The first Christian novel I ever read was Love Comes Softly by Jeanette Oke. My mother had borrowed the book from a friend, and I asked to read it when she was done. I was fifteen-years-old, and I fell in love with Marty, Clark and little Missy. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of other Christian fiction. During that stage in my life, most of my reading included books like The Thornbirds or … [Read more...]
Stepping out of Comfort Zones
Life is full of choices. Sometimes the biggest choice is whether to move forward or stay where we are comfortable. This week I'm making a presentation in Nottingham, England, at the Society of Legal Scholars conference. It's a definite step outside my comfort zone. Now, don't roll your eyes. Yes, I teach a couple times a week at Purdue University, but I don't teach other professors. … [Read more...]
Writing a {True} Story of Depression and Hope
Like everyone else, I was heartbroken to hear about the death of Robin Williams. I remember first falling in love with him when he played Mork on Mork and Mindy. I remember playing with the other kids in 5th grade saying, “Na-Nu Na-Nu.” Hearing of his death was hard enough, but to find out he died by suicide made my heart ache. For many years I didn't understand the pain of depression, and … [Read more...]
How to Navigate Around Real Life to Find Time to Write
In a recent comment, Barbara H. posed a great question about finding time to write. She said: I’d love to hear about writers’ schedules, how they make time for writing. Once when I heard Elisabeth Elliot speak and had a book signed by her afterward, the only question I could think to ask was, “How do you find time to write all these books?” She replied, “I don’t find time, I make time.” I know … [Read more...]
Novelist Retreat: 11 Heads Are Better Than 1
Last week I got back from a very special retreat. Every year, for a dozen years, a group of writers have gotten together to Plot, Pray, and Play. Here is our group photo: … [Read more...]