I’m so ready for fall, I can taste it.
First, another book is due September 2nd and I’m racing to finish. It’s been a difficult one to write. Mostly because it’s been inside me for a long time and those are always hardest to get onto the page. But also because we’ve recently moved. Still in Nashville, just a different house. It’s been a long and frustrating process—is moving ever fun, though, LOL—but we’re gradually getting settled and this house is feeling more and more like home.
Second, I’m ready for fall because it’s always a time for new Bible studies. Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is studying the book of Revelation, and I’m especially eager to dive into this study for the second time around. I always gain new insights when studying “familiar” Scriptures. But I’m also pumped because Joe will be attending a men’s session. His first BSF! So we’ll be studying Revelation together. Gotta love that.
Another Bible study I’m over the moon about is…
Kristi McLelland’s LUKE IN THE LAND video series is like walking the Land yourself. She takes you to Bethlehem, the Temple Mount, to the Sea of Galilee, and more, all while diving deep into the Word and taking a closer look at what Jesus did and said, all through a Middle Eastern Lens. Understanding context changes everything. Brings it into clearer focus.
I had the blessing of traveling to Israel with Kristi in 2019, and viewing this video series is like walking the land again. I hope you’ll check it out. Maybe even share it with a friend or your spouse this fall. You’ll be blessed, I promise.
Lastly, fall is my favorite season. The changing of the leaves, cooler temperatures, the fall-ish recipes. And with the changing of the seasons I’m always reminded that Jesus never changes. He is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. And in him, and him alone, we have the hope of eternal life. As Peter wrote…
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. (I Peter 1:3-4)
So as we face this world of uncertainty—stock markets plunging, rumors of war, political infighting, a presidential election year—let us hold fast to that truth and to our priceless inheritance in Christ. No matter the season.

Thanks as always for sharing and much love from Nashville, friends,
I love fall too, and starting tomorrow, we are looking at an entire week of high temps in the low to mid-80s! That will certainly FEEL like fall after our high-90s temps the past couple of weeks! I’m not crazy about the fact that the newest hurricane is named after me! Just kidding…I don’t spell my “Debbie” with a Y.
You know I’m praying for you and all you have going on in your life right now. Busy, busy season. But fall’s a comin’! May it be a time of enjoying your new home, getting that book out into the world, and relishing whatever else God has in store. Love you, friend!
Love you too and so appreciate your prayers. It’s been a season for sure! LOL We’re still hoping to come your way this fall. Three things we MUST do: bake bread, go bike riding, and hit some garage sales!!!
Congratulations on your new home! I know you will enjoy it.
I’ve attended at least 5 Bible studies on Revelation, and you are so right about learning something new each time you study. The most impactful one which gave me great understanding that I was able to internalize was by Dr. David Jeremiah. We had a cell group ministry in our home, at the request of our pastor, for 8 years. This is the path that lead my husband into the ministry, his last career. He studied at Duke seminary and shared much of that with me. He taught Bible studies at his church for 12 years, which drew people from other churches. Revelation was one of the most requested. I lost him 18 months ago when he went to his heavenly home, and I miss him so much after 57 years together. So happy that you and Joe will get to study this together.
Many blessings!
Betty, I think of you and your dear husband so often and know you miss him terribly. After 57 years together how could you not.
I love your journeys in Revelation and am praying right this minute that God will bring special memories of those study times with your husband to mind to encourage your heart. Love from Nashville, my friend.
I’m so ready for fall! Not only temperatures inching downward and the leaves changing (but not really here in Texas!), but also the fact that summer is over and everyone is back to their “normal” routines! So glad you are in the new house!
YES to routine, D’Ann. I love the return to that, too. Yet will be ready late next spring for the departure from it. The cycles of life!
Hugs and enjoy your grands. I’m rocking my granddaughter as I type. So sweet.
Fall is also my favorite season. I’m SO READY!
Kindred spirits, Becky!
Argh, I wish there wasn’t this rush to the fall season!
Many area public school systems are starting up here in the metro Baltimore/DC region soon–staggered start dates. Not to mention high schoolers scrambling to get their required reading done at the last minute.
Sounds like you’re settling into your new home!
LOL, Elisa. Obviously, the stage of life we’re each in determines one’s wish for fall. But I totally agree on the school year stuff. Fall always came around too soon for me as a mom. I enjoyed the family time and the slow pace of summer. Although I really wonder if the overall pace of life even possesses that summer respite for young families anymore. ?? Everyone seems to be racing these days. LOL too on high schoolers trying to get caught up on reading. Procrastination is real. For me too!
And yes! We are settling in and loving the house—and hoping not to move again for a very long time.