Over the years, I've heard of authors dashing off in search of solitude so that they can complete their manuscripts before their deadlines. I remember Kristan Higgins talking about escaping to a scenic inn with gourmet food. And I remember Deeanne Gist mentioning a stay in a remote cabin. Well, I went on a two-night deadline getaway this week. Not to a charming inn or rustic cabin. No, I … [Read more...]
The Brave Writer
I've never considered myself a brave person. I'm not one to bungee jump, and the best I've done on the ski slopes is the beginner's run. (And with much trepidation at that!) Stepping out and deciding to pursuing writing was one of my bravest steps. Writing about the deep pain and struggles in my life—in my fiction and non-fiction—has been the bravest. Yet I've done other things that are … [Read more...]
Day in the Life of a Best-Selling Author
How do you picture the day of a best-selling author? Sitting in a beautiful setting, sipping tea, reading classic literature, and penning prose? Or perhaps having time to sit and ponder major plot complexities. Or maybe ... just breathing life to words on this page this way. In real life this was my day: 7:45 a.m. woke up and realized I slept in and my three little … [Read more...]
4 Easy Paragraphs to a Helpful Review
Periodically, I'm asked to give tips on writing reviews. I'm always glad to help people feel more comfortable spreading the word about books they love. I love to tell everyone about books that I love...and now that I'm an author, I know just how much a well written review -- even if it's a few sentences can help authors. Many readers use the number of reviews as one way to decide whether or not … [Read more...]
Say YES to the dress … and the book!
Saturday I went wedding dress shopping with my daughter, her bridesmaids, and my 85-year-old grandmother. Here is the group! (I was taking the photo.) My daughter Leslie is the second on the left with the curly hair! I took photos of my daughter in the dresses she was trying on, and the dress she CHOSE! (It was the 4th one!) But at least a dozen times I was told, "Don't you dare … [Read more...]