Hey friends!
I cherish the community we share here at Inspired by Life & Fiction, and would appreciate prayers for my Dad.
As many of you know, Dad was diagnosed with dementia several years ago, and we recently moved him into memory care in ATL. It’s been a month now and things are going fairly well. It’s an adjustment for him, for us—and hasn’t been without considerable heartache.
The first pic of me and Dad together. Circa August 1961.
As he and I chatted the other night before he went to bed (we talk several times a day, and I’m keeping the roads between Nashville and Atlanta pretty warm), we agreed in prayer that he’ll strive to seek joy in every day until the Lord calls him home—which Dad hopes is soon! He’s ready.
Dad a couple of weeks ago in his new “apartment.”
When Dad heard that Billy Graham had gone home in recent days, his first comment was “Well, good for him. I wish I could join him.” Bless…
Would you join me in prayer for Dad? That he’ll have eyes to see what joy this world still holds . . . even as he sets his eyes—and his hope—firmly on the joy of heaven. And of being with Jesus. And with Mom. And with so many other loved ones who are waiting there.
A favorite pic of us from 2011.
I know many of you have walked this road before me with parents and other loved ones, and your words of encouragement are such a treasure! Thank you.
These are precious, precious days, and I’m grateful for every last one.
It would be a privilege to pray for you, too. So please…share whatever’s on your heart and I’ll lift you up today.
Much love,
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Tamera Alexander
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- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Praying for your whole family. Having had personal dealings with a similar situation (my Mom had Alzheimer), I know what you may be going through and my heart goes out to you.
Bless you, Kay, and thanks!! ; )
I love your sweet daddy’s smile in the picture. I happen to be in the same boat you are in except it is my mother. Dementia hit her after a long hip surgery three years ago. She lives in a wonderful place and we are blessed.
Praying for your precious mom, Melanie. And yes, aren’t we grateful for these memory care places—and the people who minister in them.
I think of your family and I pray for your dad.
Before years, when I was 14 years old one of my fellow students and my friend was kill in a car accident. It was just first day after Christmas. His last words to me before Christmas holiday were : I don´ t look forward to home. I like school…
And he never came back more.
It was sad time.
I still remember him. But as a person which only moved somewhere far
And which still like me and think of me.
Bless you, Blanka. I’m praying for you right this minute, that God will meet you in the midst of your pain and the memories. So appreciate you sharing!
Praying for you and your dad. This is a painful time. We went through the same thing with my dad and are so thankful we found a wonderful place for him before he passed.
So true, Betty. Me too. Much love, friend.
Oh Tammy, my heart aches that you and your family are walking this road. You know I can relate but every journey is unique. Praying for you and your sweet dad. So thankful for the hope of heaven. “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” (I Corinthians 15:19)
Hugs and love to you, sweet friend. <3
Amen to that eternal hope in Christ. Thanks to Him, the best is always yet to come! Love you, lady.
Praying for you, Tammy…and your Dad. Been there!! (with my Mom)
Please pray for me/hub health issues.
Praying for you, Jackie, and your hubby. For strength and full health. Appreciate your prayers, too!
How my heart aches for you.
I have been where you are.
Enjoy the time with your Dad. It truly is a gift from God.
Will keep you & your Dad in my prayers.
Bless you, Janet! It means so much to walk this road with kindred sisters in Christ. Much love…
Will definitely keep your dad, and you, in my prayers!!!
Thank you, Nicole!
I’m praying for you and your family, too. In November I retired early and moved in with my Dad. He’s 96 and even though his mind is failing, it’s not so far yet that his real self is no longer available. It’s sad not only when you feel like you’ve become the parent and the parent is now the child, but when they are not mentally the same as they used to be. We ALL need faith and the Lord’s strength! Blessings to you and your Dad!
Amen, Hilda, and please know that I’m praying for you! And your precious Dad. Much love, friend.
Oh your sweet Dad! Many prayers for him and for you as you walk this journey together.
Praying for you and your dad, Tammy.
I am watching my mom age and it’s tough. I catch myself worrying often about whether I’m doing enough for her, making the right decisions for her, etc. I know I just have to pray and trust. One of the hardest things is seeing her realize that she can’t do what she used to. Sometimes I think it would be easier if she were blissfully unaware of her limitations. It is really tough watching a parent age. I will pray for you and your dad today.
As a dear friend told me a few years back (and she’s now been home with Jesus for two years), “Aging ain’t for sissies!” But as I said above, when you’re in Christ, it’s so encouraging to know that the BEST truly is always yet to come! I’m praying for your mom and this season of life. And for you too, as you help her navigate it. Much love…
Praying for you and your family Tammy. I went through this with my dad, now we are facing the same with my M-I-L. Also praying for safe travels between Nashville and Atlanta.
Bless you, Pam, and thank you. Praying for your sweet mom.
Love to you, Tammy! I’m so thankful you are able to see your dad often and speak with him so frequently–what a blessing and privilege!
A friend whose wife was in a memory care facility for several years visited her every day. By that time she almost never recognized him. He said, “But we have a sweet time together. I sit on her bed and I take her hand. We can’t have a conversation as we used to, but if I start saying The Lord’s Prayer or singing the old liturgy or a hymn she loved, she will join in. We can go on for half an hour or more. And sometimes she’ll look at me and know me and say my name. For just a minute or two she’ll be back with me and oh, it’s so sweet!”
May God bless your dad and you and keep you safe as you go to visit him and live out love.
Praying for you and your Daddy…I know it must be so hard…but we know the one who never sleeps and He will keep watch over your Daddy. Thank you for sharing and for your stories.
Praying for you and your dad. You are both a blessing to each other and to many others supporting you in this journey.
When my bonus-mom was lower than discouraged during her treatment for ovarian cancer, it was pulling us all down. I told her to start by thinking of three things – only three things – that she was grateful for. She thought of one. She was alive. This started a journey for me writing things I am grateful for at the end of each day. I created a journal for her and sent one to all my sisters-in-law, nieces and daughters. At first very resistant to writing, my mom did eventually start. Her attitude turned 180 degrees. She lost her battle a few short months later. But I then read her journal and it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. Praying for you and your dad as he sees the joy that surrounds him.
Tammy, I am praying for you and your daddy. Both of my parents are in Heaven and I miss them so very much, but I am happy they get to be with Jesus. It’s hard to think of losing your parents, but one thing that I learned is our God
Bless his heart. And yours.
Treasure this time, however long it lasts. No regrets!
Such a comfort to know where your precious dad will spend eternity and that you will see him again one day. Praise God for His goodness and mercy!
Be safe on the roads as you travel back and forth.
You must be about a year younger than me based on that first picture with your dad. My experience with my parents is different. My dad is about to be 93 and my mom is 87. They take care of each other but are fading physically. I’ve lost an aunt and uncle to dementia. It’s heartbreaking. Praying for you and your family.