Do you enjoy word games? I've found that people who enjoy reading and writing tend to also enjoy word games. I usually have a crossword puzzle going at the breakfast table, and I enjoy playing Words with Friends, Wordle, and Word Warp on my phone. Since I was having a little trouble coming up with a blog topic this week, I thought, why not play a game? I love seeing people get creative with … [Read more...]
Spring Game & Giveaway
I'm a Word Nerd, and as such, I love playing word games. Words with Friends, Boggle with Friends, UpWords, Taboo, Scattegories, Bananagrams, Scrabble. I even keep a crossword puzzle by my place at the table, so I always have some word fun to work on. So for our Game Day today, I thought we could stretch our Word Nerd muscles and with some acrostics. To play, create a poem or sentence where … [Read more...]