Plotter or Pantser. Those are the two terms authors often use to describe their method of writing.
The plotter (as you might guess!) takes the time to detail out the finer points of the story before beginning to write.
The pantser, on the other hand, doesn’t spend a whole lot of time (if any) on thinking through the story before starting it. She flies by the seat of her pants (hence, where we get the term pantser).
When I first started writing, I was a mixture of the two. I did a little bit of plotting. But I left the bulk of the story to develop once I got into it. Over the years, I’ve become even more of a pantser. I like to say that I give my creativity full reign as the story develops, letting everything unfold organically.
Last week, I had the special privilege of watching die-hard plotting in action. And I was truly amazed at the process—so different from mine, but utterly fascinating! I flew to Minneapolis to spend a week with the three lovely authors who will be writing with me to continue my Bride Ship series. The four of us met with Sunrise Publishing founders and editors, Susan May Warren and Lindsay Harrel, and we brainstormed for Bride Ships: New Voyages.

When I say brainstormed, I mean we fried our brains in HOURS of debating, developing, and delving deeply into the story. One book per day. About ten hours each. We used Susan May Warren’s Story Equation for shaping both the hero and heroine as well as mapping out the book scene by scene.
As a pantser, I was slightly overwhelmed by the process. But as I watched Susie and Lindsay dive in and tackle each aspect of the story with precision and creativity, I grew to respect their process and was able to participate. I admit, it was even fun—especially the times when Susie really got into the story and practically acted it out. It was entertaining, to say the least, and we had some good laughs.

All that to say, I developed a new respect for plotters! And I’m SUPER pleased with the three new bride-ship stories. Their characters already feel real and likeable. The plots are unique, exciting, and sizzling with romance! And we’re more than ready to start writing.
I hope you’ll be more than ready to read them. Keep on the lookout over the coming months for more information on titles and cover reveals. In the meantime, make sure you follow my three bride-ship authors so that you can keep up-to-date on all their doings: Susan Jane Anderson, Rebecca Reed, and Patti Stockdale. We had such a lovely time together, and I couldn’t ask to write with three sweeter and more hardworking women.
Your turn! For the writers out there—what is your method in the madness? Are you a plotter or pantser? For readers, are you ready for more bride ship books?!
Jody Hedlund
Latest posts by Jody Hedlund (see all)
- Saying Farewell - October 7, 2022
- Another New Book Release - September 16, 2022
- The Beauty of Weddings - September 2, 2022
Jody, I consider myself a pantser, but my favorite part of the writing process is brainstorming. So if that is considered plotting, then I guess I’m a hybrid. I just returned from my annual brainstorming retreat where the group brainstormed the first two stories in my next series. Using any kind of plotting software or grid, etc., just makes me want to bang my head on the table. But sitting with a bunch of creative writers tossing out ideas and exposing problems … that is absolutely the best. When I write out a detailed plot, I no longer want to write the book because all of the surprises are gone. I love getting up each day to discover what happens next. But the brainstorming works like headlights on a car. Gives me enough light on the highway to keep me traveling in the right direction.
What an interesting illustration. I like the analogy and agree that brainstorming is my absolute favorite! I’m a pantser at heart, too, but I’ll admit that using the Lindy Hop guidelines helped keep my story manageable. It was more like creating a skeleton that I now get to flesh out. Still some surprises, but no rabbit trails that up my word count to unmanageable levels! At least, that’s the hope.
I agree! Part of the fun is seeing what develops in ways I could never imagine!
“Over the years, I’ve become even more of a pantser.” Ha! This surprised me. I was expecting you to say (as your output of novels has increased) that you’d become more of a plotter. I’m encouraged to read this, because I’m a hybrid plotter/pantser but lean more toward pantser. 😉
Happy I could surprise you, Becky! LOL I might be organized in a lot of ways, but plotting is one area I like to hold loosely. Sounds like we have similar methods!
I’ve got the third bride ship book in my TBR stack, need to get a copy of the fourth!
Hope you’ll enjoy them, Patty! 🙂
Indeed! I am ready for some more bride ship novels. I enjoyed yours so much and I know the others will be just as good. I’m glad that you had a little getaway and possibly had some little nuggets that you’ve stored away for the future and your writing. Keep them coming.
Thank you, Judy! You WILL love this next installment of books! 🙂
Aww, Jody! You brought tears to my eyes. Reading your post was like being transported back to Minneapolis. What a lovely time – definitely full of laughter, sighs, brain overload, and amazement. Not to mention good food and Susie’s awesome dramatic abilities. I can’t say I’ve ever had a more enriching time, nor one so full of learning, acceptance, and camaraderie. I’m so looking forward to continuing this journey with you, Susan, Patti and Sunrise!
Let the voyages begin!
The image of Susie combing the horse’s hair will be forever burned into my brain! I’m laughing again just thinking of all the antics! Was memorable indeed!
What a fun post, Jody! 🙂
I’m sure these stories are amazing, and I’m always fascinated seeing how other authors work—especially in a group setting.
I really admire plotters, but the few times I’ve tried it I almost break out in hives, LOL! 😉
So, at least for now, I’ll stick to my pantser ways, with my scribbled notes stuck here and there!
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Hugs, Patti Jo
It truly is fascinating to see how others work. And honestly we can learn so much from each other. I certainly did! But in the end, we have to do what works best for us. Happy writing! 🙂
Yes, more bride ship books. I’m ready.
Yay! I will keep you posted on when they’re ready to read! 🙂
I loved the Bride Ship series, and I’m so ready for more! So far I’ve read everyone’s spin-off series that Susan has inspired, and I have to say my initial misgivings were completely in vain! I’ve been so impressed by these writers’ abilities, and now I’m completely on board with all of them! Great job, and a great idea!
Thanks, Jody.
I’m a hybrid. No matter how much I plan, the plot diverges. I give in to the demands of my characters, and the result is usually a stronger story.
Great post Jody! I happen to be a pantser. I have never been able to plot a story from beginning to end… :).
Yay!! I’m ready for some more Bride Ship books!
There’s a certain comfort in knowing you are a panster, Jody. I love to write organically, but I’m not against going back and whipping things into shape either—as many times as it takes.
I loved this post about your retreat and the great pictures. You have two of my favorite writer friends on your team and it was fun seeing them at work (and eating.🤠) I wish all of you the absolute best with this project.
I call myself a plotster – part plotter and part panster. I like having a general idea where the story will go while allowing my characters to take over and I follow where they lead. 🙂
What a great writing retreat. Thanks for sharing about it. It would be great to get together with writing friends and brainstorm a book/series.
What a fun and fantastic group of ladies you get to work with!! Can’t wait to read this series. I am not much of writer, but in high school and college I was more of a plotter.