It’s been a while since we’ve played this—
Describe the last three photos on your cell phone
(it could be a photo you’ve taken or maybe a screenshot, whatever, just the last three)
And no, I didn’t go look at my last three pics before deciding to do this. I might have chosen a different topic if I had! ; }
The last picture on my cell is a screenshot I took yesterday:

Maaike van Beek, a sweet friend from the Netherlands, let me know that Colors of Truth is #3 on their Top 10 Christian Fiction this month. Fun to learn that! (And I had to look up what aantal maanden meant. Number of months.) CONGRATS to our own Lynn Austin whose If I Were You made the list too.
Thanks to all my readers in the Netherlands for reading so faithfully (special hugs to you, Maaike). Love y’all and wish Kelsey and I could come see you again. That was such a fun trip!
Here’s Lynn’s book and mine in Dutch and English. Which language cover do you like best? (Just kidding on mine, LOL)
Next, the next-to-last picture on my cell:

We were on the lake Saturday night just before sunset. So pretty. But look at the image in the middle of the sun. What does that look like to you? Looks like a monster to me with its mouth wide open, ready to devour something. But that could be my sleep-deprived-and-a-tad-stressed-out-on-deadline imagination talking. : )
Finally, the next-to-next-to-last pic on my phone:

This past weekend a writing loop I’m on encouraged us all to send in “real selfies” of ourselves. Just whatever you looked like at that moment, post it. So I did. Sans much makeup and with “lake hair.” It was such fun to see everyone unstaged. I was hidden away in a bedroom working on the contemporary I’m writing.
That’s it for me! Please describe YOUR last three pics!
Blessings on your Tuesday,
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a beautiful book about seeing God’s glory in creation
Tamera Alexander
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- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
The last 3 (and the last 300!) are my grand daughters. Thanks for letting me know about the Dutch bestseller list. I sure hope we can travel together over there again. Such fun memories!
I would love to travel together over there again too, Lynn. So many sweet moments. And LOL at the last 300 pics being of your grand daughters. ; )
I spent all day Saturday at dance recitals for my goddaughter and her younger sister so as you can imagine, the last hundred or so photos are all dance related. The very last one is of my goddaughter in her ballet costume (which she hated because it was too “poofy” LOL). The previous two are of her on stage with her modern dance troupe.
I just put some lettuce and thyme in containers on my deck. The last two are pics of these to show a coworker. The third one is a screenshot of scripture based exhortations I shared with my teen daughter.
LOVE that, Joy. And LOL at the “too poofy.” That made me smile. Thanks for sharing.
We love photography and gardening. Mostly I take photos with my Nikon, but on occasion I only have my cell phone handy. So my last three photos were:
1. showing the progress of the veggie garden where we have tomato plants already 4 feet tall.
2. Showing all the blooms on my hydrangea.
3. Showing the new bloom on my gardenia.
Already 4 feet tall, Kay! This is early to be so tall. Hope you’ll have lots of tomatoes this year. Love hydrangeas and gardenias too. Gardenias play a role in the book I’m writing right now in fact. ; )
The last two pics are screen shots of sentences from a book. They referred to pharmaceutical research facilities in Groton, CT and Sandwich, England. My daughter worked for Pfizer who has/had facilities in those places and she actually worked at the Sandwich one for several years. The book did not use the name Pfizer but, finding the references interesting, I sent her the screenshots. The third pix was a screenshot of a Minecraft quilt someone had made.
I LOVE that you screenshoted those passages in the book, Anne. Interesting! 😉
My last three pictures are:
1) Me sitting in a beach chair the last day of my vacation in FL
2) Christmas towel ideas for my family – shhhh…don’t tell 😉
3) Nashville Sounds baseball game
LOL on the Christmas towel ideas, Amy. And nice on that beach chair and vacay in FL. : ) Also yay Nashville Sounds!
My last three pictures are of the night sky and lovely sunset over Fort Pitt and the confluence of the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers from the 18th floor of the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pa. I’m finding that Pittsburgh is a very interesting place. Will be visiting the Fort Pitt museum this morning.
You’re wonderfully descriptive, Traci! 😉 I’ve not been to Pittsburgh before, but will definitely be googling Fort Pitt museum. Thanks for sharing.
My last three shots are from our bike ride this morning. Lots of green woods and tree trunks, but beautiful! Two of them feature Ken’s odometer because he hit 600 miles on his bike today! (Total, not our morning ride. LOL!)
LOL on that last comment, Deb. Thanks for clarifying! ; } I love your pics from your rides. They’re always so pretty. And your garage sale pics are downright FUN!
The last three photos were a picture of the tractor digging a trench for water lines to the house, of the big drilling rig that drilled our new well yesterday and a picture of the cottage after the handy man repaired the cottage roof. Then I sent them to the family.😂
Wow, Jen, LOTS going on in your neck of the woods, friend. Hoping all went “well” with everything. : )
My last 3 pictures are:
— A hilarious meme about the possibility that Lord of the Rings is really one of those dramatic food blogs where the Hobbits have to give you the whole dramatic back story before getting to the meal descriptions. 😂
— The beautiful orange bubbly cloudscape from the sunset last night.
— A picture Of some of my glorious dark purple columbines in my front garden.
I felt like I could see all of your pics, Bree! Love it. LOL on the LOTR meme!
The cloud on the sunset photo looks like a dinosaur to me 🙂
I like dinosaur better than monster, Lívia. Taking it! : )