Have you ever been excited to meet a friend for coffee and then when you got together, you couldn’t decide what to share first? Well, that’s me today.
I’ve got lots of quick things to share, but these things don’t really have a lot to do with each other. But they’re fun!
So here we go…
Last week I headed to Dallas to help kick off the year for a dear friend’s Bible Study group (hello Cindy Payne and all the wonderful ladies at Saturn Road Church of Christ!) and also to celebrate the release of With This Pledge, a Carnton novel. We had a blast!
A huge thank you goes out to Logos Bookstore (Thanks, Rick and Susan!) for having hot-off-the-press copies of With This Pledge available at both the morning and evening events. Y’all are wonderful to work with!
Any readers who may live in Dallas, please check out Logos Bookstore here. You’re gonna love this store!

Click here to visit Logos Bookstore in Dallas, TX
Not only did I get to see and meet a ton of reader friends, I got to see a fellow Regina sister (fellow social club member from college days at Harding University) that I haven’t seen since we graduated. What a treat! Love you, Sharon (Healy Anderson). Thank you for coming and know that I’m holding you close in prayer.

Then guess who surprised me and showed up! Our own dear Becky Wade!

Start reading With This Pledge
I was signing books Wednesday night after speaking, and I look up and who do I see… Judy Livsey Sparks! Judy and I used to carpool together in high school (Greater Atlanta Christian). She’s always had such a great laugh!

It’s such a treasure to see old friends—and to meet new ones. Thanks to everyone who attended, and I’m so grateful for your eagerness to read With This Pledge.

Register here
With This Pledge, my 16th novel, is extra special to me because this is the real love story of a Civil War Confederate sharpshooter and the governess he fell in love with following the Battle of Franklin. It’s brimming with real history and real love letters—and real issues of the times that, unfortunately, still resonate today.
More on With This Pledge here.
Next, I’ve found the yummiest low carb gluten free snack. It’s Keto Monkey Bread! And it’s to die for! Thanks, I Breathe I’m Hungry, for dreaming up this warm, sweet delectable treat!

Lastly, here’s a sneak peek at the “recently revealed” wooden floors in the grand salon at Belmont Mansion, the setting of my Belmont Mansion novels and the home of Adelicia Acklen, the richest woman in America in the 19th century.

Stayed tuned for more in a future blog!
THANK YOU, everyone, for your continued prayers for my sweet Dad. Here’s an update (since you’re so kind to ask). . . Dad has good days and bad days, but lately there have been more good ones. So thank you for your faithful prayers for him as he takes steps closer Home. I’m so grateful for him and this time together. Yes, dementia is a long goodbye, but with that comes time to share beautiful moments and cherished opportunities.

Finally… For all you ebook SALE lovers!

