up!) but I also really love road trips!
I have been on a ship for a day trip, but not overnight. My favorite way to travel long distances is in an airplane.
I’ve never sailed for an extended period….I’ve only been on boats for lake or deep sea fishing. I don’t get sick so that wouldn’t bother me but I would get cabin fever for sure! I like taking road trips and have flown several times in the last ten years and LOVE it despite generally being afraid of heights.
I’ve been on boats, from canoes to ferries to large tourist boats, but not on a ship. We usually travel by car. I can’t imagine being one one of those ships for that long. Definitely would not be pleasant!
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Yes, I have been on four cruises to the Caribbean. That is most definitely my favorite mode of transportation and vacation. I would delightfully go on a 3-month cruise, or even longer, to see different parts of the world.
I’ve been on a boat a couple nights and it was pretty rough. Three nights on a ship wasn’t too bad, but I can’t imagine three months! So long! And I could never take enough books to keep me occupied for so long. 😉 I like the speed of air travel but love the leisurely road trips where I can get out and explore along the way.
I’d love to read this book! Sounds so good!
My grandmother was a young bride who was left behind while my grandfather came to America to get settled before he sent for her. While her story is not of a young woman seeking a husband, she did travel for weeks to get to her destination. Her ship was held in port for a number of days to be sure no illness was being brought into this country. She often said, in her beautiful broken English, “I’ma kissa da ground and I’ma say, ‘Tanka God, I’ma in America.'”
I have never traveled by boat before. I never learned to swim, so the thought of being on a large body of water scares me. My favorite mode of transportation is automobiles because I can be in control.
I’ve been on a cruise to Alaska and really enjoyed it. But my favorite mode of travel is by plane. There’s something about it I always find exhilarating and fascinating.
I’ve taken day trips on a couple different boats (including a “pirate” ship), but never anything longer. I can’t imagine the fear of the unknown as well as the dangers at sea that these women faced! Can’t wait to read the book!
Favorite mode of transportation? Anything other than a plane. 😛
Oops, and I shared on Facebook and Pinterest.
I like cruises but doubt there’s much resemblance to a bride ship. No fancy towel animals or all you can eat buffets!
I have been on a Caribbean cruise and loved it. I have also been on my brother’s motorized boat for several hours. I prefer to travel by car. I have never been on a plane or train. I never want to fly but I would like to go somewhere on a train.
Cant imagine been on any ship for three months, went on a seven day cruise once and that was enough for me.Flying is much faster but going by car is my preferred method. In August going to travel by train to Connecticut should be a nice adventure. Thank you for the interview and giveaway would love to win a copy.
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I’ve been on a cruise ship and plenty of boats, but I can’t imagine sailing for three months through storms. I’d probably kiss the ground when I landed! I’m not a fan of transportation of any type (I love vacations; I just hate trying to get there!), but I think trains are kind of fun!
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I have never sailed. Unless you count a boat trip from San Diego to Coronado Island 15 minute sail. Not too fond of any transportation boat scares me since I don’t swim. Flying mortifies me. But this story and it’s voyage sound amazing. Thank you.
my most common way of traveling is automobile and it is a toss up on which of the others I prefer. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway. I am looking forward to reading this book.
All of your books have outstanding quality. I’ve never read one I didn’t like!
We went on a cruise for our honeymoon 24 years ago. I wouldn’t mind an extended cruise with those kinds of accommodations. But definitely not during those times—I’d have to be in a desperate situation, which I’m sure these ladies were.
My favorite mode of travel is by car—so long as I’m not driving. I use extended drives to read!
I’m excited to read this book. I started a book club last night at our library and it’s going to be one of the selections in the next few months. It takes the library a couple months to order and receive new releases.
The only time I’ve been on a ship was a ferry between Ireland and Wales. It was so exciting, but i don’t know that I would be able to stay on a ship for months at a time! I think I would go stir-crazy. I love any type of transportation, so it is hard to pick a favorite! Trains make me feel like I’ve gone back in time.
I have been on a 7 day cruise to the western Caribbean. My favorite way to travel is by train. Very relaxing and enjoyable especially if you are on a scenic route.
I have never walked on a ship and have only flew once. But, I do love reading historical fiction from the colonial period.
I wanted to join the Navy 45 years ago, but my mother needed me to help with 8 brothers & sisters, I never have been a any kind of boat and it has always been my dream. my oldest son at 18 joined the Navy and served 20 years
I’ve taken some cruises, but that’s nothing like they would have experienced, being at sea for months on end. I’m sure it was nausiating and also terifying at times!
I have never been on a ‘ship,’ although some day I hope to take a cruise. I have been on a couple different ‘boats.’ My daddy always had a fishing boat so sometimes we would go out with him on the lake. And when we were in Germany, our chapel group would take a larger boat for a day cruise on the river on 4th of July.
I guess my favorite mode of travel is by plane. But a car certainly isn’t bad. Years ago when my children were small we traveled by train a couple times to go see the paternal grandparents. I remember that as nice.
