It’s been so long, you may not remember, but when Tammy introduced me last month, I mentioned some of the things I was passionate about, and asked you to share some of the things you’re passionate about. Most of you were too busy sending warm, friendly welcomes to take the time to do that. But today, I’d sincerely love to know! What floats your boat? What makes your heart sing? What makes you feel alive when you’re in the thick of it?
Of course the “things” I’m most passionate about aren’t things at all–they are people. Tammy shared photos of my family in her post. Today I’d like to share three other things things that send a little thrill through me. Just because they make me happy, or in part, because they make me feel like I’m using the talents God’s gifted me with in a way that pleases Him.
1. Teaching. I taught a pre-school story hour every Thursday at our small-town public library for nine years. And every single Thursday I had to go home and take a L-O-N-G nap! I was not cut out to teach small children. But I feel absolutely invigorated teaching aspiring writers at writers conferences. I love seeing the light in a new writer’s eye that says they “get it” and they can’t wait to apply what they’ve learned to their work in progress. (I just happen to be in California teaching at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference while you’re reading this!)
2. Decorating. It might seem a little frivolous to some, but I am passionate about making our house a pretty, cozy, unique place to live. I want our home to be a place where our family and friends feel welcomed and nurtured, a place that reflects our personalities and interests, and a place that is a haven for someone who needs a little peace and grace. We live on a tight budget, so I’m a big flea market/garage sale/Goodwill/make-do kind of gal. But I enjoy the challenge of decorating on the cheap. How I wish you all lived close enough so I could have you over to share a pot of coffee and conversation in my kitchen.
And speaking of coffee . . .
3. Coffee! As if decorating wasn’t frivolous enough, I confess, coffee floats my boat. Not just the taste of it, but everything about it. I love the heady aroma of fresh-ground beans, the process of brewing whether in a French press (the best!), my Keurig, or my old faithful coffeemaker. Most of all, I love choosing my mug. My kids will tell you I’m easily entertained, but it makes me happy every morning to stand in front of the coffee bar in my office and decide which mug I’ll use today. That choice is not as easy as it might sound because I have a collection of over sixty mugs on display. And every one of them has a special memory attached.
Now it’s your turn! I trust it’s a given that God and the special people He’s put in your life are who you are most passionate about. What are three things–whether serious or just-for-fun–that just make your heart sing?
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Only three? 🙂 I am passionate about so many things and just wish there was more time in each day to pursue each one. First is writing. First grade is when I started writing books and though I went for several years during high school and college where I wasn’t writing (except for journaling and some poetry) I’m so glad I discovered my passion once again and am now working on my third book (still unpublished but maybe some day).
Second, I am passionate about photography. Again, not nearly enough time in the day to hone this skill but there’s something so thrilling about capturing a moment and creating art out of it.
And last, I am passionate about animals! We have two cats but I love dogs as well and am so excited we recently bought a house in the country and are starting to see more and more of God’s creation all around us. I also have a passion for animal therapy. Though we’ve made good progress, especially in recent years, I believe this is an aspect of the mental health field that is under used. There is something so healing about animals and I believe they have so much to teach us about compassion and unconditional love.
So impressed that you’re working on your THIRD book, Shelly! It’s great to see someone grab onto their passion and do what it takes to make it a reality! You need to write a book filled with photographs of animals and combine all three of your passions! 🙂
Assuming Jesus is also a given,
1. Wildflowers – whether photographing, drawing, reading about, or just exploring and finding
2. Languages – I studied French, German, and Russian in college, and wish I had not waited until senior year to take Russian!
3. Sewing – I’ll do most anything, but clothing – particularly vintage 1940’s-50’s patterns – are the most fun
Rachael, I’d LOVE to learn a second language! It seems like Russian would be a difficult language because of the alphabet. Have you traveled to where you can “practice” your language skills?
Only to France, several years ago!
I am attorney, so I have an innate passion for equity (legal term for fairness). I am, also, passionate about the law in general. I am in the process of changing the focus of my practice to taxes. As a “tax day” baby, I thoroughly enjoy preparing taxes.
I am a quilter. I have a great time walking through quilt stores and fabric shops dreaming about the quilts that can be made from the fabric on the shelves.
I am an avid sports fan. Baseball, football, basketball and golf (in that order) are among my favorites. However, I will watch pretty much any sporting event, except NASCAR.
Lastly and not the least, reading is my all time favorite escape from reality. I have traveled to many distant times and lands through a book and am always ready to travel to more.