BUY Rekindled
I told you…a bunch of odds & ins. Thanks for letting me prattle on. Now it’s your turn.
If we were grabbing coffee together today (I wish!), what are a couple of things you might share with me? I’m sitting here sipping . . . and waiting. ; )
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
I’d say thanks for being a historical writer and sharing your gift with us! Love history!
Aw, bless you, Shirley! I’ve been runnin’ most of the day, so this is a nice way to wind down the evening. Hugs to you—and I love history too!
Tamera! I loved your ‘Rekindled’ series, and swallowed them whole haha, I read Christmas at Carnton over Christmas and can’t wait to read ‘ with this pledge’,
I love that your Dad has more good days than bad, that’s Gods mercy at hand isn’t it? treasure each day the Lord grants, thankyou for sharing all your news!
I’m clinking coffee cups with you, Grace! Thanks, sweet friend, and amen on that being God’s mercy. He’s so faithful!
I just started reading “With this Pledge.” I enjoyed your live stream event at the Dallas church so much. I would like to view it again. Was it saved and is there a way to access this?
You’re so kind, Bonnie! Thanks for tuning in and for wanting to view it a second time. A glutton for punishment, are we!?? 🙂 I’ll see if they happened to record it. If they did, I’ll post it online then share the link on social media. Your request made my night!
I read my first Tamera Alexander books in 2018 and Christmas at Carnton was my last book for 2018 so I am really looking forward to With This Pledge. I so enjoyed listening to you talk about it a bit on the video with the giveaway in December. If we were just chatting, I would tell you about my adventure trying to catch cat #2 yesterday to take both of my kitties to the vet for their annual check-up. She is really good at hiding and dodging. I’m glad there isn’t a video feed at my house!
LOL, your description painted a wonderful mental pic, Melissa! I can only imagine what that “cat and mouse” game was like. ; ) Thanks so much for reading and taking these journeys with me. Bless!
It looks like you had a great time in Dallas, Tammy. My husband grew up attending the Waterview Church of Christ in Richardson, and they had many combined events with the Saturn Road church. Hearing that name again made me smile. 🙂
Really, Karen? How cool. Loving knowing that. The ladies at Saturn Road are phenomenal. Such loving hearts dedicated to serving Christ. It was a real encouragement to spend time with them.
It was a treat to see you in Dallas, Tammy! Thanks for coming to Texas. 🙂
Hugs comin’ your way, friend!
No coffee for me, thanks. I’ll just have water instead. Love the smell of coffee, but can’t stand the taste. Anywho…how amazing would it be to see those wooden floors at Belmont Mansion in their heyday? And oh, if they could only speak, right? Continuing to pray for you and your father. It brings a smile to my face when you share a picture of him. He’s more high tech than I am with his Echo 🙂
Also, always enjoy seeing Murphy and Bailey.
What about tea, Amy? Sweet or unsweet? : ) Bless you for those prayers. I appreciate those more than you’ll likely ever know. And about those floors at Belmont… I’m headed to Belmont Mansion tomorrow, in fact, to do some videoing with the architectural historian, Jerry Trescott, about those floors before they cover them back up. I’ll share those clips soon! And our sweet Bailey is growing fast. But that’s a good thing. She needs some weight on her in order to hold her own with Murph!
I enjoyed this post so much, catching up with your tour and life. I read Christmas at Carnton when it came out in 2017 and gave it to four friends this past Christmas in anticipation of With This Pledge releasing. I have ordered my copy from my local B&N and am awaiting their notification that it has arrived. I do this because I have been told if a patron orders a book, the store will probably order at least one extra copy. I have sadly watched the Christian Fiction section diminish and have to order your books, Jody’s, Karen’s, and Becky’s. They keep a fair amount of Julie’s in stock and some of Lynn’s. Hoping for a positive change for more Christian fiction.
So happy to hear the update on your Dad and that he is having more good days than bad. If we were grabbing coffee, I would ask for prayers for my husband who will be undergoing testing on the 24th to determine future treatment for a serious condition. Thank you for your faithfulness and commitment to your readers.
Lord God, we lift up Betty’s husband right now, as a community of believers, and we ask that you give both him and Betty your peace that passes all earthly understanding as he undergoes testing. And then as they wait. Together. Lord, gift them with an undeniable confirmation of your presence—something that only YOU could do. We already give you all the glory for that, Jesus, and will wait and watch as you move and work in their circumstances. In your powerful name we pray. . .
Bless you, Betty, for ordering my book. I so appreciate that. B&N is struggling, at least that’s my understanding. So I appreciate you helping them out too. Hugs, friend!
I am enjoying my bible study, book club, being chauffeur to my 83 year old mom, and enjoying our boys being home for part of January from college. First year for my husband and I as empty nesters! Hope to be in Nashville with my daughter in the next few weeks but not soon enough for your grand signing at Carnton, oh how I wish I could be there! I have been there 3x and toured it twice. With This Pledge is one of my all time favorite stories!
I am happy to read of your dad having some good days!I’ve been there… I was disappointed that I was unable to meet you at the Saturn Road event! That church is only fifteen minutes away from my house but I had a conflict that night. I just finished the Audible version of “With This Pledge” and loved it so much that (after I wrote a glowing review on Audible) I sent my sister the paperback, which I purchased online. It was your best work yet, in my opinion (and I have devoured all of your books)! I also wanted to attend your November event in Tennessee but couldn’t work it out. I do hope there might be another opportunity for you to host a similar event in the future! Please keep writing great historical fiction! I especially enjoy when your characters are based on real historical people. I plan on seeing Adelicia’s floors at Belmont very soon! My sister, who lives in Ohio, loves your books, too, and we are planning a sister trip to see “your” mansions!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time…but I suspect those who got to hear you speak would say the same! I too wish I could be at the event at the end of January. I am so hoping there will be many others. Since the floors at Belmont are being restored, is it closed to the public?Do they have a projected finish date? My husband & I want to come when we can tour all three mansions. Hoping you have some down time before your next event!
I’d love to sit and have tea or coffee with you. I’d definitely thank you for writing historical novels and for the amount of time you spend researching. It’s be nice just to spend a few minutes getting to know you. If you ever come near Springfield, MO, I’ll definitely be in line to meet you!