Anyone else feeling a bit isolated and alone? We are still largely sheltering in place in our corner of Indiana, and the weeks are getting long. A friend posted something on Friday about it being 70 days since she’d seen her husband — they were separated when the country she’d traveled to locked down — and the number made me sigh. It feels so large…and so small at the same time. I think that’s why I’m reading soooo much even around edits. (Lethal Intent line edits were turned in a week ago. Woot! Next stop galleys!)

The weather in Indiana has been gorgeous, almost hot. So in between yard work and projects, this is what you’ll see at our house. Kids and parents sprawled out on the patio with books. I love this! When I was a homeschool mom, teaching my kids to read was the piece that made me nervous. I knew I could do everything else or get help, but reading? If I got that wrong, everything else would be harder. Then I found a great resource and that fear evaporated.

I don’t think I needed to worry. Here’s our nine-year-old tackeling the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He read the first two books in April, and then has taken a pause for some “lighter” reading this month. He moved on to Louis Lamour!

And here’s our twelve-year-old reading one of Karen Witemeyer’s books yesterday. Yep. She read it in a day. Her favorite birthday gift a couple weeks ago was an autographed copy of Stay With Me that Becky so sweetly signed for her. (These ladies are some of my favorite authors, and I’ve loved watching B race through their books this month. Reminds me of me as a preteen!)

I think one of the reasons our kids love to read is reflected in this photo. My husband and I LOVE books. I’m reading five or six right now. He’s reading a couple. This is just one of our bookshelves, the one in the office. It was empty a year ago. Oops! In an effort to clean one of my shelves — sort of — I’m giving away an autographed ARC of Katherine Reay’s brand-spanking new release Of Literature and Lattes. Just use the form below!

