I recently received a gift, and while I knew it was a Bible, I had no idea what kind of Bible it was—and how addictive it was going to be!
Have you ever heard of the Filament Bible?
As the website describes, the Filament Bible combines the simple elegance of a premium Bible with the powerful capabilities of your mobile device. You get the best reading experience a print Bible can offer and instant access to more meaningful content than you’ll find in any one study Bible or devotional Bible.
What meaningful content, you ask?
So much! And it’s all there at your fingertips.
You simply download the Filament App, then scan the page number of the Bible with the camera on your phone, and voila! You get all of these features . . .
Think book introductions, study notes, in-depth articles on key topics, and profiles of key people from the Bible. The Study window contains everything you would expect to find in an excellent study Bible.
Think devotional articles and thoughts that are curated from some of Tyndale’s favorite resources. The Reflect window is less about in-depth study and more about connecting the ideas of the Bible to your everyday life.
Think all things visual. Interactive maps that allow you to zoom in or out and tap key locations to learn more and see photos of the sites. Videos that are relevant to the page you are reading are provided by The Bible Project.
I’m thrilled to share a Filament Bible with you and am giving away one on my website this month. Check it out if you’re interested—or if you know someone you’d love to gift it to.
I’m so happy to have learned about this Bible, but am asking myself, “Why didn’t I know about it before now?!” If you’re thinking the same, help me spread the word by sharing this post.
What are some of your favorite study tools when you’re doing a deep dive into the Word of God?
Much love from Nashville,
Tamera Alexander
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Susan Campbell says
Reading the Bible and also listening to it.
Deena Adams says
The Filament Bible looks so cool! I’ve never seen this before, so thanks for introducing me to it. I sometimes use the features online at Bible Gateway or The Blue Letter Bible for deeper study.
Tamera Alexander says
Love Bible Gateway, too, Deena! Thanks for sharing.
Tamera Alexander says
Yep, I love listening to the Bible read too, Susan. We can hide the Word of God in our hearts in so many ways.
Deborah Raney says
Wow! That looks really cool! I got the Verse Mapping Bible at the beginning of this year and it has really added depth to my Bible study. I’m keeping tons of notes in the margin as I read, but also, filling in the blanks of the sidebar questions every few pages has added new depth to my study.
I grow so attached to a Bible I’ve had and written in for years. I know where to find everything by its location on a page. But it’s always good for me to start reading from a brand new, fresh copy to see every chapter and verse in a new light.
Tamera Alexander says
Amen to all of that, Deb. I’m still not giving up my “daily read” NLT Bible that I’ve had for years (and yes, sooo many notes and dates in the margins), but I’ve added this alongside it to—as you said—”start reading from a brand new, fresh copy to see every chapter and verse in a new light.”
Angela Hunt says
Wow! I should have figured something like this was in the works, but what a tool to have! I’m feeling the urge to order one . . . thanks for letting me know about it!
Tamera Alexander says
Right?! I’m so excited. But seriously, I have to set an alarm. You will too! : )
D'Ann Mateer says
Very cool!
Tamera Alexander says
I’m loving mine! Talk about taking the best of technology and connecting it with Scripture.
Celia Tate says
Sounds like an amazing Bible with wonderful in-depth study aids! Thanks for introducing it to us, I’m going to have to look into it.
Tamera Alexander says
You’re going to love it, Celia! Hugs to you, friend. #GarageSalesForever #ArbyKidsMeals
Laura says
Thanks for sharing! I love discovering new ways to study God’s word. I enjoy studying with my my journaling Bible, the CSB study Bible app, and the Blue Letter Bible app. So much information with the tap of a screen. We are so blessed.
Tamera Alexander says
You’re the second one who’s mentioned the Blue Letter Bible app. I’m checking that out too. Thanks, Laura!And blessings as you (and we all) dive deeper into the character and nature of our great God!
Becky Wade says
What a fabulous idea — to combine a Bible with a mobile app that gives insight!
Tamera Alexander says
Right? Loving it.
Angie Quantrell says
This sounds like wonderful study Bible! I love my study Bible, huge and bulky though it is. Thanks, Tamera!
Tamera Alexander says
You’ll love this, Angie!
Lynn Austin says
I got one of these from Tyndale and absolutely live it! The Bible Project videos are wonderful!!
Tamera Alexander says
Isn’t it amazing, Lynn? Love the Bible Project videos too. And yep, that’s where I got mine as well. But seriously, how have I not known about this? Making up for lost time. 🙂
Patricia Kalili says
Amen, amen!! Yes, the Bible you are referencing is awesome. Have had for some time and are receiving many additional Bible helps and introductions. Have given copies to each of my adult children.
Thx for sharing. Highly recommended.
Tamera Alexander says
Same here for giving copies to my kids! It really does provide such rich insight and depth. Thanks for sharing, Patricia!
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
It is amazing the technology they come up with. I had never seen or heard of this. Thank you for sharing.
Brooke Repine says
I use the Chronological Life Application Bible from Tyndale (NLT). Have you ever heard of it?
Thanks so much for introducing me to the Filament Bible! I would love to try it out. What a great giveaway item! Looking forward to hearing who was your lucky winner.