My absolute favorite way to travel for MANY years was by motorcycle. My late husband and I traveled all over the United States and Canada numerous times. Two of my favorite trips were to British Columbia and Newfoundland. Colorado was always my favorite U.S. destination. I still love the excitement of a motorcycle ride, and I’m looking forward to one with my son tomorrow. ❤️
I do like the water. I do like cruising on a ship. However, we have never been in storms and I know accommodations and food would not have been like they are on the cruise ships. With that being said, I do not know if I would have liked to have traveled by ship in those times.
I’ve never been in a boat bigger than a sail boat. I would love to though! My favorite form of travel is by plane. But due to dramatic cost differences, we do a lot of driving 😂 We love adventures! One day I would like to take the train that goes across the country 😍
I have been whale 🐳 watching before and it was a lot of fun. Not sure I would like to sail, I am not a big fan of flying. But if it’s the fastest way too go then I will choose flying.
My uncle and cousin loved to go sailing and had their own boats. I enjoyed going sailing with them, but I’m not sure that I would enjoy sailing for 3 months through various kinds of weather. I think at this stage in my life, I enjoy traveling by car as it’s nice to be able to stop and visit interesting places along the way.
Congratulations on this new series, Jody! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of A Reluctant Bride!!
Oops! I forgot to mention I pinned this giveaway to Pinterest and shared it on Instagram.
I’ve never been on a ship–just saw the Atlantic ocean for the 1st time 2 weeks ago, and can’t imagine sailing on such a great body of water, especially in a storm!
I haven’t been on a boat or a train but I dont think I would like either,I get car sick very easily. The first time I was on a plane I thought I would never feel normal again. I would love to win and read this book,it sounds very interesting.
I’ve gone on a Caribbean cruise and also taken the ferry from Prince Rupert, BC up to Juneau, AK. I loved the (overnight) ferry ride. The cruise was so-so. Too much time to do nothing and not enough ports of call. My favourite mode is automobile – you can stop any time you see something interesting.
This book sounds fascinating. I’ve never been on a cruise but I have been on my cousin’s cabin cruiser. I’ve been boating around the waters of Juneau Alaska numerous times. What beautiful scenery is there.
I have been on a cruise to Alaska, an educational cruise to the Bahamas, a short boat trip on the Rhine River, an inner passage trip along the Norwegian coast to see the Midnight Sun, a catamaran trip to go snorkeling in Hawaii, and a much too noisy air-boat ride in the Everglades. Most cruises are more relaxing, but airplanes are faster to go see my relatives. These days I prefer to travel by airplane.
I prefer driving. I love the ability to stop and explore where I want to. I’ve been on a cruise (very swanky) and have seen replicas of ships that sailed in the 18/19 century and ……NO WAY!!! Love your writing.
I have no desire to be stuck on a ship. I would like to travel by train though. I’ve been in one once and wished to go a longer distance next time.
I have never traveled by ship, but I have traveled by car, train and plane. I would like to travel by ship someday, that would be fun (as long as I don’t get sea sick). 🙂
I’ve cruised several times now and even took a transatlantic cruise a few years ago. However, I sincerely doubt my relaxing and entertaining cruise is in the same category as your Reluctant Bride!
As an historical romance writer myself, my recently finished novel that I am in the process of revising is set in 1860 in the western United States, so the fact that there were so many women and a shortage of men in England at that time intrigued me. I can certainly understand why a woman would take a chance on a “bride ship” to try to find a husband as opposed to living life alone.
However, I do not enjoy sailing, though I have never been on a ship. I have been on a motor boat and a ferry, and without dramamine, I do get seasick.
I’ve never flown on an airplane, and I’ve never traveled by train but hope to try it one day, at least for a not-too-long trip. We almost always travel by car and I enjoy that.
I look forward to reading your Bride Ship series. This post has certainly piqued my curiosity and intrigued me about these stories.
I did post a graphic on Pinterest!
It definitely would be hard to venture off to places unknown, to people unknown and hope to give your man all of you. They were strong women!
I have ridden on a small ship in Mexico that traveled to an island and the waves were so big that all of us on the ship had sea sickness! It would be so hard to travel in those days on a ship if the weather was violent. I believe I’ll keep to my car!!!
I went on a cruise before when I was 15 with my school but other than that, I haven’t been on a ship and couldn’t imagine being on one for that long.
I prefer traveling by automobile since I have never had to go anywhere that required an airplane or train.
I have been on a ship called The Spirit of New York on the Hudson River in April 1993 for dinner and dancing which celebrated a successful performance at Carengie Hall for my college choir and other choirs (CMU ) and others. I do not think my stomach could handle the sea. I think I prefer train and automobile the best for traveling.
I enjoy travelling by car. Part of the fun is enjoying the scenery and then the anticipation of the destination.
Being honest with myself: I get so seasick, I probably would’ve died on a three month trip. 😆
I have never traveled on a big boat but I have gone sailing once before and I loved it. I would love to experience the excitiment of traveling across the sea even if it did take awhile. My favorite mode of traveling is by car because I love seeing the scenery as I go and I love being able to take my time and enjoy it.
