Fun family news! This past weekend our son Kurt asked his girlfriend Kellie Fusilier to marry him—and she said, "YES!" Unbeknownst to Kellie, Kurt had been in cahoots with her family and they drove from Louisiana to be with us at the lake this weekend. How it played out... Kurt and Kellie were camping with friends on a nearby island and after he proposed, he sent us a quick text … [Read more...]
When something old is made new again . . .
A month ago I shared pictures of some older pieces of furniture that I wanted to paint. Well, I managed to get one of those pieces finished and want to share the results. But why on earth I chose a massive king-size bed as my first chalk painting project, I'll never know. LOL. Ah well, live and learn. Here's the king bed in the guest bedroom before I painted it. . . I inherited this … [Read more...]
Tangible Encouragements
"Take heart, daughter." "Take courage." "Don't be afraid." Jesus spoke these words to lost, searching, and hurting souls when he was here on earth, and he's still speaking them to us today. And aren't we grateful? Especially in these uncertain times. But while these may be uncertain times for us, they're not for him. Because, even now, he stands in the moment when you drew your first breath … [Read more...]
“Shelter in place”
"Shelter in place." "Lock down." "National Emergency." "The worst should be past us by June or July." These are crazy times we're living in, aren't they? And it would be easy to give into the sense of panic rising around us. But those who are clothed with Christ know better. He is our security and our firm anchor always. Always. When theologian Martin Luther was faced with the bubonic … [Read more...]
Tear Jars from Israel {Giveaway} & an engaging new Bible study
Have you ever heard of or seen an ancient tear jar? Stories of tear jars—or lachrymatories—appear often in middle eastern history. In Roman times, women would fill these small glass jars with their tears and place them in tombs as symbols of love and mourning for their deceased loved one. A wife in antiquity might use such a jar to collect her tears of grief and longing for a husband who was … [Read more...]