The above was a list of those items, which although everything includes my faith and Jesus, with the assumption that the passion we feel for our God and Savior was, as Rachel said, “a given.”
Dora, first of all, Happy Birthday tomorrow! That’s so cool that your birthday matches your passion. I love how diverse your passions are…from taxes to baseball to quilts! My mom was a quilter for many years and I am so enthralled with the skill and creativity quilting takes.
Passionate about something! First of all, READING ! In my old age there is time to do it in abundance, whereas in early years there were 5 children to raise and part time jobs of various hours and durations. I have been enjoying an expanding list of Christian fiction authors who are out there …… YOU ALL ! Let me assure you, ladies, the Christian world of readers has been thirsty for you and welcome your increased numbers! We who love a good “clean” read, along with interesting stories, are so blessed to have the amount of choices now. Thank you for being out there.
My earlier passion was to BE one of you! Alas, I am not. I was the weirdo in my small country school who wrote plays and stories since I could hold a pen, while other kids were out on the playground at recess. I was too, though many times I was at my desk concocting some story line or new idea. So I understand your mindset, but the situations in my life did not lead to fruition in this area.
Thank you all for what you do to fill the great void that existed in Christian writing.
Granny Evie, that is one of the things I am MOST looking forward to about “retirement” –– having the chance to read and read and read without the interruption of a deadline. Thank you for your encouraging words to those of us who write Christian fiction. And who knows, you may get to heaven and find that everything you read and explored and were passionate about, fit you to be a writer after all! 😉
I enjoy those same things you do, Deborah, (I’m the queen of “cheap”) but as others have said, passion about Jesus (and His Word) is a given–I particularly love encouraging others to see God bigger. And family and marriage is a given for me, too! Other than that, personal passions include:
1. Writing–a passion for me for years–I love creating “something” out of nothing–the raw materials God gives us. It’s sort of like getting to participate with God in His joy of creating.
2. Gardening–I love the beauty of flowers, and again, the joy of seeing–and participating in God’s creative process. I especially love the low maintenance of perennials!!
3. Reading – especially great fiction. I probably read about 50-60+ books a year.
I’ve seen photos of your garden spaces, Rebecca, and they are beautiful! Once upon a time I read 50-60 books a year too. I’m looking forward to the time I can do that again.
Good morning Deb. I’m with you 100% with the decorating–and doing it on the “cheap.” If I wasn’t a writer I’d love to be an interior decorator–and since we’re moving to a new house in less than 3 weeks I’m really looking forward to the new challenge. Second is bicycling with my husband–which is one of the reasons we’re moving. Our favorite bike trail goes right past our new house. Third is traveling, especially to research my novels. After we move in and get settled my husband and I are off to Europe for 3 weeks in June to bicycle and sightsee and research. I can’t wait!
Ohhh…. Biking through Europe?! Sounds amazing, Lynn. Can’t wait to see photos.
Having benefited from your teaching, Deb, I can easily say that particular passion is God-given and heaven-blessed. 🙂
Some of my passions include:
MUSIC (I was in band all through school and joined choir in college. I sing in church, in the car, and especially with my kids!);
READING (I always have a novel and an audiobook going – great way to motivate myself to get up in the morning an exercise since I read while walking on the treadmill); and
EATING DESSERT (ah the joys of the forbidden fruit – hence the need to get back on the treadmill with a good book!)
Oh, Karen! How could I forget DESSERT!! 🙂 I’m at Mount Hermon this week and they are filling us with cookies and candy and compotes and BARS! I love bars. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your passions!
I love this comment, Lynn. And I’m excited for you to have all these passions converging at this point in your life. I’ve often said I need to quit writing books set in Kansas and Missouri (where my grandkids live) and start setting my novels in Europe so I can GO! (It’s a dream of my life, but one that looks pretty far off right now. Someday though. Someday!)
Hope your move goes smoothly, and have a blast decorating. Maybe we’ll get some sneak peeks of your decorating skills on Inspired by Life… ?? 🙂
Wouldn’t you know it – I tried to leave a comment and it said the site was offline. LOL
It makes me smile to see you posting here, Deb! I read it while drinking my coffee, pretending I was sitting across the table from you – if only….!
My passions. . .
1. Reading and promoting Christian fiction (surprise, surprise, right?! LOL) I love my books and my author friends!
2. Music, especially the old hymns. Such richness and theological truths found in the words of these old songs. I hate that they are mostly ignored today.