I love to travel by auto and train. Flying is great when it is all about the destination, like a Disney trip. My experiences on water have been local boat rides on Lake Superior and canoeing on lakes in Minnesota. Not really interested in cruise ships or the like. I can only imagine all the germs and illness that could be found on a 3-month journey by boat *shiver*.
No, I’ve never sailed on a ship like that but my maternal grandparents sailed on ships to the U.S. as German immigrants in the 1950s. They were some of the last people to enter the U.S. through Ellis Island before it closed.
For me, I personally prefer trains. I love the scenery that rolls by and the hum of the wheels is relaxing to me. I do travel by airplane but find it cramped and uncomfortable. The seats seem to get smaller and smaller.
I have been on two cruises and while those are a lot of fun, I like the flexibility and things you get to see while driving during a road trip. The possibilities are endless!
My favorite way of traveling is by automobile. I have never been on a ship but don’t think I could enjoy being there knowing my feet are nowhere near the ground. Thanks for this giveaway. I will travel by reading and imagining I am there.
I’ve never sailed, but 2 months ago I finally flew for the first time I can remember. I absolutely LOVED takeoff, but landing was a different story!
I have only tried the car and plane so far. I am not crazy about either, so I should try a ship or a train sometime!
I do not think I would like to travel long distances by boat. The only form of transportation I have used is a car, and I don’t mind traveling by that.
I have never been on a ship but I have traveled by plane, train, and of course automobile. I would probably be sea sick.
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I’ve been on a ferry a few times but that’s it for boats. I don’t think I’d enjoy a ship for several months. I prefer to travel by car though will fly when needed.
I pinned to Pinterest.
I love all the beautiful photographs with all the ship backgrounds! Sounds like a great story! I love ships! I’ve got a YA action adventure with ships set around the Peninsular War on the back burner.
Congratulations on a new series release
Three months, I just don’t know. It seems like such a long time especially with unexpected storms and trials. But I admit I did enjoy reading about the adventure. Great story, very gripping.
Congratulations, Jody!
My favorite method of travel is an airplane. I’ve never been sailing.
I have been on a ferri boat ride in Washington that went to Seattle. It was beautiful scenery ride. I have also been in smaller boats as well. I couldnt inmagine been stuck on a boat that long. I like trains best!
I have never been on a ship, but have been on a few boats. I love the water, but don’t think I could do days of being on a ship.
The Bride Ship series sounds wonderful. I love learning about different aspects of history through fiction.
The longest ship/boat ride I have ever been on was an afternoon and evening of sailing on San Francisco Bay with my sister and her husband. I can’t even imagine being on a ship for 3 months.
I’ve been waiting for the Bride ships forever! I pinned to Pinterest. I’m kind of a big fan of airplanes but I think ships could be kind of cool too. If I had the opportunity back then to hop aboard a Bride ship, you can bet I would have!
I’ve been on small boats and in small planes and jets. I’ve also taken short train rides. I must admit that I like boat and train rides the best, although I wouldn’t have enjoyed traveling an ocean in steerage class or traveling by train without air conditioning!
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I have been on two cruises both to Alaska.
This new series sounds very interesting. You are an author that is new to me. Airplane is my favorite mode of transportation. Thanks for the giveaway.
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You are a gifted writer. I’m looking forward to reading your newest book! I enjoy all different genres, especially historical fiction in the 1800s. As a baby and as a 7-year-old, I returned “home” to Brazil (I’m an MK – missionary kid) via ship. I do remember the trip when I was 7; it took 2 weeks. I enjoy all four modes of travel, yet I guess I prefer traveling by plane best.
I have been on a few cruises and loved them! However, I can’t imagine travelling on a ship like they would have in the 1860s with none of the luxuries of current ships or for that length of time.
I have never sailed on a ship. I have been on boats a lot, though, and I really enjoy it. I prefer to travel by car when possible, because you have more freedom to explore. But for long distances, I love flying. I’m not a big fan of navigating airports, though.
I’ve been on a large car ferry for a few hours to get across Lake Michigan. My most favorite mode of transportation, especially as a kid, is traveling by train. I love seeing the “hidden” country, exploring the differenr cars, and being able to have a fun, fold-down bed. Sooo looking forward to reading your newest book!!!
What is your favorite mode of transportation: ship, train, plane, or automobile? The only boat I have ever been on is the ferry at Walt Disney World, but knowing how well I deal with inertia, I would probably say that I have no such thing as sea legs. Honestly, knowing what I know of ships from that time period, I would probably be scared to death all the time– especially during storms. I love the storms that God creates and finding the beauty in them but its usually when I’m on solid ground.The food, sickness, and health habits would scare me, but there is a part of me that would love the adventure and suspense. I guess you would really have to experience it to know, but the trip would definitely toughen you up. I have only been on a plane once and thought it cool and I have never been on a train (that is on my bucket list) so I guess I would have to say my automobile. I have a newer car and absolutely adore it. I also have an affinity for vintage things so eventually I would like to own a classic car from the 50s.
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My only boat experience has been a dinner cruise on the Belle of Louisville. I took a train from Chicago to San Francisco and enjoyed that a lot.