A week ago today, I turned in my manuscript to my editor. Whew! It feels so good to meet a deadline and complete a project I’ve been working on for months! (That book, Reason to Breathe, will be in bookstores this fall!)
I always try to take at least a week (and sometimes several weeks) off after I’ve finished a book. Of course, I can’t just completely stop working for that long. There are always e-mails to answer, interviews to do, blog posts to write, a website to update, conference classes to teach, and all the other tasks that are part of being a writer.
But taking a break from active fiction writing and refilling my tank (emotionally, physically, experientially, and spiritually) is essential to continuing to do what I do.
So what does a writer do on her “vacation” from work? Here are just a few of the things I’ve enjoyed on my time off:
“What are your favorite things to do when you have time off from your regular workweek?”
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Sherri G says
I’m retired from a computer programming careeer. So my work week is filled with time off. I spend most of my time reading and do some quilting when I feel up to it.
Deborah Raney says
At this point I’m not sure I ever want to retire. I do love my job. But I can definitely see a day I might slow down a bit and then LOTS of reading is on the list. Along with traveling more and spending more time with our grandkids.
Blanka Mandysova says
Of course, I love reading 🙂
And then I absolutely like painting and sewing in my free time.
But the weather is so perfect in last three weeks, that I can´ t be at home in these beautiful days and read , I must go out and see blooming nature.. so I read at night and I start to be really tired 🙂
And father also recommended me to watch two movies :
The Revenant – with Leonardo DiCaprio ( How beautiful landscape and strong story! )and The Tree of Life – ( How touching ballad of human life! )
I don´ t watch films often, but sometimes I like to do agreeable exceptions…
Oh, there is always something to do 🙂
Deborah Raney says
I agree, Blanka. If it’s nice outside, that’s where I want to be. Of course, I COULD be happy outside with a good book! 🙂
Suzanne Sellner says
Reading, cooking, and working jigsaw puzzles are my favorite activities when I have extra time. I think you’re wise to recharge after an intense period of work. It’s insurance against burning out!
Deborah Raney says
I don’t cook much at all now that our kids are grown. For one thing, Ken and I eat so differently! He’s strictly a meat-and-potatoes guy, and I love vegetables and fruits. About the only place our diets converge is DESSERT! And I do enjoy baking. But we both have to watch our weight too, so it’s a dilemma! 🙁
Betty Strohecker says
I’m retired also, but still need to find time to do my fun things – reading, cross-stitch, gardening, have gotten into coloring also, and I really want to get back to scrapbooking.
Enjoy your well-earned vacation. I always love the peeks at your home – you have such wonderful decorating ideas and talent. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Deborah Raney says
Thanks so much, Betty! And thank you for the encouraging words!
Andrea Cox says
You’re going to love Things I Never Told You! I guzzled an early copy of it in only three days, which is awesome with my crazy-busy work schedule. Happy reading!
When I have a break from work, I love watching sports while writing a fiction book. Since I’m not yet published, writing doesn’t yet feel like work to me, though I try to treat it as such and get my hours in every week, as my paying jobs allow. I also love catching up on watching movies that I’ve purchased for my “vacation” time.
Deborah Raney says
I can’t wait to read Beth’s book! It looks SO good! AND, my new series is about sisters, so I’m eager to see how Beth handles that dynamic! I grew up with three sisters (our poor, lone brother!). Our middle sister is in heaven, killed in a car accident a 21 and a newlywed of 3 months. 🙁 But my sisters have always been my best friends and still are to this day!
Andrea Cox says
Ah, Deb, I’m so sorry about your middle sister’s death at such a precious time in her life. We never know how many days God has granted us, do we? I pray the rest of you siblings cherish memories of her and enjoy each other while you have the opportunity. Best wishes for your new series! What’s the first book in it? I should check it out, as I also have a sister (the only sibling I have). God bless!
Deborah Raney says
Thank you, Andrea. It’s one silver lining (of many) in the hard thing of my sister’s death: we do cherish each other all the more because we know life in this fallen world has no guarantees.
The first book in the Chandler Sisters Novels series is Reason to Breathe. You can even pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/Reason-Breathe-Chandler-Sisters-Novel/dp/1683700619/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524531245&sr=8-1&keywords=Raney+reason+to+breathe&dpID=51bLx6TlIwL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch And thanks for asking! 🙂
Andrea Cox says
Deb, I’m happy for you and your living siblings. It’s not easy to see silver linings in such a hard thing, but it sounds like y’all have done that beautifully over the years. Hugs!
I’ll be watching for more details about your book. That will give me time to save up too. Thanks for sharing about it!
Melissa Henderson says
Definitely reading and writing are my favorite activities. Now, we live near our 9 months old grandson and sharing time with him and his Mommy and Daddy are wonderful blessings.
Deborah Raney says
THAT’S exactly what I’d be doing if we lived closer, Melissa! I’m grateful for the extended time we do get 2-3 times a year, but oh, how I wish ours lived closer!
Lynne Hess says
Your orchid looks much like mine does right now – 2 stems blooming and to be honest, I haven’t done anything to it since it’s first bloom 2 years ago. Aren’t they amazing plants? Enjoy you “R & R” time and the beginning of Spring!
Deborah Raney says
I’m always in awe when my orchids rebloom! They are my second favorite flower (peonies take the #1 spot!) and I’d have a dozen of them if our budget (and my husband) would let me! 🙂