3. Words and Grammar. I love pun, word play, the oddities of the English language, and colloquialisms and their origins. And yes, I am one of those who is tempted to carry a Sharpie to rid the world of the dreaded apostrophe on plurals!
Hugs to you!
Linda, I know I speak for the rest of the gang when I say we are SO glad that promoting Christian fiction is your passion. And you do it so well. You are much loved and much appreciated!
Good morning Deborah! 🙂
Three things I’m passionate about . . .hmm. Well, I’ll have to say people, for one. I’m passionate about knowing people, caring for them, and just loving them as Jesus calls us to. I’m one of those people who if you come to my house, I will try to feed you even if you have already eaten. I just enjoy caring for others.
2 would have to be serving my King. I do my very best to serve Him in all that I do. I fail more tines than I care to remember, but I’m striving every day to emulate Him.
3 is writing, I think. I just love it. It is art for me. The lines on the page, the shape and swirl of the letters. I love to write almost anything and really need to get into the habit of caring a notebook with me for when inspiration strikes so I can write down my thoughts before I forget them. 🙂 I think I drive others nuts, because I will sit down and block everything out when I’m writing. I only come up for air when I’ve written down what God laid on my heart and I think about it for hours and go back and change little things until it is right where I want it. 🙂
One and two should be reversed. I just typed them as I was thinking . . . oh well.
Hope you have a great week!
You are a true writer, Sarah. That love of the very shape and swirl of letters is a beautiful line! Don’t ever stop expressing yourself that way!
I’m still SO excited that you’re part of this blog now, Deb! 🙂 As you already know, I absolutely love reading anything YOU write—whether it’s a book, blog post, or your newsletters. 😉
I’m passionate about soooo many things, but in addition to the Lord and my family (especially my precious redheaded kiddos), I am passionate about: Books and writing (and anything word-related—love creating silly puns, doing word-search puzzles, and viewing Wheel of Fortune, one of the few shows I watch on TV).
Children—For many years I taught the first grade, then kindergarten in public schools—and LOVED it. My severe spinal issues are the only reason I’m not still teaching. I’ve also taught 2-year-olds in Sunday School, and was AMAZED at what those little ones could learn!
Cats!! Anyone who knows me knows I have an abiding love for cats—and at the risk of sounding like a “Crazy Cat Lady” I’ll confess I’m presently feeding 13. Only 6 are actually “mine” but numerous strays visit me daily, because they know I will not turn them away. ~ Now that my kiddos are grown and not living here at home, these cats have truly been such wonderful company for me (they have lots of purr-sonality too!). 😉
And I have to add that I’ll never forget e-mailing you, Deb, when a stray cat gave birth at my front door in 2008. I knew you’d been through a similar situation, so I knew you’d understand how I was feeling. Of course you DID! 🙂 The miracle of birth—even in animals—is amazing!
Oh, we share that love of cats, Patti Jo! I love seeing pictures of yours and I miss those kittens we raised, though Kim Sawyer keeps me up to date on several of them. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Deb. Fun post, and fun to learn we share a passion for coffee (sipping from my Scrabble mug right now). I don’t have passion or ability in decorating, I’m afraid, as my house attests. But I appreciate others’ beautiful homes. I’m passionate about all-things-England, especially Mr. Darcy and BBC historical dramas. And I’m thrilled and thankful to be living my life’s dream of writing novels for God’s glory.
Julie, I know a lot of other people are thankful you are living your life’s dream as well!!
I’d be one of those folks. 🙂
Hi Deb: I too have been blessed from your teaching. Your sweet delivery makes your message stick!
My passions are:
1- Writing stories that give hope to women as we often struggle to make sense in a world that shuns Christ.
2- Creating beauty through gardening and decorating.
3- Silly as it may seem, I love giving tea parties. Any occasion will prompt me to pull out the china and create a lovely tea.
4- Most important is my precious family. They are my gifts from God and I cherish any occasion we can be together.
Tea parties! What a great passion! I’ve missed seeing you at conferences recently, Emme. We must be on opposite schedules. 🙁
Besides the family, I’m a grandmother of 3 right now and that is a whole story in itself, I’ll give you 3 of my passions right now. Since I was forced to retire and now on disability, things need to be simpler now.
1. My music-I’ve been singing in choirs since I was around 12. I’m a mezzo soprano, I’ve sung at a couple weddings, been a song leader in church and because of some limitations, I’m back to just singing in choir. I enjoy music and you can hear it most time around our home.
2. I’m a family genealogist. I currently have 5 big family trees going at this time. I get really tickled when I solve some big time mysteries.
