Have you watched The Chosen yet? If not, you must! This video series has already brought me closer to Christ and I'm not even to episode 5 yet! The Chosen is a free video series that brings the gospels to life. And I mean vivid-step-off-the-page-and-put-on-flesh kind of life! It's phenomenal! The insights. The cultural revelations. The humor! I honestly cannot recall a time in my life … [Read more...]
Tear Jars from Israel {Giveaway} & an engaging new Bible study
Have you ever heard of or seen an ancient tear jar? Stories of tear jars—or lachrymatories—appear often in middle eastern history. In Roman times, women would fill these small glass jars with their tears and place them in tombs as symbols of love and mourning for their deceased loved one. A wife in antiquity might use such a jar to collect her tears of grief and longing for a husband who was … [Read more...]
Coming in July, Colors of Truth
It's always a pretty good feeling (#majorunderstatement) when you finally get a book finished, edited, and submitted to your publisher. And when you get the final cover, too! That's where we are with my next release, Colors of Truth, the second full-length novel in The Carnton Novels Collection, releasing July 2020. Based on the real history of Carnton, an antebellum home that served as a … [Read more...]
Favorite Website Features
Not long ago, I took an informal poll of readers' favorite features of authors' websites and found it very interesting. To that end, I'd love to know what you like best about authors' sites. What information you appreciate seeing when you visit an author's online home. In response to reader feedback, I added a "Bonus Features" page to my site which includes a slew of icons that lead to other … [Read more...]
Fabulous First Sentences (from 2019 Christy Award Finalists)
You already know I love reading first sentences of novels, and here are some really good ones! From a few of the 2019 Christy Award finalists, no less. Not all of them, mind you, just a few chosen at random. I love the varieties in style and hope you do, too! And GET READY TO VOTE because I'd like to know your favorite! #1"I discovered a secret."Falling for You by Becky Wade Christy Award … [Read more...]