We’ve also been using this pause to introduce our kids to movies. Over the weekend it was You’ve Got Mail. Such a good movie! We’re also watching the Marvel movies in order. We watched Thor: Dark World last night. I’m still not sure exactly how that one fits into the MCU, but watching them in order has helped me to really appreciate the character arc for Tony Stark. I’m still a Captain America girl, but I can appreciate Iron Man now.
By the way if you haven’t read it yet, Imperfect Justice is on ebook sale for $1.99 and Where Treetops Glisten is on sale for $4.99. I wrote the collection with Sarah Sundin and Tricia Goyer. Such fun! As always, make sure you confirm they are still on sale before purchasing. Enjoy!
a Rafflecopter giveawayWhat are you reading or watching?
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- Learning to Relax - March 27, 2025
- These are a few of my favorite things… - March 13, 2025
- Cara’s Favorites - March 9, 2025
Thanks for sharing this glimpse of another world…
. ‘ ‘ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’ ?
So much time with family, none at all with friends, add fear of sickness ..
The two places where I work – ( UK, public authorities) are closed indefinitely,
occasional briefings arrive, but – determined to keep that glass not half full but brimming – time at last to work on fiction – after promising but failed encounters with the Big Five, turning the five synopses one of the Five they asked for into books. .
Glad to see your bookshelves look like ours, not colour-coded, as one home style magazine suggested .
Not seeing husband for 70 days ? So hard… Mine – key IT, headsets rule, might be on another planet during working hours -that means we’re lucky, surely, his job safe – for now. .
Cousins in California think it’s crazy/hilarious that drought’s left us without any water at home –
Wow! This is so much. Love that you have a good attitude about it all.
I love the pictures of your family reading together. I just finished The Green Dress by Liz Tolsma last night.
That is such a good book!
My mom fostered a love for reading in me as a child. She took me to the local library weekly and I’d leave with a huge stack of books and couldn’t wait for the next week to get more. Such a gift! I’m currently reading CC Warren’s book, “Cross Fire,” the second in the Holly series.
I think the library is what did it for me, too. We lived in a small town, and I remember having to go to the small college library because I exhausted the interesting biographies at the library.
I love reading but I’m also busy with my gardens. I’m reading When I Met You by Olivia Newport on kindle and A Single Spark by Judith Miller in paperback. Thank you for the chance. Blessings
Lucy, those are two great authors.
It’s so wonderful that your kiddos read like that! I’m also a homeschool mom and I remember thinking the same thing. I now have one that loves to read, one that loves being read to, and one that only reads when necessary. Go figure! I’m currently reading Amanda Barrett’s The White Rose Resists. I just started last night and can tell it’s gonna be good!
I found with my kids who didn’t love reading, it was all about finding the right book. Once I did, it was hard to get them to stop.
I’ve been catching up with the classics lately. I have always wanted to read them but I had never had the time and patience in the busy usual life. I have read Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre and I am currently reading Great Expectations. I am planning to read Oliver Twist and The Merry Wives of Windsor after that. Everyone is bound to read some, if not all, of these books in their lives, then why not now?
I’ve read 3 of those and have been wanting to read Great Expectations. Do you know about the What the Dickens: Coffee, Tea, and Literary Book Club on Facebook? The sponsors are Katherine Reay, Kristy Cambron, and Sarah Ladd. I discovered it last May and have enjoyed reading the classics with them.
There are so many classics I need to catch up on, too.
I’ve just finished reading an ARC of NACHO AVERAGE MURDER by Maddie Day. My next book is going to be HADLEY BECKETT’S NEXT DISH by by Bethany Turner .
I have Bethany’s book on my Kindle…
Right now I am reading Hatteras Girl by Alice Wisler. She’s a new-to-me author, but so far I like her book. My local library is still closed so I can’t check out any of the new releases yet.
Alice is a good writer.
That is so great with your kids reading like they do. We have always head book shelves like this all over our house too. And so our two kids have always had books. Their own and tons checked out from the library. Our kids are now 35 and 33 and they still read voraciously. WOOHOO I have just started reading: “One Plus One Equals Trouble” by Sondra Kraak I am so excited to start reading this one.
I love that you passed on a love of reading!
Beautiful pictures of your family! I’m reading Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes.
I want to read her books. I’ve heard such good things.
During this COVID-19 stay-at-home crisis, reading has been a great source of comfort and entertainment for my husband and me. I read a print book in the evenings and listen to a book on MP3CD or CDs during the day while I’m putting on make-up, doing my hair, dressing, cooking, etc. So, I don’t feel alone even when my husband is out of the house. I’m a happy camper when I’m reading or listening to a book!
I agree. I”m so glad I’ve had books to escape into during this time.
I finished reading Flight Risk Monday. I enjoyed it so much I decided to read another Cara Putman book I had in my box of Love Inspired Suspense books–Deadly Exposure. And yesterday, I watched a movie with my granddaughter, “Ralph Wrecks the Internet.” What a story of friendship!
Oh! I hope you enjoy Dani’s book and so glad you like Savannah’s!
I’m reading writing craft books on my phone, listening to Tanya Anne Crosby’s Daughter’s of Avalon series on audio and Shades of Doon on kindle. I love the photos of your family on the patio. I’ve been editing on my patio and rolling the plot of the next story around in my head as I stare at the possible setting – an abandoned roadside park across the highway from my farm.
Patios are a life saver right now.
I would say you have done a masterful job in teaching the love of reading to your children! And Lord of the Rings at age nine is way above grade level, as I’m sure you know. I’m a retired teacher after teaching reading and writing to 5th graders (ages 9-11) for 23 years. My mother and father instilled a love of reading in me, my husband and I did the same with our two children who are avid readers. Not so fortunate with my two grandchildren. Our granddaughter is 12 and lives near us in Virginia. She read with me from grades 2-5, and I exposed her to many of the Newbery Award books and others that I taught. But once she reached middle school, her schedule did not allow for that, and I have been disappointed in her 6th and 7th grade English program. My 10 year old grandson lives in California, so no chance for close reading opportunities, but I’m constantly sending him books.
I loved Where Treetops Glisten! I have Imperfect Justice, but haven’t read it yet. Is this book a stand alone or part of a series? I’m currently reading The Tavistock Plot by Tracy Grant, a historical fiction mystery set in the early 1800’s.
Heard your college President Mitch Daniels speak last night about reopening in the fall. Wishing everyone a safe opening, because education is so important.
Thanks! I was shocked that Daniel actually understood what he was reading and did well on the AR tests. Imperfect Justice can be read as a stand alone. Technically it’s part of the Hidden Justice series, but I wrote it to stand alone and many read it first. Mitch has been a good leader through this challenging time. So grateful to be teaching at Purdue!
I Am currently reading Nissa (The Widows of Wildcat Ridge Book 3)
by Zina Abbott as well as rereading THE MITFORD series by Jan Karon
I’m reading Lulu’s Cafe by T. I. Lowe. It’s so good!!
I just downloaded one of her books because I’ve heard such good things.
Impressive reading speed your kids have! I adore reading and have read daily since I was a kid, but have never been fast. If I’m really, really, really enjoying it, I can finish the average length book in a week or less, but never one day.
Yesterday, I finished reading “Flight of the Raven” by Morgan L. Busse and then started “The Silent Songbird” by Melanie Dickerson.
Well, she didn’t do anything else the day she read the book LOL. My first boss sent me to a speed reading class. I have to intentionally slow down to enjoy books.
I am reading Storing Up Trouble by Jen Turano, I just opened to the first page and wow, it is wonderful so far!
I love her books!
I am reading “Veiled in Smoke” by Jocelyn Green.
I’ve heard great things about Jocelyn’s writing. Need to find time to read one.
I’m reading The Book Woman of Troublesome , by Kim Michele Richardson, so goid!
Should be The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson, so good!
I have not started a new book yet. I am planning to start Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese tonight. It is my Bookclub read to honor Mothers. We are meeting on Saturday.
Oh! That one is on my TBR pie. I’m hearing such good things.
Missing Mercy by Stephenia McGee. I’ve enjoyed this trilogy about the women of Ironwood Plantation.
I keep seeing her name. Need to find time to try her.
I am just finishing If I were You by Lynn Austin.
Then I will read What Momma Left Behind by Cindy Sproles
Louis L’Amour books are so fun! I read my dad’s collection as a teen and then again as a young adult. Right now I’m reading Stay With Me by Becky Wade.
I just finished The Rebel Bride by Shannon McNear and now I am starting Amish Haven by Dana Lynn.
I will be reading “When We Were Young” by Karen Kingsbury. I just love her books! It seems like every time I read that first sentence, I feel like I’ve come home. It’s cozy, relaxing and I don’t even notice the hours slipping away 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway chance!
I’m currently reading Storing Up Trouble by Jen Turano. I’m really enjoying it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I just finished If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane
I’m reading The Green Dress by Liz Tolsma