3. I’m a reader. I’ve tried my hand at writing, but the real passion is for reading. Now that I am retired, more time for reading.
4. Crocheting. I don’t do as much now. but used to make gifts big time.
LOL! I knew somebody would have a #4. Love your list. Especially how musical you are.
This is a question that really makes you think. I have many passions, but will try to list the top three.
1. First and foremost is my family. I love spending time with my family. My children, like all parents, are the most important thing in my life. I love helping them grow into the wonderful people they are meant to be.
2. I love being in the kitchen cooking. I can read a cookbook like a novel. I know that probably sounds strange, but it’s true. I love trying new recipes. At present we are concerned about fats and cholesterol so I am looking for new recipes that address these areas but still have a good flavor.
3. Reading. I love reading, anywhere or anytime. Where ever I go there is a book with me. I love it when someone asks what I’m reading and what I think of the author or story. I love anything from suspense to romance, but do not read fantasy.
“I can read a cookbook like a novel.” What a great way to put it! I bet your family appreciates that passion of yours!
1. My minister husband, and I love to sing Southern Gospel Music and are honored to be ask to
sing at churches and other venues.
2. I have caught the bug so to speak, of photographing cemetery monuments and posting them on a website dedicated to memorializing those that have gone before us. These are our ancestors. Some of the monuments are so unique and one tries to think about the lives they might have lived. You can imagine the heartache of some families when you see a row of little graves belonging to the same parents.
3. Reading has always been a passion for me. My parents bought me books at an early age and always supported by interest in books. Glad to say my granddaughter loves to read also.
Such a unique way of using your photography skills, Charlotte! That is a passion with a lasting impact. Thank you, too, for handing down your love of reading to your granddaughter!
What I’m passionate about is my family, my church and baking sweets and reading Christian romances
Thanks, Shelia. And another answer so passionate it took a #4 to fill the bill. 🙂
Not in order:
1. Music: I find it hard to describe my music passion. For me, it connects life in great and mysterious ways. Whether singing as part of a worship service or listening to Maroon 5 while editing or compiling a playlist (old name: Mixtape) for a friend. Music inhabits me like nothing else can.
2. Editing: I love taking the ideas expressed in words (mine or someone else’s) and honing, smoothing, caressing them until they give forth the maximum amount of meaning that the author intended.
3. Family: This has been the hardest part of being in Colorado. My passion for my family, being with them specifically (I hate the phone), sometimes makes me very unhappy because I can’t indulge that passion. Especially when someone is sick, unhappy, in need of a hug–or when I am any of those things.
Lastly, there is nothing silly/frivolous about a passion for coffee or decorating. Our passions were given to us by God either directly or as a result of the circumstances we’ve been placed in.
Awww, thanks for that, Michael. I’ll never apologize for liking coffee and decorating again! And your passion for editing reminds me how often we excel at the things we are passionate about. That certainly fits your editing (having undergone the “knife” of your red pen more than once! 🙂 )
Hi Deb! Thanks for sharing three things that make your heart sing. I especially enjoyed seeing the glimpse of your kitchen. Decorating is really fun, and you’ve pulled the room together well with splashes of red featured in the rug and other accessories around the room. Genius!
My three things are:
1. Stories. Whether I’m writing them, reading them, or watching them, stories make me happy. Or sad or joyous or nervous or scared. Whatever the story calls for really. It’s diving into the characters’ lives that gives me happy little goosebumps.
2. Accessories. Purses, shoes, jewelry… can a girl really have too many pretty things? I think not.
3. Quiet time. Even though I love people and crave companionship, I need time to myself to unwind and decompress. Sometimes I use this time to sit on my outdoor chair and enjoy God’s artwork (nature). Other times, I curl up with a book and my favorite drink of the day (today’s is Mountain Dew). Yet other quiet moments are spent writing novels or watching my favorite sports teams (the Dallas Stars are in the NHL playoffs for the first time in six years!). However I spend my quiet time, I cherish the moments God gives me to spend with Him. It’s in those moments that I take a few minutes to be still and know that God is still God, and God is still good.
Your quiet times sound great, Andrea. Even though I’m an extrovert, I agree with you about needing time to unwind and decompress. I could agree with your whole list except the sports teams. I only really enjoy watching sports when my own kids or grandkids are playing.
Watching your loved ones play sports trumps watching pros any day. I’m so glad we’re getting to know each other. It’s great to make new friends.
