“Take heart, daughter.” “Take courage.” “Don’t be afraid.”
Jesus spoke these words to lost, searching, and hurting souls when he was here on earth, and he’s still speaking them to us today. And aren’t we grateful? Especially in these uncertain times.
But while these may be uncertain times for us, they’re not for him. Because, even now, he stands in the moment when you drew your first breath on this earth, and he stands in the moment when you (and I) will draw our last. He’s the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last.

I’m so grateful for tangible encouragements of this eternal truth—and want to share four of these encouragements with you today!
FIRST, a giveaway—
Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”
Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you and me. In Jesus & Women, Kristi McLelland brings this real woman’s story (and others) to vibrant life.
Jesus & Women by Kristi McLelland
a video series
The Leader’s Kit for this biblical study (a $100 value)

I went to Israel last year with Kristi and 37 other women, and it was a life-changing journey. So much of what Kristi taught us is encapsulated in this study. And friends, you need to hear these messages! Especially today.
SECOND, a free TV series—
If you’re a regular here at Inspired by Life & Fiction, then you’ve likely heard me share about this second tangible encouragement—The Chosen TV series.
Do you recall the healing of the paralytic in the Bible? When the lame man’s friends lowered him through the roof in order to gain Jesus’ attention and in hopes of seeing their friend healed?
Watch this quick scene from one of the episodes in The Chosen:
So. Good!
STARTING WATCHING the free entire first season of The Chosen today! It’s for all ages, old and young. You’ll be encouraged beyond imagining, I promise!
THIRD, a free Bible study—

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) has been a staple in my life for the past decade. I cannot imagine not being involved in this weekly in-depth study of God’s Word.
I don’t know about you, but I need the encouragement of accountability when it comes to being deeply immersed in God’s Word on a regular basis. And BSF provides that and so much more!
We’ve been studying the history of the early church this year and it’s phenomenal! If there’s not a group meeting near you (or if your schedule doesn’t allow for you to attend a weekly meeting), there are online groups now!
Check out BSF today and be drawn deeper into the living Word of God.
FOURTH, a free app—
One of my favorite Bible teachers is Brad Gray. His knowledge of Jewish culture and the biblical relevance of that culture as it relates to a Christian’s walk with Jesus is truly a gift.
Check out Brad Gray’s Walking the Text:
I watch and listen to Walking the Text while I’m getting ready in the morning, cleaning, exercising. It’s a great way to get a powerful infusion of the living Word of God!
These are four tangible encouragements that I’m leaning into these days. What about you?

Praying for you, friends, and eager to hear how you’re doing!
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
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- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Thanks for sharing these wonderful resources. Stay well, my friend.
You too, friend. Hugs from Nashville.
Thanks, as always for this uplifting message. Blessings on you and your family.
Take care!
You too, Betty! Much love and prayers for continued good health.
Thank you!I love seeing communities bond together in the love that Jesus has for us at this time! I’m throwing out an offer as well, my church is going to fast and pray for relief from COVID 19 on Friday. We want this to be a worldwide multi-faith fast. Any willing and able to join, please do! I believe the Lord can provide miracles as we work together!!!
Amen, Amber, and thank you for this! Our church has been doing this as well. Our God is able, more than able!
Thank you for being a light in the midst of the darkness!
I know I am really late in commenting but I was going through emails and realized I somehow missed this post. 🙂 Thanks for sharing these resources! Little did I know that Brady Gray was a Bible teacher. He and I attended high school together at a Christian school in MI. 🙂
Brad…oops…sorry about the misspelling. 🙂