I just finished writing the last book of a seven book contract. I finished on Monday at around 4:30 PM. The book is due today but I turned it in yesterday at 3:30 PM. Am I happy? Yes. Because over the last three years, in-between and around those seven books, I’ve moved twice, had health issues, traveled extensively and also written seven novellas and two continuities. I’m not bragging. I’m shouting it to the rooftops!
I’m going to take a few weeks off–kinda. A writer is never really OFF! We’re always thinking about writing or seeing scenes in our heads or coming up with the next plot. I have some proposals out there and I hope to hear back on those soon. But for a few days or maybe a few weeks, I’m going to do fun things such as finally finish unpacking all the boxes I’ve been working around for a month or so now. I’m going to read that TO BE READ pile, finally!!!! I’m going to sit and do nothing and then rest afterwards. I’m going to have a marathon catch-up on Outlander and New Girl and Elementary while I sprawl in front of the television!
Then I’ll start all over again, plotting and planning and talking to those characters in my head. That’s the fun part about this job. It’s never dull inside my head. Characters never take a holiday. But me, I’m going to sit on that beach that’s only about three miles down the road. I’m going to dip my toes in that sand that keeps whispering my name. I’m going to walk on the beach and search for seashells and have me a little STAY-CATION. No makeup and no makeup work!!!
I might even go out to dinner with my patient husband. 🙂 Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?
And to celebrate, I’m going to give away a copy of my June release, Lakeside Sweetheart. Just tell me what you do when you’re finished with a big project and I’ll pick a winner and announce on June 15th, the next time I blog here! Until then, you’ll find me … somewhere on a beach!
Latest posts by Lenora Worth (see all)
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When I finish a big project, I take time for myself and read a good book!And maybe go shopping too!
Both excellent plans, Jean!!
When I reward myself after a long project I love to read, of course, but also bake something fun or start a new tv show/series.
I approve of all of those!!
My self rewards mostly is reading and sometimes sewing.
Susan, my mother sewed all the time. She made most of my clothes. I made my daughter one dress!! I admire people who can sew!!
When I finish a big project, I like to take some time off also. Time for myself, to do what I want when I want. Congrats on finishing your book and enjoy your me time.
Thank you, Dianne!!
I work from home. When I finish a work project, I do my best to pamper my husband a few days. He is good to pick up the slack for me so I can meet my deadlines. After we have had a few days to ourselves, I might prop my feet up & watch a movie, or read a book, or work on a craft project. Then it’s time to dig in again & get back to work.
JJ, it’s always wise to reward those who help us. My husband is such a help around the house. I agree completely!!
When I finish a big project I like to at least give myself a night off to recharge. I will usually go out to dinner with a friend and then have a late night movie marathon in bed.
Love those movie marathons!!
I like to give myself permission to just relax! That can mean watching tv or a movie, taking a nap, going to dinner with my friends, popping over to my best friend’s place and chatting about everything and nothing for a few hours….
I love chatting about nothing for hours!!
I sit back, relax, and then…I party!! Yup, I go q little crazy-listening to music, singing, and freaking out. Yeah, I did that when I finished my first draft of my first book.
Good plan, Haley!!
When I finish a big project around the house, I have my husband take me out. Nothing big or fancy–just a night out for the two of us. I also get my nails done after I finish a project at work. It’s so relaxing to have someone else do your nails.
Yes. Pampering is good. Pretty nails make s smile!
I love what you shared in this blog. I feel as if I’m there with you.’
I am a writer, not yet published but working on it so my time is a bit less restricted than an author with deadlines. The closest I guess, for me, is getting ready for a writing conference in June. I’ve been polishing a finished novel and working on an “elevator pitch” and synopsis. I have to pace myself as I have fibromyalgia. When I take time off I read, or, these days, work in the garden. Or just site and enjoy the spring flowers and breezes in the trees.
Diana, good for you for working on your craft. I hope you have a great time at your conference!!its good to pace ourselves. Work can be so stressful at times. Keep us posted!
That’s the BEST feeling, Lenora! Big congratulations! You definitely, definitely deserve some sand-in-the-toes, TV, dinner-with-husband time. Enjoy!
Hank you, Brcky!!
Thank you. Hank is not here!!
Enjoy your much need rest, time with your husband, and peace of mind note that you finished your book. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
Thank you, Melanie!