I was talking to a friend today about what we are passionate about and I believe our passions are an outreach of our spiritual gift(s). My spiritual gifts are hospitality and administration. My passion is cooking (it is also my profession) and teaching cooking. My third passion – reading – is probably a “relaxation” mode or “down time” from my other 2 passions – lol! There are many days my third passion is very necessary to wind down – – and I am very thankful to the Christian writers – or I call ya’ll “God’s Modern Day Scribes” – for giving me a way to escape – thank you!
Barefoot Believer (I love your name!), great insight that our passions come from our spiritual giftedness.
Fabulous first blog, Deb. And I love, love, love that picture of you. So “you” in teaching mode! ; ) So glad you’re part of our blog! My passions? Antiquing (any chance I can get!), baking (pies and cakes, the more Southern the better), and, of course, the love of story (in the form of books and movies). And the more I can involve the people I love in these activities, the better!
Ah, Tammy, thank you, dear friend! I’ve had the privilege of experiencing each of your passions first-hand. Your home is so warm and welcoming and such a reflection of you and Joe. Always love seeing what you’re up to in the kitchen!
1. I can’t live without Jesus, my husband or my boys.
2. I love nature and to travel. ( I can’t do it often.)
3. Books! (writing craft, anthropology, and fiction)
4. Music and fitness
Love that you couldn’t stop at just 3, Anna. 🙂
1. I am passionate about sports, especially baseball and college football. Most of all I enjoy watching my sons play soccer and field hockey.
2. I enjoy baking for my family — cookies, pies, and cheese cakes.
3. Reading. I read the Bible every morning before work, and read novels on my lunch hour and before bed. I can’t get enough of Christian historical romances.
Great list, Deanna!
The things that bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face are: 1. Babies- I love holding them, the feel of there soft fuzz of hair on my cheek, the warmth of their bodies as you cuddle them close. I am blessed that I have 4 great grandbabies under 2 right now. 2. God’s beauty & humor in nature, the sky, the rivers & ocean, the flowers & trees and the wild little animals (squirrels. jackrabbits etc).
3. Reading good books and learning the history and courage of those who settled this great country. (Thanks to all of you great writers)
Oh, of course! BABIES! I love them too! Especially when they’re my grandbabies! And having spent almost a week among God’s beautiful redwood trees in California, I agree heartily with you.
I would say that I’m easily entertained too and so I’m passionate about so many things. But here are three that come to mind:
Writing. I’m still working on the first publication, so I’m fairly new to the author’s unique world. But there is something that just makes perfect sense when I’m sitting down typing out the stories that have been developing in my head.
Sharing the gospel. The Lord has given me a great desire to share His Word with others. There is nothing more thrilling (or more terrifying) than stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing Christ.
The smell of Earl Grey Tea. Don’t get me wrong I love to drink it too! But before my tea bag dips into the water, I take time to breath it in. When you asked, “What makes your heart sing” I knew right away that Earl Grey would make the list 🙂
Anita, have you read Rene Gutteridge’s first novel, Ghost Writer? That novel has a character who drinks Earl Grey tea and it actually made me get in my car and go BUY some because it described just what you’re saying about the wonderful smell of the steam! Love your list––and your courage to step out and share Jesus!
1) Culture. Asian especially but learning anything not American makes me happy. I majored in cross-cultural studies, we are a friendship family to international students at the college here, and I obsessively watch Asian tv dramas. (The dramas are also a side passion just because I love the stories!!)
2) Books – reading, writing, dreaming up stories 24/7 in my head. Especially older books – there’s something quality about books written between 1850-1960ish that I love. I have so many books that my husband is attempting to cut me off from physical copies anymore and get me switched to ebook. I like ebooks, too, but his endeavors aren’t going so well.
3) Crafts. I do so many different crafty things and I love them all. Crochet, sewing, baking (yes, that counts!), painting pottery, polymer clay. And I love to multi-task by working on a project while also watching something on tv. But my favorite tv dramas are the Asian ones and it’s hard to craft & read subtitles at the same time! (Crazy dilemmas by the obsessive – lol)
I LOL at your “hard to craft & read” comment. We like watching indie movies, but often they have subtitles, and I always groan when I discover that because then I can’t surf the net while we watch!
As for that huge collection of books, when I married my husband I knew I’d have to limit my book collection because he brought a HUGE one into our marriage, and probably doubled it during our first few years of marriage (back before we had kids and when we still had a little money. Ha!) So I collect mugs and enjoy looking at his books. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your passions!