I hope you’ll forgive a bit of a commercial, but I wanted to take a chance to let you know about an aspect of my writing that I’m really excited about. My talented husband, Ken Raney, started Raney Day Press to get some of my older books back out in print (and e-book). Now that I’ve been writing almost 23 years, I’ve begun to get the rights back to some of my titles that were published by traditional publishers.

This novella and short story are available as e-books from Raney Day Press.
Some of these books needed serious updates, not so much because I’ve learned a lot about writing in 23 years (although that’s certainly true!) but more because the “contemporary” world has changed drastically in the past quarter century! Sometimes I simply need to give my characters smart phones instead of flip phones, but in the case of my first three novels, I had my characters using pay phones, and going to the library for research. (Ah, the good ol’ days. LOL!)
There’s also the issue of updating medical information and updating cultural changes that have happened since those books were first published. For instance, my third novel, Kindred Bond, dealt with the issue of euthanasia and I was shocked to find, while updating the details, how many more states have legalized the practice since I first wrote the novel back in 1997.
Ken, who is primarily an illustrator and graphic designer, gave all of my books new covers, and in the case of a few of them, we’ve given them new titles. We prefer to keep the original title when possible, just so readers aren’t confused about whether they’ve already read the book or not. But sometimes the title must be changed, usually because it has been used for another author’s book (or 20 other authors’ books!) in the years since it was first published. (We always note on the back cover and also inside the book that it was previously published under another title. We don’t want anyone to feel “tricked” into purchasing a book they’ve already read! That said, several of my books have been rewritten and expanded extensively enough that I don’t think readers would be disappointed to read them again in the new, improved format!)
Our newest release is Above All Things, just out this week! This book was originally published by Steeple Hill under the same title, but was only available in a mass market edition, so I’m excited to have it available in the larger trade size print edition, as well as in e-book format for all platforms.

Ken, at work on my newest cover in his studio in our home (with a little help from Captain America, a $2 garage sale find!)
I’m also excited to give you a sneak peek at a book that will release next month. Insight is another book that was first published by Steeple Hill. I love how Ken’s cover captured the mood and themes of my story. It’s an interesting experience to read my own books again after almost a decade. And I’m happy to say that I fell in love with my characters all over again! I really love both of these stories and I hope you will too! There is much more coming from Raney Day Press in the coming months and years!
And now, I’d love to give away a print copy of another Raney Day Press title, Nearly (the book formerly titled Kindred Bond). To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. I’ll choose a winner and post the winner’s name in the comments here on Wednesday.
Latest posts by Deborah Raney (see all)
- Treasures on Earth - March 24, 2025
- From Bar Harbor to San Diego - March 10, 2025
- The Best Part of Being a Novelist - February 24, 2025
I haven’t been able to read any of your books yet! I would love to start with one like this. :] It is so exciting to revisit “old” things and I LOVE what you and your husband are doing with books from early on in your career!
So many blessings in this post, Deb. New looks. A talented and supportive hubby, and a career that has spanned the years making it necessary for updating. Excited for tgis step in your journey.
Raney Day Press is a brilliant name! And what gorgeous cover art. 🙂 I’m pulled in by great covers.
Congrats to you and hubs!
Love your books Always look forward to any new books coming out..
I am reading Deb’s book “Because of the Rain” now. It is a really good book and very thought provoking. I am having troubles putting it down!! I will look forward to reading many more of her books.
Love how you are revitalizing your older books. That’s a fantastic idea! I am hoping to get a chance at reading them.
Congrats, Deb on your and hubby’s new endeavor! May God’s umbrella of blessings be over it! Looking forward to reading new and revised books.
The new covers are gorgeous! That sounds like quite the undertaking.
I’m so excited to hear this! I thought I had read all of your books, but maybe not yet? I don’t want to be included in your drawing this time as ice already read Nearly, but wanted to show my support!