It’s not exciting, but I clean house! Because by the time I reach my deadlines, it LOOKS like I’ve been on deadline. And I turn my brain off for a bit and ignore the computer. And get out and walk and move. Congratulations on meeting your deadlines!
Yes. I actually vacuumed tha morning!!
When I finish a big project I like to go out to lunch or dinner, ( either by myself and take a book to read ) — or meet some friends. Its always nice to relax with a favorite meal.
Congratulations on meeting your deadline!
Thank you!! Dinner sounds good!
I take a big breath, make a cup of coffee, and grab a book from my TBR pile!
Nothing better!!
Sit back, relax with a cup of coffee or a glass of raspberry tea, watch a movie or read.
All good!
When I finish a big project, I take a while to regroup and then start on another one.
Good advice!!
Sometimes, everyday is a big project for me. If I’ve had a particularly trying day, lots of battles with insurance companies, doctor’s offices and pharmacies, like yesterday, I celebrate with pizza for dinner and reading a book.
Sadly. I am a great procrastinator when it comes to big projects though.
Sorry about your bad day, Andrea. I hope you do get to rest!!
Thank you Lenora. You are so kind.
The pizza was wonderful, I reheated a piece for lunch today 🙂
The book I read was okay too, a quick little Mail Order Bride book. Nothing like going to a different time period to get my mind off things.
Enjoy your beach and catching up on your missed shows!
That sounds nice!!
Oh by the way, CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your books!
When I finish a big project I take a breather for a couple days before I start working on the next big project. Some times if it is an extra exciting big project I will go out to dinner to celebrate its completion. Congrats on finishing your book, that is so wonderful!
Thank you!! I went to the beach!!
Read a book!!
For me it is always ice cream. After a project around the house is done we all agree to go get a milkshake, it’s even better now thaT it’s getting warm outside.
Oh, ice cream! Good idea!!
I like to sit down and read! Love the beach!!!!
I rest and rest some more. And then I play games!
I like that!
I can’t think of a better plan than going to the BEACH! (With at least one big fat book and 3 or 4 magazines . . . . ) Ah, summer.
I took two–Rachel Hauck’s The Wedding Dress and a book called Soldier Dogs about war dogs. Fascinating.
A lot to think about. When I finish a big project, I like to sit in my easy chair, with my feet up and do nothing but listen to music or watch TV. After that, I may read a book just for fun, although I always put a short review up afterwards. Since there is always something else to do, I may move on to smaller projects for a while after that.
Small projects are good. I did write a blog today!!
Congratulations! I like to celebrate with a day out, doing something fun like antiquing or visiting a cool place.
Love antiquing!!
Moving?,ugh!… my reward?, I have a new to me series ready to read once the insanity develops some order; lol, my family knows I’ll read straight through before I come up for air.
That’s always fun!!
I like to go out for a special lunch or dinner with either my best friend or my husband. Do something special and just enjoy the day.
That sounds like a good idea!
Congratulations! Usually when I finish a project I just like to sit back and look at what I’ve accomplished or think about what I’ve accomplished and then get comfy and read…not much of a TV/movie watcher (Unless it’s the Wizard of Oz). Thanks for the opportunity to win!
First of all, congratulations on your 7-book completion. I really enjoy your suspense style.
When I finish a project, I get reacquainted with my friends, and myself. I make popcorn, watch my favorite scenes from different videos. I meet friends for coffee and conversation, and I usually give some kind of party.
I read A LOT. I’m celebrating the project of going through three eye surgeries and being able to read books on paper again. No more uber magnification (400 – 800, black screen/white print). Glory to God! I just enjoy life.
I take a deep breath and clear my mind of all that’s been on it and then either read a book, go on a date with my husband, or relax and watch a movie with my kiddos. 🙂
We live near many State Parks and forests. Hubby and I love to get away even for a short time and picnic.Love being out in nature!
When I finish a big project or sometimes a little one I collapse in my recliner and catch up on email or read. Mostly read. Sometimes I go fishing and read when the fish aren’t biting.
I praise God for giving me the strength to finish, give a sigh of relief, grab a glass of iced tea and a book and relax.
When I finish a big project (especially housework), I get to sit down and read or play an online game 🙂
Thanks for the book giveaway!
Sometimes I will just sleep and relax, other times go visit my friends and fellowship or read.