One of my favorite things about starting a new year is selecting the reading challenge categories I will use in my annual Posse Reading Challenge. When I first started the challenges back in 2020, I hoped it would be a fun way to engage my fans in my Posse Facebook Group. I never expected that I would come to love it so much just for myself. As a book lover, you would think that making time to … [Read more...]
Do You Like a Challenge?
With the cold front that has swept the country this week, I'm feeling a strong desire to shirk all responsiblities and curl up in a cozy nook with a warm beverage and a good book. I haven't given into said urge . . . yet . . . I'm still going to the day job and pounding out words on the computer at home. However, I keep my Kindle and tea mug close at hand in case I can sneak in 20-30 minutes of … [Read more...]