I love how your books delve into real life situations, Deborah. And I dearly loved your testimony of when Ken lost his job and you both went through everything. What a blessing. My favorite of your books still remains The Still Of Night. I haven’t read it in many years, although I have read it several times, but I well remember the blessings I received during the reading of that book! Blessings that just rose up within my heart in great waves. I hope you continue writing the next 23 years.
Thanks so much, Susan. I think you know this, but in case others don’t, In the Still of Night has been updated and expanded and is now available from Raney Day Press as Because of the Rain. (We had to change the title on that one because so many other books had been published with some form of “still of night” in the title.)
Think it’s cool that you’re updating older books to make them more relevant. Would love the opportunity to win and read one! Thanks!
Those colors are absolutely amazing! Ken did a fantastic job!
Appreciate the insights into an authors’ life. Interesting that you rework certain aspects of older books. Didn’t realize that. Thanks for the giveaway!
It’s awesome you get to work with your husband. He’s done a great job on you wonderfully written books!
What a great reason to go back and revisit some of my early favorite Deb Raney books! Never thought about how quickly a book can become dated with the fast pace of change in our world today.
I have not read any of these books. Would be honored to receive one! Thank you. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
I would love to win. God annoint you and your husband.
what a great work area! Would love to read these 🙂
I would love to read your books. I enjoy being your friend on Facebook and love your pictures. I also enjoy seeing the latest yard sale bargain.
I am looking forward to reading these stories! How exciting that you are updatinarand rereleasing them. Ken has done incredible work on the covers, too. I just wonder how you guys find time to sleep in the midst of writing/editing/painting/garage sailing. You two are a dynamic duo!:)
updatinarand = updating and
Sorry for the oops!
I love all Deborah Raney’s books and am so excited to see that her older books are being released again.
It’s wonderful that you can update your books!
I love your covers!! It is exciting that you are updating these books and giving your characters a new smart phone. lol!!! I would love to read them!
I have read several of your books and really enjoy them.Thats neat that your husband is an illustrator and can redesign covers for your books.I like all the posts that you write.I would love to read the book you are giving away.Keep up the good work we need christian faith based books to read.
Updating your stories to reflect current times sounds like fun. I’ve often thought of changing my genre to historical fiction circa 1970 just to make things like research or contacting someone harder on my characters. Also, in this day and age of security cameras everywhere, you can only use the “the camera was broken so we can’t identify the bad guy” ploy so many times before it becomes trite. Tell Ken he did an excellent job on the covers.
Awesome! That’s great that you get to reprint some of your older books, and that you get the added bonus of working with your Honey! Congtats!!
I think it’s wonderful that your husband is now publishing your older books. Is he also going to publish your new ones? And I love the name, Raney Day! And what a huge desk to work from, with Captain America looking over his shoulder!
Congratulations! It must be so fun to see your books back in print–with lovely, brand-new covers, too. 🙂 I love the name of your press. 🙂
Love it! It’s wonderful that Ken can partner with you in the books! Can’t wait to read them (again or fresh!).
Your covers have always been lovely and now they are even more captivating, thanks to your husband!
Congratulations on the new venture, Raney Day Press. The covers are beautiful. I love the floor covering under your husband’s desk. It looks like old print advertisements. Creative decor equals creative work.
Nice cover.
It’s nice to have these books available again and refreshed! 🙂
I love all your books and would love to win.
I love your book covers. Your hubby did a great job! Someday when I have a book published, I would choose him to do my cover! I am imagining the possibilities! Blessings on your day.
I’ve been reading your books for years, first from my mother’s shelf and now, happily through my Kindle. I’m excited to read any “old” releases. Best wishes to your husband in designing your book covers.
Looks good!
Love the covers! Congrats on your new adventure!
Since this is a giveaway, I won’t try to comment on each post, but know that I’m reading every one and so encouraged (as is Ken!) by your wonderfully kind words about Raney Day Press, and especially about Ken’s covers. I think they are the most beautiful covers my books have ever had, and that’s saying a lot because I’ve had some lovely ones. 🙂 Thanks so much to all who’ve commented, and again, watch this space Wednesday for an announcement of the winner.
