In a recent comment, Barbara H. posed a great question about finding time to write. She said: I’d love to hear about writers’ schedules, how they make time for writing. Once when I heard Elisabeth Elliot speak and had a book signed by her afterward, the only question I could think to ask was, “How do you find time to write all these books?” She replied, “I don’t find time, I make time.” I know … [Read more...]
Novelist Retreat: 11 Heads Are Better Than 1
Last week I got back from a very special retreat. Every year, for a dozen years, a group of writers have gotten together to Plot, Pray, and Play. Here is our group photo: … [Read more...]
A Weekend to Remember
I often talk about how writing is a hard career for an extrovert. So often my writing is done in front of a computer and I wait for electronic feedback from my agent, editors, friends, readers. It can feel solitary because the face to face contact usually comes once a year at ACFW. This past weekend, my daughter and I changed that dynamic. We put over 600 miles on the car as we drove around … [Read more...]
A writer’s aches and pains
Like anyone in a profession that requires one to sit for long periods of time, I occasionally get a stiff neck or back. And I once suffered from wrist tendonitis for six months during a time when I was on deadline (excruciating!) But other than that, in more than twenty years of being a professional writer, I've rarely had any of the usual physical aches and pains that often plague writers. I'm … [Read more...]
Looking Back: God’s Miracles in my Writing
I love #ThrowbackThursdays on Facebook. I love looking at photos of big hair and bell bottoms. I love noting changes in my friends and in my kids. (They were such cute babies!) Likewise, I enjoy taking time to look back and see how my writing has changed. More than that, I like to replay how God showed up, meeting me as I worked. When I was researching for my novel, Arms of Deliverance, one of … [Read more...]