Last time I was here, I talked about how a trip to Jordan brought a perspective change. I'd never been to the Middle East, and now I can't wait to go back. I have something of wanderlust, where once I've been somewhere, I usually leave part of my heart there. As a result, as my plane is taking off, I often start asking God when I can return. [Tweet "Do you have a #prayer #prompt? @cara_putman … [Read more...]
A Perspective Change
Last week, I was in Jordan. The one across the ocean. The one that required an 11 hour nonstop flight from Chicago to reach. It was an amazing and surreal experience--surreal in the sense that it was my first time to the Middle East. Notice the use of the word first. It's very intentional. [Tweet "Travel can change our perspectives. @Cara_Putman shares about her #trip to #Jordan. … [Read more...]
Spring is a good time to do some renewal and restoration
Hello. I'm so happy that spring is finally here. Even though it's windy here in Florida, at least it's not horribly cold. I pray the rest of the country will soon have some spring weather, too. Those continuing snow storms have caused enough trouble. My prayers go out to all of you who have been hit by these storms. Life does throw storms our way at times. This is a bittersweet post for me … [Read more...]
Where would you travel & Giveaway
My husband and I are headed to a new-to-us part of the world Friday. It has me thinking how incredibly blessed I am. As a kid, the farthest I had traveled was Niagara Falls and touching Mexico. I always dreamed about seeing more of the world I had read about, but didn't think I'd ever have the opportunity to do so.[Tweet "Have the travel bug? @Cara_putman gifting books set in Italy and Mackinac … [Read more...]
When you reach the end of the road, find a new path
Hello, everyone. I always feel a bit confused and out of sorts when I finish a book. It's The End and I'm always relieved and tired and ready for a three day sleep, but I begin to miss the characters I've been with over the weeks and months. I stare out and wonder what will be next. Usually I have another proposal lined up and chapters to write for the next book. I take a few days off … [Read more...]