Thanks for sharing about your cover update, & for a nice Giveaway! (So many books I want to read, & not enough time!)
What a great idea to re-release your earlier books! The covers are beautiful! I want to read all of them!
Re-release of your older books sounds great! Gets them back out for new readers.
I love all of your books! I would read the “older” ones again, even if I had already read them before. It’s kind of like going in an antique store, when you walk through a second time you always see things you didn’t see the first time.
I love your books. The covers are wonderful.
I think it’s neat that you are able to update and re-release your older books! The covers are very nice!
I enjoyed reading your newsletter. As an older person I can appreciate those changes. Just a couple of little funnies to show these changes. My Mother in law purchased something because it said it had a cd included. She thought it was something for a bank. And a little over a year ago our choir sang a song that had Kindle in the title. It was not the new book technology. Things do change all the time.
I like the idea of updating your books and getting them up to speed of our technology!
I really enjoy your books but need an audio version right now. I’m having trouble reading. I hope you will have many more blessings to come.
Alexa, we are in the process of getting my books out in audio as well. Already Because of the Rain is available from audible.com (You can choose it for free if you’re a new audible.com member.) And many of my traditionally published books are available in audio. See the listings here: https://www.amazon.com/Deborah-Raney/e/B000APFUUA/ref=sr_tc_2_0
I find it interesting that you are able to update your older books to make them fit with our more modern technology. It wouldn’t bother me at all though if they were left as you originally released them. I enjoy reading books about older times as well as the present. Thanks for the giveaway.
I can see that I have some catching up to do on my reading!!! I do love your books….both the content and your writing style….Looking forward to reading many more!! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win a free book:)
How wonderful! I always need more Deb Raney books. Ken’s covers add such a special touch. They are beautful!
Love the name!! Love your books! Thanks for the opportunity to win a free book!
I like the title name Raney Day…we are having a rainy day in my area. going back and reading earlier books that have been revived sounds like a great idea, was it his or yours??
Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win.
It was just a natural progression, Pauline. Most writers who get the rights back to their books do try to get them back out and available. I just happened to be married to someone who has all the skills and talents needed to do that. Which, I’m sure God knew 42 years ago when he put the two of us together! 😉 Thanks for asking.
Ken did a fabulous job! I so enjoy following you on Facebook, I would love to write I just don’t know where to start. Thank you for sharing your life with us, I am a Crohn’s patient and tend to do a lot of reading. Thank you.
Congratulations! Great name choice and the covers are very appealing – love the font choice.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂
Love the new covers. I guess I never considered how much books change with the times..lol. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win as I am quite sure I have not read this one.
I would love the opportunity to read one of your first books! And what a blessing that you and your husband are able to work together and build these memories to last a lifetime. Right now I am absolutely loving the Chicory Inn novels!:)
Crystal, you are the winner of a print copy of NEARLY. Congratulations!
Love the new fresh covers. What fun for you and Ken to work together on these projects! Thanks for this information on updating formers releases.
Cant wait to read one of your books. They sound awesome. Great that you have a great husband who helps too.!
I really enjoy your books. It will be cool to read an updated one yet still get a glimpse of your earlier work.
Clever title for your publishing company. 🙂 These are all new to me, so I’d love to win Nearly.
Raney Day Press, what a great name. And what a treasure to have Ken create new covers. I’d love to read any of your older books. I’m sure many will appreciate having these available again.
Such a great business move – and such a blessing to your readers and fans. Your books have always inspired and blessed me (as did your Fiction MMT at Mount Hermon a few years ago.) Hope the cover of my novel looks as good as the ones Ken is designing. Congrats, Deb!
What an exciting opportunity! The covers are very nice, too. Blessings on this new undertaking and thanks for the opportunity to win!
Thanks Deborah for explaining more clearly the purpose of Raney Day Press. It sounds like a great idea to update older novels. I have Kindred Bond and would love the updated version. It’s great that Ken gets to merge his artistic talent with your talent of the word.
Love reading your books! Would love to win a new book! Thanks for the chance!
Love your books and saw several that I haven’t read before. Would love to win any of them. I’ve been a fan for several years but only the books that you’ve published since I started reading you. Now there’s a lot more to enjoy. Will leave reviews.
I’ve enjoyed each of your books that I’ve been privileged to read. They are always uplifting. I’m impressed with the fact that your husband is so supportive and helpful & I loved the picture of him at work on your cover design!
I think it’s really nice thing to do- update and bring back some of your books that are out of print.
All of the covers are so beautiful! I especially love ‘Nearly’.
I love all the beautiful covers! Since I am a relatively new fan, I have only read your newer works. I am excited to get a chance to read some of your previous works that I may not have been able to read otherwise.
Interesting. Would love to win!
I think it’s a wonderful that you can update and bring back some of your books that are out of print. The covers that your husband designed are very appealing and I can’t wait to read them!
Those are certainly lovely covers. How wonderful that you have your own in house designer! I’ll have to be sure and look for INSIGHT. It is one of the very few of your books that I haven’t yet read.
Love your books!!!
Interesting post about getting the rights back to your older books. Did you make much changes to these stories before you released them again ? Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win.
You and Ken are both so talented! I enjoy you on Facebook and especially your Thursday rummage sale finds and have enjoyed your books, too.
I love your books and I am excited about the updated ones.Looking forward to reading them.
It is great that you can work together. I love love your books!
As an archivist, I love seeing new life breathed into old manuscripts. Congratulations on the re-release of your books! I pray they bring hope, joy, and love to a new generation.
Love to see authors come out with fresh new books and titles to books that they have already written. The colorful books catch my attention and look forward to reading them.
Do you happen to have any of your books for Amazon Kindle for free? What other books have you written?
How fun! Will y’all be publishing other authors’ books or just your own? Where could we go to find more information about Raney Day Press?
Blessings on your new venture!
Andrea, for now, we’re only publishing my titles. We probably won’t ever venture beyond that, although Ken DOES do covers and interior design for both e-book and print books for many other authors through his graphic design business, Clash Creative. http://www.kenraney.com (Click on the Design button in the upper right corner.)
Love the name and the concept of redesigning your husband has done. Would love to read your book. TY for the chance. God bless.
That is wonderful! So glad you could do this to “revive” your earlier works. Ken’s covers add so much. They are beautiful!
What a blessing to be able to work in conjunction with your husband. I’m excited to get the chance to read your books. I just downloaded my first copy to listen to in my commute each week for work from Tulsa, Ok to Andover, Ks. I would also love to start picking up some copies to actually read. So now that I know you are putting updated versions I will be looking at starting with them! Congrats on taking charge of your own work, that is thrilling! I would love to win a copy as well!
Great, you have a husband to work with you and share. It’s been a lot of hard work for you ,for 23 years. Hopefully with your own book rights and husband working with you, the next years will even be better.
This is a wonderful chance for those of us who never read your early books to go back and read them. I never would have thought that they would require that much updating but it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Love ALL your books, Deborah! And what a great place for Ken to work on all those great book covers!
Hi Deborah. I think it is neat that you get the rights back on your older books. And, I love your honesty that you want us to know they are remakes. I have picked up so many thinking was a new book then realized was one I already had with a new cover. And, really hate it when they change the cover on one that is part of a part of a series that we are already collecting. And the only cover they made also. GOD bless you both in your new adventure.
Can’t thank you all enough for reading the blog, for your encouraging comments, and for being readers of Christian fiction! I’ll be naming the winner of a print copy of NEARLY in just a few minutes! Stand by… 🙂
And the winner is……. CRYSTAL (who commented August 8, 2016 at 2:36 pm). Crystal, if you’ll e-mail your snail mail address to me at debraney@mac.com, I’ll get your book in the mail to you! Thanks again, everyone, for entering!